Twitter Tests Edit Button -- But There's A Big Catch
(too old to reply)
Fred J McCall
2022-09-02 06:26:14 UTC
In article <XkUVJ.96144$***@fx44.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Liberals are cheapskates and they won't like the fact that someone
> can see they lied, then revised it.

Twitter on Thursday said it was testing an edit button for
users, though the feature will only be available to those paying
$4.99 a month for a Twitter Blue subscription, the company said,
following a flood of requests from users to add the function.

2022-09-02 17:27:41 UTC
On Fri, 2 Sep 2022 08:26:14 +0200 (CEST), Fred J McCall
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

>In article <XkUVJ.96144$***@fx44.iad>
>***@gmail.com wrote:
>> Liberals are cheapskates and they won't like the fact that someone
>> can see they lied, then revised it.
>Twitter on Thursday said it was testing an edit button for
>users, though the feature will only be available to those paying
>$4.99 a month for a Twitter Blue subscription, the company said,
>following a flood of requests from users to add the function.

An "edit" button? Big fucking deal. Facebook has always allowed
users to edit their posts. Same for other socials. Why is anybody
making a big deal out of this and why is Twitter charging extra?

Once again Twitter proves its utter uselessness as a communication

Lock him up! https://tinyurl.com/yc5sp92j
2022-09-09 04:52:43 UTC
In article <t2ro2t$3qskc$***@news.freedyn.de>
sock-***@gmail.com wrote:
> Elon Musk certainly turned the screws on these lefty assholes.

Lawyers for Elon Musk mentioned a $7 million payment to Pieter
Zatko, Twitter’s former top security executive, in a court
hearing this week.

Twitter reached a $7 million settlement with its former top
security executive, Pieter Zatko, in June, after he was fired
from the company and had raised concerns about its security

Lawyers for Elon Musk, who is trying to back out of a $44
billion deal to buy Twitter, disclosed the settlement during a
court hearing on Tuesday. During the hearing, Mr. Musk’s lawyers
successfully argued that Mr. Zatko’s accusations that Twitter
had misrepresented its security practices be included in the
case over the deal.

“They’re paying the guy $7 million and making sure he’s quiet,”
Alex Spiro, an attorney for Mr. Musk, said during the hearing.

On Wednesday, a judge ruled that Mr. Musk could discuss the
security problems raised by Mr. Zatko during an October trial
over the deal in Delaware Chancery Court. The trial will
determine whether Mr. Musk must proceed with his bid to buy the
social media company.

A spokeswoman for Twitter and a lawyer for Mr. Zatko declined to
comment. Details of the settlement were earlier reported by The
Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Zatko has told regulators in a whistle-blower report in July
that Twitter misled them and the public about its security by
misrepresenting how it fights spam and hackers. That violated a
2011 agreement that Twitter had struck with the Federal Trade
Commission, which had barred the company from misleading users
about its security and privacy measures, he contended.

Mr. Zatko also suggested that Twitter had lied to Mr. Musk about
how it measures the number of inauthentic accounts on its
platform. The complaint dovetailed with Mr. Musk’s assertions
that Twitter has not been truthful about the number of bots and
spam accounts on its service, which the billionaire has cited as
a reason to back out of the acquisition.

Fred J McCall
2022-09-09 09:51:21 UTC
In article <t03k0i$27de6$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Global warming is bullshit.

editor—The apocalyptic tone that Smith adopted in relation to
the environment bears little relation to reality.1 In his
editorial Smith asserts, “virtually all scientists agree that
global warming is happening.” Global warming is now joining the
list of “what everyone knows.”

Whether most scientists outside climatology believe that global
warming is happening is less relevant than whether the
climatologists do. A letter signed by over 50 leading members of
the American Meteorological Society warned about the policies
promoted by environmental pressure groups. “The policy
initiatives derive from highly uncertain scientific theories.
They are based on the unsupported assumption that catastrophic
global warming follows from the burning of fossil fuel and
requires immediate action. We do not agree.”2 Those who have
signed the letter represent the overwhelming majority of climate
change scientists in the United States, of whom there are about
60. McMichael and Haines quote the 1995 report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is
widely believed to “prove” that climate change induced by humans
has occurred.3 The original draft document did not say this.
What happened was that the policymakers’ summary (which became
the “take home message” for politicians) altered the conclusions
of the scientists. This led Dr Frederick Seitz, former head of
the United States National Academy of Sciences, to write, “In
more than sixty years as a member of the American scientific
community ... I have never witnessed a more disturbing
corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led
to this IPCC report.”4

Policymaking should be guided by proved fact, not speculation.
Most members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
believe that current climate models do not accurately portray
the atmosphere-ocean system. Measurements made by means of
satellites show no global warming but a cooling of 0.13°C
between 1979 and 1994.5 Furthermore, since the theory of global
warming assumes maximum warming at the poles, why have average
temperatures in the Arctic dropped by 0.88°C over the past 50

164 Days In Delaware
2022-10-15 05:07:54 UTC
In article <ssn96e$kpt9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> When drug dealers start shooting the FBI it will be a great day.

Corporate media outlets are scoffing at Sen. Ron Johnson, who
said during the senate debate that he had been ‘set up’ by the

Corporate media outlets are scoffing at Sen. Ron Johnson, who
stated during the Wisconsin senate race debate last night that
he had been “set up” by the FBI — after his opponent, Wisconsin
Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, accused Johnson of being a Russian
asset. Johnson, however, was indeed set up by the FBI, and in
the greatest twist of irony, it appears Barnes was the one used
as a pawn for Russian disinformation.

Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, led an investigation
into Hunter Biden’s financial entanglements with overseas
oligarchs and the correlated effort by the FBI to cover it up
before the 2020 election. In August 2020, the FBI proceeded to
then brief the two senators that their investigation “advanced
Russian disinformation.” After the briefing, parts of the
senators’ supposedly “secure” conversation with the FBI were
leaked to the public in what Johnson says was an effort to
“smear” him and his Hunter Biden investigation.

Barnes brought up the leaked briefing during Thursday’s debate,
using it to smear Johnson as a potential “Russian asset,” and
warning Wisconsin voters that they couldn’t “trust Sen. Johnson
to protect democracy abroad because we can’t even trust Sen.
Johnson to protect democracy here at home.” Of course, this
appears to be exactly why the FBI briefed Johnson and partisans
leaked the “secure” interview in the first place: to discredit
Johnson’s work on the Hunter Biden investigation and to
villainize Johnson so he doesn’t return to Congress after

While Barnes was accusing Johnson of being a Russian stooge,
meanwhile the Milwaukee Sentinel reported that Barnes gave
interviews criticizing U.S. law enforcement to Russia Today, a
state-run propaganda channel for the Russian government and an
outlet that the U.S. State Department says is a “critical
[element] in Russia’s disinformation and propaganda ecosystem.”

“Russia Today, also known as RT, is the foreign propaganda
channel of Vladimir Putin’s regime, that uses the channel to
weaken his adversaries by sowing discord and division throughout
the world,” the Johnson campaign wrote in a press release. “RT
relentlessly spreads disinformation and accuses America of being
a corrupt capitalist police state that is systematically racist
and terrorizes other countries. Barnes’ interviews almost
exclusively focused on denigrating American policing, aiding
Russia’s propaganda efforts against America.”

“Lt. Governor Barnes knew he was being used as a puppet for a
foreign dictator in a Russian disinformation scheme,” said Alec
Zimmerman, communications director for the Johnson campaign.
“Trashing American law enforcement on Russian state TV and
allowing himself to be used by Vladamir Putin’s propagandists is
as bad as it gets.”

The Federalist reached out to Barnes’s campaign communication
office to see if the lieutenant governor was at all concerned
that he may have been used as a Russian asset. The Federalist
also asked whether Barnes was troubled by FBI corruption and
planned to do anything to curb the agency’s currently unchecked
power if elected in November. The office did not respond.

Unsurprisingly, the corporate media failed to report on the
possibility that Barnes is susceptible to Russian manipulation.
They have also ignored or downplayed FBI misconduct. Instead of
reporting on the overwhelming evidence corroborating Johnson’s
claim that he was set up by the FBI, the corrupt corporate media
chose to sneer at him and report on the “raucous” debate
audience who laughed when Johnson called the FBI’s briefing and
leak a “setup.”

Alexa Henning, a spokeswoman for Johnson, told The Federalist
that the “audience was completely stacked with Barnes
supporters.” Outside of last night’s one-sided debate audience,
however, many Americans understand setups are not outside the
wheelhouse of the deep state.

Indeed, the FBI’s laundry list of malfeasance grows every day.
Agents brazenly lied to the FISA court about the credibility of
Christopher Steele, author of the debunked Steele dossier, which
they used to launch the Russia collusion hoax against President
Donald Trump.

Recently, the FBI raided the homes of two pro-life activists for
their roles in peaceful pro-life demonstrations. The two men who
were raided and 6 other pro-lifers now face hundreds of
thousands of dollars in fines and up to 11 years in prison if
they are convicted of alleged “FACE Act” violations.

The FBI launched investigations into “terrorist” parents who
express concerns at local school board meetings; it interfered
in the 2020 election; and for years the agency has been secretly
pressuring Americans into signing forms that relinquish their
constitutional right to own, purchase, or even use firearms.

The emboldened FBI has placed a target on Johnson’s back.
Johnson continues to call out the corruption entrenched in our
increasingly politicized DOJ and FBI, and it rightly scares his

Bill Rice
2022-11-06 11:06:45 UTC
In article <rmH9L.1553459$%***@fx14.ams1>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Too bad he didn't get Nancy and beat her like an egg.

NBC officials were skeptical of a flawed update on the assault
on Paul Pelosi just after it aired on the Today show and
launched a conservative uproar, sources told The Washington
Post. The network retracted a report by reporter Miguel Almaguer
that suggested Pelosi was not in immediate danger when police
arrived at his San Francisco home, saying it “did not meet NBC
News reporting standards.” Almaguer’s reporting was based on a
source who “was unreliable regarding the circumstances that the
police encountered when they arrived at the house,” a person
familiar told the Post. Network brass was particularly skeptical
of the claim that Pelosi walked back toward his alleged
assailant David DePape when officers got to him, which led to
Almaguer questioning whether Pelosi was still in danger. The
retraction did nothing to quell the fury of conservative media,
which seized on the report to fuel conspiracy-minded segments
about the attack.

2022-11-07 06:07:11 UTC
In article <tf3udc$3fven$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Mark Fuckerberg has no respect for privacy and will sell you out for pennies.

Facebook parent company Meta is reportedly planning on laying
off "many thousands of its workforce" in what very well may end
up being the largest round of layoffs to date at a major
technology corporation in a year filled with them.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the announcement of
these layoffs is expected to arrive as soon as Wednesday,
November 9, and company officials have already "told employees
to cancel nonessential travel beginning this week."

The planned layoffs would be the first time Meta, which was
previously known as Facebook, has done broad head-count
reductions since it was founded 18 years ago.

At the end of September 2022, Meta reported that it had more
than 87,000 employees across the globe. While the job cuts don't
appear to be as big of a percentage of the total workforce as
Twitter's was this past week, the number of employees looks to
be larger than the up to 3,700 employees Twitter is planning on
laying off.

A spokesperson for Meta declined to comment, and instead
directed WSJ to a previous statement from Mark Zuckerberg that
the company would "focus our investments on a small number of
high priority growth areas."

“So that means some teams will grow meaningfully, but most other
teams will stay flat or shrink over the next year,” Zuckerberg
said on the company’s third-quarter earnings call on Oct. 26.
“In aggregate, we expect to end 2023 as either roughly the same
size, or even a slightly smaller organization than we are today.”

Meta has been reducing its workforce in certain departments in a
much smaller way, and Zuckerberg even told the employees at a
companywide meeting in June 2022 that "realistically, there are
probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn't be here."

This unfortunate news follows Meta's quarterly earnings that
revealed that its Reality Labs division, which covers its VR,
XR, and metaverse endeavors, saw $3.7 billion in losses from
operations. Reality Labs has lost $9.4 billion so far this year,
and that's even up from the $6.9 billion it lost in the same
period in 2021.

Meta recently announced the Meta Quest Pro VR headset for $1,499
and its focus on building out Horizon Worlds which, according to
the internet, is not at a place that is currently enticing many
people, has been a point of contention. WSJ reports that Horizon
Worlds has well under 200,000 users this year.

2022-11-16 10:51:18 UTC
In article <t61v6k$k72$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Everybody in the Whitehouse has fucked or gotten a blowjob from that stupid cunt.

She's a total liability to the Democrat party and should take a
dirt nap explained Schumer.
Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 10:06:19 UTC
In article <sk4clo$l90$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Ten Democrats need to die every time a nigger commits a crime.

Two weeks after 20-year-old Indiana University student Avery
McMillan was found unresponsive inside a Bloomington house, cops
on Wednesday arrested the homeowner in connection to her death.

Eric Montgomery, 33, now faces a charge of rape when the victim
is mentally disabled or deficient, as well as a charge of giving
alcohol to someone underage, arrest records say. It is the only
arrest to stem from McMillan’s mysterious death on Aug. 17.

Additional details about what happened between McMillan and
Montgomery were not released Wednesday. Cops said earlier this
month that Montgomery called 911 and said McMillan was
unresponsive at his home. First responders arrived and issued
McMillan three doses of Narcan—an opioid overdose treatment—to
no avail. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Cops said Montgomery cooperated with police at the time, telling
detectives he met McMillan the night before, picking her up near
campus and bringing her to his house nearby. Authorities did not
say what else occurred in the time between McMillan being picked
up and her death the following morning.

While the use of Narcan suggests McMillan’s death may have been
overdose related, cops are still awaiting test results from a
medical examiner that will definitively identify her cause of
death. Authorities said the results could take up to a month to

Montgomery, who authorities said has a “violent and extensive
criminal history,” was arrested without incident in a traffic
stop on Wednesday. A special division, named the Critical
Incident Response Team, assisted in the arrest because of his
criminal history, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said.

Court records show that a judge approved a warrant for
Montgomery’s arrest on Tuesday and set his bail at $100,000.

Montgomery has a slew of arrests in Indiana, most recently for
marijuana possession on Aug. 4.

Among the felony arrests on Montgomery’s record is a charge of
endangering a person while driving intoxicated in 2019, domestic
battery in 2018, burglary and credit card fraud in 2012, and
dealing a counterfeit substance in 2011, records show.

Friends and family have since taken to social media to remember
McMillan, saying she was “so giving” and “always there to help
everyone,” according to a GoFundMe set up by her friend,
Gabrielle Parsons.

The 20-year-old was a senior at Indiana University and was a
part of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, the chapter wrote in a
Facebook post, praising her ability to build relationships.

“Avery, you were a beautiful free spirit who brightened our
lives,” wrote Madi Gen on an online memorial page. “You were so
generous with your love and you gave joy and comfort to many
people. You were so full of life and you still had so much to
offer the world.”

Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 10:06:17 UTC
In article <sk4cln$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Ten Democrats need to die every time a nigger commits a crime.

Two weeks after 20-year-old Indiana University student Avery
McMillan was found unresponsive inside a Bloomington house, cops
on Wednesday arrested the homeowner in connection to her death.

Eric Montgomery, 33, now faces a charge of rape when the victim
is mentally disabled or deficient, as well as a charge of giving
alcohol to someone underage, arrest records say. It is the only
arrest to stem from McMillan’s mysterious death on Aug. 17.

Additional details about what happened between McMillan and
Montgomery were not released Wednesday. Cops said earlier this
month that Montgomery called 911 and said McMillan was
unresponsive at his home. First responders arrived and issued
McMillan three doses of Narcan—an opioid overdose treatment—to
no avail. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Cops said Montgomery cooperated with police at the time, telling
detectives he met McMillan the night before, picking her up near
campus and bringing her to his house nearby. Authorities did not
say what else occurred in the time between McMillan being picked
up and her death the following morning.

While the use of Narcan suggests McMillan’s death may have been
overdose related, cops are still awaiting test results from a
medical examiner that will definitively identify her cause of
death. Authorities said the results could take up to a month to

Montgomery, who authorities said has a “violent and extensive
criminal history,” was arrested without incident in a traffic
stop on Wednesday. A special division, named the Critical
Incident Response Team, assisted in the arrest because of his
criminal history, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said.

Court records show that a judge approved a warrant for
Montgomery’s arrest on Tuesday and set his bail at $100,000.

Montgomery has a slew of arrests in Indiana, most recently for
marijuana possession on Aug. 4.

Among the felony arrests on Montgomery’s record is a charge of
endangering a person while driving intoxicated in 2019, domestic
battery in 2018, burglary and credit card fraud in 2012, and
dealing a counterfeit substance in 2011, records show.

Friends and family have since taken to social media to remember
McMillan, saying she was “so giving” and “always there to help
everyone,” according to a GoFundMe set up by her friend,
Gabrielle Parsons.

The 20-year-old was a senior at Indiana University and was a
part of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, the chapter wrote in a
Facebook post, praising her ability to build relationships.

“Avery, you were a beautiful free spirit who brightened our
lives,” wrote Madi Gen on an online memorial page. “You were so
generous with your love and you gave joy and comfort to many
people. You were so full of life and you still had so much to
offer the world.”

Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 10:46:25 UTC
In article <sk4cmh$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> They are coming for you Joe.

(CNN)President Joe Biden delivered his sharpest rebuke yet of
Republicans and their fealty to his predecessor in an evening
speech in Philadelphia on Thursday, alleging they "thrive on
chaos" and warning their attempts to undermine democracy could
devolve into violence.

"They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies,"
Biden said in front of a red-lit Independence Hall, harnessing
the historic setting to call for a reckoning on the movement led
by former President Donald Trump.

It was a strident and urgent call to Americans months ahead of
midterm elections that will determine control of Congress.
Biden's remarks, while billed as an official address, provided
the broad contours of his election message heading into the fall.

Even as he worked to balance a dose of optimism about the
country's future -- and his own string of recent accomplishments
-- Biden painted a dark portrait of his political opponents,
saying Trump and his followers are threatening the entire
American experiment.

He named his predecessor within minutes of taking the stage, and
suggested Americans faced an existential choice in the coming

"As I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under
assault," Biden said. "We do ourselves no favor to pretend
Biden attempted to separate Trump's most loyal followers from
the Republican Party as a whole. And as he concluded, he sought
to strike a more upbeat note, saying it was still within voters'
power to rein in the nation's darkest forces.

But the heart of Biden's address was a ringing alarm bell about
what he called "an extremism that threatens the very foundations
of our republic."

"MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.
Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no
right to privacy. No right to contraception, no right to marry
who you love," he said, striking on cultural issues Democrats
believe can help them win in November.

"They promote authoritarian leaders," he went on. "They fanned
the flames of political violence."

If that's what it takes

You piece of shit leftist pedophiles are done. The parents are
coming for you.

2022-11-18 11:01:26 UTC
In article <sk4dau$mj6$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> Just think. None of this would have happened if Australia had banned knives.

Police have arrested a 15-year-old girl after an alleged
stabbing at a school in Orange in central New South Wales.

Officers were called to Canobolas Rural Technology high school
about 1pm on Monday where they found a 16-year-old girl
suffering stab wounds to her chest and arm.

The girl was treated by NSW ambulance paramedics and taken to
Orange hospital in a stable condition. Her injuries were not
life-threatening, Supt Brendan Gorman told reporters.

He said a 15-year-old girl was arrested and taken to Orange
police station where she was assisting with inquiries. A crime
scene was established as investigations continued, Gorman said.

The school was temporarily placed in lockdown on Monday for the
security and safety of other students.

“It’s very concerning for police and we encourage people to talk
to their children about safety,” the superintendent said of the
alleged attack.

“Knives are lethal, they should not be carrying knives. They
shouldn’t be using knives in any way shape or form – other than
to cut food.”

Gorman didn’t have any details on the possible motivation or the
type of knife allegedly used.

A spokesperson for the NSW education department said the school
was placed in lockdown for a short period as a safety precaution
and staff provided first aid to the injured girl.

“Wellbeing supports are in place for all staff and students. As
this is a NSW police matter, it would be inappropriate to
comment further.”

2022-11-18 11:06:26 UTC
In article <FYj9J.48733$***@fx03.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> Just think. None of this would have happened if Australia had banned knives.

“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” said former real estate agent
Matthew Brian Ramsay before allegedly plunging a knife into the
chest of the woman in her Sydney eastern suburbs home.


“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” a former real estate agent said
before allegedly plunging a knife into the chest of the woman in
her Sydney eastern suburbs home, a court has heard.

The allegations were revealed as Matthew Brian Ramsay, 46, was
granted conditional bail in Waverley Local Court on Friday to
reside for at least six months in a rehabilitation centre in
Port Stephens.

He has been charged with causing wounding or grievous bodily
harm with intent to murder.

The court was told at some point before midday on August 8,
Ramsay had ingested some 120mg of Valium - the therapeutic dose
is 40mg.

He then attended Helen Coulston’s Dover Heights house while she
was home alone, according to the police facts of the case.

Coulston had not seen Ramsay for a few months before he knocked
on her door and was let inside.

Immediately he allegedly pulled out a 20cm-long kife.

“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” Magistrate Ross Hudson said Ramsay
told her, before causing a 4cm puncture wound near her heart.

He then allegedly swung the knife again but missed before a
violent struggle ensued.

Coulston managed to throw the knife onto the front lawn and a
number of witnesses came to her aid.

Body-worn camera footage captured Ramsay telling police after
his arrest: “I didn’t mean to hurt her I just meant to scare

At the time he was unemployed with a number of significant
payments outstanding, the magistrate said.

Prosecutor Chris Davis opposed bail saying Ramsay’s release
could endanger the community, the alleged victim, and that
multiple failed attempts at rehab showed further treatment was
of no avail.

“(We have) little confidence it would do any real good in the
short term,” Davis said.

Defence lawyer Ben Clark said it was not uncommon for the court
to see cases such as his client, with long-standing drug and
alcohol misuse and who had previously unsuccessfully tried to
undergo rehabilitation.

He proposed the secure facility Ramsay would be placed into was
even more restrictive than jail given he could not make any
phone calls unaccompanied by a counsellor.

He said Ramsay had self-medicated with Valium to withdraw from
alcohol, a substance he has had a history of abusing.

“This is effectively swapping one custodial environment for
another,” Clark said.

Hudson said there was some “absurdity” to Ramsay’s behaviour
with “no rhyme or reason to what he did that day”.

There was no animosity or revenge between the pair, he noted.

“Mental health may have played a significant role in what
happened that day,” the magistrate said.

He said the unpredictability of the behaviour remained a
concern, but the inexplicability of the incident was connected
to alcoholism and underlying depression.

The magistrate granted bail saying he believed the tight
restrictions could mitigate any risk to the community or alleged

He ordered Ramsay not to enter the eastern suburbs unless
attending court, and to not contact Helen Coulston or her
husband Walt.

Walt Coulston has previously told media that Ramsay had been his
best man at their wedding.

2022-11-18 11:41:30 UTC
In article <sk4cml$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> Just think. None of this would have happened if Australia had banned knives.

WARNING: the video in this article contains graphic violence of
a street fight in Brisbane, Australia, where a man was stabbed
to death Monday.

A 20-year-old man was charged with murder after allegedly
stabbing Laurie Michael Tagaloa, 24, in the neck, killing him in
a Brisbane food court, according to the Daily Mail. A graphic
video of the fight that led to Tagaloa’s death has been widely
shared online. Viewer discretion is advised.


The video shows two groups of men fighting and exchanging
insults. Tagaloa storms between the two men, dwarfing them both.
One of the men in the group fighting with Tagaloa seems to pull
out a knife as he walks away.

As Tagaloa moves toward the man, he appears to stab him in the
neck. In less than 16 seconds, Tagaloa collapses to the floor in
a pool of blood. He died at the scene, according to the Daily

The area where Tagaloa was stabbed contains the Carotid Artery
and the Jugular Vein, according to Security Magazine. The
average time until death from rupturing either is 5-15 seconds,
the outlet noted. (RELATED: Video Shows Man Repeatedly Running
Over Woman With SUV After Minor Incident)

All three men who fled the scene after Tagaloa’s death have been
arrested, the Daily Mail noted. One of the men was charged with
murder, while the other two have been assisting police in their
investigations and have not been charged yet, the outlet

Delma T. Ivey
2022-11-18 11:41:32 UTC
In article <sk4cme$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Good. It's time to slam the dor on these two steroid criminals.

NEW YORK -- In their first match together in over four years,
and 25 years after their debut as a pair at the tournament,
Venus and Serena Williams were unable to rediscover their
signature magic and lost to Lucie Hradecka and Linda Noskova 7-6
(5), 6-4 in the first round of the US Open doubles on Thursday

In front of an adoring capacity crowd -- the third in four days
for Serena -- that included Billie Jean King, NBA commissioner
Adam Silver and Vogue editor Anna Wintour, the sisters had the
prime-time night slot on Arthur Ashe, something rarely seen in
doubles. The pair clearly enjoyed playing alongside one another
but struggled to find momentum after losing the tightly
contested 72-minute first set in a tiebreak. After going down a
break and falling into a 3-0 deficit to start the second set,
they fought back to win three of the next four games, but it
ultimately wasn't enough.

Hradecka even apologized to the crowd after the victory during
an on-court interview right after the match's conclusion,
acknowledging it wasn't the result the fans wanted. Speaking to
the crowd, she said: "I'm so sorry for you that we beat them,
but we are so happy that we did it.''

The US Open is expected to be Serena's final tournament before
she "evolves" away from tennis. Venus told reporters earlier
this week that it was Serena's idea to team up together one last
time, jokingly calling her younger sister "the boss." Together
the duo has won 14 major doubles titles, including two in New
York, and three Olympic gold medals. They had last joined forces
at the French Open in 2018 and reached the third round.

Since Serena, 40, announced her impending departure from the
sport with an essay in Vogue last month, fans have been flocking
to catch a glimpse of the 23-time major champion in her matches
and even during practice sessions. Both of her singles matches
on Monday and Wednesday night broke attendance records at the
tournament. Thousands gathered around the practice courts on
Thursday for the sisters' joint session two hours before the
match, and screams of, "We love you, Serena!" and "Let's go,
Venus!" were heard.

Venus has yet to share any similar retirement plans, but at age
42 and having lost in the opening round in singles on Tuesday to
fall to 0-4 since returning from a nearly yearlong hiatus, it
seems clear her career is nearing its end.

Before the two took the court to 2Pac and Dr. Dre's "California
Love," they were introduced with a video tribute showcasing
their joint accomplishments on the doubles court. It was clear
until the final point the pair was relishing the opportunity to
play together again. While both remained focused with their
trademark intensity, they looked at ease with one another,
whispering to one another between every point, often using much
of the time on the serve clock during their service games, and
giving supportive high-fives, knowing glances and mouthing
encouraging words.

The loudest moment probably arrived after a 19-stroke point won
by the sisters during the first-set tiebreaker, featuring three
swinging volleys by Serena. That put them ahead 4-3, and soon it
was 5-3.

But Hradecka and Noskova grabbed the next four points to claim
that set. They then jumped ahead 3-0 in the second, and after
the Williams sisters made it 4-all, the Czech team pulled away.

When the match was over, the two embraced before walking over to
the net to congratulate their opponents. They didn't participate
in a postmatch interview but were given a standing ovation as
they walked off the court.

While the sisters' hopes for a 15th and final Grand Slam doubles
title are over, Serena will look to continue her singles run as
she takes on Ajla Tomljanovic in the third round on Friday
night. She defeated No. 2 seed Anett Kontaveit 7-6 (4), 2-6, 6-2
on Wednesday with Venus sitting in the crowd, but said she
wasn't thinking about a record-tying 24th major just yet.

"I cannot think that far," Serena said on Wednesday. "I'm here,
like I said, I'm having fun and I'm enjoying it. Honestly, I've
had so many tough matches the last I don't know how long that I
just feel like just being prepared for everyone that I play is
just going to be really, really difficult."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

2022-11-18 12:01:33 UTC
In article <skp48e$btm$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> Just think. None of this would have happened if Australia had banned knives.

“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” said former real estate agent
Matthew Brian Ramsay before allegedly plunging a knife into the
chest of the woman in her Sydney eastern suburbs home.


“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” a former real estate agent said
before allegedly plunging a knife into the chest of the woman in
her Sydney eastern suburbs home, a court has heard.

The allegations were revealed as Matthew Brian Ramsay, 46, was
granted conditional bail in Waverley Local Court on Friday to
reside for at least six months in a rehabilitation centre in
Port Stephens.

He has been charged with causing wounding or grievous bodily
harm with intent to murder.

The court was told at some point before midday on August 8,
Ramsay had ingested some 120mg of Valium - the therapeutic dose
is 40mg.

He then attended Helen Coulston’s Dover Heights house while she
was home alone, according to the police facts of the case.

Coulston had not seen Ramsay for a few months before he knocked
on her door and was let inside.

Immediately he allegedly pulled out a 20cm-long kife.

“Hi Helen, I’m really sorry,” Magistrate Ross Hudson said Ramsay
told her, before causing a 4cm puncture wound near her heart.

He then allegedly swung the knife again but missed before a
violent struggle ensued.

Coulston managed to throw the knife onto the front lawn and a
number of witnesses came to her aid.

Body-worn camera footage captured Ramsay telling police after
his arrest: “I didn’t mean to hurt her I just meant to scare

At the time he was unemployed with a number of significant
payments outstanding, the magistrate said.

Prosecutor Chris Davis opposed bail saying Ramsay’s release
could endanger the community, the alleged victim, and that
multiple failed attempts at rehab showed further treatment was
of no avail.

“(We have) little confidence it would do any real good in the
short term,” Davis said.

Defence lawyer Ben Clark said it was not uncommon for the court
to see cases such as his client, with long-standing drug and
alcohol misuse and who had previously unsuccessfully tried to
undergo rehabilitation.

He proposed the secure facility Ramsay would be placed into was
even more restrictive than jail given he could not make any
phone calls unaccompanied by a counsellor.

He said Ramsay had self-medicated with Valium to withdraw from
alcohol, a substance he has had a history of abusing.

“This is effectively swapping one custodial environment for
another,” Clark said.

Hudson said there was some “absurdity” to Ramsay’s behaviour
with “no rhyme or reason to what he did that day”.

There was no animosity or revenge between the pair, he noted.

“Mental health may have played a significant role in what
happened that day,” the magistrate said.

He said the unpredictability of the behaviour remained a
concern, but the inexplicability of the incident was connected
to alcoholism and underlying depression.

The magistrate granted bail saying he believed the tight
restrictions could mitigate any risk to the community or alleged

He ordered Ramsay not to enter the eastern suburbs unless
attending court, and to not contact Helen Coulston or her
husband Walt.

Walt Coulston has previously told media that Ramsay had been his
best man at their wedding.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 12:16:36 UTC
In article <sk4cm3$l9a$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> The FBI and Merrick Garland are a two ring circus.
> Cut the heads off the DOJ and FBI.

Get your classified document picture here.

2022-11-18 13:21:20 UTC
In article <skl141$8qr$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> If they had guns they wouldn't need to be on welfare.

Almost five million Australians will get a much-needed increase
to their welfare payments as the government steps in to ease the
cost of living burden.

The adjustments will be the largest indexation increase of
welfare payments Australia has seen in almost 30 years.

The boosts to a variety of payments, including pensions and
JobSeeker, are part of a recalibration tied to the Consumer
Price Index, which measures inflation in the country.

Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment will
rise $38.90 a fortnight for singles and $58.80 a fortnight for

The maximum rate of a pension rises to $1,026.50 a fortnight for
singles and $773.80 for each person of a pensioner couple, or
$1,547.60 per couple.

JobSeeker for singles without children will increase $25.70 a
fortnight to $677.20.

The Parenting Payment Single will rise $35.20 a fortnight to

The rate for partnered JobSeeker Payment and Parenting Payment
recipients will increase $23.40 a fortnight to $616.60.
ABSTUDY and Rent Assistance recipients will also get a top up.

Household budgets have been under real strain this year,
following months of consecutive interest rate hikes, rising
inflation and higher energy prices.

2022-11-18 13:43:29 UTC
"Lupe" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> In article <skl141$8qr$***@news.dns-netz.com>
> ***@gmail.com wrote:
>> If they had guns they wouldn't need to be on welfare.
> Almost five million Australians will get a much-needed increase
> to their welfare payments as the government steps in to ease the
> cost of living burden.

Next up: Australian's are experiencing hardship as inflation rate increases

When you dump bunches of fiat currency into the market without an increase
in GDP.. you get inflation due to the devaluing of the money.
Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 13:31:37 UTC
In article <sk4cls$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Stick that up your ass.

Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
debt, per Bloomberg.

Debt cancellations are usually considered as taxable income
unless an exemption is made.

More states could subject forgiven student loan debt to income

Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
debt as income, its Department of Revenue confirmed to Bloomberg
on Tuesday.

The Biden administration's student loan forgiveness plan is
exempt from federal tax but may still be subject to some
individual state taxes, according to an analysis by the Tax

The state's decision is in contrast to those such as New York,
Virginia, and Pennsylvania, which have introduced tax exemptions
for residents who qualify for the debt forgiveness, per
Bloomberg. Debt cancellations are usually considered as taxable
income unless exemptions are made.

Mississippi's Department of Finance & Administration did not
immediately respond to Insider's request for comment on the
decision made outside of normal working hours.

A provision in the final text of the American Rescue Plan Act
ensured that forgiven student loans between 2015 and 2021 would
not be included as taxable income. But more than 13 states,
including Mississippi, are not bound to fully uphold the clause
when it comes to state tax, per the Tax Foundation.

More states, including Arkansas and Wisconsin, could also tax
forgiven student loan debt.

Representatives for Arkansas' and Wisconsin's revenue
departments did not immediately respond to Insider's request for

Arkansas' Department of Finance and Administration told
Bloomberg it was "reviewing whether debt forgiveness in this
scenario, via executive order, is subject to state income tax in

The department added it would decide on student loan tax in the
next few days.

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue told Bloomberg it would
address the subject in its upcoming biennial budget.

Read the original article on Business Insider


Chester P
17 hours ago

I mean, that's the normal thing that happens when debt is
forgiven. Borrowed money isn't income because you have to pay it
back. If you no longer have to pay it back, it is effectively
income. I've worked in lending (not student lending, but
consumer lending) for almost 25 years, and state and federal tax
agencies have always considered forgiven debt to be income.

Klaus Schadenfreude
2022-11-18 13:48:05 UTC
On Fri, 18 Nov 2022 14:31:37 +0100 (CET), Fred J McCall
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

>In article <sk4cls$57u$***@dont-email.me>
>***@gmail.com wrote:
>> Stick that up your ass.
>Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
>debt, per Bloomberg.
>Debt cancellations are usually considered as taxable income
>unless an exemption is made.
>More states could subject forgiven student loan debt to income
>Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
>debt as income, its Department of Revenue confirmed to Bloomberg
>on Tuesday.

2022-11-18 14:31:01 UTC
"Klaus Schadenfreude" <***@gmail.com> wrote in
message news:***@4ax.com...
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2022 14:31:37 +0100 (CET), Fred J McCall
> <***@gmail.com> wrote:
>>In article <sk4cls$57u$***@dont-email.me>
>>***@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Stick that up your ass.
>>Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
>>debt, per Bloomberg.
>>Debt cancellations are usually considered as taxable income
>>unless an exemption is made.
>>More states could subject forgiven student loan debt to income
>>Mississippi is planning to tax residents' forgiven student loan
>>debt as income, its Department of Revenue confirmed to Bloomberg
>>on Tuesday.

Well.. it is technically income under Mississippi law.
Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 14:43:00 UTC
In article <sk4clt$57u$***@dont-email.me>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Every case this prick ever worked on should be tossed.
> Every agent who knew about this prick and said nothing should
> have their head removed and placed in their lap.

Legal counsel for an FBI agent ,who retired last week following
allegations that he tried to run interference into the Hunter
Biden laptop probe, are denying reports that he was politically

Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault was named by
Senate Judiciary ranking member Chuck Grassley in a July 18
letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland. Grassley cited whistleblowers who alleged a
pattern of political bias from high-ranking officials, including

Morrison & Foerster LLP, who is representing Thibault clarified
that their client retired from the FBI and was not fired, nor
forced to retire or asked to retire. Morrison said Thibault
turned in his security badge and walked out of the FBI field
office with two long-time special agent friends.

Thibault, who had been with the FBI for more than 30 years, was
eligible for retirement and informed his supervisors about a
month ago of his intentions, Morrison said.

The firm pointed out that Thibault had led and supervised
multiple investigations into public corruption by both Democrats
and Republicans.

Morrison said the Office of Special Counsel is investigating
allegations that Thibault’s social media posts potentially
violated the Hatch Act, which restrains the political activities
of federal employees.


"Thibault is cooperating with that investigation, urges the
Office to complete its review, and expects to be fully
exonerated," Morrison said, adding that Thibault, regardless of
retirement, welcomes any investigation into allegations that he
"took certain actions in investigations for partisan political

"He firmly believes that any investigation will conclude that
his supervision, leadership and decision making were not
impacted by political bias or partisanship of any kind,"
Morrison said. "He is confident that all of his decisions were
consistent with the FBI’s highest standards for ethics and

The firm reiterated that Thibault was not involved in either the
planning or execution of the FBI raid on former President
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida earlier this month.

The firm also said Thibault "did not supervise the investigation
of Hunter Biden," which, they added, is now being handled by the
Baltimore Field Office.

"In particular, Mr. Thibault was not involved in any decisions
related to any laptop that may be at issue in that
investigation, and he did not seek to close the investigation,"
Morrison said.

2022-11-18 17:20:31 UTC
In article <skp48e$btm$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:

> Just think. None of this would have happened if Australia had banned knives.

A woman who allegedly stabbed her two young sons has "severe"
mental illness and had repeated interactions with authorities,
according to her sister.

Megan Somerville, of Modbury Heights, appeared in court from her
hospital bed on Tuesday afternoon, charged with two counts of
attempted murder over the alleged stabbing of her two children
on a motorway at Wingfield.

The court heard her mental health would be a factor in the case,
which was adjourned until December.

Ms Somerville's sister Jessica responded to the charges in a
social media post.

"Megan has had severe mental illness … for the past eight years
and despite the efforts of family and friends, she has continued
to deteriorate with a number of incidents over the years," she

The sister said despite repeated interactions with state
authorities, "the system has failed to appropriately intervene"
in the family's case.

"Our family is doing everything we can to support [the children]
as they navigate this terrible trauma," she said.

SA Premier Peter Malinauskas confirmed Ms Somerville's family
had interactions with government agencies, including the
Department for Child Protection, but he was "not at liberty to
disclose" details of those interactions.

"I think we've got to be a little bit careful about making
assumptions about departmental failures when we're talking about
a mother stabbing their children," he said.

"I'm concerned about looking at these cases and contextualising
it in such a way that suggests that government isn't intervening
in the lives of vulnerable families when at the moment on
average two children a day are being taken away from families.

"Where government can reasonably intervene early, then there
should be a predisposition to do so where it is safe to do so."

Child Protection Minister Katrine Hildyard said she first became
aware of the case on Tuesday morning, but government agencies
had been involved with the family in the past.

"Multiple agencies, as I understand it, had been involved with
that family at different points in time," she told ABC Radio

Former police commissioner Mal Hyde has been conducting a review
into interactions government agencies had with two other
unrelated families after the deaths of a six-year-old girl in
July and a seven-year-old boy in February.

Ms Hildyard said that review was "well underway" and she would
look at any recommendations made as a result.

"I am so viscerally determined to act and make change," she said.

Have a look at this fucking nutbag.


Child Protection Minister Katrine Hildyard says recent cases
were "an urgent call to action".(ABC News)

Fred J McCall
2022-11-18 22:35:48 UTC
In article <sk4clu$l90$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln could have saved this nigger's life.

Armando Tinoco
Tue, August 30, 2022 at 9:38 PM·1 min read

Ashley Tropez, who was featured on the A&E show Beyond Scared
Straight, was found dead in her home last week in Victorville,
CA. She was 24.

According to a press release from the San Bernardino Sheriff’s
Department, the Victorville Police Department responded to a
report of a dead body inside a home August 26.

“Upon arrival, deputies located Ashley Tropez inside the house,
suffering from traumatic injuries,” reads the report.

An investigation was launched after they discovered the body and
authorities identified a 24-year-old suspect who is now in
custody. The release states that they believe Tropez and the
suspect knew each other and “may have been squatting at the

Armando Tinoco
Tue, August 30, 2022 at 9:38 PM·1 min read

Ashley Tropez, who was featured on the A&E show Beyond Scared
Straight, was found dead in her home last week in Victorville,
CA. She was 24.

According to a press release from the San Bernardino Sheriff’s
Department, the Victorville Police Department responded to a
report of a dead body inside a home August 26.

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“Upon arrival, deputies located Ashley Tropez inside the house,
suffering from traumatic injuries,” reads the report.

An investigation was launched after they discovered the body and
authorities identified a 24-year-old suspect who is now in
custody. The release states that they believe Tropez and the
suspect knew each other and “may have been squatting at the

Related video: Anne Heche dies of crash injuries at 53
Tropez appeared on the A&E reality show when she was 17. Beyond
Scared Straight profiles unique crime prevention programs aimed
at deterring troubled teens from jail.

A year after Tropez was chronicled on the TV show for “fighting,
getting in trouble and selling weed,” things did not change for
the troubled teen, according to The Sun.

“I’m still the same person,” she said. “I just be everywhere,
from friends to family’s houses. Just chilling.”

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-19 13:43:55 UTC
In article <ssn9pl$kpth$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln fucked up when he failed to send the black animals back to Africa.

Deon Waynewood, who disappeared before his jury trial on
multiple felony counts of child sex abuse, has been arrested.

Idaho Falls Police Department Public Information Officer Jessica
Clements said he was arrested in Arizona.

Waynewood was initially arrested in 2019 after a teen girl
reported he had raped her multiple times.

Waynewood was released on bail, but a warrant was issued for his
arrest after he failed to appear for court hearings. He was
arrested in Colorado in June, but was granted bail by a judge.

After Waynewood failed to appear for a jury trial on the child
rape charges, a warrant was once again issued for his arrest.
His attorney, Kelly Mallard, withdrew from the case, saying
Waynewood had not communicated with him and had tried to make
his own court filings.

According to an Idaho Falls Police Department news release,
police learned Waynewood was in Mesa, Arizona, and he was
arrested on Oct. 14 by the U.S. Marshals Service. He is being
held in the Maricopa County Jail and is expected to be
transferred to Bonneville County after a hearing on Oct. 27.

“The Idaho Falls Police Department would like to thank the
United States Marshals Service for their partnership and efforts
to bring fugitives to justice regardless of how far away they
attempt to flee,” Clements wrote in the news release.

Waynewood was already a registered sex offender when the case
was filed against him. He was convicted in 2000 of sexual
assault of a child while in a position of trust.

Waynewood’s criminal history includes multiple violations based
on his sex offender status. In 2015, he was convicted for
unlawful access to schoolchildren. That same year he was
convicted of misdemeanor enticement of a child. He was charged
five times with violating a no-contact order on that case,
though four of those cases were dismissed.

Waynewood is charged with two counts of lewd conduct with a
minor and two counts of sexual battery of a minor, all
punishable with up to life in prison. Each charge has an
enhancement based on Waynewood’s sex offender status that would
require a 15-year minimum. Those mandatory minimums would have
to be consecutive, meaning that if Waynewood is convicted, he
faces a minimum of 60 years in prison.

A petition by Special Prosecutor John Dewey to increase
Waynewood’s bail was accepted by District Judge Dane Watkins Jr.
Waynewood’s bond was increased from $750,000 to $1,525,000.

A court date has not been set for Waynewood’s trial.

2022-11-20 06:25:47 UTC
In article <WptgH.334022$***@fx34.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Merrick Garland gets the slap.

The DOJ's appeal to continue to review classified documents for
its probe was rejected on Thursday.

A federal judge was not convinced that Trump couldn't have
"possessory interest" in the documents.

The judge could not accept DOJ's claim until a special master
review was completed.

A federal judge said she could not accept the Justice
Department's claim that Donald Trump does not "have a possessory
interest" in some documents that were seized from Mar-a-Lago
just because they're classified government records without
further review by a third party.

On Thursday, Judge Aileen M. Cannon of the US District Court for
the Southern District of Florida appointed a special master to
review more than 11,000 documents seized from Mar-a-Lago in
August and rejected the DOJ's appeal that would have allowed the
department to continue to use a set of classified records as
part of its criminal investigation during that review.

As part of her reasoning, Judge Cannon wrote in her decision
that her court can't accept the department's claims that Trump
should not have had the classified documents until the review by
a special master is completed.

"The Court does not find it appropriate to accept the
Government's conclusions on these important and disputed issues
without further review by a neutral third party in an expedited
and orderly fashion," Cannon wrote.

Raymond Dearie, a former Chief Judge of the US District Court
for the Eastern District Court of New York, was appointed to be
the third-party reviewer. Cannon has given a deadline of
November 30 to complete the review.

In her decision, Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, also wrote
that she couldn't accept the Justice Department's argument that
Trump doesn't have a "plausible claim of privilege" of the
classified documents without a third-party review.

Legal experts have previously raised doubts around Cannon's
judgment that Trump may have executive privilege over the
records since the government owns the documents and since the
Biden administration has declined to assert privilege over them.

Cannon's order does however allow for the government to continue
to review the documents "for purposes of intelligence
classification and national security assessments."

Read the original article on Business Insider

2022-11-20 06:45:49 UTC
In article <CoGgH.228465$***@fx02.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Merrick Garland gets the slap.

Washington — A federal judge on Thursday rejected a request from
the Justice Department to allow its investigators to regain
access to the roughly 100 documents marked classified that were
seized by the FBI during its search at former President Donald
Trump's Florida residence.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon declined to put on hold any
part of her Sept. 5 ruling that stopped the Justice Department
from using any of the approximately 11,000 documents taken from
Mar-a-Lago during the Aug. 8 search for investigative purposes,
pending the review of the materials by an independent arbiter
known as a special master.

In her 10-page order, Cannon pushed back on two of the premises
outlined by the Justice Department in its motion: that the
roughly 100 documents at the center of the request are
classified records and that Trump could not have a "possessory
interest in any of them," and that Trump does not have a
plausible claim of privilege as to any of these records.

"The court does not find it appropriate to accept the
government's conclusions on these important and disputed issues
without further review by a neutral third party in an expedited
and orderly fashion," she wrote.

Cannon said in her order that while she agrees with the Justice
Department that "the public is best served by evenhanded
adherence to established principles of civil and criminal
procedure," regardless of who is involved, "it is also true, of
course, that evenhanded procedure does not demand unquestioning
trust in the determinations of the Department of Justice."

Federal prosecutors asked Cannon last week to allow the
government to access a batch of just over 100 documents bearing
classification markings for use in its ongoing criminal probe
into Trump's handling of sensitive records, but the judge's
order keeps those materials from being used by investigators for

The Justice Department also asked Cannon to lift a second part
of her Labor Day order that required the government to disclose
the records with classification markings to a special master for

Cannon authorized the appointment of a special master to sift
through the materials seized by the FBI during the Aug. 8 search
for any that may be subject to claims of attorney-client or
executive privileges and named Judge Raymond Dearie, the former
chief judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District
of New York, to the role.

Federal prosecutors argued in their motion for a stay that if
Cannon's ruling shielding the documents was allowed to stand,
the government and broader public would suffer "irreparable harm
from the undue delay to the criminal investigation." The Justice
Department lawyers, including its top national security
officials, also said temporarily halting their investigation
risked harming the nation's national security and intelligence

But Trump's legal team opposed the Justice Department's request,
claiming in a filing Monday that some of the seized records with
classification markings may not be classified anymore. They also
characterized the controversy surrounding Trump's alleged
improper removal and storage of classified information as a
"document storage dispute that has spiraled out of control."

Cannon's decision to decline the Justice Department's request
for a stay paves the way for the government to file an appeal to
the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, as prosecutors told the
court it intended to do.

The decision from Cannon not to restore the Justice Department's
access to the seized records is the latest turn in the long-
running effort by the National Archives and Records
Administration to retrieve records taken by Trump to Mar-a-Lago
at the end of his presidency in January 2021.

When the FBI conducted its search at the South Florida property
on Aug. 8, agents seized 33 items, boxes or containers from a
storage room and from desks in Trump's office that contained 103
documents marked "confidential," "secret" or "top secret,"
according to a detailed property list made public this month.

Federal investigators also took empty folders with classified
banners, along with printed news articles, books, photographs
and articles of clothing, government lawyers said.

Well Brandon?
2022-11-20 07:00:52 UTC
In article <rltigh$2t13$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks Democrats. You managed to fuck up everything.

FedEx CEO Raj Subramaniam told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Thursday
that he believes a recession is impending for the global economy.

The CEO’s pessimism came after FedEx missed estimates on revenue
and earnings in its first quarter. The company also withdrew its
full year guidance.

FedEx CEO Raj Subramaniam told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Thursday
that he believes a recession is impending for the global economy.

“I think so. But you know, these numbers, they don’t portend
very well,” Subramaniam said in response to Cramer’s question of
whether the economy is “going into a worldwide recession.”

The CEO’s pessimism came after FedEx missed estimates on revenue
and earnings in its first quarter. The company also withdrew its
full year guidance.

Shares of FedEx fell 15% in extended trading on Thursday.

“I’m very disappointed in the results that we just announced
here, and you know, the headline really is the macro situation
that we’re facing,” Subramaniam said in an interview on “Mad

The chief executive, who assumed the position earlier this year,
said that weakening global shipment volumes drove FedEx’s
disappointing results. While the company anticipated demand to
increase after factories shuttered in China due to Covid opened
back up, it actually fell, he said.

“Week over week over week, that came down,” Subramaniam said.

The chief executive also said that the loss in volume is wide-
reaching, and that the company has seen weekly declines since
around its investor day in June.

“We’re seeing that volume decline in every segment around the
world, and so you know, we’ve just started our second quarter,”
he said. “The weekly numbers are not looking so good, so we just
assume at this point that the economic conditions are not really

“We are a reflection of everybody else’s business, especially
the high-value economy in the world,” he later added.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-20 07:00:51 UTC
In article <s9gri2$11vj$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Should have dropped bags of manure on them.

DENVER (AP) — The National Transportation Safety Board is
investigating a small plane that buzzed low over boats on a
Northern Colorado reservoir before crashing, the board said

The pilot and a passenger aboard the single-engine plane
survived the crash Sunday with minor injuries, the Larimer
County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release. The agency said
it's supporting an investigation by the Federal Aviation
Administration and asked the public to share photos and videos
of the event.

Photographer Stephanie Stamos was near the banks of Horsetooth
Reservoir, just west of Fort Collins, Colorado, on Sunday night
preparing to take high school photos for a student when she saw
the plane flying “unsteady” over the water.

Stamos, 57, said she instinctively pulled up her camera and
started snapping photos believing the pilot was in trouble and
preparing for a crash landing. But instead of hitting the water,
the plane flew toward a boat on the lake, swinging low over the
craft as one of the boat riders through up their arm, the photos

“The wheels were almost on top of the boat,” said Stamos.

When the plane disappeared behind the mountains, “I told
everyone, ‘Wait for the boom’,” she said, then “I saw it fly
back up through the mountains going sideways and I thought, ‘Oh
this guy is an idiot, this guys just messing around.’”

Stamos said she shared her photos with the Larimer County
Sheriff’s Office and that the NTSB reached out to her Wednesday
asking for the same pictures.

Peter Knudson, spokesperson for the National Transportation
Safety Board, said the agency is investigating the Sept. 11
crash but declined to provide any details.

Carolina de la Torre had just finished swimming in a cove at
Horsetooth Reservoir when the plane flew over. She said the
aircraft got within 15-20 feet of her and her friends.

“We thought they were going to crash down on (the other boat),"
she said, "it was the most nuts experience I’ve ever had.”

Fred J McCall
2022-11-20 08:11:00 UTC
In article <s9gqrp$2r22$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Too bad it didn't crash on local Democrat headquarters.

The two military pilots whose plane crashed last September after
a bird strike near Fort Worth had little to no way to prevent
the crash, an aviation safety expert said.

Mary Schiavo, a former inspector general of the U.S. Department
of Transportation, reviewed the cockpit video obtained this week
by the Star-Telegram. Schiavo said the pilots, both of whom
ejected at the last second, were up against a “perfect storm”
when they lost the jet’s single engine.

“This aircraft had all the bad things lined up against it,” she
said. “They just had everything working against them.”

A Navy instructor and a Marine student pilot were flying a T-45C
Goshawk on a training flight from Corpus Christi to the Naval
Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth. As the jet made its
final approach, a 4.5-pound vulture appeared directly in front
of it and was ingested into the engine, according to the video
and a Navy report also obtained by the Star-Telegram.

In the seconds after the bird was sucked into the engine, one of
the pilots can be heard swearing and then radioing in an
emergency landing. But as landing instructions come over the
radio, competing with the sounds of alarms in the cockpit, the
pilot follows up with another transmission.

“We’re not gonna make it,” he says.

The plane then dips suddenly toward the ground, and the trees
below come closer into focus as the pilot yells, “Standby to
eject. Pull up! Pull up!”

Thirty seconds after the bird strike, the plane plummeted into a
dense Lake Worth neighborhood. The two pilots ejected and
survived the crash, although the student pilot sustained serious
injuries. The plane crashed through the neighborhood, damaging
multiple homes and injuring three civilians, although no one was

Schiavo, who was inspector general from 1990 to 1996, has been
highly critical of the airline industry and federal regulators
and now works as an aviation litigator. She has appeared in
numerous television programs about airline crash investigations.

After reviewing the Navy report and the flight video, Schiavo
said she doesn’t see a realistic way that the two pilots
could’ve avoided the crash.

To start with, birds don’t show up on a plane’s radar unless
they’re in an unusually large flock, she said, which means these
pilots wouldn’t have known about the bird hazard until they
physically saw the vulture.

“Unfortunately, the first knowledge that a pilot has — they’re
much very like what’s in that video — is, boom, there’s a bird
in your windshield or your engine,” Schiavo said.

And because the jet they were flying had just a single engine,
the pilots were left entirely without power once the bird was

A plane can still be steered after it loses power, Schiavo said,
and pilots are typically taught to glide an aircraft that loses
power. But the T-45C Goshawk isn’t a very glide-able plane, she
said, because of its relatively stubby wings.

Plus, gliding any plane requires at least some airflow over the
wings. Based on the sudden dive that the trainer jet takes,
according to the video, it likely lost airflow, too, Schiavo

“If somebody wanted to play devil’s advocate, they’d say, ‘Well,
maybe they could’ve set it up to glide.’ I doubt it,” she said.
“I think they were too close to the ground and too close to the

Reports of bird strikes are increasing in the United States,
according to a voluntary database maintained by the Federal
Aviation Administration. That database reported 1,800 wildlife
strikes involving civil aircraft in 1990, compared with 16,000
in 2018. In the past 15 years, there have been more than 185,000
wildlife strikes, according to the FAA database, including 32
that fully destroyed the aircraft.

In perhaps the most well-known example, US Airways Flight 1549
crashed into New York’s Hudson River in 2009 after hitting a
flock of geese that took out both engines. Pilot Chesley “Sully”
Sullenberger glided the plane into the river, and everyone on
board survived.

Both Schiavo and the FAA pointed to growing bird populations as
one factor in the rising number of aircraft strikes.

Texas has seen an increase in the population of black vultures,
the type of bird that downed the trainer jet, for at least 50

Schiavo said some bird strikes can be prevented by intentional
land-use practices that don’t attract birds, and by scaring
birds away from runway areas with sounds and lights. She noted
that these practices often can’t be applied off airport
property, which limits their effectiveness.

She also said drones can be deployed to spot bird flocks in
order to warn pilots, although that approach isn’t widely used.

The FAA says on its website that it has plans to expand its
research into wildlife risk management in the proximity of


11 hours ago

one could design an anti-aircraft weapon based on this, if a
vulture brings down a military jet that easy... h ross perot
said that about the vietnam war tactics...

Fred J McCall
2022-11-20 08:46:05 UTC
In article <E7PgH.380136$***@fx42.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Stupid bitch.

In the never-ending parade of tourists acting badly, a woman at
Cape Lookout National Seashore in North Carolina walked up and
stood by a wild horse with her hand on the animal as she posed
for a photo.

It didn’t end well.

“The horse communicated its annoyance and kicked the woman,”
Cape Lookout National Seashore reported on Facebook.

The national seashore reported that these visitors were cited
for wildlife harassment. It posted an image of the infraction
with the woman’s head blocked out.

“Why block out her face?” one commenter on Facebook stated. “She
deserves to be seen. It should be part of the penalty.”

Another commenter answered, “That’s how she really looks – she’s
a blockhead.”

Most of the commenters were not kind to the woman, castigating
the actions and saying she deserved being kicked.

Also on FTW Outdoors: ‘Idiot’ nearly takes fatal leap in Bryce
Canyon National Park (video)

“Ridiculous,” one wrote. “Do people think the banks are petting

“What is wrong with people?!?” another wrote. “She would
probably get too close to the bison in Yellowstone too! Glad she
was charged and ticketed!”

The incident occurred last week. Just three weeks before, Cape
Lookout National Seashore posted photo tips on Facebook,
stating, “Taking a photo of our wild horses on Shackleford Banks
should be done with caution. They are wild after all, and they
will take action to protect themselves, their foal or their
mares from what they perceive as dangerous actions by humans.
For this reason, those taking photos should be about one bus
length away from the horses and use a telephoto or zoom lens to
take the picture.”

Well Brandon?
2022-11-20 10:17:24 UTC
In article <OHrgH.362554$***@fx35.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> FedEx is just one of thousands thanks to Democrats.

FedEx FDX –0.07% stock was tumbling after the company doubly
disappointed investors Thursday announcing weak quarterly
results earlier than expected while withdrawing its full-year
financial guidance.

The stock was down more the 12% in after-hours trading after
FedEx (ticker: FDX) said it earned $3.44 a share from $23.2
billion in sales in its fiscal 2023 first quarter which ended in
August. Wall Street was looking for $5.10 in per-share earnings
from $23.5 billion in sales.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-20 10:37:46 UTC
In article <ssvkls$o1uk$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are full of shit and gas. Should be plenty.

California's power crisis is 'nothing less than pure insanity,'
says the director of energy group Power The Future

Natural gas-fired power plants are generating the bulk of
California's electricity amid an ongoing energy crisis despite
the state's aggressive push to phase out fossil fuels.

California has leaned heavily on natural gas this week even as
the state continues to invest in and push renewable power
sources like solar. The California Independent System Operator
(CAISO), the state's grid operator, has issued several "flex
alerts" to consumers in recent days, warning that high
temperatures will lead to increased demand and likely cause
rotating outages.

"This is a man-made energy failure and the blame lies squarely
with President Biden, Gov. Newsom and every other proponent of
this green failure," Daniel Turner, the founder and executive
director of energy group Power The Future, said Wednesday.
"California is the poster child of the green movement and the
state’s struggling families are paying the price."

"Make no mistake, the lights will stay on in the governor’s
mansion, Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but not in working-class
neighborhoods because those who pushed this failure always
unplug from the consequences," he continued.

"California’s power failures are nothing less than pure insanity
that should be shunned, instead President Biden wants to export
them to every state."

On Monday, about 47% of California's electricity was generated
by natural gas while 19% was produced by imports. Just 21% of
electricity generated was produced by renewables, including
solar and wind power.

On Tuesday, more than half of the state's electricity was
provided by natural gas. Imports and renewables each generated
another 18-19% of the power produced.

The trend continued Wednesday with natural gas power far
outpacing other power sources.

Meanwhile, CAISO issued a level three emergency alert Tuesday,
saying the next step to stabilize the grid would be to trigger
controlled power outages. The grid operator also extended its
ongoing flex alert for Wednesday, the eighth consecutive day
with such an alert.

"If needed, ISO could order utilities to begin rotating power
outages to maintain stability of the electric grid," CAISO said
in a press release Tuesday.

"Rotating power outages, or small-scale, contained, controlled
interruptions in power, can help maintain reliability and avoid
cascading blackouts," the release added. "When the ISO
determines that supplies are not sufficient to meet demand, it
can issue an EEA 3, and then if reserves are exhausted, it would
order utilities to begin outages to bring demand back in line
with available supplies."

The last time California utility providers were forced to
implement outages came in August 2020, the first time outages
were ordered in two decades, according to CAISO. The 2020
outages impacted 800,000 homes and businesses.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-20 11:59:01 UTC
In article <ssvklu$o1uk$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln fucked up when he failed to send the black animals back to Africa.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The suspect responsible for causing terror and
fear Wednesday night across the city of Memphis and the Mid-
South has been taken into custody. A detailed live updates of
the events are below. Stay with FOX13 News for the latest.

UPDATE 12:30 A.M.
Memphis Police Chief CJ Davis and other officials spoke Thursday
morning about the detailed events of Wednesday night.

Chief Davis told reporters that suspect Kelly caused at least 8
crime scenes and he killed four people and injuring three more.

Charges are pending against Kelly and are currently unknown at
this time.

UPDATE 9:56 P.M.
Memphis Police confirm that Kelly was connected to a shooting
Wednesday afternoon at an AutoZone on Jackson near Wells.

UPDATE 9:50 P.M.

Court records show that 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly was charged
with first-degree attempted murder due to an incident on
February 3, 2020. He was also charged with aggravated assault,
employment of a firearm with intent to commit a dangerous felony
and reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon.

UPDATE: 9:48 P.M.

MATA resumed services for one final run after 19-year-old
Ezekiel Kelly was captured, following an alleged shooting spree
in Memphis.

UPDATE: 9:30 P.M.

The shelter-in-place order for the city of Memphis has been
lifted now that 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly has been caught,
according to Memphis Police.

UPDATE 9:17 P.M.

Ezekiel Kelly is in custody, according to the DeSoto County
Sheriff’s Office. He was arrested after wrecking near Ivan Road
and Hodges Road.

UPDATE 9:15 P.M.

According to the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office, Kelly carjacked
a Dodge Challenger in Southaven and wrecked out in Whitehaven
near Ivan Road and Hodge Road.

He was trapped in the car as of 9:15 p.m.

Multiple law enforcement agencies are in the area.

UPDATE 9:11 P.M.

Memphis Police said that everybody in the area of Whitehaven,
especially at Ivan Road and Hodge Road, to shelter in place and
stay indoors.

UPDATE 9:06 P.M.

According to the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office, 19-year-old
Ezekiel Kelly was spotted near the area of I-55 and Stateline
Road but was back in Memphis as of 9:05 p.m.

UPDATE 8:49 P.M.

Memphis Police said 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly is currently in a
grey Toyota with an Arkansas tag AEV63K. If you see this car,
call 911 immediately.

UPDATE 8:40 P.M.

The Delta Fair was placed on lockdown due to the shooting spree
in Memphis, the fair’s public information officer told FOX13.

The fair was reopened a short time later with Shelby County
Sheriff’s deputies on the scene and people were allowed to leave.

Memphis Police said that 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly is the person
responsible for shooting multiple people across the city.

UPDATE 8:34 P.M.

MATA trolley and bus services have been halted indefinitely out
of an abundance of caution.

“In lieu of the current danger announced by the Memphis Police
Department regarding an active shooter in the Memphis area.
MATA’s trolley and bus services are being suspended
indefinitely. MATA leaders are acting in an abundance of caution
and care for the safety of its drivers and riders,” a press
release from MATA said.

UPDATE: 8:28 P.M.

Memphis Police have identified the alleged shooter as 19-year-
old Ezekiel Kelly.

(Memphis Police Department)
UPDATE 8:20 P.M.

The University of Memphis has been on lockdown. Shots were fired
in the area of Patterson and Southern, according to a safety
alert from the school.

All doors at the University have been locked for general safety.

UPDATE 7:57 P.M.

The man claims to have shot five people in a Facebook Live video
seen by FOX13.

In that video, the man appears to walk into an AutoZone store,
aim a gun at a man and pull the trigger.

Memphis Police said the 19-year-old man responsible for multiple
shootings is in a grey SUV.

Police said the man is still at large and urged everybody to
stay indoors.

UPDATE: 7:55 P.M.

The City of Memphis issued a statement at 7:55 p.m.

“If you do not need to be out, please stay home!” the city

UPDATE: 7:52 P.M.

It’s unknown how many shootings this man is connected to at this
time, but there have been at least three shootings reported
today by Memphis Police.

A 24-year-old man was killed on Lyndale Avenue at 12:56 a.m.

A man was shot and killed at a BP gas station on East Parkway at
4:35 p.m., according to police.

A woman was shot just one minute later on Norris Road and
critically injured, police said.

UPDATE 7:36 P.M.

Memphis Police said the 19-year-old man wanted for multiple
shootings in the city is now believed to be in a grey Toyota SUV.

(Memphis Police Department)

An armed and dangerous man is going around Memphis shooting
people, according to Memphis Police.

