It's official - January 6 Committee Members vote to join Russia
(too old to reply)
Climate lies
2022-12-04 05:02:40 UTC
Rep. Adam Schiff said that he believes there is evidence to make
a criminal referral over the attack.
Shit's getting real.
Just like the last 6 years?
"The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind
exceedingly small..."
Pretty much. After all we all know that the Clintons could never have
survived such scrutiny,
They can and they DID, having been subjected to innumerable GOP
much less the Obamas
They can and they DID, having been subjected to innumerable GOP
and Biden already as a video of his public confession of his
impeachable offense
[citation needed]!
<Loading Image...>
No, it's not the picture of you and kensi eating shit.
Shame on you!

2022-12-04 06:49:13 UTC
That's what we white apologist black cocksuckers call reparations.
In Saudi Arabia we call that a nigger pushing their luck.
Mike White
2022-12-04 08:25:29 UTC
Democrats are a bunch of facist faggots. Like me.
In classic Big Tech information suppression form, Google-owned
YouTube punished a journalist on Thursday for highlighting just
how many Democrats, corporate media outlets, and celebrities
denied that former President Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

YouTube’s elections misinformation policy claims that “content
advancing false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or
glitches occurred in certain past certified national elections”
is subject to removal. The policy explicitly states that these
conditions apply to “any past U.S. Presidential election.”

That’s likely why when journalist Matt Orfalea, author of the
“Censored News” Substack and contributor at TK News, tried to
upload a compilation of Democrats claiming that Trump was an
illegitimate president because he “cheated,” the video was
instantly demonetized.

The less-than-five-minute video simply shows media clips of
Democrats like current White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-
Pierre, failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and
now-Vice President Kamala Harris who, without any credible
evidence to back their denialism, all spread lies and
misinformation about the 2016 election with the hopes of
undermining the newly-elected Trump.

The video also features corporate media talking heads, late-
night hosts, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and
even Saturday Night Live characters repeating the lie that
“Russia hacked our election.”

YouTube’s email disclosing the censorship declared the video
“isn’t suitable for all advertisers” and limited the compilation
to “run limited or no ads.” The email also stated that the
decision to bar the video from making money was made as part of
a “manual” review by someone on the YouTube team.

TK News founder Matt Taibbi announced the censorship in an
article on his Substack on Thursday.

“I’d like to thank YouTube for making our point,” Taibbi wrote.
“The material in this video does not promote the idea that any
election was stolen or illegitimate. On the contrary, it shows a
great mass of comments from Democratic partisans and pundits who
themselves make that claim, about the 2016 election.”

As Taibbi noted further down in the column, Democrats that
peddled election misinformation in 2016 were not censored for
their brazen denial. Instead, their baseless doubts were
rewarded with incessant media coverage that continues to this

“However, the decision to assemble these materials in one place,
inviting audiences to consider their meaning, apparently crosses
a line,” Taibbi continued. “Now we know: you can deny election
results on a platform like YouTube as much as you want, you can
even promise disruption, but drawing attention to such behavior
angers the algorithm. It’s hard to imagine a better
demonstration of the double-standard in content moderation.”

More Democrats denied that Trump won the 2016 election than
Americans who claimed President Joe Biden wasn’t legitimately
elected in 2020.

In 2020, Democrats that objected to every GOP certification this
century called Sen. Josh Hawley’s election concerns a “coup
attempt.” Prominent Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and former
President Jimmy Carter supported the theory that Trump was
illegitimately elected. More than 1 in 4 House Democrats
boycotted the Republican’s inauguration celebrations in 2017.

Yet, it was election integrity supporters who asked questions
about the 2020 election that were suppressed by YouTube and
other Big Tech companies.

2022-12-04 09:46:36 UTC
Lincoln should have sent the niggers back to Africa.
This is the fault of the parents who raise these zoo animals.
A shooting at a high school homecoming football game has left
one nigger teenager dead and another one in critical condition
with the nigger suspect still at large.

The incident occurred just before 10 p.m. at McLain High School
in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when the Tulsa Police Department was alerted
to a shooting during McLain's homecoming football game in front
of a crowd of hundreds against Miami High School.

