Professor Watchlist: Joy Ried
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2023-10-10 01:05:02 UTC
Joy Reid–host of The Reid Out on MSNBC– is a Hearst Visiting Professor at
Howard University in Washington DC. Reid is known to launch into partisan
diatribes during broadcasts and regularly uses her platform to berate

During the riots in the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd,
Reid has claimed there is “zero evidence” that any of the destruction was
connected to the movement. She has claimed that when there was any violence,
it was inflicted by “white supremacists” and Trump supporters.

It is reported that there was a significant presence by BLM activists at over
95% of the riots during the summer of 2020, resulting in at least 47 deaths
and over 2 billion in damages.

Reid has referred to Justice Clarence Thomas as “Uncle Clarence,” a reference
to the racial epithet “Uncle Tom” when discussing his court rulings.

Following the 2017 congressional baseball shooting, Reid and her guest mocked
the victims for holding insufficiently liberal positions. She accused
Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise of racism while he was fighting for his
life after the attack.

In 2018, blog posts were unearthed from Reid’s old website that contained
inflammatory language, bigoted statements, and links to conspiracies that
accused the United States government of plotting the 9/11 terror attacks.
Reid alleged that many members of Congress were secretly gay, and openly
mocked Jews.

Once the blog was unearthed and began receiving media attention, Reid
initially acknowledged that she had written the posts and apologized for her
“bigoted remarks.” However, once additional posts surfaced, Reid reversed her
position and claimed that she had never written the blog posts to begin with.
Reid claimed on national television that she “genuinely does not believe
that“ she wrote the posts and alleged that her blog was hacked. After her
statement, cyber-security experts confirmed that there was little evidence of
Reid’s blog ever being breached.

Reid currently teaches a journalism class titled “Covering Race, Gender, and
Politics in the Digital Age”. Reid plans to teach journalism students how to
navigate “partisanship and political division.”

“Particularly in this era of virtual media, and deep partisanship and
political division, it’s never been more important that journalists
incorporate a thorough and honest historical context in our coverage.
I can’t wait to interact with the brilliant students at Howard and
share ideas with them on how we as an industry can be better and do

For more information, be sure to check out Isabel Brown’s article on Joy Reid
at TPUSA Live.
John Doe
2023-10-11 16:47:39 UTC
Joy Reid–host of The Reid Out on MSNBC– is a Hearst Visiting Professor at
Howard University in Washington DC. Reid is known to launch into partisan
diatribes during broadcasts and regularly uses her platform to berate
CORRECTION: Reid uses her platform to berate book burners,
insurrectionists, school shooters, and bigots.

Conservatives are not her target (unless in your mind those are today's
conservative values).
During the riots in the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd,
Reid has claimed there is “zero evidence” that any of the destruction was
connected to the movement. She has claimed that when there was any violence,
it was inflicted by “white supremacists” and Trump supporters.
It is reported that there was a significant presence by BLM activists at over
95% of the riots during the summer of 2020, resulting in at least 47 deaths
and over 2 billion in damages.
Reid has referred to Justice Clarence Thomas as “Uncle Clarence,” a reference
to the racial epithet “Uncle Tom” when discussing his court rulings.
Following the 2017 congressional baseball shooting, Reid and her guest mocked
the victims for holding insufficiently liberal positions. She accused
Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise of racism while he was fighting for his
life after the attack.
In 2018, blog posts were unearthed from Reid’s old website that contained
inflammatory language, bigoted statements, and links to conspiracies that
accused the United States government of plotting the 9/11 terror attacks.
Reid alleged that many members of Congress were secretly gay, and openly
mocked Jews.
Once the blog was unearthed and began receiving media attention, Reid
initially acknowledged that she had written the posts and apologized for her
“bigoted remarks.” However, once additional posts surfaced, Reid reversed her
position and claimed that she had never written the blog posts to begin with.
Reid claimed on national television that she “genuinely does not believe
that“ she wrote the posts and alleged that her blog was hacked. After her
statement, cyber-security experts confirmed that there was little evidence of
Reid’s blog ever being breached.
Reid currently teaches a journalism class titled “Covering Race, Gender, and
Politics in the Digital Age”. Reid plans to teach journalism students how to
navigate “partisanship and political division.”
“Particularly in this era of virtual media, and deep partisanship and
political division, it’s never been more important that journalists
incorporate a thorough and honest historical context in our coverage.
I can’t wait to interact with the brilliant students at Howard and
share ideas with them on how we as an industry can be better and do
For more information, be sure to check out Isabel Brown’s article on Joy Reid
at TPUSA Live.