Police said this is the 19-year-old man responsible for the
shooting spree in Memphis on Wednesday, September 7.

(Memphis Police Department)

At least two shootings had been reported in Memphis as of 7
p.m., a deadly shooting at a BP gas station on South Parkway and
a woman who was critically injured after being shot on Norris
Road near I-240.

Memphis Police tweeted around 7 p.m. alerting the public.

The man is allegedly driving a blue or silver Infiniti car and
recording himself shooting people on Facebook live, police said.

Police do not have any exact location for this man at this time.

Memphis Police said that the Infiniti he is in reportedly has a
red dealer tag and a rear window busted out.

If you have any information who this man is or where he may be,
call 911 immediately.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-20 12:24:26 UTC
In article <s9grfr$11vj$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Of course they will protect the wild animals at your expense.

The Texas board that had unanimously supported a posthumous
pardon for George Floyd over a 2004 drug arrest—then abruptly
yanked that support several months later—on Thursday denied
Floyd that clemency. In a letter first reported by an
investigative journalist with The Marshall Project, the Texas
Board of Pardons and Paroles told Allison Mathis, the Harris
County public defender representing Floyd in the matter, he
would be “eligible to re-apply for a Full Pardon two years” from
now. The letter did not name Floyd, but Mathis confirmed to The
Marshall Project it was addressing Floyd’s case. Floyd’s 2004
conviction involved embattled Houston police officer Gerald
Goines, who has been indicted for fabricating information in his
cases, and was hit with murder charges in 2019 after a botched
raid turned deadly. In October 2021, the board voted to
recommend Floyd for a pardon, only for it to rescind its
recommendation in December, after kicking the decision to Gov.
Greg Abbott’s office. The board blamed “procedural errors” for
the reversal, but Mathis slammed it as a “ridiculous farce.”

Fred J McCall
2022-11-20 20:32:09 UTC
In article <ssvklu$o1uk$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are full of shit and gas. Should be plenty.

Several counties have experienced blackouts prompting Gov Newsom
to call for power cuts

Environmental Progress founder Michael Shellenberger issued a
warning about the dangers California may see what with several
counties enduring blackouts and the state facing electricity
shortages. On "America Reports," Wednesday, Shellenberger argued
California's leadership was operating out of "incompetence piled
on ideology," as electricity shortages come following Governor
Gavin Newsom's electric vehicle push.


MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER: The message that gets sent when you're on
the verge of blackouts, when you have electricity shortages, is
that you better not buy an electric car if you want to get to
work or go to the grocery store. This is very serious. People
die during blackouts. You don't have enough of air conditioning.
You have potential catastrophic failures of essential parts of
the electrical grid. So we're dealing with sort of incompetence
piled on ideology here in California. It's really like a
developing economy here where you don't have reliable
electricity. The cost of electricity in California went up seven
times more than they did in the rest of the United States over
the last decade. And yet they still can't maintain our power
grid. So it's a very dire situation. It's very serious. And I
think the most disturbing part of it is that California has been
held up as the model for the rest of the United States by
President Biden.


2022-11-21 07:32:52 UTC
In article <so3gu9$ek1$***@news.dns-netz.com>
sock-***@gmail.com wrote:
> Elon Musk certainly turned the screws on these lefty assholes.

Lawyers for Elon Musk mentioned a $7 million payment to Pieter
Zatko, Twitter’s former top security executive, in a court
hearing this week.

Twitter reached a $7 million settlement with its former top
security executive, Pieter Zatko, in June, after he was fired
from the company and had raised concerns about its security

Lawyers for Elon Musk, who is trying to back out of a $44
billion deal to buy Twitter, disclosed the settlement during a
court hearing on Tuesday. During the hearing, Mr. Musk’s lawyers
successfully argued that Mr. Zatko’s accusations that Twitter
had misrepresented its security practices be included in the
case over the deal.

“They’re paying the guy $7 million and making sure he’s quiet,”
Alex Spiro, an attorney for Mr. Musk, said during the hearing.

On Wednesday, a judge ruled that Mr. Musk could discuss the
security problems raised by Mr. Zatko during an October trial
over the deal in Delaware Chancery Court. The trial will
determine whether Mr. Musk must proceed with his bid to buy the
social media company.

A spokeswoman for Twitter and a lawyer for Mr. Zatko declined to
comment. Details of the settlement were earlier reported by The
Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Zatko has told regulators in a whistle-blower report in July
that Twitter misled them and the public about its security by
misrepresenting how it fights spam and hackers. That violated a
2011 agreement that Twitter had struck with the Federal Trade
Commission, which had barred the company from misleading users
about its security and privacy measures, he contended.

Mr. Zatko also suggested that Twitter had lied to Mr. Musk about
how it measures the number of inauthentic accounts on its
platform. The complaint dovetailed with Mr. Musk’s assertions
that Twitter has not been truthful about the number of bots and
spam accounts on its service, which the billionaire has cited as
a reason to back out of the acquisition.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 07:48:08 UTC
In article <so1jsl$du4$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Who says Democrats are not corrupt?

While in private practice, federal magistrate judge Bruce
Reinhart had previously represented some of Epstein's employees
who had also been accused of facilitating sex trafficking.
Ethnic Defects
2022-11-21 08:08:18 UTC
In article <smepho$8cs$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> And they say blacks are civilized.

A university professor wished Queen Elizabeth II an
“excruciating” death — and she was promptly slammed by Amazon
founder Jeff Bezos.

“I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire
is finally dying,” Uju Anya, an associate professor of second
language acquisition at Carnegie Mellon University, wrote in a
tweet on Thursday. “May her pain be excruciating.”

The world’s third-richest man then quoted Anya’s tweet and
wrote: “This is someone supposedly working to make the world

“I don’t think so,” Bezos added. “Wow.”

The back-and-forth came as the 96-year-old monarch was under
medical supervision at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, and less
than an hour before Buckingham Palace officially announced that
Queen Elizabeth had died at 96.

In followups to her initial post elsewhere, the Carnegie Mellon
professor defended her tweet in explicit terms.

After one Twitter user wrote “Ewww you stink,” Anya responded:
“You mean like your p-ssy?”

Anya also doubled down in a response to Bezos posted just
minutes after Elizabeth’s death was confirmed, writing: “May
everyone you and your merciless greed have harmed in this world
remember you as fondly as I remember my colonizers.”

Twitter later took down Anya’s initial tweet for violating its
rules, which bar “wishing or hoping that someone experiences
physical harm.”

Anya and Carnegie Mellon did not immediately respond to requests
for comment.

When another user asked why she would wish Elizabeth dead, the
professor wrote: “I’m not wishing her dead. She’s dying already.
I’m wishing her an agonizingly painful death like the one she
caused for millions of people.”

“If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the
monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide
that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences
of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can
keep wishing upon a star,” Anya added.

According to an interview with Anya that Carnegie Mellon
published in January, the linguistics professor was born in
Nigeria, a British colony until 1960. She moved to the US when
she was 10 and attended Dartmouth College, Brown University and
the University of California, Los Angeles.

“Because of systemic exclusion, my voice is unique and
foundational in the field,” Anya said in the Carnegie Mellon
interview. “I am the main scholar looking at race and
experiences of Blackness in language learning and one of the few
who examine language education from a social justice

Bezos did not immediately respond to Anya’s reply, instead
posting a separate tweet to memorialize the Queen, writing, “I
can think of no one who better personified duty. My deepest
condolences to all the Brits mourning her passing today.”

Bezos’ defense of the Queen followed a July visit he paid to
Buckingham Palace, where the Sun reported he and his family
admired the royal family’s collection of jewels and artwork.

“The Bezos visit is already jokingly being nicknamed a ‘shopping
trip’ by Palace staff,” a Buckingham Palace source dished to the
newspaper. “He showed a particular interest in the Throne Room
and Ballroom.”

Bezos did not meet with members of the royal family, instead
dining with Tom Cruise at a restaurant in the tony Mayfair
neighborhood after his visit, according to the Sun.

The Washington Post owner has become more active on Twitter in
recent months, using the site to take jabs at the Biden
Administration and Elon Musk, as well as reminisce about his
first job at McDonalds.


6 hours ago

Elizabeth was crowned as queen in 1953, and Nigeria gained its
independence in 1960. If anything, Elizabeth may have helped,
not hindered their independence.

Benita Slaeker
3 hours ago

They don't care about the truth. It's all 'liberation theology'
and crass, negative wokeism all the time. I hope this 'educated'
person gains insight into what she has become and that will be
excruciating to endure, yet motivating for change.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 08:43:21 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Global warming is bullshit.

Outspoken about the "existential" threat posed by climate change
when he was Prince of Wales, King Charles III on Friday seemed
to signal an effective end to his decades-long public advocacy
for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, which are warming global

In his first speech as king, Charles pledged to uphold the
constitutional principles that kept the sovereign, including his
late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, from weighing in on what could
be seen as political matters.

"My life will of course change as I take up my new
responsibilities," Charles said in his videotaped speech. "It
will no longer be possible to give so much of my time and
energies to the charities and issues for which I cared so
deeply, but I know this important work will go on in the trusted
hands of others."

For more than 40 years, Charles had championed environmental
causes, including the need to transition the global economy off
of fossil fuels so as to avert a climate catastrophe. In
November, at the start of COP 26, the United Nations climate
change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Charles said climate
change was an "existential threat to the extent that we have to
put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing" and
called on world governments to begin "radically transforming our
current fossil fuel based economy to one that is genuinely
renewable and sustainable."

Three months later, however, Russia launched its own war on
Ukraine, disrupting oil and gas supplies for Europe and the U.K.
in the process and throwing the British government's pledge of
reaching net zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 into doubt.

With Russia cutting off deliveries of natural gas, the continent
is bracing for an energy crisis that will send energy prices
skyrocketing during the cold winter months and cause governments
to resume oil exploration and using coal at a time when climate
scientists have warned that mankind needs to immediately
transition to renewable sources of energy or face dire
consequences such as those witnessed this summer in places like
Pakistan, the Horn of Africa, Europe and the American West.

On Thursday, newly appointed Prime Minister Liz Truss announced
measures to try to blunt the impact of skyrocketing energy
prices over the coming months, including lifting a ban on
hydraulic fracking and green-lighting new oil and gas drilling
in the North Sea. She has also appointed Jacob Rees-Mogg, who
environmental activists call a climate science denier, to
oversee the country's energy sector.

In 2020, Charles addressed the World Economic Forum, calling for
"a shift in our economic model that places nature and the
world's transition to net zero at the heart of how we operate."

Needless to say, a continued reliance on oil was not exactly
what Charles had in mind. The king, being a symbolic figure who
is not elected, has no control over the government's policies,

Truss also named Ranil Jayawardena, who has spoken out against
the installation of solar farms on agricultural land, as
environment secretary.

Over the years, Charles has been a champion of solar power,
winning approval in 2021 to install panels atop London's
Clarence House, his former residence, and praising India's
expansion of solar capacity.

Charles had delivered countless speeches on addressing climate
change, written books on the topic and had made the issue
central to his role as Prince of Wales. That decision also
earned him ample criticism from those who saw his activism as
overstepping the bounds of the monarchy.

In his Friday speech, the new king did not mention the words
"climate change," and that, in and of itself, spoke volumes.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 08:58:22 UTC
In article <smeplq$8cs$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> That's bullshit. They already know what they have. 48 empty folders and nuclear
> crap found on any serious internet website.

Get your classified document picture here.


Washington —The Justice Department filed notice Thursday that it
is appealing a Florida federal court's ruling that appointed a
special master, or an independent third party, to review the
documents seized by federal law enforcement at former President
Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.

Judge Aileen Cannon, appointed to the bench by Trump in 2020,
ruled Monday that the federal investigators probing whether
Trump mishandled classified documents were to stop using the
seized documents in their criminal probe, pending the review of
a special master.

The Justice Department also asked Cannon to partially lift her
own ruling so that investigators can continue reviewing the 103
most sensitive documents seized from Mar-a-Lago that contained
classified markings, including TOP SECRET, the highest
classification level.

Trump and his attorneys have until Monday morning to respond to
the request to resume investigating the documents.

The Justice Department's appeal will be considered by the 11th
Circuit Court of Appeals.

In her 24-page ruling earlier this week, Cannon sided with
Trump's legal team that the independent review was necessary and
wrote that a special master would analyze "potentially
privileged material subject to claims of attorney-client and/or
executive privilege." The ruling did allow the Office of the
Director of National Intelligence its examination of potential
national security risks posed by the seized record, even when
criminal investigators were barred from accessing them.

Cannon's order was largely criticized by many in the legal
community, including Trump's former Attorney General William

Trump, the judge wrote, faces "unequitable potential harm by way
of improper disclosure of sensitive information to the public,"
and a special master, Cannon reasoned, could work to mitigate
that potential damage.

But in Thursday's motion, which highlighted its concerns in
detail, the Justice Department argued the contrary; that halting
their investigation posed grave harm to national security and
the intelligence review of the records could not be effectively
performed without the involvement of criminal investigators. The
investigation and the public at large, prosecutors wrote, could
be "irreparably injured" by the pause.

"The ongoing Intelligence Community ("IC") classification review
and assessment are closely interconnected with—and cannot be
readily separated from—areas of inquiry of DOJ's and the FBI's
ongoing criminal investigation," the Justice Department's filing
on Thursday said, adding it would be "exceedingly difficult to
bifurcate the FBI personnel working on the criminal
investigation from those working in conjunction with other
departments or agencies in the IC."

Thursday's filing also revealed the 103 documents with
classified markings were already separated from the remaining
thousands of seized records and that the Intelligence Community
had actually paused their analysis of the documents due to
"uncertainty" caused by Cannon's Monday order.

In his lawsuit, Trump alleged the Justice Department's search
warrant that prompted the Aug. 8 search was "overbroad" and that
investigators took "presumptively privileged" information.
Cannon's opinion earlier this week indicated she thought this
claim warranted further review.

Prosecutors have staunchly opposed that characterization and
implemented a filter team to do its own review of the material.
And on Thursday, they argued the special master review should
not apply to the records with classified markings because such
documents explicitly belonged to the government and not Trump.

"There is no justification for extending the injunction and
special-master review to the classified records. The
classification markings establish on the face of the documents
that they are government records, not Plaintiff's personal

Investigators are examining allegations that documents with
classified markings were mishandled when they were transferred
from Trump's White House to his Mar-a-Lago residence after the
presidential transition in 2021. In three separate instances
earlier this year that culminated in the August 8 search, the
National Archives and the FBI recovered troves of documents from
the Florida resort. They are also probing whether Trump or his
team obstructed the investigation by not properly responding to
a grand jury subpoena, which prosecutors reiterated in their
motion on Thursday.

Trump's request for a special master came two weeks after the
FBI took 33 items from a storage room on the property and the
former president's office. More than 100 documents with
classification markings were found in 13 boxes or containers,
while three documents with "confidential" and "secret"
classification markings were taken from desks in Trump's office
at Mar-a-Lago, the Justice Department revealed in past filings.

The FBI also found 48 empty folders with "classified" banners
alongside newspaper and magazine articles, books and pieces of
clothing kept in boxes or containers retrieved from the storage

Both the classified documents and the empty folders, prosecutors
wrote Thursday, pose potential risks to national security that
warrant continuing the investigation.

"The FBI would be chiefly responsible for investigating what
materials may have once been stored in these folders and whether
they may have been lost or compromised—steps that, again, may
require the use of grand jury subpoenas, search warrants, and
other criminal investigative tools and could lead to evidence
that would also be highly relevant to advancing the criminal
investigation," they argued.

To underscore the urgency of their request, the Justice
Department notably included a declaration written by Alan
Kohler, the FBI's Assistant Director for the Counterintelligence

"The FBI must be able to access the evidence, duplicate it,
discern the appropriate [intelligence community] agency…to which
it should be provided," Kohler wrote. The declaration carries a
penalty of perjury.

Cannon ordered Monday that the Justice Department and Trump's
legal team submit potential candidates for the role of special
master by Friday.

Trump, who has denied wrongdoing, reacted on social media to the
Justice Department's response, calling investigators "leakers"
and praising Cannon's initial ruling, calling her "brilliant"
and "courageous."

The judge noted in her ruling that the FBI's filter team found
medical and tax documents in the seized records and revealed
that in two instances, potentially privileged information made
its way through the filter and into the hands of investigators.
The Justice Department has since asked the court to unseal a
report prepared by the filter team.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 09:23:25 UTC
In article <smf9o0$att$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are fascists.

There is only one word to describe Democrats' recently unveiled
strategy for the midterm elections: weird. It's incredibly weird
to falsely label all supporters of Donald Trump as fascists and
terrorists. It's weirder still to believe insulting people will
somehow convince them to vote for you.

President Joe Biden made the strategy abundantly clear last week
when he excoriated all conservatives as terrorists in his
Philadelphia speech, shaking his fists while illuminated in red
as if standing at the gates of hell, yelling at anyone who
disagrees with him that they are evil. "Anyone who calls for the
use of violence and refuses to acknowledge an election has been
won," Biden intoned last week, "that is a threat to democracy."

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), a member of the U.S. House's Jan. 6
select committee, echoed Biden's slanderous accusations,
claiming, "Two of the hallmarks of a fascist political party
are, one, they don't accept the results of elections that don't
go their way, and two, they embrace political violence. And I
think that's why President Biden was right to sound the alarm
this week."

This follows White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's
confirmation that the Biden administration views "MAGA
Republicans" as fascists.

Do Democrats really think they can win the midterm elections
this way? People across the United States are suffering from
inflation, high gas prices, a humanitarian crisis at the
southern border, rampant violent crimes in cities across the
country, critical race theory indoctrination in schools, and
radical gender theories targeting vulnerable children.

But Biden calls half the country fascist terrorists? That is a
wild political miscalculation.

This insane strategy also raises the obvious question: If we
accept Raskin's definition of the two key elements of fascism as
refusing to accept the results of elections that don't go one's
way and embracing political violence, which party in the United
States is the more "fascist" of the two?

Consider that on January 6, 2017, Raskin himself objected to the
certification of the 2016 presidential election. Raskin refused
to accept the outcome, then, of the presidential election that
didn't go his way—because Trump won.

What's more, following her 2016 loss to Donald Trump, Hillary
Clinton herself claimed, "You can run the best campaign, you can
even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen
from you."

Kamala Harris, during an appearance on "The Breakfast Club"
prior to the 2020 election, agreed that Trump was an
illegitimate president. On the campaign trail in 2020—seemingly
the one time he actually left his basement—Biden likewise
claimed Trump was an illegitimate president.

If we're playing by the rules of the Left, the Democratic Party
has embraced the first element of fascism. The second element,
according to Raskin, is embracing political violence. Um, which
party does that?

Ask denizens of Minneapolis, Louisville, Charlotte, D.C.,
Kenosha, Seattle, Atlanta, Portland, and countless other
neighborhoods and cities destroyed during the summer of 2020.
They were ravaged by Black Lives Matter riots and Antifa thugs
who were rioting in pursuit of their Marxist political agenda.
Recall too that then-vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris
tweeted, at the time, a call to raise funds to bail rioters out
of jail. So if we're playing by the rules of the Left, the
Democratic Party has embraced the second element of fascism, too.

Notwithstanding the hypocrisy, Democrats' midterm strategy
remains clear: Falsely accuse all Republicans of being fascists.
The question is: why?

The answer lies in the details surrounding the FBI's raid of Mar-
a-Lago last month that you won't hear from the mainstream media.
As gleaned from a court filing from 2021 from Judge Tanya
Chutkan, it seems the FBI raid was predicated not upon allegedly
classified documents housed improperly at Mar-a-Lago, but upon
the then-embryonic Jan. 6 select committee's desire to fish for
evidence to bolster its false allegation that Trump coordinated
the Capitol riot.

This is the Democrats' long game. The reason for the Democrats'
seemingly bizarre midterm elections strategy, then, isn't 2022;
it's 2024 and beyond. The Left wants to criminalize Trump, so he
can't run in 2024, by criminalizing his criticism of the
integrity of the 2020 presidential election. The Left can
therefore kill two birds with one stone. If the Left succeeds in
criminalizing Trump's speech, it can criminalize any speech
questioning the integrity of an election. And if leftists
criminalize your speech, they will successfully criminalize any
criticism of their own corruption. If they criminalize your
speech exposing their corruption, they will cement for
themselves power in perpetuity.

By preemptively labeling every conservative a fascist and
terrorist, Democrats are therefore conditioning the American
people for what comes next after they indict Trump following the
midterm elections. It won't be pretty.

Liz Wheeler is host of "The Liz Wheeler Show."

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-21 09:43:27 UTC
In article <sn19k8$q55$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> White women taking up with blacks wind up beaten or dead.

Former NFL player Kevin Ware Jr. allegedly burned his
girlfriend’s body after killing her, prosecutors said Wednesday.

The gruesome details of the murder of Taylor Pomaski were
revealed in court documents as Ware was transferred to Houston’s
Harris County jail to face charges in her murder, according to
Click 2 Houston.

Ware, 42, was charged after the remains of Pomaski, 29, were
found in Harris County in December. She had been missing for
seven months after reportedly last being seen fighting with Ware
at a party they were hosting.

Court documents filed Wednesday allege Ware burned her body
after killing her. He is charged with murder and tampering with
evidence — specifically the corpse — and faces up to life in
prison if convicted.

Ware was reportedly being held north of Houston on unrelated
drug and gun charges stemming from a 2019 arrest when he was
allegedly busted with a loaded AK-47 and large amounts of
cocaine and marijuana along with methamphetamine, according to
the Montgomery County Police Reporter.

The one-time tight end had a brief career in the NFL nearly 20
years ago, playing short stints in Washington and San Francisco
in 2003 and 2004.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-21 12:58:48 UTC
In article <smerlv$dbp$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Of course they will protect the wild animals at your expense.

A California man was arrested for murder Thursday after he
allegedly cut off a woman’s head with a sword, authorities said.

Deputies from the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office found the
victim dead at around 11:50 a.m. in San Carlos after being
flagged down by a witness, law enforcement sources told KNTV.

Her head had been chopped off by a sword, the sources told the
local outlet.

The suspect — whose name wasn’t immediately released — knew the
victim, but their exact relationship wasn’t clear, the report

He was taken into custody after he returned to the scene.

San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Eamonn Allen said during
an afternoon media briefing that a “stabbing instrument” had
been used, without specifying what kind, according to the
outlet. He did not provide additional details.

“Anytime someone loses their life, it’s certainly a tragedy,”
Allen told reporters at a press conference. “As far as the
shocking nature of it, I do know that the deputies that first
arrived on scene were a little beset by the scene. We are
providing them peer support. We are also providing support for
the witnesses that were on scene as well because there were
several civilian witnesses.”

Authorities said the incident seems to be isolated and that
there is no threat to the community.

San Carlos is about halfway between San Francisco and San Jose.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-21 13:53:55 UTC
In article <smern1$dbp$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lay down with animals...

ABERDEEN, Scotland (Reuters) -Just before boarding a flight at
Aberdeen on Friday, the morning after the death of his
grandmother Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry put his arm around the
shoulder of an airport worker who had expressed her sympathy
while accompanying him across the tarmac.

It was a moment of warmth and informality characteristic of
Harry, whose approachable persona long made him one of the most
popular royals - until his decision to step back from royal
duties caused a breach in the family that is far from resolved.

Harry was the last to arrive at Balmoral Castle on Thursday, as
the queen's closest relatives rushed to be with her in her final
hours, and the first to depart on Friday, reflecting the fact
that he is no longer part of the family's inner circle.

In happier times, Harry and his grandmother enjoyed a close,
playful rapport, glimpsed by the wider public in 2016 when they
appeared together in a comic video, reacting to a mic drop taunt
from Barack and Michelle Obama ahead of the Invictus Games, a
competition for disabled veterans which Harry has promoted.

But it was pure coincidence that Harry was in Britain when
Elizabeth died, and prior to her demise there were no plans
announced for him to see his family during his visit from the
United States, where he lives with his American wife Meghan.

With the matriarch gone, family dynamics are bound to evolve,
and as the pomp and ceremony of Elizabeth's funeral unfold
observers will be watching closely for signs of detente.

How the royals deal with Harry, Meghan and their children will
be a key theme of the post-Elizabeth era - one of the family
dramas that have made the House of Windsor an enduring object of
global fascination.

The new King Charles signalled a desire for a thaw in relations
during his first speech as sovereign on Friday.

"I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they
continue to build their lives overseas," he said.

Under royal rules, the monarch's grandchildren automatically
become princes or princesses of the realm, so now that Harry's
father Charles is king, his children, Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1,
receive those lofty titles. Lilibet was named after the queen's
childhood nickname.

But that novelty alone is unlikely to restore harmony in Harry's
relationships with Charles or with elder brother Prince William,
now the heir to the throne.

The brothers were close for many years after the death of their
mother Diana in a car crash in 1997, when William was 15 and
Harry was 12, but their bond has been strained since Harry and
Meghan began distancing themselves in January 2020.


Initially, the couple said they planned to balance their time
between Britain and the United States and carve out "a
progressive new role" within the monarchy.

But their plan did not wash with Elizabeth, Charles or William,
who ruled that there was no space in the Firm, as the royal
family is sometimes called, for part-timers.

Instead, the couple moved full-time to California and, after a
12-month review period, relinquished their royal patronages and
permanently left the exclusive club of those addressed as "Your
Royal Highness".

In March 2021, they gave a bombshell interview to Oprah Winfrey
during which Meghan said her unhappiness during her time as a
working royal had pushed her to the brink of suicide.

She also said there had been "concerns and conversations" within
the family when she was pregnant with Archie about what colour
the baby's skin would be. Meghan's mother is Black and her
father is white.

The interview, aired on CBS in a blaze of global publicity,
generated acres of newsprint but only a terse statement from
Buckingham Palace which said icily that "some recollections may
vary" though the issues raised were "concerning".

Since then, Harry and Meghan have engaged in projects such as
podcasts and TV programmes, while suing British tabloids, some
of which have kept up a constant barrage of anti-Meghan stories.

Publisher Penguin Random House announced in July 2021 that Harry
was working on an "intimate and heartfelt" book about his life,
to be published in late 2022 -- sending shivers of dread down
royal spines in London.

Depending on its contents, and crucially on the reaction from
his father and brother, the publication of Harry's book could
prove to be either a moment of healing or another grievance for
the two sides to hold against each other.

(Reporting by Phil Noble in Aberdeen and Estelle Shirbon in
London; Editing by Alison Williams and Rosalba O'Brien)

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 14:19:53 UTC
In article <so3gud$ek1$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Global warming is bullshit.

editor—The apocalyptic tone that Smith adopted in relation to
the environment bears little relation to reality.1 In his
editorial Smith asserts, “virtually all scientists agree that
global warming is happening.” Global warming is now joining the
list of “what everyone knows.”

Whether most scientists outside climatology believe that global
warming is happening is less relevant than whether the
climatologists do. A letter signed by over 50 leading members of
the American Meteorological Society warned about the policies
promoted by environmental pressure groups. “The policy
initiatives derive from highly uncertain scientific theories.
They are based on the unsupported assumption that catastrophic
global warming follows from the burning of fossil fuel and
requires immediate action. We do not agree.”2 Those who have
signed the letter represent the overwhelming majority of climate
change scientists in the United States, of whom there are about
60. McMichael and Haines quote the 1995 report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is
widely believed to “prove” that climate change induced by humans
has occurred.3 The original draft document did not say this.
What happened was that the policymakers’ summary (which became
the “take home message” for politicians) altered the conclusions
of the scientists. This led Dr Frederick Seitz, former head of
the United States National Academy of Sciences, to write, “In
more than sixty years as a member of the American scientific
community ... I have never witnessed a more disturbing
corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led
to this IPCC report.”4

Policymaking should be guided by proved fact, not speculation.
Most members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
believe that current climate models do not accurately portray
the atmosphere-ocean system. Measurements made by means of
satellites show no global warming but a cooling of 0.13°C
between 1979 and 1994.5 Furthermore, since the theory of global
warming assumes maximum warming at the poles, why have average
temperatures in the Arctic dropped by 0.88°C over the past 50

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-21 14:50:42 UTC
In article <so3gua$ek1$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lay down with animals...

Prince Harry did not make it to Balmoral in time to see his late
grandmother Queen Elizabeth II Thursday before she died.

The Post has learned that Harry is now at the Scottish castle
without his wife, Meghan Markle, but did not get to say a final
goodbye. It appears much of his family also didn’t make it in

The Duchess of Sussex’s reps had previously said she would be
heading to Scotland with her husband to see the late Queen, but
later said plans changed because of the “fluid” situation.

Insiders emphasized there was nothing nefarious in her decision
to not go to Balmoral.

She and Harry were already in the UK, staying at their old home,
Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, when news broke of the Queen’s

Prince William was seen behind the wheel of an official Range
Rover arriving at the Queen’s Balmoral estate Thursday
afternoon, along with his disgraced uncle Prince Andrew. It
appears they also did not arrive early enough to say goodbye to
the Queen.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-21 15:31:24 UTC
In article <snuems$r12$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Only stupid Democrats would run under a tree in a thunderstorm.

The tall, leafy tree had been a source of shade and comfort to
Amber Escudero-Kontostathis all day long.

In a heat of about 90 degrees, she spent hours recruiting
tourists in front of the White House for donations to help
refugees in Ukraine, her family said. As she finished her shift
last Thursday, a storm came over her head, thickening with
clouds, rain and thunder.

That Thursday happened to be her 28th birthday, her family said.
So while Amber waited for her husband to collect her for a
celebratory dinner, she again took shelter by the same tree,
with three others huddled under the outstretched branches,
according to her family and authorities.

Three dead after lightning strike near White House on Thursday

One was Brooks Lambertson, a young and up-and-coming vice
president of a bank from Los Angeles. There were Donna Mueller,
75, a retired teacher, and her husband James Mueller, 76, who
came from Wisconsin to Washington to celebrate their 56th
wedding anniversary. And there was Amber, a young woman from
California whose travels in the Middle East to teach English had
sparked a desire. to help those affected by war and poverty in
that region.

She strangers were taken to that precise spot on the east side
of Lafayette Square for a variety of reasons, at that precise
moment—business, vacation, a passion to help.

Just before 7 p.m., it was in that place – under a leafy tree
about 100 feet from a statue of President Andrew Jackson – who
struck lightning.

Experts would later strike in the area as six individual
electric pulses reaching the same point in half a second. If the
electricity hit the tree first, experts said, it would have sent
hundreds of millions of volts through the tree before getting
into the bodies of those gathered beneath it.

“It shook the whole area,” an eyewitness later said. “Literally
like a bomb went off, that’s what it sounded like.”

The hit left all four badly injured. The Secret Service and U.S.
Park Police — who keep the park in front of the White House
under constant patrol — rushed to the rescue.

On Friday morning, police announced that the elderly Wisconsin
couple had died. Later that night, the Los Angeles banker also
died, police said.

Amber would be the only survivor.

What happens when lightning strikes – and how do you stay safe?

The lightning strike stopped Amber’s heart, her brother Robert
F. Escudero said. Two nurses, who visited the White House on
vacation and saw Secret Service running to help, immediately
began CPR and managed to restore her heartbeat, he said.

The lightning strike left her unable to walk and caused severe
burns to the left side of her body and arm, her family said.
That’s the side her bag was on, with the iPad she used to
register people for refugee donations.

Her parents rushed to Washington from California, and her mother
has documented her struggle to recover on Facebook. The
lightning struck Amber initially had trouble breathing, wrote
her mother, Julie Escudero. But by Friday, nurses were able to
get her off the ventilator.

The lightning also damaged her short-term memory. She was scared
and confused about what had happened to her. “We definitely
don’t want her to remember the incident now,” her mother wrote
on Facebook. But every time she wakes up, her mother writes,
asks what happened to her, will she die and will she be able to
walk? Her family said she is particularly concerned about her
work raising money for refugees.

She had studied international studies at university and had
traveled to Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, according to
her brother and her work profile. She taught English in Jordan
for a year and soon after began raising money for non-profit
organizations. She started working in Washington last year for a
group called Threshold Giving, focusing primarily on fundraising
for the International Rescue Committee, a global aid

“The first thing she told me when we FaceTimed was, ‘I have to
go back to work on Saturday,'” said Robert Escudero. ‘She is
concerned about raising money for the refugee children. She
asked me, ‘Who gets the money for them if I’m not there?’”

A friend started a GoFundMe page to raise money for her medical
bills. So her brother said he promised Amber that he would work
with Threshold Giving in the coming days to also create a way
for people learning about her survival story to donate to

The only thing her family hasn’t discussed with her yet is the
fate of the others who were with her under the tree that night.