Officers found two teenage victims suffering from gunshot wounds
when they arrived on site. One 17-year-old male was pronounced
dead at the scene of the crime. The other 17-year-old victim was
immediately taken to a local hospital and listed in critical
condition but has since improved to stable condition, according
to a statement from the Tulsa Police Department.

Fri, September 30, 2022 at 10:54 PM·2 min read
A shooting at a high school homecoming football game has left
one teenager dead and another one in critical condition with the
suspect still at large.

The incident occurred just before 10 p.m. at McLain High School
in Tulsa, Oklahoma, when the Tulsa Police Department was alerted
to a shooting during McLain's homecoming football game in front
of a crowd of hundreds against Miami High School.

Officers found two teenage victims suffering from gunshot wounds
when they arrived on site. One 17-year-old male was pronounced
dead at the scene of the crime. The other 17-year-old victim was
immediately taken to a local hospital and listed in critical
condition but has since improved to stable condition, according
to a statement from the Tulsa Police Department.

“Dozens of officers converged in the area assisting with crowd
control and looking for the suspect,” said the Tulsa Police
Department. “Our K-9 unit and several officers scoured the
nearby neighborhoods as we believe the suspect took off on foot.
Unfortunately, the trail went cold.”

The shooting reportedly happened near the high school’s tennis
court area and not at the actual homecoming game, according to
KTUL, ABC News’ Tulsa affiliate.

Police say that the suspect is still at large believed to be
armed and dangerous. Currently, the only description they have
of the alleged shooter at this time is that he is a 17-year-old
Black male, police say.

In a Tulsa Police Department briefing following the shooting,
Capt. Richard Meulenberg said this was just one of four
homicides in Tulsa on Friday alone. He also confirmed that they
have surveillance camera footage of the shooting but that
authorities are not yet sure if either of the victims are
students at McLain High School

“Homicide detectives are actively working this case,” said the
Tulsa Police Department. “We hope that of the hundreds of people
here, some will come forward and help with this investigation.”

Why? Let the niggers continue giving each other post-birth

climate parasites
2022-12-04 10:01:47 UTC
Start beating the shit out of the global warming liars. Make it hurt!
Hurricanes have always been with us, and they always will be. No
amount of scaremongering can change that reality.

Be prepared for Democrats to exploit the devastation of
Hurricane Ian to peddle de-modernization. And because there is
no conclusive way for anyone to prove that global warming isn’t
triggering every natural disaster — and because nature offers a
continuous flow of these terrifying events and always will — the
exploitation will never stop.

The effort began in earnest after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, a
Category 3 hurricane that devastated an unprepared New Orleans.
Just watch Al Gore, with his grade-school “science” charts,
cartoonish satellite images (water, the color of fire!), and
didactic tone, emotionally manipulating audiences with images of
destruction and suffering. The problem was that “An Inconvenient
Truth” suggested — among numerous other dire predictions that
would never come to pass — that climate change had not only
caused Katrina, despite negligible warming, but that it
portended the dawn of an age of shocking and intense hurricanes.

After 2005, Florida didn’t get hit with another hurricane until
2016 and Louisiana didn’t see a major one until 2020 (also the
fault of climate change.) It is debatable that storms that do
make landfall do so with more intensity or that Category 3-plus
hurricanes are increasing. Overall, the frequency of hurricanes
has slightly declined since 1900. From 1851-1860, 19 hurricanes
made landfall in the United States. From 2011-2020, 19
hurricanes made landfall in the United States. The average per
decade between 1860-2011 is about 18. In the decade of 1941-
1950, 10 major hurricanes hit the United States.

“Hurricane Ian gets nasty quickly, turbocharged by warm water,”
explains the Associated Press, which has been true since the
first hurricane formed. More “climate havoc,” says The New York
Times, as Ian threatens to hit the same exact places that storms
have always hit. Today’s media simply can’t report on any flood
or tornado or hurricane or brain-eating amoeba without making it
about their favorite policy hobby horse. It just feels like
things are worse, you know?

“What effect does climate change have on this phenomenon?” CNN’s
Don Lemon asks Jamie Rhome, the acting director of NOAA’s
National Hurricane Center about Hurricane Ian. “Because it seems
these storms are intensifying.”

“I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event. On
the whole, on the cumulative, climate change may be making
storms worse. But to link it to any one event, I would caution
against it,” answers Rhome.

