After Obama Ebola failure, two other tropical diseases pose new threats
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2016-01-28 21:29:37 UTC

A little-known bacterial disease may be killing as many people worldwide
as measles, scientists said on Monday, while a mosquito-borne virus known
as Zika is also raising global alarm.

The spread of Ebola in West Africa last year shows how poorly-understood
diseases can emerge and grow rapidly while researchers race to design and
conduct the scientific studies needed to combat them.

Researchers in the journal Nature Microbiology called for a bacterial
infection called meliodosis, which is resistant to a wide range of
antibiotics, to be given a higher priority by international health
organizations and policy makers.

At the same time, scientists at Britain's Oxford University warned that a
virus known as Zika, which is carried by mosquitoes and has caused a major
outbreak in Brazil, has "the potential of rapid spread to new areas".

Zika was first detected in Africa in the 1940s and was unknown in the
Americas until last year, but has now been confirmed in Brazil, Panama,
Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, Suriname, the Dominican Republic,
Colombia, Guatemala and Paraguay, according to public health officials.

It is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which thrives in tropical
climates and can also carry other diseases such as yellow fever, dengue
fever and chikungunya.

Thousands of people in Brazil have been infected by Zika. While the virus
is not thought to kill, health authorities there last year linked it to a
surge in babies born with microcephaly, restricted head growth that
seriously limits a child's mental and physical abilities.

Trudie Lang, professor of Global Health Research at Oxford University,
said Zika - for which there are currently no known treatments - was a
cause for concern.

"It's definitely becoming an issue, but there is so little research that
we just don't know the size of the potential threat," she told Reuters.

She urged the international research community to act now to learn more
about the virus, about how it is spread, and about how scientists might
develop a treatment or vaccine against it.

"We need to learn from what happened with Ebola," Lang said, referring to
the devastating epidemic of that viral fever that swept through three
countries in West Africa last year and caused more than 28,600 cases

The vast majority of Ebola cases and deaths were in Guinea, Liberia and
Sierra Leone, where more than 11,000 people were killed, according to data
from the World Health Organization.

"We need to galvanize the research community now and move as quickly as we
can from doing observational work (on Zika) to carrying out proper
scientific research," Lang said.

In the Nature study on melioidosis, scientists said the bacteria that
causes it, Burkholderia pseudomallei, is commonly found in soils in
Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, but can be spread to non-endemic
areas via imports of infected animals.

"Melioidosis is a great mimicker of other diseases and you need a good
microbiology laboratory for bacterial culture and identification to make
an accurate diagnosis," said Direk Limmathurotsakul, a microbiologist and
assistant professor at Thailand's Mahidol University, who co-led the

"It especially affects the rural poor in the tropics, who often do not
have access to microbiology labs, which means that it has been greatly
under-estimated as an important public health problem across the world,"
he added.

The researchers estimate there are 165,000 melioidosis cases a year in
people, of which 89,000 will be fatal. These tolls are similar to those
caused by measles - a viral infection that can be prevented with a vaccine
- and far greater than dengue fever.

The study found that the highest melioidosis risk zones are in South Asia,
East Asia and the Pacific, including all countries in Southeast Asia and
tropical Australia, sub-Saharan Africa and South America. There are also
risk zones of varying sizes in Central America, southern Africa and the
Middle East.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $19 trillion in the six
years he has been in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America. The only American president to deliberately import a
lethal infectious disease from Africa, Ebola.

Loretta Fuddy, killed after she "verified" Obama's phony birth

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat criminal, accessory before and after the fact to
improper vetting of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, a confirmed
felon using SSAN 042-68-4425, belonging to a dead man.

Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptitude.