“She’s starting to realize there were others and she wants to
know how they are doing and what she did wrong,” her mother said
in a Facebook post on Sunday. “She cares so much about others,
it will be hard for her.”

On Sunday, many signs of the fatal lightning strike were still
visible in Lafayette Square.

One tree showed streaks of charred bark, cracks and a large cut
in the main trunk, where the wood continued to warp like a
bruise. People walking across Lafayette Square stopped by the
tree to stare at the scars.

One of them was Cal Vargas, a childhood friend of Lambertson’s,
who died. He brought a wreath and a bouquet of white flowers to
put at the base of the tree. Vargas and Lambertson had been
friends since kindergarten and grew up together in Folsom,
California, where they shared a passion for sports and the
Sacramento Kings.

“He was a wonderful person,” Vargas said quietly. “He always had
a smile on his face, always looked at the bright side of things.”

Earlier on the on the day the lightning struck, Lambertson, 29,
had arrived in Washington on a business trip from Los Angeles.
He was running out of time for a dinner reservation when the
storm caught him, Vargas said.

In a telephone interview, Lambertson’s father, who did not name
The Washington Post to protect his privacy, said his son was
“probably the best person I know.” He said his son’s kindness,
generosity and humility “were reflected in everything he did, in
all his interactions with people.”

He worked at City National Bank as a vice president managing
sponsorship for the company. He had done marketing for the Los
Angeles Clippers of the NBA, and graduated from California
Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, according to a
statement from the bank.

The elderly Wisconsin couple who also died that day were
celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary, relatives said.

Donna Mueller, 75, and her husband, James Mueller, 76, were high
school sweethearts before getting married. James had owned a
drywall business for decades while his wife worked as a teacher,
according to one of their daughters-in-law, who also spoke on
condition of anonymity to protect her privacy.

The couple lived in Janesville, Wisconsin, about 70 miles west
of Milwaukee, and had five adult children, ten grandchildren,
and four great-grandchildren. “Both would do anything for their
family and friends,” relatives said in a statement.

The chance of someone being killed by lightning is extremely
rare. In the past ten years, only an average of 23 people died
in the United States each year.

Multiple fatalities are even rarer. Before last week’s strike,
the last time three people died in a single incident was more
than 18 years ago on June 27, 2004, when three people in Georgia
were hit under trees in Bedford Dam State Park, said John
Jensenius, a specialist at the National Lightning Security

Because lightning tends to strike high objects, experts warn
that sheltering under a tree during a thunderstorm is very
dangerous. When a tree is hit by the electrical charge, moisture
and sap in the tree readily conducts the electricity and carries
it to the ground around the tree, experts say.

“When lightning strikes a tree, the charge doesn’t penetrate
deep into the ground, but spreads over the ground surface,”
Jensenius said. “That makes the whole area around a tree
dangerous, and anyone standing under or near a tree is

For those and other reasons, Amber’s survival felt miraculous,
her family said. If it hadn’t happened in front of the White
House where Secret Service agents are stationed. If the two
nurses who brought her to life hadn’t been on vacation and seen
what happened.

On Saturday night, Amber was finally able to take a few steps on
her own, her family said. She was due to begin a master’s degree
in international relations at Johns Hopkins University this fall
— the latest step in her work helping refugees and people abroad.

“She is a wonderful, strong-willed person. And she has such a
heart for others,” said her brother. “So the goal now is to get
her walking again by the time classes start in a few weeks.”

Magda Jean-Louis contributed to this report.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-24 10:51:04 UTC
In article <ssdjlj$gthn$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Jews are hypocrits and they don't deny it.

The last thing that you'd expect from a group whose historic
mission is to monitor and fight anti-Semitism would be to
discover that the group is helping to spread woke ideological
indoctrination that grants a permission slip for Jew-hatred.

Yet that is exactly what the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has
been caught doing in a Fox News Digital exposé that uncovered
the fact that the curricula the group gives to schools as part
of its widely popular anti-hate programs includes critical race
theory (CRT) teachings about "white privilege," the need to
address the problems of "whiteness," praise for the anti-Semitic
Women's March group and support for the idea of contemporary
Americans paying reparations to those whose ancestors were
slaves. The curricula also buttresses myths about the 2014
shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri that helped give
birth to the noxious Black Lives Matter movement.

This is shocking not merely because it is one more piece of
evidence that the liberal gaslighting that CRT in the schools is
a figment of the conservative imagination is an obvious lie.
It's also important because due to its adherence to
intersectional myths about Israelis being "white" oppressors of
the "brown" Palestinians who want to destroy the one Jewish
state on the planet and American Jews possessing "white
privilege," CRT legitimizes anti-Semitism—something the ADL
purports to oppose.

Faced with proof that the materials that are distributed in
school districts around the nation as part of its anti-hate
programs are immersed in these woke leftist ideas that
legitimate racialist attitudes linked to Jew-hatred, the ADL was
forced to concede that the Fox report was accurate. A statement
from the group said, "There is content among our curricular
materials that is misaligned with ADL's values and strategy."

Yet the ADL still insisted, "We do not teach Critical Race
Theory. Period." Of course, a look at these curricula shows that
is exactly what they are doing. But the non-apology was an
attempt to pretend that it was all attributable to a simple

Founded in 1913 to address the threat from anti-Semitism in the
wake of the lynching of Leo Frank, an Atlanta Jew who was
wrongly accused of the murder of a non-Jewish girl, the ADL was
long considered the authoritative voice on hate and an important
resource for both Jews and non-Jews.

But in order to believe that what Fox discovered was merely a
one-off blunder, you'd have to ignore what's been happening to
the ADL in the seven years since former Clinton and Obama White
House staffer Jonathan Greenblatt took over as its CEO,
replacing long-time leader Abe Foxman. Greenblatt shifted the
ADL from a non-partisan Jewish defense organization to being
just another left-wing activist group whose priority is helping
the Democratic Party. Rather than being "misaligned" with the
ADL's mission, endorsements of CRT teachings are very much
aligned with the ADL's decision to latch on to radical ideas
about race in order to remain in touch with vogue Democratic

There was the ADL's endorsement of the Black Lives Matter
movement, which had itself endorsed anti-Semitic attacks on the
state of Israel, and its misguided "anti-racist" agenda. The ADL
even embraced veteran race-baiter Al Sharpton, who helped foment
the 1991 Crown Heights pogrom against Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.
It defended two anti-Semitic members of Congress—Reps. Ilhan
Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)—against criticism from
former President Donald Trump largely on the basis that they
were "women of color." Then there was the fact that the ADL's
website had a definition of racism that invoked CRT teachings
about privilege.

The ADL's dubious complicity in Internet censorship with Big
Tech allies like Google and PayPal, ostensibly to educate
against hatred, also wound up promoting extremism rather than
stopping it.

And that's on top of the fact that Greenblatt has allowed the
ADL to become entrenched in partisan politics by involving it in
issues such as the battle to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh. Even worse is the ADL's ongoing campaign to falsely
smear former President Donald Trump as the main reason for the
recent uptick in anti-Semitism or for attacks on Jews, even
though he was the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White
House, took unprecedented action against anti-Semitism on
college campuses, and has closer ties—both in terms of family
and close associates—to the Jewish community than any president
has ever had.

All this speaks to a pattern of behavior that demonstrates the
ADL is mired in leftist ideology and has fully bought into the
Black Lives Matter agenda of "equity," as opposed to genuine
equality. By emphasizing ideas about race and privilege even
though doing so gives a boost to the lies about Israel being an
"apartheid state," this behavior undermines the interests and
security of the very people the ADL was founded to stand up for.

That's a scandal that illustrates how a once-vital group has
betrayed its mission. But it's also an illustration of how woke
ideas like CRT can act as a toxic influence and subvert
institutions, including the federal government itself, to the
point where the institutions become complicit in racism rather
than a bulwark against it.

This saga is more proof that rather than being able to dismiss
the battle against CRT as a tangential conservative-populist
issue, any candidate who wants to be taken seriously as a
defender of basic American values must prioritize the struggle
to root out wokeism from our schools and the rest of society.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of JNS.org, a senior
contributor to The Federalist and a columnist for the New York
Post. Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_tobin.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-24 12:31:16 UTC
In article <ssdjli$gthn$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are hypocrits and they don't deny it.

The following is a lightly edited transcript of remarks made by
Brooke Goldstein during a Newsweek episode of The Debate about
free speech. You can listen to the podcast here:

First, I want to say, my deepest sympathies and compassion for
Mr. Rushdie. I hope that he recovers soon what happened to him
is absolutely horrific.

And I think the ripple effect is obvious. The deterrent effect
on freedom of speech when it comes to criticizing theology —
specifically, Islamist terrorism — because you might get
physically attacked, you might get assaulted, or you might be
murdered. And obviously Salman Rushdie is not the first or the
last person to have had a fatwa against him.

I actually had a fatwa also against me and my camera crew when
we filmed our movie, The Making of A Martyr. For that movie, I
risked my life to expose the recruitment of innocent Muslim
children towards violence to become suicide and homicide bombers
and child soldiers. And we were threatened as well. And not only
that, we were called Islamophobic by Western media.

And you know what occurred to me? If risking your life to raise
awareness about crimes against Muslim children is anti-Muslim,
what then is pro-Muslim? So hypocrisy abound, and obviously the
threats of violence create a situation which really chills open
and free dialogue about theologically motivated terrorism.

Brooke Goldstein is a human rights attorney, the founder and
executive director of The Lawfare Project, and the author of
Lawfare: The War Against Free Speech.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-24 13:06:21 UTC
In article <ssdjlg$gthn$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are hypocrits and they don't deny it.

Earlier this year, British comedian-turned podcaster Russell
Brand interviewed Thomas Frank, the long-standing liberal
defender of American populism. For a man who has spent several
decades imploring liberals to listen to what working-class and
rural America are saying, in this instance, he failed to heed
his own advice. When asked by Brand about the contemporary
American populist movement, as represented by Steve Bannon,
Frank replied,

"In my opinion, there is no such thing as right-wing populism,
there are people who mimic it, and Steve Bannon, Donald Trump,
would be people I would list. But populism is the Jeffersonian
tradition in American life. It is a democratic, left-wing
movement. It's about building a mass movement, a transracial
mass movement of working class people for economic democracy.
That's what it is, that's what it's always been."

With that one statement, Frank brushed off the closest thing our
current moment has to a democratic, transracial, mass movement
of working-class people. He dismissed the only the only serious
counterweight to woke corporate hegemony. He denigrated
contemporary working-class movements that are far closer to the
Wobblies of the early 20th century labor battles than they are
to the Black- or Brownshirts of the dark days of European

Sadly, Frank is not an aberration but an exemplar par excellence
of a type of thinking that's taken hold of the Left, namely,
conflating being Left-wing with moral goodness, to the extent
that anything not Left-wing is a moral evil. Thanks to this line
of thinking, the Left has taken to seeing the actual populist
movements rising up across the globe as a threat—though these
Right-wing populist movements embody a broad coalition of non-
elites advocating for themselves against powerful governments
and corporations—in other words, the very thing that the Left is
supposed to itself embody.

Confronted with Right-inspired populist movements like parents
showing up at school board meetings in Virginia, truckers
protesting in Canada, and Brexit voters in the north of
England—people of all races who simply do not want their basic,
fundamental values transgressed—the Left sees only white
supremacists, fascists, and racists. Even the word "populism" is
more often than not preceded adjectives like "far right" and
"extremist" in mainstream liberal media.

The result is a truly tragic missed opportunity for solidarity
between Left and Right. But it's also proof of how far the Left
has fallen from its mission.

After all, what is a populist if not someone who stands for
fairness for the little guy: a level economic playing field,
financial reform, a scaling back of excessive government power,
and a rejection of absolutist ideologies. These were once Left-
wing values; now, the Left systematically portrays the
grassroots populist movements springing up across the world to
address these issues as white supremacist, far right actors.

This broad brush character assassination has reached the highest
levels of power, as evidenced by President Joe Biden's speech
last week denouncing MAGA Republicans in Philadelphia. The most
chilling thing the President said was not the accusation of
fascism against his political opposition, but rather, his
revealing statement that he can only work with "mainstream
Republicans." Biden wants you to think that he is cutting out
the "semi-fascist" MAGA wing, as he called them a few weeks ago,
but what he's actually doing is cutting out the populist wing.
Biden was essentially saying to any American looking for real
reform: You are my enemy.

That should have alarmed the liberal Left as much as it did the
Right. Yet the Left mostly embraced the speech. Like Thomas
Frank, if you're not Left, you can't possibly be on the side of
the good. Ergo, the thinking goes, you're on the side of

They let themselves get away with this because they don't know
how to listen. Former Bernie Sanders spokesperson Briahna Joy
Gray acknowledged this a few weeks ago, as she patiently tried
to explain in an interview with progressive journalist Cenk
Uygur at The Young Turks that it might be wise for the Left to
recognize a difference between a sworn political adversary—she
mentioned Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green—and the ordinary
men and women who support Green, in case the Left might be able
to win them over. In response, Uygur spent most of the interview
berating Gray, calling her and others like her who are willing
to speak to people on the other side "fake Leftists."

Self-described progressive Uygur and his Young Turks show are
the Left-wing equivalent of the populist Bannon's War Room, a
popular podcast that reaches millions. But Uygur is far less
smart and less effective, in part because unlike Bannon, he has
no cross over appeal. He can barely have a civil discussion with
his own side. Meanwhile, Bannon welcomes onto his show with open
arms prominent left-wing figures like Naomi Wolf.

For the many who feel besieged by insane political rhetoric and
personal attacks, any genuine cross-party discussion feels like
sanity. But now Bannon is facing a host of charges over a border-
wall fundraising scam that Trump pardoned him for—something he
has cast as an attempt to silence him.

Whatever the legal technicalities of this case turn out to be,
for it to come from the same political culture that overlooked
the evidence of Hunter Biden's corruption means that Bannon's
prosecution will simply provide further proof to his fellow
populists that the state is intent on making an enemy out of

It's a pretty amazing thing to see those who dare point out the
uni-party, who hold both Democrats and Republicans responsible
for policies that benefit the only the rich and corporations, be
attacked not by the Right but by the Left.

This tactic prevents a serious, effective, non-partisan, people-
led opposition. And who benefits from that?

Jenny Holland is a former newspaper reporter and speechwriter.
Visit her Substack here.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-24 16:01:40 UTC
In article <sscko3$ggav$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> She's a white progressive liberal Democrat.

Ernest Parker was arrested by the Aurora Police Department on a
domestic violence-related second-degree assault charge, the
Sheriff's Department said.

DENVER — A Denver sheriff's deputy faces several charges after
his girlfriend's leg was broken during an argument at her Aurora
home, an arrest affidavit from the Aurora Police Department says.

Ernest Parker was arrested by APD on charges of domestic
violence-related second-degree assault, and criminal mischief
for damaged property, the department said.

The woman was at her with another person when Parker knocked on
her door and wanted to come inside to talk. She said that she
and Parker had been dating for about two years.

She said she waited for Parker to leave and said her guest
wanted to move his vehicle which was parked in her driveway in
front of the garage. She reported that she opened the garage
door to make sure that Parker had left.

As she closed the door, she said she saw Parker run toward it as
it was closing, the affidavit says. He then used his hands to
hold the door open, which resulted in the door being stuck open,
according to the victim.

She stated that Parker entered the garage and they began to
argue. At one point they moved to the home's sunroom where the
arguing continued, the affidavit says. In that room, the victim
said Parker pushed her with his hands onto a chair.

The victim said they went back to the garage where Parker pushed
her with his hands down to the ground. At that point, the victim
said Parker left out the open garage door and she crawled back
into her home from the garage.

She said she let her guest know she was injured and he took her
to the hospital, where it was determined that she had a fracture
to her left leg.

Investigators spoke with the victim's guest whose story matched
the victims with the exception of what happened in the garage.
He said he stayed in the kitchen of the home and did not witness
the argument.

In a statement to police, Parker said he had knocked on the
victim's door but no one answered. He said he walked to his car
and saw the garage door open and walked toward it. He said he
held it open to enter the garage but said it had been previously
damaged from his girlfriend driving into it. An officer who
responded to the home said he had not noticed any damage on the
door from a collision.

He admitted that he had pushed his girlfriend onto a chair and
said he "pushed her in chest area with both hands" and said she
"sat on the ground." While on the ground, she began "screaming
for help," Parker said.

During the argument, Parker said, his girlfriend slapped him in
the face causing a minor cut to his lip.

The Denver Sheriff's Department immediately put Parker on
investigatory leave, they said. The Office of the Independent
Monitor has been notified and the Public Integrity Division has
opened an investigation.

Parker became a deputy sheriff in 2019 and is assigned to the
Downtown Detention Center, the department said.

He was booked into the Arapahoe County Jail Friday morning.

Fred J McCall
2022-11-24 18:29:56 UTC
In article <ssckng$ggb4$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> She looks like fucking Howdy Doody.

Ugly kids are fair game.

Chelsea Clinton said she didn't think "SNL" jokes about her when
she was young were "funny or OK."

A "Wayne's World" sketch on the show made jokes about Clinton's
appearance when she was 13.

Mike Myers, who plays Wayne, apologized to the Clintons in a
letter in 1993.

Chelsea Clinton said that she didn't believe jokes about her as
a child on shows like "Saturday Night Live" were "funny or OK."

In the first episode of "Gutsy," the eight-episode Apple TV+
series that Chelsea hosts alongside her mother Hillary Clinton,
she reflected on growing up in the spotlight as the child of a
sitting president.

"I had a different experience with comedy in some ways than a
lot of people, because I was made fun of so much as a child, by
people who were professional comics," Chelsea said when asked if
she would ever do stand-up comedy.

She said that comments from conservative pundits like Rush
Limbaugh were easier to brush off because she knew that they had
more to do with her parents than her.

"But when 'SNL' made fun of me, I was like, 'Wow, a group of
adults sat in a room, all decided this was a good idea, nobody
thought maybe we shouldn't make fun of children,'" she said. "I
was like, 'Oh, I just don't think that's funny or OK, so I just
don't think comedy's funny or OK.'"

A "Wayne's World" sketch in a 1992 episode of "Saturday Night
Live" included remarks on then-13-year-old Chelsea's looks, the
Seattle Times reported that year. Mike Myers, who played Wayne,
wrote an apology letter to the Clintons, and "SNL" executive
producer said that after "reflection," if the sketch was
"hurtful" it "wasn't worth it," per the Seattle Times. The joke
was cut from subsequent reruns of the sketch.


In a 1993 interview with People, Bill Clinton said that "you
gotta be pretty insensitive" to make jokes about a child.

"We really work hard on making sure that Chelsea doesn't let
other people define her sense of self-worth," he said at the

Read the original article on Insider

Kamala Harris calls racism
2022-11-26 01:13:42 UTC
In article <srnjck$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Send them all back to Africa. Dead.

Dhante Jackson has been wanted since the body of Sophia Jackson,
8, was found in Merced, California, home in March

A California man wanted in connection with the murder of an 8-
year-old girl has been arrested after six months on the run,
authorities said Saturday.

Dhante Jackson, 33, was taken into custody in Newark,
California, around 1:40 p.m., the Merced Police Department said.
He was booked into the Merced County Jail for murder and child

Jackson is accused of killing Sophia Mason, whose body was found
inside a Merced home in March after family members in Hayward
reported her missing. Jackson was dating Sophia’s mother, 31-
year-old Samantha Johnson, at the time of the child’s murder.

"Our hearts and thoughts remain with the family and loved ones
of little Sophia; we cannot imagine your pain as you continue to
mourn her loss," the Hayward Police Department said.


No other details were released, and police said the case remains
under investigation.

Johnson was arrested days after her daughter’s body was
discovered. She has since pleaded not guilty to the child’s

After Jackson’s arrest, Melissa Harris, Sophia’s cousin, told
The Sacramento Bee that while she was thankful that justice will
be served, the child’s death could have been prevented had the
proper agencies acted when the family reported their suspicions
of abuse.

"(Those agencies) had multiple chances to intervene, and they
never did," Harris said. "My hope is those who minimized the
anguish of a small child will be fired."

Harris said Sophia’s mother is developmentally challenged and
believed that Jackson sexually trafficked both the girl and her

Jackson's arrest was part of a coordinated effort involving the
Merced Police Department, the Merced Area Gang and Narcotic
Enforcement Team (MAGNET) and the California Department of
Justice Special Operations Unit.

Kamala Harris says no racism
2022-11-26 01:24:08 UTC
In article <srnk1e$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Anti-trust time. Break Microsoft up into 5 separate companies.

It’s not just Google. Microsoft is capping the number of white
and Asian students that universities can nominate for a
prestigious research fellowship that includes a generous $42,000
stipend, part of a pattern of discriminatory policies sweeping
corporate America.

The Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship allows participating
universities to nominate up to four students annually. "At least
two" of those four nominees, per Microsoft’s provisions, should
"self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic,
Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific
Islander, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQI+, active or veteran service
member, and/or person with a disability."

It is illegal for companies to enter into contracts based on
race under the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and Title VI of the
1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits federally funded universities
from discriminating based on race. The Microsoft fellowship
likely violates both laws, according to Gail Heriot, a member of
the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and a law professor at the
University of San Diego.

A Microsoft spokesman, Rhoades Clark, declined to comment,
telling the Washington Free Beacon that Microsoft "has nothing
to share."

Until recently, IBM’s Ph.D. Fellowship Rewards Program used
similar criteria. That program, which also allows four
applicants per school, required that half of each university’s
nominations go to "diversity candidates or underrepresented
populations in technology."

But 24 hours after the Free Beacon contacted IBM for comment,
the company scrubbed the quota-like language from its website,
which now stipulates that schools "consider a diverse slate of
candidates for the program." IBM did not respond to a request
for comment.

The fellowships reflect the race-conscious consensus that has
taken hold of Silicon Valley, where ostensible corporate
competitors increasingly mimic each other’s policies. Like
Microsoft and IBM, Google caps the number of white and Asian men
that universities can nominate for a Ph.D. fellowship, using
language almost identical to Microsoft’s. "If a university
chooses to nominate more than two students," Google says, "the
third and fourth nominees must self-identify as a woman, Black /
African descent, Hispanic / Latino / Latinx, Indigenous, and/or
a person with a disability."

That criterion has been in place since at least April 2020,
according to an archived webpage. It is not clear when Microsoft
and IBM adopted their criteria.

Nearly every elite university in the country has nominated
students for one of the fellowships and some, like Columbia
University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have
nominated students for all three. Though universities are
unlikely to lose federal funding over the fellowships, they
could face lawsuits or civil rights investigations.

So could the companies themselves. Since the programs are not
unconditional grants—fellows must remain in their Ph.D. program
for the duration of the fellowships—courts would probably treat
them as contracts, said Dan Morenoff, the executive director of
the American Civil Rights Project. That would expose Microsoft,
Google, and IBM to liability under the 1866 Civil Rights Act,
the law banning race discrimination in contracting.

Other tech companies are already facing such lawsuits. In July,
a white woman filed a class action complaint against Amazon over
a program that gives "Black, Latinx, and Native American
entrepreneurs" $10,000 dollar stipends to launch delivery
startups. The program violates the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the
lawsuit argues, because whites and Asians are ineligible for the

"Every morning you wake up to hear a new story about a
corporation ignoring the law," Heriot said. "They have to start
being held accountable."

Jack Manners
2022-11-26 01:49:49 UTC
In article <srnjqb$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
jdyoung <***@ymail.com> wrote:
> Royalty doesn't breed with animals.

Royal fans got some confusing mixed messages from the Sussex
camp Thursday when the Palace announced that Queen Elizabeth
II's doctors were putting her under medical supervision out for
concerns about her health. The long-reigning monarch died later
that day at the age of 96.

While initial reports suggested that Meghan Markle would join
Prince Harry as he traveled to Scotland to be at his
grandmother's side, that turned out not to be the case.

"Tensions were so high and there was no way Meghan could have
gone to Balmoral," a palace source told Page Six earlier this
week. "The fact the Sussex camp did say both Harry and Meghan
were going — and then quickly retracted that statement — will
tell you everything you need to know about the drama behind the

Now, a royal source is shedding some light on the details of
that behind-the-scenes drama, which now-King Charles seems to
have played a big role in.

"Charles told Harry that it wasn’t right or appropriate for
Meghan to be in Balmoral at such a deeply sad time," a source
told The Sun, adding that Charles "made it very, very clear
Meghan would not be welcome."

Given the longstanding tensions between Meghan, Harry and the
rest of the royal family, Meghan's absence fueled feud rumors,
but the source said the ban was more about limiting the Queen's
last visits to immediate family.

"It was pointed out to him that Kate [Middleton] was not going
and that the numbers really should be limited to the very
closest family," the insider added.

Parents create faggots
2022-11-26 01:54:55 UTC
In article <srnilk$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> What kind of responsible paarent braids pigtails on a boy?

Dahud Jolicoeur (Credit: Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office)

PALM BEACH, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida boy who went missing
Saturday afternoon has been found dead, according to
authorities. Dahud Jolicoeur, 5, disappeared from his home in
Palm Beach County at around 5 p.m., according to WPTV.

Hours after his disappearance, the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement said Dahud died from a “possible drowning” early
Sunday morning. “We extend our condolences to Dahud’s family,
friends, and the Palm Beach County community,” the department

According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Dahud was
found dead in a waterway a block from his home. Before the boy
was found, deputies said Dahud was autistic, non-verbal, and
couldn’t swim.

Editor LA Times
2022-11-26 02:29:59 UTC
In article <srnk6s$80f0$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Any woman looking to buy meth is a whore.

ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - On Tuesday, the Associated Press
published an article that detailed a RADE operation in Rapides
Parish on Jan. 13, 2021, in which a female informant for RPSO
was raped during an unmonitored sting operation at a home on
Texas Avenue involving a known drug dealer.

According to the AP, Antonio Jones, 48, raped the woman who was
wearing a microphone and hidden camera when she was forced to
perform oral sex on him twice. She was looking to buy meth from
Jones as a part of RADE’s operation.

An anonymous local official in discussing footage from the
operation called the attack “one of the worst depictions of
sexual abuse I have ever seen.”

According to the AP, and information that News Channel 5 was
able to verify with Rapides Parish Sheriff Mark Wood, deputies
were not able to monitor the operation in real-time, so they
were unaware of what was going on.

“It was recording inside the residence. The guys outside
monitoring the deal could not hear anything going on. They
couldn’t hear it live. When she exited the residence, and comes
out to my guys and tells them what happened, they verified that
with the tapes, and that’s when we called the CID division, and
they were called in. A search warrant and arrest warrant were
issued at that point.”

Jones was arrested on three counts, including one count each of
second-degree rape, false imprisonment and distribution of meth
after recovering five grams of the substance following the

He faces an Oct. 17 trial, where Rapides Parish District
Attorney Phillip Terrell is pursuing two counts of third-degree
rape. As he explained to News Channel 5, the prosecuting
attorney, Brian Cespiva, disagreed with law enforcement’s
assessment upon arrest for second-degree rape, which is forcible
rape, emphasizing that police arrest, they don’t charge.

Kathy Hochul Human Resources
2022-11-26 05:45:15 UTC
In article <srnji3$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Ha! Ha! They call that "afro-engineering" or "nigger-rigging."

Isn't it iron-ic? A newly constructed footbridge in Congo
collapsed at its own ribbon-cutting ceremony. The shoddy
structure came crashing down the instant the red tape was
snipped. While no was hurt, the embarrassing fail sent officials
scrambling for solid ground.

2022-11-26 06:20:18 UTC
In article <srnj4o$80f0$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Global warming is bullshit. Pot smoking causes cancer.

Scientists said Saturday they had identified the mechanism
through which air pollution triggers lung cancer in non-smokers,
a discovery one expert hailed as "an important step for science
– and for society".

The research illustrated the health risk posed by the tiny
particles produced by burning fossil fuels, sparking fresh calls
for more urgent action to combat climate change.

It could also pave the way for a new field of cancer prevention,
according to Charles Swanton of the UK's Francis Crick Institute.

Swanton presented the research, which has not yet been published
in a peer-reviewed journal, at the European Society for Medical
Oncology's annual conference in Paris.

Air pollution has long been thought to be linked to a higher
risk of lung cancer in people who have never smoked.

"But we didn't really know whether pollution was directly
causing lung cancer – or how," Swanton told AFP.

Traditionally it has been thought that exposure to carcinogens,
such as those in cigarette smoke or pollution, causes DNA
mutations that then become cancer.

But there was an "inconvenient truth" with this model, Swanton
said: Previous research has shown that the DNA mutations can be
present without causing cancer – and that most environmental
carcinogens do not cause the mutations.


Swanton called air pollution a "hidden killer", pointing to
research estimating it is linked to the deaths of more than
eight million people a year – around the same number as tobacco.

Other research has linked PM2.5 to 250,000 deaths annually from
lung cancer alone.

"You and I have a choice about whether we smoke or not, but we
do not have a choice about the air we breathe," said Swanton,
who is also the chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, which was
the main funder of the research.

"Given that probably five times as many people are exposed to
unhealthy levels of pollution than tobacco, you can see this is
quite a major global problem," he added.

"We can only tackle it if we recognize the really intimate links
between climate health and human health."

Editor LA Times
2022-11-26 08:02:47 UTC
In article <srnk30$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> No excuse. Lock this bitch up. Let the lesbians have her.

Nicole Linton, the ICU nurse responsible for a car crash that
killed six people in in Los Angeles earlier this month,
apparently suffered a ‘frightening’ mental collapse in the days
leading up to the tragedy.

According to documents obtained by the LA Times from Linton’s
defense lawyers Halim Dhanidina and Jacqueline Sparagna, their
client suffered an ‘apparent lapse of consciousness’ at the time
of the crash. The nurse, 37, has also struggled with bipolar
disorder for the last four years.

Linton allegedly sped her vehicle down La Brea Avenue toward the
busy intersection at Slauson Avenue around 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 4.
Authorities claim she was driving at least 90 mph when she went
through a red light then barreled into passing traffic.

Five people died in the fiery crash, including a pregnant woman
and a baby. Linton is being charged with six counts of murder by
the Los Angeles district attorney. This includes the pregnant
woman’s unborn child.

Linton has been in custody since the crash because prosecutors
believe she is a flight risk as well as a danger to the
community. “She has no recollection of the events that led to
her collision,” doctor William Winter stated on Aug. 6.

Linton was treated by Winter at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical

“The next thing she recalled was lying on the pavement and
seeing that her car was on fire,” he continued. Winter said that
Linton has bipolar disorder and that she suffered an “apparent
lapse of consciousness” at the time of the crash. She has also
been prescribed psychiatric medication in the past.

A year later, Linton was involuntarily committed to a
psychiatric ward after a neighbor called her family when they
saw Linton running around her apartment complex naked, the
attorneys said.

“Ms. Linton would be most appropriately housed in a mental
health treatment facility where she can be monitored and treated
for her illness,” wrote her attorneys in the filing Monday.

Linton is accused by the district attorney of reckless disregard
for life in connection with the multi-vehicle crash. She faces
five manslaughter counts on top of the six murder counts.


31 August, 2022

And she holds multiple nursing licenses in various states? You
are required to report MH admissions, breakdowns and meds to
your nursing board and hospitals where you work! She is a danger
to the public!

Kamala Harris silent
2022-11-26 08:28:16 UTC
In article <srnk1t$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Send all niggers back to Africa. Dead.

WAUKESHA, Wis. -- A man accused of killing six people and
injuring dozens of others when he allegedly drove his SUV
through a Christmas parade in Wisconsin last year withdrew his
insanity plea Friday.

Darrell Brooks, 40, appeared in Waukesha County Circuit Court
where he's facing nearly 80 charges, including six homicide
counts, in connection with the Nov. 21 incident in Waukesha.
Brooks had changed his not guilty plea to not guilty by reason
of mental disease or defect in June.

After the announcement on the plea change, the defense asked
that the jury status hearing for Friday be rescheduled. The
judge agreed and pushed the hearing to Sept. 19.

Last month, Judge Jennifer Dorow refused a defense motion to
have the case against Brooks dismissed because of a July search
of the defendant’s jail cell. Investigators and prosecutors were
looking for information related to Brooks’ recent decision to
change his plea.

His attorneys say the warrant for the search was deficient and
that the action violated Brooks’ attorney-client privilege.

In denying the motion, Dorow said the paperwork seized,
photocopied and return to the jail cell was not privileged

Dorow also rejected a motion to suppress some statements Brooks
made to investigators after defense attorneys argued that he
continued to be questioned after stating he wished to invoke his
right to remain silent.