“Ok, listen, I grew up there. And these storms are
intensifying,” responds Lemon.

He grew up there.

Joy Behar, cohost of “The View,” noted Wednesday that Florida
Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is “not in the pews of the church of
the Global Warming Leftists.” “This is what he thinks about
climate change. And now, his state is getting hit with one of
the worst hurricanes that we will ever see!” This a quite common
attack, but it’s a non sequitur. Even if we accepted every
alarmist forecast about anthropogenic global warming, and
embraced the Democrats’ net-zero plan and banned gas-powered
engines and fossil fuels by 2050 or 2030 or even 2024, the
temperature wouldn’t be any different today. Forget India and
China, not a single major economy that signed onto the Paris
Accord has met its goals.

Of course, the underlying claim is also untrue. Since Behar’s
birth in 1942, Florida has seen 48 hurricanes make landfall.
Three of them have been Category 5 (so worse), nine of them have
been Category 4 (including Ian), and 11 of them Category 3.
Granted, Behar was not around for 1900’s Great Galveston
hurricane, which hit eight years before Model Ts began emitting
carbon into the air; it likely killed somewhere around 10,000
people in Texas. The 1926 Great Miami hurricane killed 372,
causing an estimated, inflation-adjusted $164 billion in damage.
Only around 150,000 people lived in all of Dade County back in
those days. The Great Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 was tied with
2019’s Hurricane Dorian for strongest maximum sustained landfall
winds (185 mph). Those were pretty bad storms, as were many

Critics will, no doubt, point out the rising cost of insurance
payments due to hurricanes and other natural disasters. This is
largely due to the concentration of people and wealth in coastal
regions, a consequence of both rising population and wealth, and
federal insurance programs that incentivize people to take on
this risk. Critics will also point out that hurricanes are far
less deadly now than they have been in the past because we’ve
instituted warning systems and improved infrastructure and
preparedness. And that’s right. Acclimatizing to the realities
of climate is far cheaper and more effective than any state-
compelled dismantling of modernity. No amount of scaremongering
can change that reality.

2022-12-04 10:39:01 UTC
In article <***@dizum.com>

More Monkeypox!
2022-12-14 12:09:22 UTC
If we're not going to fix them, just kill the fucking faggots.
Transform them and when they realize the truth, they'll kill themselves.
Activists have insensitively taken a prized 17th-century
painting of the martyrdom of St. Agatha and made it about ‘the
queer experience.’

Visitors to museums often rely on the explanatory caption panels
placed beside exhibits to make any real sense of them. Pity poor
visitors to York Art Gallery in England, then, many of whom may
have been unaware of the precise historical context surrounding
the institution’s prized 17th-century oil painting by Italian
Old Master Bernardo Cavallino, depicting the martyrdom of St.
Agatha. Staring ecstatically up toward heaven, Cavallino’s dying
St. Agatha seems to await imminent acceptance into the welcoming
bosom of the angels.

Gallery-goers are not told Agatha’s (partly legendary) story, in
which the young maiden was put to death by a cruel Roman prefect
named Quintianus for bravely refusing to sleep with and then
marry him. Punished first by being forced to work in a brothel,
she was then tortured to death, with the culminating horror of
having her breasts removed with sharpened pincers while still
alive. In Cavallino’s depiction, St. Agatha discreetly covers
her chest wounds with her hands and dress, leaving her
disfigurement to the viewer’s imagination. Just looking at it,
it is by no means obvious what is going on.

Reading the plaque next to the painting, visitors would have
been none the wiser about Agatha’s cruel fate, as its author
appears to be not an actual qualified art historian, but a
random “transmasculine” pundit — that is to say, a woman play-
acting at being a man via acts of voluntary, rather than
enforced, self-mutilation of her own chest — who had been
engaged to give a personal self-absorbed perspective on the
painting thus:

St Agatha is usually shown with her severed breasts on a plate
to represent her martyrdom. Here, however, she covers her newly
flat chest and looks towards Heaven in ecstasy. This reminds me
of the gender euphoria I felt the first time I, as a
transmasculine person, wore a chest-binder. It hurt my ribs, but
I finally saw myself the way I wanted to be. I see myself in
androgynous Agatha. Euphoric, despite being tormented for simply
being ourselves. Artworks of saints like this speak to the queer
experience of pushing against social norms to live euphorically
as ourselves.