Obama continues his muslim goal of disarming America while ObamaCare
increases insurance premiums 300% and leaves millions without health care.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2016-01-30 07:22:55 UTC
Leroy N. Soetoro wrote:
> http://in.reuters.com/article/us-health-diseases-threats-
> idINKCN0UP1IG20160111
> A little-known bacterial disease may be killing as many people worldwide
> as measles, scientists said on Monday, while a mosquito-borne virus known
> as Zika is also raising global alarm.
> The spread of Ebola in West Africa last year shows how poorly-understood
> diseases can emerge and grow rapidly while researchers race to design and
> conduct the scientific studies needed to combat them.
> Researchers in the journal Nature Microbiology called for a bacterial
> infection called meliodosis, which is resistant to a wide range of
> antibiotics, to be given a higher priority by international health
> organizations and policy makers.
> At the same time, scientists at Britain's Oxford University warned that a
> virus known as Zika, which is carried by mosquitoes and has caused a major
> outbreak in Brazil, has "the potential of rapid spread to new areas".
> Zika was first detected in Africa in the 1940s and was unknown in the
> Americas until last year, but has now been confirmed in Brazil, Panama,
> Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, Suriname, the Dominican Republic,
> Colombia, Guatemala and Paraguay, according to public health officials.
> It is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which thrives in tropical
> climates and can also carry other diseases such as yellow fever, dengue
> fever and chikungunya.
> Thousands of people in Brazil have been infected by Zika. While the virus
> is not thought to kill, health authorities there last year linked it to a
> surge in babies born with microcephaly, restricted head growth that
> seriously limits a child's mental and physical abilities.
> Trudie Lang, professor of Global Health Research at Oxford University,
> said Zika - for which there are currently no known treatments - was a
> cause for concern.
> "It's definitely becoming an issue, but there is so little research that
> we just don't know the size of the potential threat," she told Reuters.
> She urged the international research community to act now to learn more
> about the virus, about how it is spread, and about how scientists might
> develop a treatment or vaccine against it.
> "We need to learn from what happened with Ebola," Lang said, referring to
> the devastating epidemic of that viral fever that swept through three
> countries in West Africa last year and caused more than 28,600 cases
> globally.
> The vast majority of Ebola cases and deaths were in Guinea, Liberia and
> Sierra Leone, where more than 11,000 people were killed, according to data
> from the World Health Organization.
> "We need to galvanize the research community now and move as quickly as we
> can from doing observational work (on Zika) to carrying out proper
> scientific research," Lang said.
> In the Nature study on melioidosis, scientists said the bacteria that
> causes it, Burkholderia pseudomallei, is commonly found in soils in
> Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, but can be spread to non-endemic
> areas via imports of infected animals.
> "Melioidosis is a great mimicker of other diseases and you need a good
> microbiology laboratory for bacterial culture and identification to make
> an accurate diagnosis," said Direk Limmathurotsakul, a microbiologist and
> assistant professor at Thailand's Mahidol University, who co-led the
> study.
> "It especially affects the rural poor in the tropics, who often do not
> have access to microbiology labs, which means that it has been greatly
> under-estimated as an important public health problem across the world,"
> he added.
> The researchers estimate there are 165,000 melioidosis cases a year in
> people, of which 89,000 will be fatal. These tolls are similar to those
> caused by measles - a viral infection that can be prevented with a vaccine
> - and far greater than dengue fever.
> The study found that the highest melioidosis risk zones are in South Asia,
> East Asia and the Pacific, including all countries in Southeast Asia and
> tropical Australia, sub-Saharan Africa and South America. There are also
> risk zones of varying sizes in Central America, southern Africa and the
> Middle East.
The Black Queer
2016-07-13 05:06:39 UTC
Talk about your community disorganizer.

This black brother fucker has destroyed America.
2016-08-02 10:19:36 UTC
They were all from Austin and couldn't save themselves because
they only had left wings.

(CNN)A hot air balloon carrying 16 people crashed in central
Texas after catching fire in the air on Saturday morning, the
FAA said.

There were no survivors in the crash near Lockhart, the Caldwell
County Sheriff's Office said in a statement to CNN affiliate TWC
News Austin.

Moby Dick
2024-02-21 22:15:15 UTC
In article <t1v39i$39ior$***@news.freedyn.de>
es loser <***@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Just Wondering wrote:
> > On 7/22/2016 7:59 PM, Chimps wrote:
> >> President Obama is challenging Americans to have an honest and
> >> open-hearted conversation about race and law enforcement.
> > >
> > Bullshit. Even his initial remarks show that Obama wants a massive
> > federal power-grab expansion into state and local law enforcement. That
> > conversation isn't either honest or open-hearted.
> >
> Like cock.

Vancouver, Canada – Doctors from Vancouver General Hospital
announced on Friday that they have performed the first ever
horse penis transplant on a 32-year-old male. During the 14 hour
surgery, doctors removed a man’s penis and replaced it with one
from a horse. The first ever cosmetic reconstructive surgery was
not due to any health issues, but a choice the man made to
“increase the excitement in his love life.”

“I come from Asian descent, which left my manhood lacking my
entire life,” said Phuy Su Ling. “Women don’t take me serious.
When we get to the point of intimacy, they always laugh. Well
they won’t be laughing anymore will they? I got 18 inches on
them now, and it’s as wide as my wrist. Come get it bitches!”

Doctors say that Ling will be in the hospital for an additional
nine days to make sure that his body does not reject his new
part. After his three-month recovery, Ling will be able to “use
his gigantic instrument any way he sees fit.” Until then, Ling
says he is phoning every girl that ever laughed at him and
setting updates for this upcoming April. “I’m not wasting any
time,” Said Ling. “And I’m not giving any warnings. I can’t wait
to put this bad baby to work. Who will be laughing now bitches!”

Doctors have tried to discourage Ling from using his newly
acquired manhood as revenge. However, they say it was just their
job to surgically attach it. Whatever he does afterwards is none
of their business.

2024-02-21 22:41:50 UTC
On 2/21/24 5:15 PM, Moby Dick wrote:
> In article <t1v39i$39ior$***@news.freedyn.de>
> es loser <***@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Just Wondering wrote:
>>> On 7/22/2016 7:59 PM, Chimps wrote:
>>>> President Obama is challenging Americans to have an honest and
>>>> open-hearted conversation about race and law enforcement.
>>> >
>>> Bullshit. Even his initial remarks show that Obama wants a massive
>>> federal power-grab expansion into state and local law enforcement. That
>>> conversation isn't either honest or open-hearted.
>> Like cock.
> Vancouver, Canada – Doctors from Vancouver General Hospital
> announced on Friday that they have performed the first ever
> horse penis transplant on a 32-year-old male. During the 14 hour
> surgery, doctors removed a man’s penis and replaced it with one
> from a horse.

Ummmmmm ... won't work. WAY too many immune rejection
factors involved. We can't even get "humanized" pig
kidneys to work right in people yet - and that'd be
a major coup.

Your reference to 'asians' .... clearly you're just
another fuckin' white-hood.