Democrat Crimes
2022-11-26 09:39:24 UTC
In article <srnjrr$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are crooks and they don't deny it.

Is Pennsylvania’s multimillionaire congressman, Matt Cartwright,
using taxpayer dollars to park his private plane while he casts
votes on the House floor? He won’t say.

But the Scranton-area Democrat is sending $425 a month to the
Delaware River and Bay Authority, which operates the New Castle
airport, according to his official office's spending
disclosures. That’s the local airport—just a 90-minute train
ride from Washington, D.C.—where Cartwright lands his four-
seater after jetting in from Scranton, flight logs show.

Four hundred and twenty five dollars also happens to be the
going rate for monthly aircraft storage in a "small hangar,"
according to the airport’s website. Cartwright's disclosures
describe the expenditure as a fee for "Taxi/Parking/Tolls" and
"District Office Parking," and a spokesman for the congressman
did not respond to multiple requests for comment seeking
clarification. Cartwright's district is located in neither
Delaware nor New Jersey, which is where the Delaware River and
Bay Authority operates.

The Pennsylvania lawmaker, who was elected in 2012 and is in a
rematch against Republican Jim Bognet, whom he defeated narrowly
in 2020 in a district that former president Donald Trump
carried, has routinely cast himself as a "fighter for all
hardworking northeastern Pennsylvanians."

While the use of taxpayer funds to stow the plane is legal,
strictly speaking, it threatens to undercut the image Cartwright
is working to present to voters on the campaign trail,
particularly as they grapple with rising food, gas, and housing

Cartwright, who made a fortune as a litigator and is worth up to
$10.9 million, according to his 2020 financial disclosure, is
telling voters that he's "spent his entire career sticking up
for working people."

This would not be Cartwright’s first plane-related controversy.
The trial lawyer omitted from his personal financial disclosure
the limited liability company that he used to purchase the
plane, which is valued at $180,000. Cartwright's net worth has
more than doubled since 2012, when he was worth up to $5
million, his personal financial disclosures show.

Cartwright, who holds an ownership stake in a law firm founded
by his wife's father, also owns a property trust worth up to
$500,000. He has regularly been late to pay taxes on his D.C.
condo, which he purchased for nearly $800,000 in 2013. Last
year, the Democrat called to "pass an aid package to assist
landlords" without acknowledging that he himself is a landlord.

Cartwright will face Bognet in November after the Democrat ran
unopposed in his May primary election. Bognet, meanwhile, topped
his Republican opponent by 37 points in his own primary.
Cartwright defeated Bognet by three points in 2020.

Democrats have reason to be concerned that this year's rematch
could go differently. While Cartwright's district includes
President Joe Biden's hometown of Scranton, just 38 percent of
voters in the district approve of the president, compared with
60 percent who disapprove, according to an August poll reported
by the Washington Free Beacon. Cartwright in April 2019 said he
was "honored" to endorse his "friend, northeastern hometown boy,
Joe Biden for president" and has backed Biden to run for
reelection in 2024.

New Yorkers deserve it
2022-11-26 10:04:50 UTC
In article <srnjqt$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are hypocrits and they don't deny it.


As a local lawmaker in New York, Democratic congressional
candidate Bridget Fleming voted at least six times to raise
taxes on her constituents. The votes all came after she was
cited by the state for failing to pay her own taxes, according
to a review of legal and legislative records.

In March 2009, New York's taxation department filed a judgment
against Fleming and her husband, Robert Agoglia, for failure to
pay $2,426 in taxes, according to the Suffolk County Clerk's
Office. County records show the couple did not resolve the tax
debt until late June, more than three months after the judgment
was imposed.

Fleming is one of several Democratic candidates for the House
who have pushed for tax hikes and tougher tax enforcement while
having a history of delinquency, which could prove a liability
in the competitive Long Island district she's running to flip.

It is unclear why Fleming failed to pay her taxes. According to
the taxation department, taxpayers are given prior warning
regarding their unpaid debt before a judgment is issued, after
which the state is entitled to seize debtors' property and
garnish wages. Fleming's campaign did not return a request for

The year after she faced the tax judgment, Fleming won election
to the Southampton town council and soon lent support to
measures that hiked the tax burden on her constituents.

In 2011, town board meeting minutes show Fleming approved the
town council's budget, which levied a more than 2 percent
increase in residents' property taxes. The local outlet
Southampton Press reported that all council members opposed an
amendment to the budget introduced by Fleming that would have
levied an additional $800,000 in property taxes from the town.
Then in 2013, Southampton again raised property taxes with
Fleming's support. In 2015, she was elected to the Suffolk
County legislature, where she voted for more tax increases.

County legislature minutes show Fleming in 2016 voted to pass a
budget that levied $60 million for the county in increased sales
and property taxes. She raised property taxes again the next
year, by nearly 5 percent in some towns. Republicans on the
legislature slammed that budget for raising the county's
borrowing by millions to meet massive increases in spending.

"This is a sinking ship," county legislator Robert Trotta (R.)
said of the budget Fleming approved. "We don't have a revenue
problem, we have a spending problem."

Fleming in 2018 and 2019 approved yet more tax hikes, raising
property tax levies by a combined $38.5 million.

In her campaign for New York's First Congressional District,
Fleming has endorsed President Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction
Act, which passed this month and will dramatically expand the
Internal Revenue Service's auditing capability.

"Dems get it done!" Fleming said in August after the Senate
passed the legislation, which gives the IRS $80 billion to hire
as many as 87,000 new employees.

Fleming is not the only Democratic candidate for the House to
have faced scrutiny for unpaid taxes. Pennsylvania congressman
Matt Cartwright, who voted for Biden's bill expanding the IRS,
has accrued thousands of dollars in tax penalties and interest
for delinquencies since 2013.

Another Pennsylvania Democrat, Chris Deluzio, who has also
endorsed the Inflation Reduction Act, was fined for tax
delinquency last year. In Ohio, Democratic candidate Greg
Landsman in March faced a tax lien from the state after he voted
at least eight times as a Cincinnati councilman to raise taxes
and fees on his constituents.

Fleming will face off in November against Republican Nick LaLota
in the highly competitive district, which the Cook Political
Report rates as "lean Republican." Incumbent Rep. Lee Zeldin
(R.) is vacating the seat to run against Gov. Kathy Hochul (D.)
in New York's gubernatorial race.

Kamala Harris calls racism
2022-11-26 11:00:53 UTC
In article <srnjnk$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Send them all back to Africa. Dead.

A 13-year-old California middle school student was arrested
after bringing fentanyl to school that caused a school
supervisor to suffer an overdose.

The Bakersfield Police Department responded to Chipman Junior
High School Friday after the school reported that a student was
in possession of about 150 fentanyl pills disguised as Percocet,
according to KGET.

The pills were discovered after a search was conducted on the
student in an unrelated altercation with another student,
leading to a school supervisor to discover the pills and
inadvertently overdose, according to BPD. Police say the
supervisor did not ingest the pills, but opened the pill bottle
to check it and was exposed due to them being an “inhalation

A Kern High School police officer administered Narcan to the
supervisor, who was then transferred to a local hospital for
treatment and was listed in stable condition.

Police say the student in possession of the fentanyl pills
disguised as Percocet also had about $300 on his person, though
they could not immediately say if any of the pills were sold or
given to another student. The investigation was still ongoing.

The 13-year-old student was charged with possession of a
controlled substance for the purpose of sales and was taken to a
juvenile hall after the arrest.

The Bakersfield Police Department did not immediately respond to
a Fox News request for comment.


C O'Neal S
2 hours ago

There’s been multiple articles that state this isn’t possible.
Even in powdered form. And if it is possible why wouldn’t the
kid handling it have had the same reaction, or the others he’s
sold it to. In one article it stated one would have to get it on
their hands then rub vigorously up their nose to possibly have a
reaction and even then it is unlikely.

Dubya Dubya
2 hours ago

The 14 year old student also had about $300 on his person,
though officials “could not immediately say if any of the pills
were sold…”

Hmmmm, I suppose the officials believe that an average 14 year
old student carries around $300 in pocket money.

Elementary my dear Watson, some pills were sold.

2022-11-26 13:11:05 UTC
In article <srnj6b$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Global warming is bullshit. Pot smoking causes cancer.

Scientists said Saturday they had identified the mechanism
through which air pollution triggers lung cancer in non-smokers,
a discovery one expert hailed as "an important step for science
– and for society".

The research illustrated the health risk posed by the tiny
particles produced by burning fossil fuels, sparking fresh calls
for more urgent action to combat climate change.

It could also pave the way for a new field of cancer prevention,
according to Charles Swanton of the UK's Francis Crick Institute.

Swanton presented the research, which has not yet been published
in a peer-reviewed journal, at the European Society for Medical
Oncology's annual conference in Paris.

Air pollution has long been thought to be linked to a higher
risk of lung cancer in people who have never smoked.

"But we didn't really know whether pollution was directly
causing lung cancer – or how," Swanton told AFP.

Traditionally it has been thought that exposure to carcinogens,
such as those in cigarette smoke or pollution, causes DNA
mutations that then become cancer.

But there was an "inconvenient truth" with this model, Swanton
said: Previous research has shown that the DNA mutations can be
present without causing cancer – and that most environmental
carcinogens do not cause the mutations.


Swanton called air pollution a "hidden killer", pointing to
research estimating it is linked to the deaths of more than
eight million people a year – around the same number as tobacco.

Other research has linked PM2.5 to 250,000 deaths annually from
lung cancer alone.

"You and I have a choice about whether we smoke or not, but we
do not have a choice about the air we breathe," said Swanton,
who is also the chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, which was
the main funder of the research.

"Given that probably five times as many people are exposed to
unhealthy levels of pollution than tobacco, you can see this is
quite a major global problem," he added.

"We can only tackle it if we recognize the really intimate links
between climate health and human health."

Klaus Schadenfreude
2022-11-26 13:29:17 UTC
On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 14:11:05 +0100 (CET), nachi <***@dont-email.me>

>In article <srnj6b$80m9$***@news.freedyn.de>
>***@gmail.com wrote:
>> Global warming is bullshit. Pot smoking causes cancer.
>Scientists said Saturday they had identified the mechanism
>through which air pollution triggers lung cancer in non-smokers,
>a discovery one expert hailed as "an important step for science
>– and for society".

Saturday of what- November 1947?
Welfare Island
2022-11-27 00:22:09 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Just in time for Democrats to waste more money on a bottomless pit of no value.

An intensifying Hurricane Fiona is bringing heavy rains, high
winds and power outages to Puerto Rico. The power has been
knocked out to the entire island.

The latest: The center of Fiona was heading for the eastern
Dominican Republic on Sunday evening, but heavy rainfall and
"catastrophic" flooding continued to pummel much Of Puerto Rico,
according to a National Hurricane Center tweet.

The big picture: The storm is dumping more than two feet of rain
in Puerto Rico, "causing catastrophic" flooding, the National
Hurricane Center warns. Hurricane-force winds have taken out the
island's fragile power grid.

Fiona made landfall near Punta Tocon, on the island's
southeastern coast, around 3:20 p.m. local time with maximum
sustained winds of 85 mph, per an NHC tweet.
The storm has seen winds increase by 15 mph since the NHC
updated on then-Tropical Storm Fiona at 8 a.m. ET.
Zoom in: Fiona is a Category 1 hurricane and is expected to
remain so through landfall in Puerto Rico.

Ponce, on the southern side of the island, has seen sustained
winds of 69 mph with a maximum wind gust of 103 mph, per the
Hurricane Center.
President Biden has declared a federal disaster for Puerto Rico,
mobilizing the delivery of aid to the island.

Data: National Hurricane Center; Map: Jared Whalen/Axios
Threat level: The storm was likely to bring torrential rains to
Puerto Rico through Monday, with a widespread area of 12 to 18
inches of rain expected. Higher amounts will fall in some
locations, particularly in higher elevations, where up to 30
inches could fall in a short period of time.

"These rains will produce life-threatening and catastrophic
flash flooding and urban flooding across Puerto Rico and the
eastern Dominican Republic, along with mudslides and landslides
in areas of higher terrain," the Hurricane Center warned as of 2
p.m. Sunday.
Nearly the entire island was under a flash flood warning as of
5:00 p.m. ET.
Meanwhile, heavy rains and hurricane-force winds were expected
in eastern areas of the Dominican Republic on Sunday night and

Puerto Rico's power grid, which was severely damaged during
Hurricane Maria in 2017, has faltered, with nearly 1.5 million
customers without power as of 7 p.m. ET, according to

What they're saying: "The damages that we are seeing are
catastrophic," Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi said.

What we're watching: The test for utility operators now will be
how quickly they can restore power once the storm passes.

Of note: NOAA scientists managed to sail a remotely operated
"Sail Drone" into the eye of Hurricane Fiona, which helped
validate their intensity estimate.

Storm surge flooding of 1 to 3 feet above normally dry land is
expected along the south shore of Puerto Rico on Saturday,
provided the peak surge hits at high tide.
The NWS in San Juan was issuing flash flood warnings throughout
Sunday as the rains cause rivers and streams to rise. Video from
social media shows torrents of water washing away bridges, power
lines and other infrastructure in southwestern Puerto Rico.

The storm previously caused damaging flooding after dumping
nearly 20 inches of rain on the French island of Guadeloupe late
last week.
What's next: Fiona is expected to continue to intensify once it
moves northwest of Puerto Rico and north of the Dominican
Republic. The storm is expected to turn slowly to the north by
midweek as it moves near or over the Turks and Caicos Islands.

It's expected that the storm will become the season's first
"major" Atlantic hurricane of the season, at Category 3
intensity or greater by midweek.
Most computer models now take the storm out to sea well east of
the mainland U.S., but it could be a threat to Bermuda late in
the week.

Jon Wu
2022-11-27 02:35:32 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Excellent work. It should happen to every Democrat.

Zahra Esmaili, an Iranian national found guilty of murdering her
husband, was hung from a noose even though she was already dead
after a fatal heart attack watching others face the death penalty

A mum on death row suffered a fatal heart attack from watching
the people executed before her.

But the Iranian woman, who was condemned to be hanged for
murder, was still hung from a noose even though she had already

Zahra Esmaili was handed the harsh sentence after shooting her
husband, reportedly a senior Ministry of Intelligence official,
dead on July 16, 2017.

She and her two children were reportedly subjected to cruelty by
him, with the slaying a response to his apparent abuse.

Her kids - who claimed to have been asleep in their rooms at the
time - were arrested as her co-conspirators, with her daughter
sentenced to five years and her son cleared and released.

Zahra's death was confirmed by Iranian rights organisations in
February last year.

A few days later her lawyer Omid Moradi claimed Zahra had
suffered a heart attack in the moments leading up to her
hanging, a human rights group told The Mirror.

Moradi said she died “after witnessing 16 men being executed
before her”.

The cruel guards decided her death was not enough, so hung her
corpse - with her husband's mother kicking the stool from
beneath her.

Trying to cover up the sequence of events, officials published
an account denying she'd died as a result of a heart attack,
which Moradi claimed had been scribbled on her death certificate.

The officials added a horrifying detail, claiming that her son
had assisted the mother-in-law in helping the hangman.

Speaking with The Mirror, Iran HR Director Mahmood Amiry-
Moghaddam explained how the regime uses the idea of execution to
instill fear into the general population.

He said: "And this is the effect they're looking for. And it's
the same in each case: 'Obey our rules. This can happen to you'.

"That's the message," he added.

The officials' decision to publicise Esmaili's case, and to
share the fact that her son was complicit in their barbarity,
was rare as most killings happen behind closed doors, Mahmood

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-27 08:58:00 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> They are weak. Cut them out of the family.

King Charles III is tidying up the royal house.

UK’s newly anointed monarch is reportedly planning to amend the
law on who can fill in for him if he’s incapacitated.

“The move would see the Duke of York, the Duke of Sussex and
Princess Beatrice all relieved of their duties as official stand-
ins for the sovereign, should he be indisposed,” reports The
Daily Telegraph.

Under the 1937 Regency Act, the spouse of a monarch – and the
four adults in line for the throne – can be called up as
Counsellors of State on official business.

While Queen Elizabeth II was still alive, those roles were
filled by Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry and Prince

Her husband Prince Philip also acted as one prior to his death
at the age of 99 in April, 2021.

The Palace has been under pressure to remove both Prince Harry
and Prince Andrew from their roles as they are no longer working
members of the royal family.

“It is believed that the King recognises the incongruity of
having a trio of non-working Royals able to step into his shoes
if he is abroad or incapacitated,” the Telegraph noted.

Charles will reportedly have the “law changed as soon as he
can,” and will possibly elevate his sister, Princess Anne, and
younger brother, Prince Edward, into the position.

It is apparently rare for Counsellors of State to be called up,
but it has happened.

Any changes will have to be enacted by the Houses of Parliament.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-29 08:21:33 UTC
In article <su33k7$15rok$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Need to guess the race?

An accused serial murderer dubbed the “shopping cart killer” has
now been linked to the death of a sixth woman in Virginia —
whose death was previously suspected to be a result of cardiac

Anthony Eugene Robinson, 35, has already been charged with the
slayings of two women whose bodies were found in a vacant lot in
Harrisonburg in 2021.

The accused killer has also been named a suspect in three other
murders in the state and in Washington DC.

Now, authorities in Prince George’s County are trying to
determine if Robinson played a role in the Feb. 2018 death of 30-
year-old Skye Allen, whom he dated.

Allen’s mother, Stacey Allen, told NBC Washington she never
believed that her daughter died from a heart condition after she
found the young woman unconscious and struggling for breath
inside the bedroom she shared with Robinson on Valentine’s Day.

Doctors at Prince George’s Hospital Center said Skye died of
cardiac arrhythmia, but her mother said she suspected Robinson
of wrongdoing — and even asked him directly if he killed Skye.

“I asked him, ‘Did you do something to my daughter?’ He said,
‘No,'” the mother claimed.

In Nov. 2021, more than three years after her daughter’s death,
Stacey Allen said she was contacted by a detective from
Rockingham County, Virginia, asking about Robinson.

The man had been arrested in connection with the killings of
Allene Redmon, 54, of Harrisonburg, and Tonita Smith, 39, of
Charlottesville, who were killed around Oct. 24 and Nov. 14,

Their bodies were discovered together on Nov. 23 in a vacant lot
next to a shopping cart that cops said had been used to
transport the bodies, earning Robinson his macabre moniker.

In Dec. 2021, the remains of two more women were uncovered in a
large plastic container near another shopping cart next to the
Moon Inn hotel in Fairfax County, Virginia. They were identified
as Cheyenne Brown, 29, and Stephanie Harrison, 48.

Fairfax County police have said publicly that they have linked
Robinson to the killing of the two women. Police said Robinson
was staying at the Moon Inn Hotel at the time and has been
linked to Brown via cellphone and video evidence, the Washington
Post reports.

Since then, Robinson also has been tied to the death of 40-year-
old Sonya Champ, whose body was found in a shopping cart in
Northeast D.C. in Sept. 2021.

So far, Robinson has not been charged in the killings of Brown,
Harrison or Champ.

Authorities said Robinson found his victims on dating apps like
Plenty of Fish and Tagged, met them at hotels, where he hurt and
then killed them, before transporting their bodies in shopping

On Monday, a Virginia judge ruled there was sufficient probable
cause for a grand jury to consider first-degree murder charges
against Robinson for the deaths of Smith and Redmon, reported

Robinson’s defense attorney argued that the killings were not
premeditated and asked the judge to downgrade the charges to
second-degree murder — but prosecutors disagreed, accusing the
defendant of luring the victims to their deaths, and then
disposing of them.

“He used them for what he wanted, then left them rotting with
the maggots,” persecutor Marsha Garsh told the court.

Judge John Stanley Hart sided with the prosecution, saying that
the circumstantial evidence against Robinson was “strong” and
pointed to “a methodical plan to kill.”

Authorities in Prince George’s County said they have opened an
investigation into Skye Allen’s death, but the case is certain
to present challenges because the woman’s body was cremated in

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-29 10:32:56 UTC
In article <su33k4$15rok$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln fucked up when he failed to send the black animals back to Africa.

Abrams took in at least $150,000 from Dream Project Partners,
which maintains practically no online presence

FIRST ON FOX: Democratic Georgia gubernatorial nominee Stacey
Abrams received more than $100,000 from a mysterious limited
liability company that doesn't appear to have any online
presence outside of her financial disclosure form and corporate
records, a Fox News Digital review found.

Abrams' financial disclosure form, released in March, lists
Dream Project Partners Inc. in multiple sections, including
"statement of income" and "direct ownership interests in
business entity." The Georgia Democrat listed herself as a
"Board Member and Shareholder" and recorded in the income
section that she received $50,000 in 2021 and $100,000 in 2022.

The financial form says she has no duties with Dream Project
Partners Inc., and its "principal activity" description is also

"Developing a culturally competent technology platform for
entrepreneurs," the disclosure form says.

Stacey Abrams reported a six-figure income from Dream Project
Partners, an LLC with virtually no online presence. (Joe
Raedle/Getty Images)

The other online presence for the opaque company is in Delaware
business records, which lists it as a domestic corporation
established in June 2021.

Delaware, known for its permissible corporate secrecy, does not
require entities to list managers or members in formation
documents. Instead, it allows just the name and address of a
registered state agent as a substitute. The Dover-based Resident
Agents Inc. is its registered agent in its papers.

Abrams, who touted herself as a "Yale-trained tax attorney"
earlier this year, also disclosed relationships with several
other limited liability companies. She acts as a "managing
member" of Davis Hall LLC, which until 2021 was named Sela
Technologies LLC, according to a search of Georgia State
records. Abrams lists this as her "personal office," according
to the forms.

Stacey Abrams' net worth has increased by millions in recent
years. (Dustin Chambers/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Meanwhile, the forms show that Abrams is also the owner of Hall
Davis LLC, which deals with "general business" matters. The
repeat gubernatorial candidate says in the financial disclosure
that she has more than a 5 percent ownership interest in both
companies and that they each have a fair market value of more
than $5,000.

Abrams' net worth has drastically increased as she worked in the
private sector over the past few years. She's now worth $3.17
million, a significant uptick from her reported $109,000 net
worth four years ago.

Abrams pushed back against criticism of her increase in wealth
earlier this year by telling the Associated Press that she
believes "every person should have the opportunity to thrive."

"And because I had three years where I was in the private
sector, I leveraged all three years, and in that time I’ve done
my best to not only be successful personally but to do what I
can to help Georgians," Abrams said.

Abrams has also padded her income by inking book deals and
giving dozens of speeches. Abrams will be releasing another
children's book in December titled "Stacey's Remarkable Books."

Fox News Digital reached out multiple times to the Abrams
campaign with a series of questions regarding Abrams'
involvement with Dream Project Partners, Davis Hall LLC and Hall
Davis LLC, but the campaign did not respond.

2022-11-29 11:31:55 UTC
In article <su33kh$15rok$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> I vote for steve.

Australians have called for a huge change to their money
following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Yesterday, on September 9, the Australian National Bank
announced that a portrait of King Charles III will replace Her
Majesty on their $5 notes.

His face will also soon be seen on coins, however it will come
with a further change as he will face to the right - the
opposite way to his late mother. It follows a royal tradition
that dates back to 1660.

But Aussies aren't happy with the changes and are making calls
for another face to feature on their coins and notes instead.

People took to Reddit to share what they thought was a better
idea as they suggested that Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin,
should take the new heir's place.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-29 11:31:55 UTC
In article <su33kh$15rok$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln fucked up when he failed to send the black animals back to Africa.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's campaign says Abrams 'isn’t connecting
with Georgia voters' after raising millions from 'out-of-state

FIRST ON FOX — Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp’s campaign
reacted Wednesday to a new piece published in The New York Times
suggesting that his Democrat opponent Stacey Abrams is
"struggling" in the race.

The Times reported Wednesday that Abrams, defeated by Kemp in
the 2018 gubernatorial race before deciding to run for a
rematch, "has been trailing her Republican rival, Gov. Brian
Kemp, alarming Democrats who have celebrated her as the master
strategist behind the state’s Democratic shift."

"Democrats have largely kept quiet on their concerns about Ms.
Abrams’s campaign. But several county elected officials and
community leaders in Georgia have privately expressed their
worries to the campaign directly, according to interviews with
more than two dozen Democratic officials who asked not to be
named discussing private conversations," according to the Times.
"They have complained that the campaign was slow to reach out to
key constituencies and underestimated Mr. Kemp’s strength in an
already difficult year for Democratic candidates."

Tate Mitchell, who serves as Kemp’s campaign spokesperson,
reacted in a statement first obtained by Fox News.

"Stacey Abrams’ campaign isn’t connecting with Georgia voters,
and people across the country and here in Georgia know it,"
Mitchell said. "After raising millions hand over fist from out-
of-state billionaires, her campaign — and Georgia Democrats —
are now mired in internal squabbling. Governor Kemp will
continue to run on his record of putting Georgians first and his
vision for a safer, stronger Georgia."

Danielle Wallace is a reporter for Fox News Digital covering
politics, crime, police and more. Story tips can be sent to
***@fox.com and on Twitter: @danimwallace.

Ethnic Defects
2022-11-29 16:17:59 UTC
In article <su33k8$15rok$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Lincoln fucked up when he failed to send the black animals back to Africa.

New York Times reported Democrats in Georgia 'increasingly
pessimistic' about Abrams' chances of defeating Kemp

EXCLUSIVE: Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp argued Wednesday
that a New York Times story published earlier in the day
concerning Democrats' fretting over the alleged struggles of
Stacey Abrams' campaign was a sign that the Democratic
gubernatorial nominee is losing support from her party's base.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Kemp suggested
the unnamed Democrats in The Times story chose to remain
anonymous because they were scared of being "canceled," and that
Abrams' status as a leader of her party was starting to

"I think it's because she's been spending so much time out of
the state over the last, really, three years. I mean, she's
built all these bridges that she's got from high-wealth people
out in California, and up in New York, and in Washington, D.C.,
and she's raising literally millions, if not tens of millions,
of dollars from those folks," Kemp said when asked about those
Democrats expressing alarm over the state of the Georgia
governor race.

"It's easy pickings for her, but they don't have our values.
They don't share the values that Georgians share, and I think
she's kind of lost touch with that, and I think her base is
realizing that," he added.

According to The Times, Democrats in Georgia have grown
"increasingly pessimistic" about Abrams' chances of defeating
Kemp, citing "her struggles to rally key parts of her party’s
coalition and her inability to appeal to a slice of moderate
Republican voters who can decide the state’s elections," as
shown comparing her polling to a fellow Democrat running for re-
election in the state, Sen. Raphael Warnock.

More than two dozen Democratic officials reportedly spoke to The
Times, but asked to remain anonymous as they shared that
multiple Democrat county officials and community leaders had
privately expressed their concern to Abrams' campaign that it
was underestimating Kemp's strength and hadn't reached out to
key constituencies.

"I guess they don't want to get canceled or get pressured, I
mean that's what Stacey Abrams is known for," Kemp said when
asked why he thought those concerned Democrats wished to remain

"She did that with Major League Baseball when we passed the
Election Integrity Act and got them to move the all-star game,
she's done it to corporate CEOs," he added, referencing the
MLB's decision to move the all-star game from Atlanta after the
state passed a law aimed at combating voter fraud. Abrams had
rallied Democrats nationwide against the bill, calling it an
attempt at voter suppression and labeling it "Jim Crow 2.0."

"I think people, quite honestly, are worried about her calling
them out or taking retribution because she has, in some ways,
been the leader of the party. But I think that's starting to
fracture now," Kemp said.

He went on to predict that nontraditional Republican voters
would look at his record on the economy, specifically keeping it
open throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and would opt to
support him over Abrams, whom he said stood with those seeking
to keep schools and businesses closed.

"I think those voters are looking for another option. They're
looking for somebody that's fought for them over the last two or
three years. And they've seen that in myself, whether it's
standing up and doing something about violent crime and street
racing, and supporting men and women in law enforcement versus
her view and ideas and her own words of wanting to defund the
police," Kemp said.

"I just don't think, even for a lot of African Americans and
minority voters in our state, that's not where they are, and I
think she's lost touch with that," he added.

Fox News Digital's Power Rankings rate Georgia's gubernatorial
election as a "toss up."

Fox News Digital reached out to Abrams' campaign for comment on
The New York Times story but did not receive an immediate

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-01 12:00:42 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

In March 2021, a small group of men met at a rural railroad
crossing in northern Missouri that locals had long been
complaining about because of its steep grade and lack of

A farmer leading the effort to improve the crossing was among
those who gathered at the Porche Prairie Avenue Crossing
southwest of Mendon. All three Chariton County commissioners
were there, along with a safety official with the Missouri
Department of Transportation and a representative from a local
engineering firm.

In the wake of Monday’s deadly Amtrak derailment that killed
four people and injured 150, last year’s meeting at the crossing
has taken on new meaning and importance. Not only for the
desperate call to fix and improve the crossing but also for the
fact that no one did.

“We had high hopes that something was going to get done there,”
said Paul Speichinger, a Chariton County farmer, who wasn’t at
the meeting but has complained about the crossing over the
years. “We really hoped and anticipated that we’d have something
done last fall, and the commissioners have been on the officials
to get something done.

“But it fell on deaf ears.”

In fact, their efforts ran into a wall of state bureaucracy, The
Star has found.

That meeting at the crossing last year did possibly prompt the
state, in July 2021, to place the crossing high on its priority
list to make it safer.

But that didn’t mean the fix would come anytime soon.

Unbeknownst to the community, because of budget constraints and
the slow pace of government projects, any safety improvements
would still have been years away.

Although residents complained about the crossing for years, BNSF
Railway, the railroad that owns the track, told The Star that
the Missouri Department of Transportation had not — even up to
the day of the crash — contacted them to conduct an official
review of the site that is required before any repairs are

“I can tell you that we have not been contacted over this
crossing to work on a diagnostic review,” said BNSF spokeswoman
Lena Kent. “That is a critical step of this process to move

“You can’t just, you know, have somebody out there say, ‘Hey, I
think we need gates,’ and the next day we show up with some
gates. That’s not how that works. You have to go through that

The Missouri Department of Transportation has authority over
public railroad crossings and runs the state’s railroad safety

A MoDOT spokeswoman confirmed that although MoDOT alerted BNSF
earlier this year that the crossing has been put near the top of
its priority list to be fixed, the agency had not yet contacted
the railroad to conduct a review of the site.

“It was approved last July (as a priority) and our staff reached
out,” MoDOT spokeswoman Linda Wilson Horn said Tuesday of BNSF.
“The diagnostic review has not been scheduled yet.”

Did MoDOT ‘drop the ball’?
For residents like Mike Spencer, who farms 1,600 acres around
what he has long viewed as a potentially deadly crossing, word
of the state’s inaction came as a shock.

He was the Mendon resident who last year stood at the crossing
with the county commissioners, an area engineering firm
representative and a MoDOT railroad safety specialist. Spencer
said he initiated the meeting with MoDOT in the expectation that
the state and BNSF would soon fix the dangerous crossing.

Everyone — MoDOT, the commissioners, the engineering
representative — agreed that changes needed to be made.

“They were right on board,” Spencer said of the commission
members. “They were like, ‘Oh yeah, this has got to be fixed. We
are going to do whatever we can.’”

Presiding Commissioner Evan Emmerich has notes from that
meeting. He detailed how the crossing was “very steep” and
needed to be addressed. And that it is “difficult to see” at
that location because “the gravel road and railroad intersect at
an angle.”

“MoDOT still has the crossing on their list to repair,” Emmerich
wrote in his notes. “But no timeline was given to us.”

After that meeting, Spencer and others in the community felt
change was coming. Soon.

But then Spencer would check in with the state month after month
and nothing was happening. He said he was first led to believe
that the project was stalled because of MoDOT budget constraints.

He said he was later told by MoDOT that the crossing
construction had been “tabled,” leading him to surmise that the
delays were due to the railroad. Earlier this year, he asked if
the tall brush surrounding the tracks could at least be removed,
because it obscured drivers’ views of oncoming trains. Still
nothing happened.

Residents continued to complain as recently as last month. The
Chariton County Commission emailed MoDOT about the brush on May
23. When MoDOT didn’t respond, the commission emailed BNSF a
week later.

As recently as Monday, Spencer was placing full blame for the
crash on BNSF for not fixing the crossing.

“Now I’m wondering if MoDOT didn’t drop the ball on us,” Spencer
said, “and maybe nothing was ever in the works to get anything

‘A couple of years’
For its part, the agency said it was in the process of
correcting the crossing. But because of the way the system
works, nothing was going to happen immediately.