While it certainly makes a nice change to see an LGBT cultist
actually praising a Christian figure for once, the acclamation
of a woman who has just had her breasts forcibly torn off by her
intended rapist as being an “androgynous” and empowered icon of
gender-bending is simply grotesque.

Breasts of Burden
The insensitive and celebratory attitude of this unnamed
neurotic navel-gazer toward St. Agatha’s shorn mammaries is
deeply creepy. On account of her grisly doom, Agatha is Roman
Catholicism’s patron saint of both breast-cancer and rape
victims alike, some of whom still pray to her for intercession
today. How might such genuine victims react to having their
actual sufferings conflated with the solipsistic, self-inflicted
pseudo-problems of the anonymous “transmasculine” art critic?

According to the gallery, such notices are intended to “invite
respectful discussion from differing perspectives.” In that
case, in a spirit of genuine plurality of opinion, perhaps they
might like to combine their present caption with one from a so-
called “gender-critical feminist” arguing back that she objects
most strenuously to the idea of having her biological and social
identity as a woman being systematically erased by the twisted
actions of state-sponsored trans activists, as symbolically and
aptly represented here by the forced removal of St. Agatha’s
shredded breasts?

It is perfectly possible to have an intense and subjective
response to a work of art that is worthy of expression in a
personal essay or other written work, as with Fyodor
Dostoyevsky’s raptures in front of Hans Holbein the Younger’s
“Dead Christ,” providing the partial inspiration for his novel
“The Idiot.” But hanging this particular scribbled Post-It note
up in York seems akin to the Uffizi or the Louvre galleries
displaying essays from those more harmless lunatics who claim to
see UFOs in Renaissance paintings (they’re actually discs of
holy light emanating from the clouds of Heaven) as being valid
interpretations of what is actually displayed within their gilt-
edged frames.

Recently, I watched an otherwise instructive BBC documentary
about the centenary of James Joyce’s Dublin-set 1922 novel
“Ulysses” that was ruined by the bizarre implication that the
final words in the character Molly Bloom’s famous concluding
monologue, “yes I said yes I will Yes,” were somehow a reference
to the “Yes” vote in Ireland’s referendum on gay marriage, which
took place almost 100 years later. It seems these monomaniacal
obsessives are seeing the gay equivalent of UFOs in paintings
all over the place these days. Just because Picasso’s “Les
Demoiselles d’Avignon” resemble certain unfortunate contestants
on Ru Paul’s “Drag Race,” it doesn’t mean they actually are;
just because the artist himself once had a Blue Period, it
doesn’t make him a “person who menstruates.”

False Mammary Syndrome
The offending anti-explanatory caption was created as part of a
project termed “Queering the Burton” (a specific wing of the
gallery) designed in conjunction with a local gay group aimed at
transforming the taxpayer-funded gallery into “a more welcoming
and inclusive space for the LGBTQI+ community” at the expense of
systematically alienating everyone else. The consequent queer
responses to these works, displayed on the walls, are filled
with blatant anachronisms. They are said to “creatively draw on
lived experience,” but that is a mere euphemism for trans
agitators making these paintings all about themselves rather
than their actual subjects; they should have been asked to craft
captions for paintings of Narcissus, not St. Agatha.

Naturally, some of the so-called Queering Group’s projects are
aimed at brainwashing children, with a school-holiday-period
“Curious Takeover!” of the gallery targeting 4- to 7-year-olds.
The building’s contents were repurposed to “celebrate families
of all shapes and sizes,” although perhaps not any normal ones
consisting of a happily married mother and father. Meanwhile,
the invaluable lecture “How To Queer a Museum With Matt Smith”
promises a “how-to guide” account of how the curator in question
has “subverted museum displays” across the nation to make them

But how can you make exhibits gay when in actual fact they
simply aren’t? “How Curators Are Queering Art History,” an
online interview with Stanford University Professor in Art
History Richard Meyer, author of the book “Art & Queer Culture,”
gives a good idea of the most efficient tactics to pursue. Why
not simply seek out certain chance old items that happened to
have been created by long-dead homosexuals (or presumed
homosexuals), such as photographs and yellowing scrapbooks of
news clippings of women dressed a bit like men, then just
arbitrarily reclassifying them as somehow being art, even though
their creators “would never have called [themselves] an artist,”
and replacing all the boring old non-queer paintings and
sculptures in our museums with them instead, regardless of their
actual aesthetic worth?

“I like the idea that sometimes queer history is invented
history,” Meyer explained. “I love that about queer culture.
It’s not all based in factual claims, but the power of the
imagination to create things that weren’t there in the moment.”
Or, indeed, that simply were never there at all. When will these
tedious people finally stop making such a public exhibition of

Garland Fentanyl Sales
2022-12-14 12:51:53 UTC
If we're not going to fix them, just kill the fucking faggots.
Transform them and when they realize the truth, they'll kill themselves.
‘I’m really worried about other people who are getting sucked
into thinking that gender transition is the answer to problems
that would be better solved elsewhere,’ one detransitioner said.

“The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters” is a cautionary
tale that exposes not only how influential the spread of trans
ideology is on social media and in doctors’ offices, schools,
and therapy sessions, but also how that same ideology weaponizes
vulnerable young women’s identity struggle against them.

The film from the Center for Bioethics and Culture documents the
testimonies of three women — Helena, Cat, and Grace — who went
through various forms of so-called “gender-affirming”
prescriptions and procedures only to discover that the wrongly
named “treatments” marketed to make them feel better about their
bodies did more harm than good.

The featured women do not shy away from mentioning the
irreversible procedures and damage this mutilative movement had
on their bodies and souls, but they also don’t leave viewers
feeling hopelessly doomed in a world that works overtime to
normalize the destruction of healthy bodies.

Social Contagion
The documentary starts with the women explaining not just how
they learned about transgender ideology but why it appealed to

“I don’t think anybody would have described me as gender
nonconforming, or a tomboy or anything like that,” Helena

Though Helena said she never would have been considered “gender
nonconforming” or even a tomboy, after hours of scrolling
Tumblr, the social contagion of transgender ideology took root
in her mind and began fueling her mental health problems.

“By the time I was about 13, I started to feel really depressed.
I started self-harming. I started developing an eating disorder.
That kind of isolation led me to go on Tumblr because I was
spending a lot of time online generally,” Helena said. “I was
introduced to a belief system that it had a lot to do with
gender, but it was more like, ‘If you don’t fit in, that’s a
sign that you’re trans. If you don’t like your body, that’s a
sign that you’re trans. And if you transition, all these
problems will be fixed.’”

Similar to Helena, Cat’s interest in “transitioning” was piqued
when she was 13 after she visited a website boasting all things
trans, prompting her to determine she had gender dysphoria.

Grace testified that she had “a lifelong like preoccupation and
discomfort with my body” that turned out to be a “very normal
sort of young adult female issues.” It’s not uncommon for
children and young adults like Grace to feel uncomfortable in
their growing bodies, but the vast majority outgrow their sex-
related woes if left alone. For instance, in one Canadian study
of boys with gender-identity disorder released last year, over
time, nearly 88 percent of the subjects “desisted,” or abandoned
their desire to identify as the opposite sex.

Grace, however, wasn’t left alone. After years of feeling
“lost,” suicidal, and depressed, she jumped at the opportunity
to alter her body. Grace also attributed her eventual decision
to take testosterone and go through with a double mastectomy at
23, something she said she regrets, to “trans influencers”

“I was looking at trans influencers who had the body that I
wanted and reading all of that stuff like the happy
testimonials, also feeling the hysteria of the online trans
community which was really freaking out because Donald Trump was
president and they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s going to be illegal to
transition.’ It felt like it was a little bit of time pressure,”
Grace said.

How could vulnerable young women not entertain the idea of
“transitioning” when it is marketed as the end-all to their
mental distress? Especially since it is plastered all over
social media, and “doctors” advertising castration and
mutilation get endless positive press coverage.

There’s plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that kids,
especially girls, are heavily influenced by this shameless
online trans peddling and the ideology’s popularity among their
friends. That’s why “transition” procedures on U.S female
adolescents alone quadrupled between 2016 and 2017.

The online world of trans ideology is so pervasive that when
Grace began to question whether amputating her breasts was a
wise decision, she admitted that she believed she was
experiencing “internalized transphobia.”