The first step is for the state to identify a potentially
dangerous crossing and decide it is a priority to be fixed. That
happened for the Mendon crossing in July 2021. The next step is
to schedule a “diagnostic review.”

In a review, officials from the railroad, MoDOT and the
government body that owns the road visit the crossing and
determine what is required to make it safe. Together, they then
draw up a plan for whatever is needed: lights, bells, railroad
gates, changing the grade of the road, perhaps even eliminating
the crossing.

None of that happens fast.

“It usually takes a couple of years to have a plan and designs
ready for a contractor to do the work,” Horn of MoDOT said.

The actual construction adds even more time. MoDOT, Horn said,
has limited funds to improve crossing safety. It has $7.5
million a year, receiving $6 million each year in what are known
as Section 130 funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation,
and $1.5 million through a state fund.

Because each crossing improvement project costs $400,000 on
average, the state can only add lights, gates, bells, or do road
repairs on 20 crossings a year.

According to a draft version of the Missouri Highway-Rail Grade
Crossing State Action Plan, the state has nearly 4,400 public
rail crossings. Some 1,600 crossings in the state do not have
lights and gates.

In the five years between 2016 and 2020, 37 people have been
killed and 89 injured at crossings in Missouri.

Tremendous wreck
Spencer does not hold BNSF blameless in this week’s deadly wreck.

The railroad, he said, has long been aware of the steep grade at
the crossing, making it difficult for trucks or heavy farm
equipment to climb to the top of the tracks and over. According
to the presiding commissioner’s notes, the commission first
spoke to Spencer about the crossing in December 2019.

“He has been in contact with the railroad but said they were not
being very cooperative,” Emmerich wrote.

The dump truck involved in Monday’s wreck was owned by MS
Contracting in Brookfield. It was hauling a load of shot rock to
a nearby levee under repair by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

On Monday, Spencer was at a restaurant in Columbia when his
phone erupted with calls and texts about the crash at the
crossing. The derailed train cars spilled into his fields.

“I texted him,” Spencer said of the MoDOT rail official he had
worked with. “I said, ‘OK, the crossing that we’ve been
concerned about and that you all said wasn’t going to get
completed: Now it’s going to make national news because I
understand there’s been a tremendous wreck.’

“He’s not texted or called me or nothing.”


30 June, 2022

BNSF is responsible for maintenance of their track
infrastructure. In areas like the accident site, track
inspections are done frequently due to the frequency of freight
trains and the daily Amtrak passenger operation. As stated by
numerous comments, Missouri DOT and local agencies share
responsibility in upgrading crossings and there is a
considerable list of "uncontrolled" ones to improve. The loss of
life of the truck driver and 3 passengers is a sad fact. Though
a survivor, the locomotive's engineer will be haunted by the
accident for the rest of his or her life. I've ridden in
locomotive cabs of passenger trains in the USA and in Canada, at
speeds above 60-70 mph. Even with a clear view of the track
ahead, slowing down to a low impact speed requires 90 seconds to
2 minutes and at least a half mile when moving at 90 mph which
is the passenger train maximum timetable speed for this section
of BNSF. Engineers qualified to run passenger trains have earned
that position and very often have the most seniority on a
railroad. It is a challenging occupation requiring skill,
training and attention to detail.

30 June, 2022

The town could have easily just raised the road on each side of
the crossing to make it much easier for trucks to cross.
That's something the farmer could have done by simply going to a
town meeting and pushing it. Simply looking at the map of the
area and you can see there's a lot of crossings like this.
Small dirt roads going to farm fields. Also I have yet to see
the "brush" they are talking about. There's two sets of tracks
and any brush/trees are at least 15 feet away from the tracks on
each side. That's close to the range of what track based
railroad brush clearing equipment can reach. I'm curious what
the crossing on Newhall road looks like since the driver could
have use it instead.

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-01 12:00:42 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

Passenger rail provider Amtrak and BNSF Railway Company have
filed a federal lawsuit blaming the contracting company that
owns the dump truck the train collided with on Monday of causing
the crash that killed four people, including the truck driver,
near Mendon, Missouri.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday in the Eastern District of Missouri,
alleges MS Contracting, based in Brookfield, Missouri, is
ultimately responsible for the crash, saying truck driver Billy
Barton II crossed the railroad tracks in a manner that was
“unsafe, careless and reckless.” It further alleges the company
failed to properly maintain its trucking equipment or properly
train its employees, including Barton.

A call placed to the contracting company’s listed phone number
was not answered Thursday. Lawyers representing Amtrak and BNSF
did not immediately reply to a message from The Star seeking

Also on Thursday, a lawsuit was filed against a BNSF manager and
Chariton County by Barton’s widow. It alleges the intersection
was dangerous because it lacks visibility for drivers and does
not have a sufficient warning system.

The deadly crash occurred around 12:45 p.m. Monday at the
railroad crossing on Porche Prairie Avenue after the Los Angeles-
Chicago bound train, running along the Southwest Chief route,
hit a dump truck that was obstructing the track, authorities
have said. The truck was hauling a load of shot rock to a nearby
levee under repair by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Approximately 275 passengers and 12 crew members were on board
at the time. The collision caused several train cars to fall
over, leading to a crisis situation in the rural Missouri town
as at least 150 were transported to 10 different hospitals
across the state.

Three passengers were killed, identified by authorities as
Rachelle Cook, 58, and Kim Holsapple, 56, both of De Soto,
Kansas; and Binh Pham, 82, of Kansas City. More than a dozen
remained hospitalized as of Wednesday.

In the days since the crash, The Star has learned of public
safety concerns that were raised in recent years about the
railroad crossing, which has no lights or guard rails. Other
concerns include visibility and the steep grade of the public
road that intersects with the railroad tracks.

The Missouri Department of Transportation has authority over
public railroad crossings and runs the state’s railroad safety

The Porche Prairie crossing was on a list of MoDOT’s recommended
safety projects that had yet to be completed. Its estimated cost
was $400,000.

The National Transportation Safety Board, the federal agency
that investigates railway and other transportation disasters,
has yet to complete its analysis of the crash. Officials say the
Amtrak train was going 89 mph when the train blew its horn,
roughly one-quarter mile before impact, and slowed to 87 mph at
the moment of impact.

Data from the train’s cameras and computer systems have been
collected as part of the investigation. NTSB officials also say
they are taking into account the safety concerns that have been
raised about the crossing.

The agency is expected to release a report in mid-July
containing basic facts about the incident.

Meantime, the lawsuit filed Thursday on behalf of Amtrak and
BNSF contends the train was “clearly visible” and that Barton,
the driver, failed to yield to the train’s right of way. It was
not immediately clear what led the companies to arrive at that

The lawsuit is among the first in a potential wave of civil
cases as some passengers have signaled they may sue Amtrak and
the railway company. Several have already retained legal counsel.

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-01 14:22:48 UTC
In article <s7orfi$2c4u$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

Sixteen Boy Scouts from Appleton, Wisconsin, escaped serious
injury Monday when the Amtrak train carrying them back from a
trip to New Mexico derailed after striking a dump truck in rural

No one in the group was seriously injured, said Scott Armstrong,
director of national media relations for the Boy Scouts of

Adults in the group were bused to an area hospital to be
examined after the crash.

The Scouts administered first aid to several injured passengers,
including the driver of the dump truck, Armstrong said. A source
confirmed to the USA Today Network that one of the scouts tried
to comfort the truck driver before he died.

Four people were killed in the crash; the fourth death was
announced Tuesday. The Missouri State Highway Patrol said about
150 people taken to 10 area hospitals with injuries ranging from
minor to serious.

The scouts, from Appleton-based troops 12 and 73 and ranging in
age from 13 to 17, were returning from a week-long "adventure
trek," said Brian Robb, director of Field Service for the Bay-
Lakes Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

He said two adults with the scouts were taken to hospital by

"We're hoping (the injuries) are just minor, like broken ribs,"
Robb said.

The train, carrying 275 passengers and 12 crew, hit a dump truck
that was on the tracks at a public crossing in Mendon, a rural
part of north-central Missouri about 100 miles northwest of
Columbia. Eight cars and two locomotives derailed, Amtrak said.

The scout troops are chartered with the first First English
Lutheran Church of Appleton.

More:The Amtrak train derailment in Mendon, Missouri, killed
four. Here's what else we know.

The scouts had been at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. It's
the largest scout ranch in the world, said Ralph Voelker, scout
executive for the Bay-Lakes Council.

The train had been scheduled to continue to Chicago.

USA TODAY and The Associated Press contributed to this report

Contact Doug Schneider at (920) 431-8333, or
***@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter at @PGDougSchneider.

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-01 14:48:11 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

The four people who were killed when an Amtrak train crashed
into a dump truck Monday in rural mid-Missouri have been

The driver of the truck was identified as Billy Barton II, 54,
of Brookfield, Missouri, the Missouri State Highway Patrol
announced on Wednesday.

The passengers who died were identified as Rachelle Cook, 58,
and Kim Holsapple, 56, both of De Soto, Kansas; and Binh Pham,
82, of Kansas City. Cook and Holsapple were declared dead at the
scene, the highway patrol said. Pham was pronounced dead Tuesday
at a hospital in Columbia.

The Amtrak crash Monday afternoon in Mendon, about 115 miles
northeast of Kansas City, left 150 people injured. As of
Wednesday, at least 13 remained hospitalized.

The injured were taken from the scene by helicopter, ambulance
and private vehicle to 10 hospitals across the state, officials
said, including in Kansas City, Columbia and Chillicothe.

Amtrak officials said 275 passengers and 12 crew members were on
the train headed from Los Angeles to Chicago when several cars

A 14-member team from the National Transportation Safety Board
arrived at the crash scene Tuesday morning to begin
investigating the collision at the uncontrolled crossing.

Mary Schiavo, former U.S. Department of Transportation inspector
general, told The Star that the steep grade and condition of the
railroad crossing will be the focus of the investigation.

On Tuesday, National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer
Homendy said the agency was beginning its investigation by
examining the events leading up to the crash. Evidence gathering
was to include a digital download of information from the on-
board recording system, Homendy said, which would show factors
such as the use of the train horn, the speed of the train before
impact and how the brakes were applied.

The safety board did not have any concerns about mechanical
issues on the train or the tracks, she said.

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-01 15:23:38 UTC
In article <s7jour$mea$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

The widow of a man killed when the truck he was driving was hit
by an Amtrak train this week has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.
In the suit, Erin Barton alleges that the Missouri railroad
crossing where Billy Dean Barton II died was "ultra-hazardous,"
due in part to the defendants' failures to maintain the

The first of two defendants is Mariano Rodriguez, a manager in
the BNSF Railway's engineering department. Rodriguez is in
charge of ensuring "the safety, proper inspection and
maintenance" of railroad crossings like the one near Mendon, the
suit says.

But the widow alleges that he failed to do so, citing the
crossing's "impaired 'sight triangles,'" an "excessively small
crossing angle," and other impairments, including "sloped
approaches, brush, trees and vegetation blocking a full view of
oncoming trains in some quadrants." She said "the surfaces of
the crossing were narrow, rough and poorly maintained."

Additionally, the crossing did not have "bells, gates or lights"
to warn vehicles of an approaching train — it only had
crossbucks or signs saying that the tracks were nearby, the suit

"These conditions at the crossing created an ultra-hazardous
crossing," the suit says, adding that the conditions had been
like that for years.

The suit cited the fact that it takes trains a significant
amount of time — perhaps up to a mile — to stop fully. "This
fact makes properly guarded, inspected and maintained crossing
critical for safety," it says.

Given these alleged safety concerns, Rodriguez "knew or should
have known that the Porche crossing posed a grave danger to the
public," the suit said.

On June 27, these failures culminated in the fatal collision and
derailment, the lawsuit alleges. Erin Barton's husband was
driving a dump truck through the crossing and "did not see or
hear the train coming with adequate warning to safely cross the

The crash killed him and three others on the train, which was
carrying nearly 300 people from Los Angeles to Chicago. Many
others were injured in the incident.

Erin Barton is seeking $25,000 and prejudgment interest for
costs incurred from filing the lawsuit.

She is also suing Chariton County, Missouri, where the crash
took place, for the same compensation. The lawsuit alleges that
the county failed its duty to properly design, inspect and
maintain its roads, including the approaches to the crossing. It
says the county violated several roadway standards as well.

Prior to the crash, residents had reported to the county's road
authority several issues at the crossing, the suit said.
Therefore, the suit alleges, the county was aware of the
problems, and its negligence "caused or directly contributed" to
Barton's death.

This is the first reported lawsuit filed as a result of the
crash. More than 10 victims in the derailment, including the
family of a man who died, have retained lawyers "to represent
their interests," a separate law firm said in a statement to CBS

Sixteen National Transportation Safety Board investigators were
on scene to try and determine the cause of the crash, chair
Jennifer Homendy said Wednesday. They will download the train's
event recorder, and will examine the train's two forward facing
cameras as well as the dump truck's electronic control module.

She said the NTSB has been recommending "for a number of years"
that passive crossings, like the one near Mendon, be either
converted to active ones, closed or consolidated. She also
pointed out a 1998 NTSB study which recommended that vehicles
have technology that would alert drivers to trains in the area.

Amtrak said Monday night that it was "deeply saddened" to learn
of the deaths, adding that it's cooperating with local

On Thursday, Amtrak and the BNSF Railway company, which owns the
track on which the collision happened, sued Barton's employer
and the owner of the dump truck, MS Contracting, alleging it was
responsible for the crash and accusing the company of negligence.

The lawsuit claims Barton "failed to yield the right of way to
the approaching Amtrak Southwest Chief Train 4," resulting in
the collision. It deemed his actions "unsafe, careless and
reckless." It blamed the company for "negligently, carelessly,
and recklessly" failing to adequately train Barton and maintain
the truck.

The crash injured and killed Amtrak employees and passengers,
significantly damaged property owned by the two companies, and
resulted in delays and service disruption, according to the suit.

Amtrak and BNSF reported more than $75,000 in damages from the
crash, and they are each seeking a payment of more than $75,000
in the lawsuit.


30 June, 2022

Years ago driving across the prairie farms of Illinois, I
watched some cars on a highway almost get hit at a crossing.
Back then, many were simply crossbucks on a pole. Wide open farm
fields where you could see in all directions for miles, yet they
target fixated on the highway and ignored the train approaching.
I don't know if they were trying to beat the train or simply
didn't see it, but the second car crossed with the locomotive
only about 25 feet from the car as it did. I was always amazed
at how people would risk their lives to save a couple of minutes
or be so oblivious to their surroundings.

30 June, 2022

Based on posted pictures, there was NO brush blocking any "sight
angles." The crossing has a STOP sign. It looks like it COULD
use some maintenance, but not enough to be a problem crossing.
Very FEW rural crossings have anything more than the crossed
boards signal, due to LACK OF TRAFFIC making in too expensive to
be practical. MOST rural crossings are sloped for drainage
reasons, just as the roadbed is higher than the surrounding land
for the same reason.
The main problem, obviously, was her husband, not paying

Harvey E
30 June, 2022

The railroads were there before the cars. Drivers Education
classes stress the importance of being aware and alert at
railroad crossings, marked or unmarked. We do not live in a
perfect world. Each must bear responsibility for their actions.

150 Days In Delaware
2022-12-01 19:11:12 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> It was run by Democrats. What the fuck did you expect?

WASHINGTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Fraudsters likely stole $45.6
billion from the United States' unemployment insurance program
during the COVID-19 pandemic by applying tactics like using
Social Security numbers of deceased individuals, a federal
watchdog said on Thursday.

About a year ago, nearly $16 billion in potential fraud had been
identified. The report issued Thursday by the inspector general
for the U.S. Labor Department identified "an increase of $29.6
billion in potentially fraudulent payments."

The scammers had allegedly filed billions of dollars in
unemployment claims in many states simultaneously while some of
them got benefits using the identities of dead people and
prisoners who were not eligible for aid. They also relied on
suspicious emails that were hard to trace, the watchdog said in
its report.

"We determined 205,766 Social Security numbers of deceased
persons were used to file claims for UI (unemployment insurance)
pandemic benefits," the report added.

The United States' jobless aid program started in 2020 in the
early days of the coronavirus outbreak.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Justice Department tapped federal
prosecutor Kevin Chambers to lead the department's efforts to
help investigate fraudsters who used the pandemic as an excuse
to bilk government assistance programs. read more

In May 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland launched a COVID-
19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force. The United States is probing
many fraud cases pegged to U.S. government assistance programs,
such as the Paycheck Protection Program, unemployment insurance
and Medicare.

Earlier this week, federal prosecutors charged 47 defendants,
who were accused of stealing $250 million from a government aid
program that was supposed to feed children in need during the

A Minnesota non-profit organization, Feeding Our Future, was
accused of orchestrating the plot. Its founder, Aimee Bock,
denied wrongdoing.

In March, the Justice Department said it had brought over 1,000
cases of crimes involving jobless benefits during the pandemic.

lighting tech at Mega Amusement
2022-12-02 08:26:04 UTC
In article <s7orfh$2c4u$***@neodome.net>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> A dump truck driver thought he could outrun a speeding train.

MENDON — The chief elected official in the Missouri county where
an Amtrak train slammed into a dump truck said Tuesday that
residents and county leaders have been pushing for a safety
upgrade at the railroad crossing for nearly three years.
Meanwhile, the toll from the accident rose to four deaths and
150 injuries.

A day after the deadly crash on Monday, the Missouri State
Highway Patrol said people were taken to 10 hospitals with
injuries ranging from minor to serious. By Tuesday afternoon, at
least 15 people remained hospitalized. The dead — three
passengers and the truck driver — have not been identified.

Amtrak’s Southwest Chief was traveling from Los Angeles to
Chicago when it struck the rear of the truck. Two locomotives
and eight cars derailed. Amtrak officials said about 275
passengers and 12 crew members were aboard.

National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman Jennifer L.
Homendy said at a news conference that the truck was owned by MS
Contracting of Brookfield, Missouri, and was transporting
material to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project nearby.

Homendy said investigators will download recorder information to
determine the speed of the train, when the horn was blown and if
the emergency brake was deployed. She said some of that
information could be released as early as Wednesday. The speed
limit at the crossing is 90 mph.

The crossing in a rural area near Mendon in western Missouri has
no lights or other signals to warn of an approaching train.

Chariton County Presiding Commissioner Evan Emmerich said in an
email to The Associated Press that resident Mike Spencer first
brought his concerns about the crossing to a Dec. 2, 2019,
commission meeting. He was told to contact the Missouri
Department of Transportation’s Railroad Safety division. A week
later, commissioners spoke with officials from the state agency
and were told “it is on their plans to repair,” Emmerich said.

After that, Emmerich cited other efforts by the commission. They
included a March 2021 meeting with a state Railroad Safety
division engineer at the crossing site; an email sent to the
Railroad Safety division on May 23 to address concerns about
visibility at the crossing; and a May 31 call to BNSF Railway,
which owns the track, “to express our concerns with the
visibility issue” at the crossing.

In January, the Missouri Department of Transportation submitted
to the Federal Railroad Administration its “State Freight & Rail
Plan” plan. It included a proposal to install lights and gates,
along with roadway improvements. The project was estimated at
$400,000. Typically, the federal government would pay 80% and
the county 20%.

MoDOT spokeswoman Linda Horn said that with limited funds
available, “it takes a while to get these prioritized.” She said
the project has received approval in a four-year plan that runs
through fiscal year 2026.

BNSF spokeswoman Lena Kent declined comment on “specific
conversations” about upgrades to the crossing, citing the NTSB
investigation, “however, I can tell you that BNSF has a
proactive vegetation management program across our network,” she

Spencer told The Associated Press that he is among several
people who have complained that the overgrowth of brush and the
steep incline from the road to the tracks makes it hard to see
oncoming trains from either direction. Spencer, who grows corn
and soybeans on land surrounding the intersection, said the
crossing is especially dangerous for those driving heavy, slow
farm equipment.

Spencer is on the board of a local levee district. He said the
dump truck driver was hauling rock for a levee on a local creek,
a project that had been ongoing for a couple of days.

Earlier this month, Spencer posted a video on Facebook of the
crossing that shows the steep gravel incline leading up to it.

“We have to cross this with farm equipment to get to several of
our fields,” Spencer wrote with the posting. “We have been on
the RR for several years about fixing the approach by building
the road up, putting in signals, signal lights or just cutting
the brush back.”

Homendy said “passive” crossings like the one near Mendon make
up about half of all crossings in the U.S. She said there are
130,000 passive crossings nationwide and 3,500 in Missouri.

The NTSB has for years recommended actions such as closing
passive crossings or adding gates, bells and other upgrades at
passive crossings, Homendy said. She said the agency also has
recommended technology to alert drivers to the presence of an
oncoming train at crossings such as the one at Mendon that are
on an incline.

“Lives could be saved,” she said.

Kyle Bullard, a 21-year-old student at Lindenwood University in
suburban St. Louis, was traveling from a friend’s home in Kansas
City, Missouri, to Kalamazoo, Michigan, for a wedding. He fell
10 feet onto his back when his cab tipped over.

Bullard and his friend escaped and returned to help others out
of the train, but he said he’s still bothered by the image of a
woman buried in rubble. He said someone was holding her hand,
and he realized he couldn’t do anything to help her.

“We were grateful because we made it out alive, but we’re also
sad because some people didn’t. We’re sorry for those families,"
Bullard said. "Yeah, I survived the train crash and I helped
people, but it’s like, I did also see someone die. So it’s just
like, it is what it is. And I’m gonna have to move on from it.
But it’s just gonna be always in the back of my head.”

The incident in Missouri was among three fatal Amtrak accidents
since Sunday.

Three people in a car were killed Sunday afternoon when an
Amtrak commuter train smashed into it in Northern California,
authorities said. Also, on Monday in Detroit, two people died
when their vehicle collided with an Amtrak train. Police Chief
James White said officers were dispersing drag racers and one
vehicle sped away and tried to beat the train.

People have been injured or killed in at least six other
accidents involving Amtrak trains since 2015. Last year, three
people died and others were injured when an Amtrak derailed in
north-central Montana as it traveled from Chicago to Seattle.

Amtrak is a federally supported company that operates more than
300 passenger trains daily in nearly every contiguous U.S. state
and parts of Canada. The Southwest Chief takes about two days to
travel from Los Angeles to Chicago, picking up passengers at
stops in between.

Ballentine reported from Columbia. Associated Press reporters
Margaret Stafford in Kansas City and Jim Salter in O'Fallon,
contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on Columbia Daily Tribune:
Upgrades urged at Amtrak train crash site in Missouri, but no

2022-12-03 11:23:57 UTC
In article <sn19k4$q55$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Stupid bitch.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin have welcomed their seventh child

Alongside a short video on Instagram, Hilaria wrote, "She’s
here! We are so excited to introduce you to our tiny dream come

"Both she and I are happy and healthy," she continued. "Her
Baldwinito siblings are spending the day bonding and welcoming
her into our home."

Now, a quick note on the baby's name: Ilaria Catalina Irena. You
may remember Hilaria's notable scandal where she was accused of
pretending to be Spanish, while she is actually a woman named
Hilary from Boston.

Well, Hilary's mom's name is Kathryn, and her grandmother's name
was Irene. So, it appears that baby #7 is named after the
Spanish* versions of Hilary's family names.

To a certain degree, this tracks — the gender reveal social
media post included lines like, "[Move] freely in your
cultures," "No one can define your cultures," and "Labels are

Godspeed, Ilaria.

FBI Bull hockey
2022-12-03 23:11:20 UTC
In article <smsetq$o6s$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> The FBI is out of control. From the first 20 down, shoot every other
> FBI official as a lesson.
The privacy invasion was vast when FBI agents drilled and pried
their way into 1,400 safe-deposit boxes at the U.S. Private
Vaults store in Beverly Hills.

They rummaged through personal belongings of a jazz saxophone
player, an interior designer, a retired doctor, a flooring
contractor, two Century City lawyers and hundreds of others.

Agents took photos and videos of pay stubs, password lists,
credit cards, a prenuptial agreement, immigration and
vaccination records, bank statements, heirlooms and a will,
court records show. In one box, agents found cremated human

Eighteen months later, newly unsealed court documents show that
the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles got their
warrant for that raid by misleading the judge who approved it.

They omitted from their warrant request a central part of the
FBI’s plan: Permanent confiscation of everything inside every
box containing at least $5,000 in cash or goods, a senior FBI
agent recently testified.

The FBI’s justification for the dragnet forfeiture was its
presumption that hundreds of unknown box holders were all
storing assets somehow tied to unknown crimes, court records

It took five days for scores of agents to fill their evidence
bags with the bounty: More than $86 million in cash and a
bonanza of gold, silver, rare coins, gem-studded jewelry and
enough Rolex and Cartier watches to stock a boutique.

The U.S. attorney’s office has tried to block public disclosure
of court papers that laid bare the government’s deception, but a
judge rejected its request to keep them under seal.

The failure to disclose the confiscation plan in the warrant
request came to light in FBI documents and depositions of agents
in a class-action lawsuit by box holders who say the raid
violated their rights.

The court filings also show that federal agents defied
restrictions that U.S. Magistrate Judge Steve Kim set in the
warrant by searching through box holders’ belongings for
evidence of crimes.

“The government did not know what was in those boxes, who owned
them, or what, if anything, those people had done,” Robert
Frommer, a lawyer who represents nearly 400 box holders in the
class-action case, wrote in court papers.

“That’s why the warrant application did not even attempt to
argue there was probable cause to seize and forfeit box renters’

After a two-year investigation that opened in 2019, leaders of
the FBI’s Los Angeles office believed U.S. Private Vaults was a
magnet for criminals hiding illicit proceeds in their boxes.

The business was charged with conspiracy to sell drugs and
launder money.

The FBI and U.S. attorney’s office denied that they misled the
judge or ignored his conditions, saying they had no obligation
to tell him of the plan for indiscriminate confiscations on the
blanket assumption that every customer was hiding crime-tainted

FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said the warrants were lawfully
executed “based on allegations of widespread criminal

“At no time was a magistrate misled as to the probable cause
used to obtain the warrants,” she said.

U.S. Private Vaults has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to launder
drug money, and the investigation is continuing, she said.

The plaintiffs in the class-action suit have asked U.S. District
Judge R. Gary Klausner to declare the raid unconstitutional. If
he grants the request, it could force the FBI to return millions
of dollars to box holders whose assets it has tried to

It could also spoil an unknown number of criminal investigations
by blocking prosecutors from using any evidence or information
acquired in the raid, including guns and drugs.

Until the FBI shut it down, U.S. Private Vaults was an easy-to-
miss store in an Olympic Boulevard strip mall with a Supercuts
hair salon and kosher vegan Thai restaurant.

Around 2015, it began attracting police attention. Local
detectives and federal agents spotted drug suspects walking in
and out.

FBI agent Lynne Zellhart, a former Sacramento attorney, first
heard about it from a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy.
Customers, who could rent boxes without identifying themselves,
entered the store’s vault with a biometric eye scan, the deputy
told her.

The Sheriff’s Department suspected a customer was a criminal but
was “having all kinds of problems getting into the box that they
had a warrant for because of the nature of the business,”
Zellhart testified in the class-action suit.

By 2019, federal and local law enforcement had managed to search
more than a dozen boxes and seized about $5 million from five
drug dealers, a bookie and a debit card thief.

The FBI opened an investigation of the business itself.
Zellhart, who specializes in money laundering, said she thought
it should be shut down. She joined forces with counterparts at
the Drug Enforcement Administration and Postal Inspection

Through surveillance, informants and undercover work, they
surmised that U.S. Private Vaults and a precious-metals store
next door were helping drug dealers launder cash by converting
it into gold and silver they stashed in their boxes.

Zellhart was tasked with spelling out the government’s case in
an affidavit that took her more than six months to write.
Prosecutors submitted it to Kim in a request for six warrants.

Five of them were for straightforward searches of the store and
the homes of its owners and managers to gather evidence for
prosecution of the company.

But the sixth — to seize the store’s business equipment for
forfeiture — was highly unusual. The government wanted to take
not just computers, money counters, video cameras and iris
scanners, but also the “nests of safety deposit boxes and keys.”

The only way the FBI could seize the racks of boxes would be to
take possession of the contents too. Any judge reviewing the
warrant request would recognize a threat to the rights of what
turned out to be about 700 customers who had locked away some of
their most private and valuable belongings.

Box holders would liken the raid to police barging into a
building’s 700 apartments and taking every tenant’s possessions
when they have evidence of wrongdoing by nobody but the landlord.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office declined to say
whether the government had evidence of criminal activity by any
specific box holders prior to the raid.

The 4th Amendment protects people against “unreasonable searches
and seizures.” It requires the government to get a warrant by
showing in a sworn statement that it has probable cause to
believe that a particular place needs to be searched and
describing specific people or things to be seized.

In her affidavit, Zellhart made sweeping allegations of criminal
wrongdoing by box holders, saying it would be “irrational” for
anyone who wasn’t a lawbreaker to entrust the store with assets
that a bank could better safeguard.

“Only those who wish to hide their wealth from the DEA, IRS, or
creditors would” rent a box anonymously at U.S. Private Vaults,
she wrote.

But the FBI’s evidence against customers was thin.

Agents had seen some of them pull up to the store in vehicles
with Nevada, Ohio and Illinois license plates, Zellhart wrote.

“Based on my training and experience in money laundering
investigations, Chicago, Illinois is a hub of both drug
trafficking and money laundering,” she said. “I believe these
patrons were using their USPV box to store drug proceeds.” She
cited no facts to back up the suspicion.

Other customers were showing up in rental cars, and that too,
she claimed, was a sign of drug dealers evading law enforcement.
An owner of U.S. Private Vaults told a government witness that
the store’s best customers were “bookies, prostitutes and weed
guys,” Zellhart wrote.

Of all the box holders, Zellhart mentioned only nine, either
identifying them by their initials or not at all. She said they
were “linked” or “associated” with law enforcement
investigations, but again provided no facts specifying criminal

While the majority of customers seemed to be drug dealers, she
wrote, U.S. Private Vaults tried “to attract a non-criminal
clientele as well, so as not to be too obvious a haven for

At Zellhart’s deposition, Frommer asked, “Was it your opinion
that most of the people who rented safe-deposit boxes were
criminals in some way?”

“I was expecting a lot of criminals,” she said. “I don’t know
about most.”

Frommer reminded her of the language in her affidavit.

“I don’t sort of know how to answer your question as to whether
it was all of them, it was most of them,” she responded. “I
don’t — I don’t have a percentage.”

On the affidavit’s 84th and 85th pages, Zellhart assured Kim the
FBI would respect customers’ rights.

That section, she testified, was written by Andrew Brown, an
assistant U.S. attorney and driving force of the investigation.

What Brown wrote contradicts the FBI’s plan for hundreds of box
confiscations. He underlined the government’s lack of evidence
to justify any criminal search of the customers’ property.

“The warrants authorize the seizure of the nests of the boxes
themselves, not their contents,” his section of the affidavit
said. “By seizing the nests of safety deposit boxes themselves,
the government will necessarily end up with custody of what is
inside those boxes initially.”

The affidavit told Kim that agents would “follow their written
inventory policies” and “attempt to notify the lawful owners of
the property stored in the boxes how to claim their property.”

Under FBI policy, it said, inspection of each box would “extend
no further than necessary to determine ownership.” But agents’
inspection of the boxes went substantially further — just as the
government planned, according to FBI records filed in court.

By the time Kim got the warrant request, the FBI had been
preparing an enormous forfeiture operation for at least six
months, according to Jessie Murray, the chief of the FBI’s asset
forfeiture unit in Los Angeles.

In the summer of 2020, she testified, Matthew Moon, then one of
the highest-ranking FBI agents in Los Angeles, asked her if her
team “was capable of handling a possible large-scale seizure” of
safe-deposit boxes at U.S. Private Vaults.

Murray told him yes. She recalled joining a conference call in
late 2020 and another in early 2021 to plan forfeitures of the
box contents with the U.S. attorney’s office, other federal and
local agencies, and “maybe even our legal forfeiture unit at
[FBI] headquarters in D.C.”

Zellhart and a colleague confirmed the grand scale of the
planned forfeiture in a memo to fellow agents with detailed
instructions for carrying out the raid.

The memo, approved by Moon and two other senior FBI managers,
ordered agents to assign “CATS ID” numbers to “all cash” found
in the boxes. The government uses the Consolidated Asset
Tracking System to keep track of everything it seizes for

Murray testified that once she reviewed the final draft of
Zellhart’s affidavit, it was clear to her that there was
probable cause to seize and confiscate the contents of every box
— as long as it met the $5,000 minimum set by the Justice
Department’s Asset Forfeiture Policy Manual.

Murray offered no explanation for why the FBI believed it had
legal grounds to take away the assets of hundreds of unknown box
holders based on their presumed ties to unknown crimes.

To confiscate an asset under U.S. forfeiture laws, the
government must first have evidence that it was derived from
criminal conduct or used to facilitate it.


In a court filing in the class-action case, Brown and other
prosecutors claimed the FBI had no obligation to tell Kim that
it was “prepared to seek forfeiture” of property inside the

Agents “owe a duty of candor to courts,” they acknowledged, “but
that is about known facts that have already occurred.”

They said the FBI did not need to tell Kim “how later actions,
such as criminal investigations against boxholders or forfeiture
of box contents, would play out.”

Kim was explicit in limiting the scope of the raid. “This
warrant does not authorize a criminal search or seizure of the
contents of the safety deposit boxes,” his warrant stated.

The judge gave the FBI permission to take inventory of the box
contents to protect against theft accusations. He ordered agents
to identify the owners and notify them that they could claim
their property.

But by then, Zellhart and her colleague had already told agents
in their memo to take notes on anything that suggests any of the
cash “may be criminal proceeds,” such as whether it was bundled
in rubber bands or smelled like marijuana.

The FBI also had dogs sniff all the cash for any odor of
marijuana or other drugs, a step that was outside the bounds of
the “written inventory policies” that the government vowed to

Lyndon Versoza, a postal inspector who often has dogs check mail
for drug investigations, testified that Zellhart or a DEA agent
— he could not remember which — asked him to round up K-9 teams.
He got dogs from the Glendale, El Monte, Chino and Los Angeles
police departments to smell the money.

At his deposition, Versoza was asked whether a drug dog can help
identify the owner of a pile of cash.

“No,” he responded.

What about protecting agents against accusations of theft?
Frommer asked.

“No,” Versoza said.

Could a dog help justify forfeiture of the cash?

“It could,” Versoza replied.

Prosecutors have made extensive use of the dog alerts on cash —
notoriously unreliable evidence in a state where marijuana is
legal — to convince judges to approve confiscation of box
holders’ money.

In the raid’s aftermath, the criminal case against U.S. Private
Vaults sputtered to an end with nobody sent to prison.

The company went out of business. It was sentenced to pay a $1.1-
million fine for laundering drug money, but prosecutors conceded
it lacked the means to pay it.

Under a plea deal, the U.S. attorney’s office agreed not to
prosecute the company’s owners, despite a Justice Department
policy under Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland to hold individuals
accountable for corporate wrongdoing — and despite Zellhart
telling Kim it was “owned and managed by criminals.”

The FBI and U.S. attorney’s office rebuffed repeated Times
requests for a full accounting of what was seized. They divulged
neither how much the government has kept, nor how much it has

Records from dozens of lawsuits stemming from the raid make
clear, though, that it produced a windfall of tens of millions
of dollars for the Justice Department. Local police departments
that assisted in the raid have sought shares of the money,
according to Murray.

Some of the government’s gains came from customers who abandoned
their boxes. “There’s a good number of people who just said, ‘I
don’t want it,’ ” Zellhart testified. “I think there was 20 or
30 of those.”

When the FBI vacated U.S. Private Vaults, it posted a notice in
the store window inviting customers to claim their property. The
FBI went on to investigate anyone who stepped forward, checking
their bank records, state tax returns, DMV files and criminal
histories, agents testified.

Lawyers for box holders denounced the process as a ploy to
gather evidence for forfeitures and criminal investigations.

Zellhart testified that the FBI was just making sure it was
returning things to rightful owners.

In all, the FBI ultimately returned at least some of the
contents of about 430 of the 700 boxes, according to the

Many box holders have agreed to give up a portion of their cash
and property after deciding it was not worth spending tens of
thousands of dollars in legal fees — or more — to recover the
Some of those, and many others, have faced baseless FBI
accusations of criminal wrongdoing. In May 2021, the FBI claimed
the contents of 369 boxes — including the $86 million in cash —
were linked to crime and filed papers for confiscation through

It went on to return everything in about 180 of those boxes
after failing to produce evidence to support the allegations,
court documents show. Those box holders retrieved more than $27
million. Attorneys for other customers say they recovered close
to $25 million more through private negotiations with the U.S.
attorney’s office.

“This entire episode is a stain on the U.S. attorney’s office
and on everyone who played a part in it,” said Benjamin Gluck, a
lawyer for box holders.

Prosecutors have pressed ahead, filing more than 40 court
complaints to confiscate millions of dollars from box holders
who challenged the seizures.

In some of those cases, prosecutors cited no evidence that the
money was tied to any specific crime, alleging simply that a dog
smelled drug residue on the cash, or that it was bagged or
wrapped in a way that aroused suspicion of drug trafficking.

In a few other cases, prosecutors and the FBI accused box
holders by name of committing multiple felonies, offered no
evidence to back up the allegations, and then gave back

One of those customers was a glassware maker who kept more than
$340,000 in cash and gold in his box.

In a court declaration, he said he rented the box in 2020
because it was a “disturbing and scary” time of social upheaval,
and he distrusted banks.

“Protests and riots were the normal news, banks had been
boarding up their windows, and emergency alerts were prompting
people to stay indoors after curfew,” he wrote.

Prosecutors falsely accused the man of fraud, racketeering,
conspiracy, drug trafficking and money laundering. FBI agent
Madison MacDonald — who co-authored the raid plan — filed a
sworn statement saying the allegations were true.

The complaint included no evidence the glassware maker had
committed any of those crimes, but alleged he had “an extensive
history of narcotic trafficking arrests and convictions.”

The man’s lawyer, Yael Tobi, castigated the prosecutors for
exaggerating expunged misdemeanors, saying they intentionally
omitted that he’d been arrested 16 years ago and was never
convicted of a felony.

She called it “an egregious abuse of power.”

Spokespersons for both the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office
declined to comment on the case.

Prosecutors demanded that the glassmaker provide a sworn
statement on when, why and from whom he received every dollar of
the $340,000; the names of everyone who’d given him gifts since
2017; five years of tax returns for him and his wife, a doctor;
and all of their bank and investment account numbers.

“Before proceeding too far down the road on this case, do you
have a settlement offer to resolve this matter?” Assistant U.S.
Atty. Victor Rodgers asked Tobi in an email six days later. “The
government is prepared to be reasonable in connection with a
resolution, and I think that an early settlement of this case
would probably be beneficial to both parties.”

Tobi refused to cut a deal. She asked U.S. District Judge Mark
C. Scarsi to “put a stop to the government’s abuse and
overreach” by dismissing the complaint.

On March 9, nearly a year after the FBI seized the man’s cash
and gold, Scarsi ordered the government to give it back.

Ethnic Defects
2022-12-06 12:10:02 UTC
In article <srl054$71fj$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Obama and Biden let the killer into the USA.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The suspect in the kidnapping and killings
of an 8-month-old baby, her parents and an uncle had worked for
the family’s trucking business and had a longstanding feud with
them that culminated in an act of “pure evil,” a sheriff said

The bodies of Aroohi Dheri; her mother Jasleen Kaur, 27; father
Jasdeep Singh, 36; and uncle Amandeep Singh, 39, were found by a
farm worker late Wednesday in an almond orchard in a remote area
in the San Joaquin Valley, California’s agricultural heartland.

Investigators were preparing a case against the suspect — a
convicted felon who tried to kill himself a day after the
kidnappings — and sought a person of interest believed to be his
accomplice. Relatives and fellow members of the Punjabi Sikh
community, meanwhile, were shocked by the killings.

“Right now, I’ve got hundreds of people in a community that are
grieving the loss of two families, and this is worldwide. These
families are across different continents,” Merced County Sheriff
Vern Warnke told The Associated Press. “We’ve got to show them
that we can give them justice.”

The suspect, 48-year-old Jesus Salgado, was released from the
hospital and booked into the county jail Thursday night on
suspicion of kidnapping and murder, the Sheriff’s Office said.
It wasn’t clear if he had a lawyer who could speak on his behalf.

Earlier, Warnke called for prosecutors to seek the death
penalty. The sheriff called it one of the worst crimes he has
seen over his 43 years in law enforcement and pleaded for
Salgado’s accomplice to turn himself in.

“There’s some things you’ll take to the grave. This to me was
pure evil,” he said in an interview Thursday.

The city of Merced, where the family’s trucking business was
located, will hold evening vigils in their memory Thursday
through Sunday. The victims’ bodies were found near the town of
Dos Palos, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) south of Merced.

Warnke on Thursday would not discuss the condition of the
adults’ remains in the orchard but said it was unclear how the
baby died. Warnke said the child had no visible trauma and an
autopsy will be conducted.

Salgado was previously convicted of first-degree robbery with
the use of a firearm in Merced County, attempted false
imprisonment and an attempt to prevent or dissuade a victim or
witness. Sentenced to 11 years in state prison in that case, he
was released in 2015 and discharged from parole three years
later, according to the California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation. He also has a conviction for possession of a
controlled substance, the department said.

Relatives of Salgado contacted authorities and told them he had
admitted to them his involvement in the kidnapping, Warnke told
KFSN-TV on Tuesday. Salgado tried to take his own life before
police arrived at a home in Atwater — where an ATM card
belonging to one of the victims was used after the kidnapping —
about 9 miles (14 kilometers) north of Merced. Efforts to reach
Salgado’s family were unsuccessful Thursday.

The victims were Punjabi Sikhs, a community in central
California that has a significant presence in the trucking
business with many of them driving trucks, owning trucking
companies or other businesses associated with trucking.

Public records show the family owns Unison Trucking Inc. and
relatives said they had opened an office in the last few weeks
in a parking lot the Singh brothers also operated. The feud with
Salgado dated back a year, the sheriff said, and “got pretty
nasty” in text messages or emails. Other details about Salgado’s
employment and the nature of the dispute were not immediately

Warnke said he believes the family was killed within an hour of
the Monday morning kidnapping, when they were taken at gunpoint
from their business.

Surveillance video showed the suspect — later identified as
Salgado — leading the Singh brothers, who had their hands zip-
tied behind their backs, into the back seat of Amandeep Singh’s
pickup truck. He drove the brothers away and returned several
minutes later.

The suspect then went back to the trailer that served as the
business office and led Jasleen Kaur, who was carrying her baby
in her arms, out and into the truck before the suspect drove
them away shortly before 9:30 a.m.

Hours later, firefighters on Monday found Amandeep Singh’s truck
on fire in the town of Winton, 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of
Merced. Police officers went to Amandeep Singh’s home, where a
family member tried to reach him and the couple. When they were
not able to reach their family members, they called the
sheriff’s to report them missing.

They were likely already dead.

Hey niggers!
2022-12-06 12:40:06 UTC
In article <srktkk$70c8$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Obama started all the nigger stupidity and hatred of law enforcement.
> Empty American NFL stadiums reflect the public disapproval of nigger behavior.


West End star Kelly Mathieson belted out God Save the King
before an NFL match between Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans
Saints at the Tottenham Hotspur stadium in London, Sunday, Oct.
2, 2022.
Hey niggers!
2022-12-06 13:15:10 UTC
In article <srktkk$70c8$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Obama started all the nigger stupidity and hatred of law enforcement.
> Empty American NFL stadiums reflect the public disapproval of nigger behavior.


Phoebe Haines sings the US national anthem before an NFL match
between Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans Saints at the
Tottenham Hotspur stadium in London, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022.
2022-12-06 17:15:38 UTC
In article <srnr40$843b$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Kamala Harris says everything is fine, there is a policy in place.

Uvalde:365 is a continuing ABC News series reported from Uvalde
and focused on the Texas community and how it forges on in the
shadow of tragedy.

The Uvalde, Texas, school district -- still facing withering
criticism over its police department's failings both during the
May 24 elementary school massacre and since -- announced the
suspension of the entire district police force on Friday.

Hours later, Uvalde school district Superintendent Hal Harrell
announced he would be retiring. There was no timeframe given for
Harrell's retirement, but the transition will be discussed in a
closed session of the school board on Monday.

The district said it's requested more Texas Department of Public
Safety troopers to be stationed on campuses and at
extracurricular activities amid the police department
suspension, adding, "We are confident that staff and student
safety will not be compromised during this transition."

The length of the school district police suspension is not clear.

Lt. Miguel Hernandez, who was tasked with leading the department
in the fallout from the shooting that killed 19 students and two
teachers, and Ken Mueller, the UCISD's director of student
services, were placed on administrative leave.

Hernandez acknowledged in a law enforcement communication in
August that he'd received formal notification from DPS that an
officer applying to Uvalde's school police force was under
investigation for her response at Robb Elementary.

Mueller has elected to retire, according to the school district.

"Officers currently employed will fill other roles in the
district," the school district said. According to the district's
website, that includes four officers and one security guard.

Victims' families, led by Brett Cross, guardian of 10-year-old
victim Uziyah Garcia, had been holding a round-the-clock vigil
outside the school district headquarters calling for change. The
families are now commending Friday's police department

"We've gotten a little bit of accountability," an emotional
Cross told ABC News. "So, it's a win, and we don't get very many
of those."

Kimberly Rubio, whose daughter, Lexi, was killed at Robb, said
the department suspension was "what we've been asking for --
it's more than we've been asking for."

"They don't know how to hire people, they don't know how to vet
officers," she told ABC News. "They haven't provided proper

Gloria Cazares, whose 9-year-old daughter, Jackie, was killed,
called the department suspension "bittersweet."

"It's a win -- a small win," she told ABC News. "We're not done."

Berlinda Arreola, the grandmother of victim Amerie Jo Garza,
added, "This is the perfect example of why we didn't stop."

"We are going to continue because there are other children that
still go to school here. We have a lot of siblings of the
deceased that go here," she said. "We want to make sure our kids
are secure and protected. And we want to make sure that the
people protecting them are willing to protect them."

The department suspension comes one day after the firing of
Crimson Elizondo, the officer who was hired by Uvalde's school
district despite being under investigation for her conduct as a
DPS trooper during the massacre.

Elizondo was the first DPS member to enter the hallway at Robb
after the shooter gained entry. The trooper did not bring her
rifle or vest into the school, according to the results of an
internal review by DPS that was detailed to ABC News.


Crimson Elizondo, a former Uvalde School District Police Officer
and former Texas State Trooper, is pictured in an undated
official portrait.


As a result of potential failure to follow standard procedures,
the trooper was among seven DPS personnel whose conduct is now
being investigated by the agency's inspector general. The seven
were suspended, however, by Elizondo resigning from DPS to work
for the Uvalde schools she was no longer subject to any internal
discipline or penalties. Her conduct -- if found to be in
violation of law or policy -- would still be included in the
final report from the DPS inspector general.

The school district said in Friday's statement that "decisions
concerning" the school district police department have been
pending results of investigations from the Texas Police Chiefs
Association and the private investigative firm JPPI
Investigations, but "recent developments have uncovered
additional concerns with department operations."

Results of the JPPI investigation "will inform future personnel
decisions" and the Texas Police Chiefs Association's review
"will guide the rebuilding of the department and the hiring of a
new Chief of Police," the statement said.

The school district's police chief, Pete Arredondo, was fired in

ABC News' Patrick Linehan and Olivia Osteen contributed to this

2022-12-06 17:25:39 UTC
In article <sro1vd$86a8$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Kamala Harris says everything is fine, there is a policy in place.

A police officer who was hired by the Uvalde school district
despite being under investigation for her conduct during the
school massacre while with the Texas Department of Public Safety
has now been fired.

The school district said in a letter Thursday that Crimson
Elizondo had been fired effective immediately. The decision to
hire Elizondo drew outrage from parents' of victims of the May
24 school shooting that killed 21 people, including 19
elementary school students.

"We are deeply distressed by the information that was disclosed
yesterday evening concerning one of our recently hired
employees, Crimson Elizondo," the school district wrote in the
letter. "We sincerely apologize to the victim's families and the
greater Uvalde community for the pain that this revelation has

Kimberly Rubio, whose daughter, Lexi, was killed at Robb
Elementary, said the district was right to fire Elizondo, but
said she shouldn't have been hired in the first place.

"As the school district that I send my children off to, I expect
them to be vetted," Rubio told ABC News.

"I applied at Whataburger and had [a] more thorough interview,"
she added. "I don't understand why she herself would apply for
this job. And I also don't understand why the school district
would hire her."


Crimson Elizondo, a former Uvalde School District Police Officer
and former Texas State Trooper, is pictured in an undated
official portrait.


ABC News confirmed Wednesday that Elizondo, a former Texas state
trooper now under investigation for her conduct in responding to
the Uvalde school shooting rampage, was among the new officers
hired for the Uvalde school district police department -- the
same force that has come under fire for the bungled response to
the massacre.

The news was first reported by CNN.

Elizondo was the first member of the Texas Department of Public
Safety to enter the hallway at Robb Elementary School after the
shooter gained entry. The trooper did not bring her rifle or
vest into the school, according to the results of an internal
review by DPS that was detailed to ABC News.

As a result of potential failure to follow standard procedures,
the trooper was among seven DPS personnel whose conduct is now
being investigated by the agency's inspector general. The seven
have been suspended, however, by Elizondo resigning from DPS to
work for the Uvalde schools she is no longer subject to any
internal discipline or penalties. Her conduct -- if found to be
in violation of law or policy -- would be included in the final
report from the DPS IG.



This image from video released by the City of Uvalde, Texas
shows Texas Department of Public Safety trooper Crimson Elizondo
responding to a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde,
Texas, May 24, 2022. The former Texas state trooper under
investigation for the law enforcement response to the deadly
school shooting in Uvalde has been hired by the school district
as a campus police officer.


Texas DPS said Thursday it sent a memo to the Uvalde school
district on July 28, which was transmitted on a secure law
enforcement network on Aug. 1, saying that Elizondo was under
investigation by the DPS inspector general.

On that day, Lt. Miguel Hernandez of the Uvalde Consolidated
Independent School District Police Department confirmed in
writing: "Got it, thank you so much, MRH." Hernandez took over
control of the department after maligned former Police Chief
Pete Arredondo was fired.

The Uvalde school district did not say when Elizondo was hired,
but they said at a school board meeting on Aug. 8 that "four
officers have been recommended for hire." It's unclear if
Elizondo was one of them.

Neither Hernandez nor the district spokeswoman have responded to
requests for comment.

About two dozen family members of victims had gathered outside
the school district administration building before sunrise
Thursday with signs to protest Elizondo's hiring.

Some families of the victims have joined to form a group called
Lives Robbed. In a statement Wednesday, the group said: "We are
disgusted and angry at Uvalde Consolidated Independent School
District's (UCISD) decision to hire Officer Crimson Elizondo.
Her hiring puts into question the credibility and thoroughness
of UCISD's HR and vetting practices. And it confirms what we
have been saying all along: UCISD has not and is not in the
business of ensuring the safety of our children at school."

The statement continues: "We cannot trust the decisions that
have been made in regard to the safety of our schools.
Therefore, we are calling for all UCISD officers to be
suspended, pending the conclusion of the investigation by JPPI
Investigations LLC. The results of this investigation must be
released to the families of the victims of the Robb Elementary
shooting, as well as to the public. Our families have been
calling for accountability, and we deserve transparency and
justice at the state, local and federal levels. Our children
have been taken from us. We will not stop fighting until we have
answers and we ensure the safety of the children in our
community is the top priority."

Kimberly Rubio told ABC News Thursday, "I think that the first
step is investigating these officers. Putting them on suspension
while you do so. Making sure that you're hiring the right
people. Making sure your doors are locked, making sure the gates
are up."

Despite Elizondo's firing, Rubio said, "I'm very frustrated.
It's never-ending. We'll never move on, but we still deserve
transparency -- accountability, justice. Nobody's helping us."

Questions were also raised about the district's pre-hiring
vetting of Arredondo, who has been blamed for much of the
bungled shooting response. He had been demoted in a previous
job, and critics contend that work history was not taken into
account when the district hired him to run its police force.

The practice of police officers switching jobs and jurisdictions
despite concerns raised in prior posts has become a concern
nationally. Some have called for the creation of national
standards and databases that would enable prospective employers
to learn quickly whether a cop has anything potentially
disqualifying in their employment history.

ABC News' Patrick Linehan, Ishmael Estrada and Olivia Osteen
contributed to this report.

2022-12-06 18:07:43 UTC
In article <srl058$71fj$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Kamala Harris says everything is fine, there is a policy in place.

UPDATE AT 12:15 P.M. THURSDAY - Officials with Uvalde
Consolidated Independent School District confirmed that they've
fired former Texas Department of Public Safety officer Crimson
Elizondo, who was recently hired as a Uvalde CISD police officer.

Uvalde CISD released this statement:

We are deeply distressed by the information that was disclosed
yesterday evening concerning one of our recently hired
employees, Crimson Elizondo. We sincerely apologize to the
victim’s families and the greater Uvalde community for the pain
that this revelation has caused.
Ms. Elizondo’s statement in the audio is not consistent with the
District's expectations. Effective today (October 6), Crimson
Elizondo has been terminated from her position with the Uvalde

Regarding the remaining UCISD Police Department employees, we
continue to make personnel decisions based on verifiable
information. An independent investigation is underway to
evaluate the actions of the current officers on May 24, 2022.
Additionally, we are awaiting results of a management and
organizational review of the UCISD Police Department that will
aid the district in taking informed actions to further ensure
the safety and security of our schools.

Original story

UVALDE, Texas - Former Texas Department of Public Safety officer
Crimson Elizondo resigned while being investigated for her
response to the Uvalde school shooting massacre.

But despite being one of those under investigation in the failed
law enforcement response, she has now been hired to protect the
city's school children.

In a community reeling from one of the worst school shootings in
history and still begging for answers and accountability, CNN
has learned that one of the Texas state troopers under
investigation for her actions on May 24 at Robb Elementary has a
new job.

She was hired as a school police officer at Uvalde Elementary
trusted with protecting some of the same students who survived
the massacre.

Parents of children who were killed at Robb Elementary were the
first to notice officer Elizondo on campus, recognizing her from
body camera footage of the shooting.

Brett Cross, legal guardian of Uziyah Garcia, one of the
students killed by the gunman, didn't hold back when asked about
his thoughts on Elizondo's hiring.

I'm absolutely appalled. I even asked the school board
beforehand when they said we were getting more officers, if they
were hiring or there would be officers who were there on May
24th that were going to be patrolling and being around here and
they told me no. So I'm disgusted. And honestly I'm pissed off
at the remarks that she had to say. If her kids were in there,
she wouldn't have stayed outside. So the rest of our kids didn't

Elizondo, a four-year veteran of Texas DPS, was one of the first
law enforcement officers on scene of the mass shooting where 19
students and two teachers were murdered.

She resigned from DPS over the summer, and was hired by the
Uvalde Consolidated School District soon after.

Before Elizondo resigned from DPS, here actions and the actions
of six other DPS officers at the scene of the shooting were
referred for further investigation.

In a redacted internal memo to the organization's director
obtained by CNN, DPS cited quote "actions which may be
inconsistent with training and department requirements" as the
reason for the referral.

Despite early efforts by state officials to blame the local
police department in Uvalde for the failed response, a timeline
from body camera footage shows Elizondo arrived on the scene
just two minutes after the shooting began.

The new information now indicates she was among several DPS
officers on scene who potentially could have taken action to
stop the gunman. Footage shows her without a tactical
bulletproof vest or long rifle, out of step with active shooter
training. She spends most of the 77 minutes before the classroom
was breached outside the school.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, Elizondo
told investigators that without her gear, she was not
comfortable joining the others inside.

Out of nearly 400 law enforcement officers who responded to the
shooting, 91 were from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Seven of those officers were referred for further investigation
for their conduct that day.

Crimson Elizondo is one of them. The other six still work for
DPS while the investigation into their actions continues.

It is unclear if Uvalde CISD was aware of the investigation at
the time of Elizondo's hiring. The district has not responded to
emails, calls or direct questions from CNN.

"Sir, do you know this officer who you have recently hired? Are
you aware that she is under investigation for her actions on the
day of the shooting? Do you think she's fit to serve here
considering her actions that day are under investigation? Mr.
Mueller, you don't want to respond to that?"

Elizondo's hiring raises questions about DPS and the lack of
transparency around the investigation and the conduct of its

DPS officials did not comment for this story.

Speaking to CNN in September, DPS director Steve McCraw promised
he'll resign if his agency was shown to have culpability for the
botched response.

"Hey, I'll be the first to resign, okay, I'll gladly resign,
I'll take my resignation to the governor, okay, if I think
there's any culpability on the Department of Public Safety,
period. okay? We're going to hold our officers accountable,"
said McCraw. "No one gets a pass. but every officer is going to
be held accountable.

CNN also learned that Elizondo was recorded on video after
delivering medical care to survivors, reflecting on the horrors
of what she saw inside.

And officer asked if her children attended Robb Elementary.

Elizondo's response:

Officer: "Are your kids ok?"

Elizondo: "Yeah my son's in daycare, he's not old enough.
(crosstalk) "Yeah no, if my son had been in there I would not
have been outside, I promise you that."

Officer Elizondo was one of dozens of law enforcement officers
inside and surrounding the school in the 77 minutes before
police finally breached the classroom.

State Senator Roland Gutierrez issued the following statement:

DPS Director Steve McCraw said he would be the ‘first to
resign...if there is any culpability in the Department of Public
Safety. Period.’ It’s time for Governor Abbott to call for
McCraw’s resignation, and finally show an ounce of leadership
and empathy for Uvalde families.

A DPS trooper was on scene within two minutes of the shooter and
failed to follow training, protocol, and the duty they were
sworn to. People’s children died because DPS officials failed to
do their job. This isn’t just the failure of one law enforcement
officer, it is the failure of the Texas government and the buck
stops with Governor Greg Abbott.

DPS and whoever allowed this officer to be put on the payroll
and stationed in our schools just slapped this community in the
face. There is a callous disregard within Abbott’s government
for the families of the victims, the students who survived, and
for an entire community still in mourning.

If DPS had any intention of holding anyone accountable, officers
under investigation would not be able to resign in disgrace and
quickly find new work in law enforcement – particularly in the
very community they failed. But we don't need an DPS
investigation to know this: 91 DPS troopers idled at Robb
Elementary while 19 children and two teachers were killed and
others lay injured and scared. And Abbott and McCraw have done
nothing to prevent the next massacre. Uvalde families are done
with excuses.

2022-12-06 21:16:07 UTC
In article <su40fo$166j2$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Kamala Harris says everything is fine, there is a policy in place.

UVALDE, Texas -- Three months after the shooting at Robb
Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and just eight days before
the start of the 2022-23 school year, a promised evaluation of
responding school district police officers has not yet started,
and those officers will be allowed to continue working within
the district this fall, the board announced Monday evening.

When asked to clarify why the evaluation has not been initiated,
the board said it prioritized evaluating Chief Pete Arredondo
and the audit of the department. The embattled police chief who
responded to the massacre was terminated last week, after months
of community outcry.

Many citizens again expressed frustration and disbelief that
returning officers this fall will include those who responded to
the May 24 massacre, saying the officers "failed" the two
teachers and 19 students who were killed, as well as the
district's families. Like in past meetings, residents asked for
the board to suspend these officers until the evaluation is

During the three back-to-back meetings that the Uvalde
Consolidated Independent School District hosted Monday evening,
tensions ran high as board members outlined investments they've
committed to using in order to address campus safety and
security and provide emotional support for students across the
district. Many of these commitments have yet to be completed,
the crowd of unimpressed Uvaldeans reminded the board Monday.

Although each campus will now have a designated "port of entry"
for parents and visitors, one board member conceded that not all
the doors and frames needed to secure the vestibules have
arrived due to a backorder issue. Additionally, neither the
number of promised counselors nor police officers have been
hired, the board stated.

Uvalde:365 is a continuing ABC News series reported from Uvalde
and focused on the Texas community and how it forges on in the
shadow of tragedy.

J.J. Suarez, a board member seen in the surveillance hallway
footage released by the Texas House Committee in July, was
pressed on Monday with questions about his own response to the
shooting, none of which he would concisely respond to; he
vaguely said he did his "very best," to which the crowd
responded with chants of "shame on you."

Diana Olvedo-Karau asked the board who exactly will be
monitoring the 500 cameras the school district is installing
(installment has only been completed at Uvalde High School), to
which the board responded that it has yet to be determined.

Another question that was asked pertained to the assigned
response team in the case another "bad guy" gets in any of the
districts' schools. The board said that the 33 deployed Texas
Department of Public Safety officers will comprise the first
responding team and they will initially set up an incident
command structure. Olvedo-Karau followed up by asking how the
officers will know the layout of the school in the case of
emergency, to which Superintendent Dr. Hal Harrell said they
will learn at orientation scheduled for Sept. 4-5.

Overall, families' sentiment toward the board during the meeting
was critical and dissatisfied. In an emotional, shared speech,
family members read each of the board's planned responses and
paralleled the lives of their loved ones who might have been
saved if each initiative would have been implemented before May

"We've been waiting over three months for y'all to do
[something]," yelled Brett Cross, uncle and legal guardian of
shooting victim Uziyah Garcia, who said he raised the child,
using an expletive to make his point. The family members then
presented a list of additional requests they asked the board to
fulfill, including a version of the hallway surveillance footage
that is time-stamped with the identification and arrival time of
each responding officer, and a private meeting between victims'
families and the officers working in the district for the 2022-
23 school year.

Other news that came from the meetings was the announcement that
136 students are enrolled in the virtual academy for the
upcoming school year so far. Enrollment for the online learning
option is open officially until Aug. 31, but Harrell claims the
district will work with any child who decides they would like to
learn remotely.

Editor's note: This story has been updated to correct that Brett
Cross is Uziyah Garcia's uncle and legal guardian, and not
Uziyah's father.

Black Dick Lover Kathy Hochul
2022-12-13 14:29:12 UTC
In article <EHOpJ.17179$***@fx27.iad>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> This stupid bitch is drunk on power and New Yorkers handed it to her.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) declared a “disaster” in the
state on Friday due to the spread of polio through wastewater.
The emergency declaration allows a larger group of medical
personnel to administer polio vaccines and requires providers to
send immunization data to the New York State Department of
Health (NYSDOH).

“On polio, we simply cannot roll the dice,” State Health
Commissioner Mary T. Bassett said in response to Hochul’s order.
She continued: “If you or your child are unvaccinated or not up
to date with vaccinations, the risk of paralytic disease is
real. … Polio immunization is safe and effective — protecting
nearly all people against disease who receive the recommended

The state’s polio immunization drive will be bolstered by the
New York State Immunization Information System, which will
collect data on which communities need access to vaccines the

More polio virus detected in upstate NY wastewater
The vaccination rate against polio among 2-year-old children in
New York is 79 percent and “significantly less than that in
several counties and zip codes,” according to the governor’s
office. Polio vaccines will now be able to be distributed by
first responders, midwives, and pharmacists.

NYSDOH wastewater surveillance found poliovirus in stool samples
collected in Rockland County, Orange County, Sullivan County,
New York City and Nassau County, all of which are clustered in
the southeast of the state. The surveillance was triggered by
the detection of paralytic polio in a Rockland County resident
who was unvaccinated. The state disaster will last until Oct. 9
unless lengthened by Hochul.

Editor LA Times
2022-12-14 16:39:44 UTC
In article <srl1qq$71u0$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Any woman looking to buy meth is a whore.

The United States Department of Justice released a memo on
Thursday, September 22nd announcing the sentencing of Jeffrey
Pierce. The sex offender was a ninth-grade social studies
teacher and basketball coach at Seaman High School in Topeka,
Kansas. Pierce would impersonate a young female on numerous
social media platforms in order to lure minor males in his area
to send explicit images and videos of themselves.

The pervasion latest for years. Altogether, authorities found
evidence that he had solicited at least 80 minor children. All
of them were local to his community, including some targets from
within the high school where Jeffrey Pierce taught.

Thousands of images and videos were uncovered from his personal
devices. One of his victims was a 15-year-old boy who attended
the Seaman high school where Jeffrey Pierce served children.
Oftentimes, he would stoop to threats in order to obtain more
pornographic content, vowing to leak the images if the children
didn't keep sending him more.

According to reports from The Topeka Capitol-Journal, multiple
families of Jeffrey Pierce's victims were in attendance during
his courtroom sentencing yesterday. One of his victims gave
testimony, as did two mothers. The teen expressed vast
embarrassment and disarray after what he experienced.

Confused and likely scarred by the event for the rest of his
life, the boy said that he often tries to forget about what
happened. One mother spoke directly to Jeffrey Peirce, calling
him a "monster." The other said he was a "wolf in sheep's

The former teacher also spoke at his hearing. He conveyed a
sense of regret for what he had done. Additionally, he said that
he was ready to accept his fate.