As Helena explained, it was easy to get swept up into the world
of “social justice ideology” with just a few taps on a screen:

In this social justice ideology, there’s kind of a hierarchy of
who is the most oppressed versus who is the most privileged. The
further along you are on the oppressed scale, that means you
know that your opinion is listened to more. I found myself in
this place where I had found the only community of other girls
who are more like me in terms of personality. I could relate to
them, but it was so enmeshed in this kind of belief system that
made me feel really guilty about being a cis, straight, white
girl. You begin to feel a kind of pressure to constantly
apologize for yourself. “OK, well, how do I not be this
privileged person anymore?” And one thing that’s really easy to
do is just change your pronouns.

Changing pronouns, of course, was just the beginning.
Eventually, Helena, Cat, and Grace all began taking testosterone.

Beyond the Screen
When Helena didn’t get the affirmation she wanted from her
parents over her gender confusion, she sought help from her
school’s guidance counselor and psychologist, both of whom were
more than willing to push the teen to “transition” behind her
parents’ backs.

“Ironically, one of the things that really kind of supported my
idea of being trans was that before I was trans, none of the
adults in my life at school or anything really cared that much.
They didn’t really see that I was struggling. But when I said I
was trans, then they all wanted to like bend over backwards to
help me be trans,” she said.

Helena eventually found an in with a medical office that, after
she requested it, prescribed her the maximum dosage of
testosterone on her first visit.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for public school officials to
urge and aid kids who want to reject their sex. This is
documented well on the Libs of TikTok Twitter account. But
schools aren’t the only trans-crazed accomplices.

At 18 years old, Cat used Planned Parenthood, which has taken a
recent interest in getting kids hooked on hormones, to get drugs
that would make her look and feel more masculine.

“After just a 30-minute conversation, the doctor prescribed
testosterone over the phone,” Cat said. “It was pretty clear she
did not look at my chart, because she would have seen some
things that would at least be cause for concern, because like I
had a history of suicide attempts, I had been institutionalized
before, I had been to inpatient eating-disorder treatment. The
outcome of that conversation was, ‘Here’s your drugs.’”

As Abigail Shrier, author of “Irreversible Damage: the
Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” once noted, “America
has essentially become an unlocked medicine cabinet for gender
medicine seekers as young as 15.” And it’s hugely problematic.

At first, the young women saw what they believed was an
improvement in their sex-related confusion and other problems.

“It did kind of feel like, you know, one of the better
antidepressants that I’d ever taken in my life,” Cat recalled.

Eventually, however, Helena, Cat, and Grace all learned that
taking drugs designed to inhibit their bodies’ natural functions
was not the cure they’d hoped it would be. It ultimately left
them feeling physically ill, angry, and even more depressed than

But in the case of Helena, who was on testosterone for 17
months, her health professionals never considered her symptoms
to be a result of the male hormone. Instead, she was prescribed
more medications to combat what her hospital’s psych unit deemed
borderline personality disorder and psychosis.

“My life just became like a total disaster,” Helena said. “I
wasn’t functioning at all. I wasn’t holding down a job. I wasn’t
going to school. I just felt like a monster. Once I stopped the
testosterone, the symptoms all went away and I started feeling
like myself again.”

It was then that Helena gave up on the idea of doing surgeries,
saying, “I just became so dysfunctional that I wasn’t really
able to have the mental wherewithal to go through the process of
calling surgeons, dealing with insurance.”

Cat, a singer, had plans to dive deeper into the trans world
with a double mastectomy and legal name change but paused those
when she realized “how detrimental the changes to my voice had
been and how devastated I was that I had made irreversible
changes to myself.”

Grace, who went through with her double mastectomy, experienced
regret and the unnerving feeling that no matter how much she
altered her body, “this will never be over for me.”

“I just was realizing that there might not be a light at the end
of the tunnel like I thought there was. I also don’t really feel
like a man, I just feel like a woman who has had her breasts cut
off,” Grace admitted.

It was then that she began thinking about all of the
irreversible damage her body was subjected to because she was
told it was necessary to combat her gender confusion.

“I’m concerned that the testosterone may have affected my
fertility and potentially will cause me some like infertility
issues, but I really don’t know,” Grace said. “…I feel, I think
more than anything else, regret over that. I just hadn’t been
thinking about having children at that time. I didn’t think I
really wanted them, and that’s something that I began to really
want in my mid-20s.”