While Jeffrey Pierce pleaded his case, vowing that he was a
changed man, most of the community and defense were not buying
it. The prosecution noted the vast impact his illegal actions
had on the community. They believe Pierce purposely targeted
kids in the community because it gave him a sense of power over
the people that trusted him.

A judge gave the former educator the maximum prison sentence,
meaning the 42-year-old will be in his early 70s when he is
released from prison. When out, he is required to spend the next
five years under supervised release. Furthermore, Jeffrey Pierce
is required to pay $55,000 in special assessments.

Cases of sexual extortion online are growing in frequency.
Unfortunately, many of these cases involve authoritative
perpetrators such as teachers. Today, it is important more than
ever to not only educate children about online safety but also
to warn them about the dangers of teachers like Jeffrey Pierce.

The post Teacher Who Sexually Abused 80 Children Sentenced To
Prison appeared first on Go2Tutors.

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 09:56:03 UTC
In article <svh00t$1t8b8$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> The FBI is out of control and should be the first takedown target.

It was the final FISA deception, not merely the FBI’s reliance
on the uncorroborated Steele dossier, that led to the illegal
surveillance of Carter Page.

Special Counsel John Durham’s deft questioning of FBI agent
Brian Auten during the prosecution of Steele-dossier primary sub-
source Igor Danchenko confirmed the Crossfire Hurricane team
obtained permission to surveil U.S. citizen Carter Page without
first verifying the dossier’s claims. While scandalous, the
Justice Department’s deceptive framing of Christopher Steele’s
source network as connected to his prior work with British
intelligence is worse because the higher-ups who authorized the
inclusion of this detail in the final revision of the
application knew a FISA warrant would likely be denied without
the misrepresentation.

The special counsel’s criminal trial against Danchenko on five
counts of lying to the FBI began earlier this week in a Virginia
federal court, with prosecutor Michael Keilty framing for the
jury the significance of Danchenko’s alleged lies during the
government’s opening statement.

“The evidence in this trial will show that the Steele dossier
would cause the FBI to engage in troubling conduct that would
ultimately result in the extended surveillance of the United
States citizen,” Keilty began, a reference to the FBI’s FISA-
approved surveillance of Page. “And the defendant’s lies played
a role in that surveillance,” the prosecution continued, arguing
that Danchenko lied about his sources. Specifically, the
government explained, the evidence would show Danchenko lied
about Sergei Millian being one source and then later falsely
denied that Charles Dolan provided other information Danchenko
had fed to Steele.

The Uncorroborated Dossier
John Durham then questioned the government’s first witness,
Brian Auten. Through Auten, a supervisory intelligence analyst
for the FBI who led the analysts working on Crossfire Hurricane,
the special counsel elicited testimony for the jury of the
origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign and the
D.C. headquarters’ receipt of the Steele dossier on Sept. 19,

From there, Auten walked the jury through a trip to Europe, in
which agents offered Steele up to $1 million for information to
confirm the dossier allegations, and Steele’s inability to
provide evidence to confirm the claims of Trump-Russia
collusion. Auten further explained that while Steele refused to
identify his sources, by December of 2016, through research,
Auten had determined that Danchenko served as Steele’s primary

After identifying Danchenko as Steele’s primary sub-source,
Auten explained that the FBI sought Danchenko’s cooperation,
making him a confidential human source and offering him
immunity. Auten further testified about Danchenko’s work with
the Crossfire Hurricane team and what Danchenko told them — and
didn’t tell them, including Danchenko’s claims, multiple times,
that he had received a telephone call from someone he believed
to be Millian providing intel about the Trump campaign’s Russia
connections. Auten also told the jury that Danchenko had denied
talking with Dolan about any of the details contained in the

Durham further elicited from Auten testimony that the four FISA
applications used to obtain a surveillance order to spy on Page
included information from the Steele dossier, including details
provided by Danchenko that Danchenko had attributed to Millian.
And in questioning Auten about the FISA applications and their
reliance on the Steele dossier, Durham pounded the point that
the FBI had used the Steele dossier to obtain a court order to
surveil a United States citizen without corroborating any of the
substantive details contained in the supposed intelligence

Between Sept. 19, 2016, when the FBI headquarters first received
the Steele dossier, and Oct. 21, 2016, when the government
submitted the first FISA application, “were you able to confirm
or corroborate in any of the FBI system the very serious
allegations that were contained in dossier reports,” Durham
asked Auten. “No,” Auten replied.

“And what can you tell the jurors about whether or not any of
the intelligence agencies that the FBI contacted for
corroborative information produced any corroborative
information” about the dossier’s allegations? Durham inquired.

“We did receive information back from a number of different
agencies,” Auten explained, but nothing that corroborated the
specific allegations in the dossier.

The questions continued: “Did Christopher Steele provide any
corroborative information for the information that was contained
in his reports, in the dossier reports?”

“Not for the allegations, no,” Auten confirmed.

“At any time when you were overseas meeting with Steele in early
October, did he provide anything?” Durham pushed.

Auten: “He did not.”

What about “at any time after the October meeting with Mr.
Steele and after the million dollars-plus had been offered as an
incentive to provide corroborative information for what was in
those reports, did he provide any corroborative information?”
Durham inquired.

“No,” Auten testified.

And yet, portions of the Steele dossier “played a significant
part” in the Carter Page FISA applications. The special counsel
reiterated that point regularly during the first few days of the
trial while stressing — in question after question — that the
FBI had failed to corroborate the allegations.

With Danchenko being the main source for Steele’s dossier, that
testimony strengthened the government’s case that Danchenko’s
alleged lies materially affected the FBI’s investigation.
Simultaneously, the special counsel’s line of questioning served
to castigate Auten and the other members of the Crossfire
Hurricane team for using uncorroborated material to surveil a
United States citizen.

Misleading M16 Info
The FBI’s use of the uncorroborated Steele dossier was not the
FBI’s worst offense, however. Worse still was the Crossfire
Hurricane team’s last-minute amendment to the FISA application
that misleadingly framed Steele’s source network as one
established during his time as an MI6 agent, when, in fact,
neither Danchenko nor any of Steele’s other dossier sources had
been sources during his time with British intelligence.

While Steele would later confirm for the inspector general that
his source network did not involve sources from his time with
MI6, but “was developed entirely in the period after he retired
from government service,” from Auten’s detailed trial testimony,
we now know that the Crossfire Hurricane team either knew
Steele’s source network was not connected to British
intelligence or knew that it could not, in good faith, make that
representation to the FISA court.

For two days, Durham elicited testimony from Auten of the FBI’s
attempts to ascertain Steele’s source network, including during
a trip to Europe in early October, but Steele refused to
identify his sources. Auten’s testimony in this regard proves
significant when considered together with details previously
revealed in the Office of Inspector General’s report on FISA

In discussing the process the FBI undertook to obtain the first
FISA warrant on Page, the OIG explained that the day before the
FISA court granted the surveillance order, the government
submitted a “read copy” of the FISA application to the FISA
court’s legal adviser for a preliminary assessment of any
issues. The FISA court’s legal adviser asked the attorney
working with the FBI on the application “how it was that Steele
had a network of subsources?”

The government lawyer “provided additional information to him
regarding Steele’s past employment history,” the OIG report
explained; that response implied Steele’s source network came
from his time with MI6. Significantly, the FISA court’s legal
adviser then indicated the additional detail of Steele’s prior
work with British intelligence should be included in the
official FISA application to the court.

“That the legal advisor not only raised the question about
Steele’s access to a network of sources, but then insisted that
the FISA application be updated to include information
concerning Steele’s prior government position, shows the FISA
court placed great significance on Steele’s previous British
intelligence work for purposes of assessing the reliability of
his source network.” And with that misleading information added,
the next day, Oct. 21, 2016, the FISA court issued the first of
four orders authorizing the surveillance of Page’s phone and
email accounts.

Given the importance the legal adviser placed on understanding
Steele’s source network, it seems unlikely the FISA court would
have authorized the surveillance of Page had the FBI either
acknowledged that Steele’s source network came from his private
work with Orbis or conceded that Steele had refused to reveal
his sources. It was this final deception, then, and not merely
the FBI’s reliance on the uncorroborated Steele dossier, that
led to the illegal surveillance of Page. And, here, those
involved in adding the last-minute, credibility-boosting
footnote reference to Steele’s MI6 work knew full well that
misrepresentation would score the bureau a surveillance warrant,
making it an even worse transgression.

Of course, we’ve yet to see the FBI agents responsible for this
farce face justice, and as edifying as it is to hear Durham
eviscerate the agents involved, that is not enough to ensure
this travesty never repeats itself — because it already is.

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 10:11:03 UTC
In article <svgt0e$1t6kr$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are pieces of shit.

The eight reasons Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrat Party are
perfect for explaining to your common-sense Democrat-voting
friends and family why their party has left them behind.

Former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard announced Tuesday
that she is leaving the Democrat Party. “I believe in a
government that is of, by, and for the people,” she said on
Twitter. “Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not.
Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful

In a YouTube video from the “Tulsi Gabbard Show” elaborating on
her decision, the former representative and American veteran
cited eight grave battles the Democratic Party is waging against
the American people as her reasons for leaving. These eight
reasons are perfect for explaining to your common-sense,
Democrat-voting friends and family why their party has left them

1. War on Rule of Law
Gabbard grilled Democrats for “demonizing” and defunding the
police, particularly during the summer of 2020, while
simultaneously “enacting laws that favor criminals’ rights over
those of everyday Americans.” Indeed, radical, George Soros-
backed district attorneys in blue cities across the country are
refusing to prosecute criminals in the name of “equity.”

Not all Democrat attacks on law and order are that brazen,
though. Gabbard rightfully highlighted how the Obama
administration weaponized the IRS to target conservative
nonprofits. Since then, equal justice under the law has broken
down even further. In recent weeks, Biden’s DOJ raided the home
of pro-life leader Mark Houck, arresting him in front of his
wife and seven frightened children.

Shortly thereafter, the FBI raided the home of pro-life activist
Chester Gallagher for his role in leading a pro-life
demonstration. The agency also charged 10 of Gallagher’s fellow
demonstrators. If convicted, seven of the 11 pro-lifers charged
face 11 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000. “When the
party in power does not believe in the rule of law, but they’re
responsible for writing and enforcing laws, our democracy is
doomed,” said Gabbard.

2. War on Free Speech
There’s no such thing as free speech in a Democrat-controlled
America. As Gabbard explained, leftists no longer engage in
debate, they simply silence “speech that they don’t like” by
labeling it “misinformation” or “hate speech.” Much of their
success in the censorship crusade can be attributed to their
alliance with, as Gabbard puts it, the “corporate, for-profit
media and Big Tech.”

Perhaps one of the most insidious examples of Democrat and Big
Tech collusion was the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop
story, a censorship effort that interfered in the 2020 election
by limiting what information about then-candidate Joe Biden
reached voters’ ears. The systematic suppression of the story
appears to have been a top-down, coordinated effort after Mark
Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI instructed Facebook (and likely
other platforms) to falsely brand the Hunter Biden laptop story
as Russian disinformation to censor.

3. War on Faith
“Today’s Democratic Party does not believe in our
constitutionally protected right to freedom of religion,” said
Gabbard, adding that Democrats “are hostile toward people of
faith and spirituality and actively try to undermine our
religious freedom.” Gabbard noted how her former party “chose to
omit the words ‘under God’” from the Pledge of Allegiance during
the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

Democrat senators suggested that the Catholic faith of then-
District Court nominee Brian Buescher’s and then-Supreme Court
nominee Amy Coney Barrett disqualified them from approval.
Gabbard rightfully decried the senators’ remarks as a
disgraceful violation of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution,
which mandates that “no religious Test shall ever be required as
a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United

4. War on the Second Amendment
“The Democratic Party’s hatred of the Second Amendment and their
increasing authoritarian instincts pose a serious threat to our
freedoms,” stated Gabbard, quoting Beto O’Rourke who said during
a presidential debate “H-ll yes, we are going to take your AR-
15s, AK-47s.”

The FBI is also being used to eradicate Americans’ Second
Amendment rights after it was revealed that agents have been
secretly pressuring Americans into signing forms that relinquish
their constitutional right to own, purchase, or even use
firearms for years.

5. War on Civil Liberties
Speaking of infringements on Second Amendment rights, Gabbard
also addressed Democrats’ shameless war on civil liberties in
general. She highlighted Democrats’ support of Biden’s proposal
to allow IRS agents to monitor Americans’ banking details and
Democrats’ inaction when the FBI seized and withheld property
from innocent American citizens.

According to Gabbard, Democrats always “choose to side with the
security state instead of siding with our liberty—our freedom.”
The former representative recalled introducing legislation to
repeal the Patriot Act, the post-9/11 bill that the feds have
been using to spy on Americans since 2001, and to scale back the
FISA Court, which was famously manipulated by the FBI so agents
could obtain a secret warrant and illegally spy on the Trump
campaign, as part of the now-debunked Russian collusion hoax.
Democratic Party leaders refused to even allow Gabbard’s bill to
go up for a vote.

6. War on Racial Harmony
“Democrat leaders have reduced each of us as God’s children to
the color of our skin, using identity politics to tear us
apart,” said Gabbard, noting their promotion of racist Critical
Race Theory (CRT) in schools and the brazenly prejudiced actions
of Democratic leaders like Lori Lightfoot, who refused to be
interviewed by white reporters.

Leftist racism thrives on college campuses particularly. Schools
have racially segregated convocations, housing, and study
spaces. Gabbard adds that this behavior is being informed and
encouraged by the likes of “racial profiteers like Robin
DiAngelo and the corrupt, self-identifying cultural Marxists who
lead Black Lives Matter.” Democrats “have become the racist that
they claim to hate,” Gabbard added.

7. War on Women
Women no longer exist as a category in the eyes of the Democrat
Party, as the radical transgender agenda distorts our cultural
understanding of femininity, destroys female sports, and puts
real women at serious risk.

Gabbard explains that Democrats are “rejecting the objective
truth and reality that women exist and are not just a construct
in someone’s mind,” adding that “they’re demanding that we
replace words like ‘mother’ with ‘birthing person.'” She also
drew attention to the disruption the left’s anti-woman agenda
has had on women’s sports. “They’re taking away opportunities
and futures from girls in sports by allowing transgender
athletes, who until recently identified as men, and who clearly
have a biological advantage of being a man, to compete against
women,” said Gabbard.

Another serious consequence of denying the biological component
of being a female is that spaces once reserved for women, such
as domestic abuse shelters and women’s homeless shelters, are
being invaded by men. Female prisoners are often issued birth
control and condoms because they are imprisoned with any male
inmate who claims to be a woman.

8. War on Family
Lastly, Gabbard discussed Democrats’ pernicious goal to “strip
away the rights of parents to raise their kids.” Last year,
Democrat and former governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe said
parents should have no role in their child’s education, a
bizarre sentiment that’s even more concerning given that public
schools have become re-education machines for the left. “Public
school districts are implementing policies that sexualize kids
as young as five or six years old,” continued Gabbard. “Taxpayer
dollars are being used to bring in drag strippers and encourage
gender transition surgery in minors, all kept secret from their

Our transgender Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine has
gone on record to support what is falsely termed “gender-
affirming care” for children, which Gabbard points out includes
dangerous “puberty blockers, chemical castration, and
irreversible surgeries that cause long-term harm to kids.” If
parents do not comply, “the federal government threatens to
bring in Child Protective Services” to “take your kids away,”
said Gabbard. “Families are the foundation of civilization and
our society, and today’s Democratic party’s policies are very
quickly eroding that foundation to the detriment of us all.”

Gabbard ended her video by “calling on [her] fellow common-
sense, independent-minded Democrats to join [her] in leaving the
Democratic Party.” “If you can no longer stomach the direction
that these so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking
this country, I invite you to join me,” said Gabbard. Let’s hope
people do.

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 10:51:07 UTC
In article <svgt0j$1t6kr$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> In the red states that Democrats like to point to, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats.

Because Democrats know they’re completely untrustworthy when it
comes to law enforcement, having turned virtually every major
city into a rape and murder zone, they’ve made the obvious

No, silly, they haven’t started arresting criminals. They’ve
started lying.

It’s a lie told recently by Democrat California Gov. Gavin
Newsom, and then repeated twice this week in The Washington
Post. The latest came in a column by Dana Milbank. (Yes, someone
actually named their son Dana Milbank.)

“Violent crime is generally worse in Republican-run states,” he
wrote on Tuesday under the headline, “It’s just murder living in
a red state.”

The source for that claim, the same one made by Newsom, is a
report published earlier this year by the leftist outfit Third
Way. The report observed that “murder rates are far higher in
Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states. And
sometimes, murder rates are highest in cities with Republican

To start, the point in correlating crime and Democrat policies
has never been that “blue states” are violent hellholes. It was
always that Democrat mayors and district attorneys are
demonstrably anti-law enforcement, and more interested in racial
“equity” than in prosecuting offenders. Again, that’s mayors and
district attorneys, elected officials who serve on the city and
county levels, not state. Of course, Republicans have tied every
Democrat running for every office to the issue, but the exact
line of attack was always in reference to county and city

With that in mind, let’s look at the data compiled by Third Way.
The report listed 10 states with the highest murder rates in the
U.S. using data from 2020. “In fact, the top per capita murder
rate states in 2020 were mostly those far from massive urban
centers and Democratic mayors and governors,” the report said.
“Eight of the top ten worst murder rate states voted for
[Donald] Trump in 2020. None of those eight has supported a
Democrat for president since 1996.” The authors of the report
observed, “These red states are not generating ‘murder is out of
control’ national headlines. They seem to generate no headlines
at all.”

But for this to be a devastating blow to the Democrats-suck-on-
crime narrative requires ignoring that in every state, including
otherwise red ones, there are densely populated areas that tend
to be blue. And it just so happens, more often than not, that’s
where the surge in crime has taken place.

The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough,
the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But
within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3
to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County.
You know where this is going.

Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the
deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The
district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.

No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But
on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that
contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents
there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.

“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so
far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”—
The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022

The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The
district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.

No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to
elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in
Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.

This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in
August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen
unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became
Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to
continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that
Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of
Chicago and Philadelphia.

The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat. The
district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.

Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won
the most votes in the most populous county, also called
Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is
the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder rate
in all of the U.S.

The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat,
just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.

In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with
the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for
Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-
highest murder rate in the country.

Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.

County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.

No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston
County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with
56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder
rate in the state.

Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from
the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not
have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.

Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this
list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for
raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For
Democrats, it’s so far 10.

The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and
Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.

No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County,
with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60
percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one
of the highest violent crime rates in the state. The mayor of
Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor,
Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.

Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major
blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be
Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In
Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York
Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”

The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve
Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.

To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report
as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the
cities where all that murder is happening are run almost
exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And
all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal

Democrats know they’re terrible on law enforcement. Attempting
to lie about it only makes the governments they run that more

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 10:56:08 UTC
In article <svgt0s$1t6kr$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> NARA and the FBI need to be taken down a few pegs.

In this particular case, NARA did not become aware of Secretary
Clinton's use of a non-governmental
email account until we were contacted on March 1, 2015, by 771e
New York Times. Once aware of the
situation, NARA Immediately acted In accordance with our
regulations by sending a letter to the State
Department, setting off the process described above.
Accordingly, In response to your questions, NARA
had no reason to suspect that Secretary Clinton was using a non-
governmental email account, and we
did not grant her a waiver or any other legal mechanism
permitting her to do so. NARA has not Initiated
an "Investigation" of Secretary Clinton's email practices;
rather, as noted above, we have been
communicating with the State Department on this matter, and are
deferring to the State Department's
review (and any other agencies conducting Investigations).

But we'll go after Trump because we're scared shitless of him.

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 11:16:10 UTC
In article <svgt0d$1t6kr$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> It's time to vote Democrats out or start killing them.

The United States will be operating under a falsified state of
emergency through yet another hotly contested election.

It’s been nearly a month since Joe Biden told “60 Minutes” “the
pandemic is over,” but the federal government he ostensibly
controls is still operating under emergency powers originally
declared two and a half years ago. The administration told The
Daily Caller it plans to renew the state of emergency again
before its current expiration on Oct. 13.

The White House and news media have made it plain that the Biden
administration is extending the state of emergency for political
reasons, not due to a legitimate emergency. USA Today noted that
ending the state of emergency would “complicate” government
officials’ desire for Americans to take another round of Covid
booster shots, as new disclosures show the government secretly
paid TV entertainers and pressured social media to push its shot
narrative and validate billions in government contracts to
pharmaceutical companies. The alleged “state of emergency” is
also “keeping millions of Americans on Medicaid” under
expansions approved only for “emergency” purposes.

Democrats also want to keep using Covid as an excuse for other
wasteful and inflationary “emergency” federal spending on
agencies that have demonstrated deep corruption. “And Biden’s
controversial decision to wipe out student loan debt for
millions of Americans rests on the Education Department’s
ability to ease hardship in a national emergency,” USA Today

Extending the declaration would also mean the United States will
be operating under a state of emergency through yet another
hotly contested election. The last time that happened, an
estimated 14.8 million mail-in ballots went missing amid
widespread vote chaos. Courts largely refused to provide any
clarity or accountability amid unprecedented charges of mass
illegal voting, election law violations, mismanagement,
irregularities, and confusion that in several swing states
extended past the entire margin of Biden’s claimed victory.

Permanent Changes During ‘Emergency’ Rule
Given a plausible enough excuse and enough government-generated
fear among the populace, in 2020 the majority of local, state,
and federal elected officials rolled over to leftists’ clearly
tactical demands for degrading election integrity. The so-called
“emergency” changes to America’s electoral process largely
remain in place today, two years after they resulted in massive
social strife and widespread distrust in American elections.

States turned election days into election seasons, increasing
the ability of targeted get-out-the-vote tactics to affect
election outcomes. Swing districts allowed Democrat activist
machines to run their election systems and operate Democrat get-
out-the-vote operations through public offices. States filled
mailboxes with ballots, millions of which went missing
(Wisconsin, where I haven’t lived for more than a decade, sent
multiple mail-in ballots for me to my previous addresses,
according to my family.)

Mail-in balloting increases ballot error rates to within the
margin of many electoral victories, allowing election officials
to affect election outcomes by rejecting or accepting votes.
Even if every single election official follows every single
procedure and every voter fills out his mail-in ballot as
accurately as a machine can — which aren’t realistic assumptions
— conducting elections this way is a recipe for unrest among
those ultimately declared the losers in elections that hinge on
razor-thin margins. This is why 70 percent of Democrat voters
this year still agreed that Russian interference elected Donald
Trump and a majority of Republicans polled around the same time
say Joe Biden won in 2020 by cheating.

Covid has been a massively successful excuse for Democrats to
seize political power while destroying U.S. infrastructure and
our nation’s social fabric. Given how much Democrats have won in
just two years making sure this crisis didn’t go to waste, why
wouldn’t they keep Americans rolling from one crisis to another,
largely of their own making? What incentives do power-mongers
have to end not just our technical state of emergency, but to
solve any problems whatsoever? Instead, they seem to prefer to
keep amplifying crises, because this gives them constant
pretexts for abnormal and totalitarian measures.

Never-Ending Supply of Manufactured Emergencies
Consider the other national emergencies Biden has exacerbated
while in office. Should Biden lose Covid as an excuse for his
administration’s lawless and barely restrained exercise of
power, he has several other options. One of them would be
turning our nation’s proxy war with Russia over Ukraine into a
hot war between nuclear powers. Now, that may be a legitimate
national emergency, but it wouldn’t be an accidental one.

There’s also the administration’s full-on jettisoning of the
U.S. border to control by international criminal cartels that
profit from drug and human trafficking in the absence of U.S.-
imposed law and order. These cartels, of course, partner with
the real top U.S. adversary, Communist China, in destroying our
people and national resources while U.S. officials appear to be
distracted covering up the Biden family business operations in
Ukraine, which is of no national importance to the United
States. Neither is providing security for Europe that Europe
should provide for itself.

The growth of inflation under Congress’s two-decade refusal to
control its own spending while the United States government
endangers the dollar and nears a sovereign debt crisis to rival
any in world history would be another manufactured emergency
available to use to argue for more control by the same people
driving this country into the ground. We’ve so far had
essentially zero accountability for the use of this technique
during Covid. That’s why we should expect it to continue and

Past Time for Some Serious Checks and Balances
Like Barack Obama before him and whose administration is
essentially back in the White House right now, Biden has been a
master of executive overreach, which means authoritarianism
restrained only by the desire to keep an increasingly
emasculated people from actually revolting. Remember Obama’s
“pen and phone”? Biden’s are bigger.

His administration is perfecting, for example, the Covid-
developed technique of ruling simply by press release. Multiple
times now, this administration has issued some edict without
issuing an accompanying regulation that civil rights groups can
spend the next 15 years challenging while the regulation is
assumed to be law as soon as it’s issued, with no input at all
from Americans’ duly elected representatives called Congress.
This further delays even that modicum of accountability.

Why wouldn’t someone willing to suspend some laws — such as
those requiring individuals to pay their own way through
college, as they promised — also be willing to suspend other
laws? Why wouldn’t someone willing to break some norms, such as
nominating a Supreme Court justice who knows jack squat about
the Constitution, not be willing to break others, such as never
suspending elections?

Why wouldn’t someone willing to lie about what constitutes a
“national emergency” for political gain be willing to do the
same thing in another way? There is no logical endpoint to this
kind of behavior. It could include anything, even something that
sounds crazy like suspending elections over a drummed-up
“national emergency.”

If you think that’s ridiculous, think back three years to what
you’d have said if someone told you that government — including
“freedom-touting” Republican governors! — would ban kids from
going to schools for months, even years, over a virus that was
less risky to them than the seasonal flu. The wild political
effectiveness of inflating the “Covid emergency” beyond all
reason is why pushing society’s limits in previously unthinkable
ways is going to continue until American leaders start actually
standing up for the rule of law and imposing some serious limits
on executive-branch authoritarianism.

Dear Legislatures: Rein in Rogue Officials Already
That means every single “emergency powers” statute in this
country needs to be definitively time-limited, immediately. If
presidents and governors can suspend Americans’ rights
indefinitely, with no limiting principle, and courts won’t stop
them, then we have no rights. Rights secured only at the whim of
the executive and after years of delay are not rights at all.

Know what living under unrestrained executive orders is called?
Tyranny. Tyrants do whatever they can get away with. So far,
that’s been working out pretty blooming well for whoever’s
really in charge of Joseph R. Biden. The question is, what else
do they think they can get away with? And what prudent and
credible steps are Republicans planning to stop them?

What I’m going to do is this: If at any point we don’t have
elections, I’m not filing my taxes. Go ahead, raid me over it.
The more Americans decide that the federal government is full of
lawless thugs, the better. Maybe at some point more conservative
officeholders will start doing something about federal raids on
people peacefully protesting tyranny. Good luck raiding me when
I’m one of 100,000 people doing the exact same thing in
localities protected by increasingly uncooperative sheriffs,
attorneys general, and state legislatures.

164 Days In Delaware
2022-12-15 11:36:11 UTC
In article <svh013$1t8b8$***@news.freedyn.de>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> Democrats are pieces of shit.

Carol M. Swain has a plan to counter the division, despair, and
anti-American sentiments that are devouring the nation’s

It would be difficult to imagine a more fitting example of the
American dream than Dr. Carol M. Swain. By the same token, it
would also be almost impossible to envision a more suitable
messenger to counter the division, despair, and anti-American
sentiments that are currently devouring the nation’s
institutions under the banner of “diversity, equity, and
inclusion,” or “DEI.”

Born into grinding poverty in the Deep South, Swain had already
dropped out of high school and become a mother by the time she
reached her late teens. Swain seemed doomed to prolong the cycle
of poverty, but her life took a decisive turn for the better
just a couple of years later when a coworker encouraged her to
enroll at a local community college.

Swain took her up on the suggestion and went on to earn several
degrees — including her Ph.D. from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill — and to establish herself as one of the
foremost conservative academics, political scientists, and legal
scholars in the country.

Over the years, much of Swain’s published work has focused on
the intersection of race and economics, and she has been a
consistent opponent of training and curricula infused with
Critical Race Theory (CRT). In addition to her participation on
“The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission,” which was designed
in large part to answer the CRT-based “1619 Project,” Swain has
written and edited multiple books that touch on the subject,
including her most recent work, “Black Eye For America: How
Critical Race Theory Is Burning Down The House.”

Offering an Alternative to Divisive Trainings
Within the past year, Swain has also made significant progress
toward one of her long-term projects — countering what she
describes as the “billion-dollar inclusion industry” with a
radically alternative approach, “Carol Swain’s Real Unity
Training Solutions.” Built around the national motto, “e
pluribus unum” (“out of many, one”), Swain’s program aims to
foster organizational unity around shared values and mission,
and a respect for the dignity of every individual who makes up
any given company, nonprofit, school board, or church.

“I have always believed in America. I’m a product of the
American dream,” Swain said. “I have had faith in the
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, because that distinguished
us from other nations. So there’s a part of me that’s very
troubled at where our nation is at this point in time, but I try
to stay optimistic because I believe that whatever we may think
separates us, we are Americans at the core and . . . what
unites us is far greater than what divides us.”

The common approach to DEI — what prominent psychologist Dr.
Jordan Peterson has aptly renamed “DIE” — has long depended on
dividing participants into polarizing categories of “oppressed”
or “oppressor” based on their race, sex, or religion.

A Threat to Civil Rights
In early 2021, Coca-Cola was forced to retract a diversity
training module that called upon employees to be “less white.”
The training said, “to be less white … be less oppressive …
listen … believe … break with white solidarity.”

Far from the outlier in the DEI field, that incident fits within
a much larger trend of companies trafficking in divisive
concepts in their workforces. At least 78 percent of the 50
Fortune 1000 companies evaluated on the Viewpoint Diversity
Score 2022 Business Index utilize employee training that
undermines trust, respect, and openness in the workplace. One of
those companies, Bank of America, has launched a reeducation
program, telling employees they needed to be “woke” and white
employees to “decolonize your mind.”

On its website, Bank of America declares that, “Now more than
ever, we need to be comfortable with uncomfortable conversations
and deepen our understanding through self-education of people’s
differences.” These “uncomfortable” discussions include telling
all white employees that their lives are based on “white-skin

As Swain watched companies and institutions adopt increasingly
virulent forms of DEI training — especially during the summer of
2020 — she became convinced that they were courting legal
trouble. Her message to companies is that singling out employees
based on protected characteristics, like race, color, sex, and
religion, not only drives employees apart, but also violates
their civil rights.

“The current diversity training makes people feel miserable.
Everyone’s miserable at the end of the training. No one’s better
off,” Swain said. “Instead, we can actually present people with
a historical background of discrimination and the law, and then
present them with positive principles and training that bring
people together and educate them.”

In academic positions at several top universities, Swain
witnessed firsthand a rising intolerance for diverse viewpoints
on college campuses. But while she and many of her colleagues
had hoped that graduating students would correct course once
they stepped out of campus and into corporate America, that
hasn’t been the case.

“Many of us would chuckle and say, ‘Wait until they get into the
real world, they’re going to find out that they’re not going to
have safe spaces,’” Swain said. “Well, what has happened is that
these young people graduated from college — many of them from
elite schools — and they re-created the college experience in
the corporate environment. And so that’s part of what’s going

A Different Approach
As Swain continued to observe indoctrinated college graduates
rapidly changing the workplace, aided by a lucrative DEI
industry headlined by speakers such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin
DiAngelo, she also found herself in more and more conversations
with leaders of corporations, churches, nonprofits, and schools
about what to do about the ill effects.

Presently, companies and other organizations looking to find
alternatives to divisive DEI programs have limited options,
although the number of choices is on the rise.

“I have a sense that this is probably about ready to explode,”
Swain said. “We are getting inquiries from companies that have
tried DE&I. It didn’t work and they like what we are offering
instead. We know what values and principles work. Employees want
to be treated with respect.”

As Swain took the initial steps of researching and building out
her alternative curriculum, she connected with Michelle Hooper,
a long-time educator, Ph.D., and former chief of staff for the
Oregon Department of Education.

Real Unity Solutions was recently approved by the Tennessee
State Board of Education to provide training to elected school
board members statewide.

“Most people who’ve been in leadership for any amount of time
recognize that unity is critical for mission success for their
company and for their teams. They recognize that at the core of
unity is trust, and that what we’ve all been seeing with the
DE&I training over the last few years totally erodes that,”
Hooper said. “These leaders feel freed when they have
conversations with us. It’s as if they’ve been given permission
to be honest and to say what has been on everyone’s mind. And I
think they’re finding it affirming.”