All Hope Is Not Lost
There were plenty of people, organizations, and resources
available to Helena, Cat, and Grace when they first considered
“transitioning,” but support for their “detransition” was
severely lacking — so they started doing their own research.

“I started looking into a lot of studies, and what I found is
that there actually isn’t much quality evidence supporting
medical transition as the best treatment,” Cat said. “I started
to grow concerned with scientific and medical misinformation
being tried by the trans community.”

These young women found a way around the smokescreen with help
from truthtellers such as Posie Parker, who ignored the threat
of censorship from Big Tech to state hard and fast truths about

“I went on YouTube and I just searched ‘trans women aren’t
women’ because I had never ever listened to gender-critical
people or TERFs because I was just told they were hateful
people,” Cat explained.

Helena found solace in talking to others like her who had
started taking hormones and considering surgeries before waking
up to the deception.

“I realized that like, oh, OK, there’s a lot of people going
through this. It’s not just a handful of people. It’s like
hundreds and thousands of people going through this. And so once
I started meeting these people, I just started having
conversations,” she said.

Those conversations are why it’s so important for young women
like Helena, Cat, and Grace to share their stories.

“I’m really worried about other people who are getting sucked
into thinking that gender transition is the answer to problems
that would be better solved elsewhere,” Grace said. “I am
hopeful, but I think it’s going to be a really ugly time. … The
fallout is going to be really severe from all of the
detransitioners. … But our voices can no longer be denied.”

Helena, Cat, and Grace will be labeled transphobic and hateful
for speaking up, but their transparency offers a message of
warning and of hope for real care that parents, policymakers,
and people all around the world need to hear: Mangling healthy
bodies is a sickness, not a cure.

Putin Will Nuke Democrat Pedophiles
2022-12-14 12:56:59 UTC
Kill the school administrators.
New laws under Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin have countered
public schools’ sexualization of our kids, but fierce opposition
is mounting.

Ahigh school teacher in Fairfax County, Virginia, recently read
aloud to her 10th-grade English class the poem “Fingers,” an
explicit account of a young girl masturbating. The poem was
excerpted from “The Poet X,” a provocative coming-of-age novel
by Elizabeth Acevedo assigned to sophomores at Madison High
School in Vienna. Despite last spring’s passage of a law
requiring advance notification of explicit sexual content,
parents were provided no notice of either the read-aloud or the
sexual content of the book (other than a general disclaimer of
possible mature content at the end of a syllabus listing the
titles only).

This incident highlights the growing sexualization of kids in
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), an effort long led by the
school board and permeating both curriculum and recently passed
transgender policies. The trend has been countered by Virginia
Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s law on parental notification of explicit
materials, and, most dramatically, by his new transgender policy
requiring parental consent for gender-bending in schools. But
fierce opposition is mounting in Virginia’s largest school
system, and the battle lines are drawing national attention.

Undergirding the sexualization of children across the country is
the portrayal of parents as potentially unsafe while schools are
trusted allies, as well as a willingness to keep parents in the
dark about curriculum and their child’s decision to pretend to
be the opposite sex at school. The stakes couldn’t be higher, as
reports multiply of schools secretly helping children so-called
“transition,” sometimes playing a part in parents losing their

Youngkin’s victorious “Parents Matter” campaign galvanized weary
family advocates, and his new policies are cause for hope. But
forces are rallying against such initiatives, including school
boards, teachers’ unions, heavily funded ideological groups, and
Democrat Party leaders. In Fairfax, the public comment period
for Youngkin’s transgender policy opened Sept. 26, with comments
exceeding in a day the comments received in a month about the
previous guidance. A Fairfax-based student LGBT group staged a
walkout protesting the Youngkin policy on Sept. 27, joined by
students in many Virginia schools.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre signaled
President Biden’s support the same day as a “partner and …
strong ally,” adding that the president is “always proud to
speak out against mistreatment of that [transgender student]
community.” With Fairfax wielding disproportionate influence on
national education policy, the battle will reach far beyond

Parents as Oppressors, Schools as Saviors
The protagonist of “The Poet X,” Xiomara, explores her sexuality
and rebellion against God in secret from her oppressively
religious and punitive parents, while both she and her brother
secretly date boys. Finding her voice through poetry, Xiomara
becomes her own god. Throughout, she lies to her parents while
growing closer to the novel’s priestly figure: her English

The rationale offered for choosing this novel was “diversity” of
perspective — in this case, a Hispanic one. Fairfax’s richly
diverse communities are often deeply religious and culturally
conservative. Why, then, choose an author whose portrayal of
religion, parenthood, and sexuality could offend so many in this
community — if they but knew?

A deeper dive into the English curriculum reveals a year’s worth
of “diverse” texts featuring sexual abuse, sexual minorities,
and sexual development. Who anointed the high school English
department as the instructor of teen sexual experience — all
without notifying parents?

The answer is simple. “The Poet X” reflects many FCPS leaders’
view of themselves as sexual progressives rescuing students from
obscurantist parents and outdated religious beliefs, while
ushering them into the real world where they can embrace their

Practice of Shutting Out Parents Continues
Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe lost his election after he
defended vetoing a bill requiring parental notification of
sexually explicit book assignments, with the tone-deaf statement
that parents shouldn’t “be telling schools what they should
teach.” And yet, the McAuliffe doctrine lives on, with parents
provided only title lists, buried in cumbersome software
platforms and featuring a general statement at the list’s end
that texts “may” contain mature content, with alternatives
available upon request.

Some books, such as George Orwell’s “1984,” may have value
outweighing concerns over sexual passages. Parents, however, are
best positioned to know which children can handle mature content
and which have sensitivities, learning disabilities, or past
experiences that could render texts problematic, or even

Once elected, Gov. Youngkin signed the explicit content bill
into law, placing the onus on schools to share content, not on
parents to excavate it. It requires “[d]irectly identifying the
specific instructional material and sexually explicit subjects”
in advance, and offering parents alternatives if desired. While
local policies must be in place by Jan. 1, 2023, the guidance is
effective now.

Radical Gender Ideology and Sexualization
Nowhere is the early sexualization of children more evident than
in FCPS’s radical sex ed. And while parents can review general
objectives and opt out, few see the actual lessons, which
require in-person review. This coming year, the FCPS school
board will consider the sex-ed curriculum committee’s unanimous
recommendation to move instruction on so-called gender identity
down to elementary levels — a flagrant contradiction of State
Standards of Learning.

I served several eye-opening years on the sex-ed committee. It
voted to show students video reenactments of rape, claiming this
was beneficial. A feature about inappropriate touch was so
disturbing, the chair asked if we — adults — needed a moment to
recover. The committee then promptly voted to show it to 8-year-

However, the committee’s taste for explicit information did not
extend to accepting my request to include in the lessons related
to “gender transition” information that “affirmation” is not
settled science and that hormonal and surgical alterations carry
serious risks. The school board threw me off the committee

Deceiving Parents and Dismissing Evidence
In “The Poet X,” Xiomara finds refuge from the oppressive
characters — mother, father, God — with her teacher, who tells
her: “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” That
philosophy encapsulates the FCPS school board’s transgender
policy, passed in 2021 over tremendous community opposition.
Embracing former Gov. Northam’s policy for Virginia schools, it
affirms a student’s so-called “gender transition,” provides
school experts in support, and in practice authorizes access by
males to all female spaces. Everything is secret from parents
unless the student decides otherwise. The accompanying FCPS
student code of conduct penalizes “malicious misgendering” at
the same level as assault.

Gov. Youngkin revoked the Northam policy on Sept. 16. His new
guidance requires parental consent for “gender transition” and
stipulates students use facilities and participate in sports
based on sex. FCPS school board members’ charges of hate and
cruelty in response reveal their disregard for parents.

The Northam/FCPS approach claims to be “evidence-based,” yet
suppresses critical information by offering “gender affirmation
only” — a model European countries are revising as evidence of
harm accrues. Resources cited are from ideological groups and
activist medical committees. They omit research showing “gender
affirmation” does not resolve suicidality, that affirmation
masks underlying mental health issues, and that mutilative
surgery and sterilizing hormone treatments do irreversible harm.
There are no heartbreaking stories from young “detransitioners”
hoping to save others from lifelong pain. No mention that the
protocol-setting World Professional Association for Transgender
Health (WPATH) reportedly dropped all age restrictions for child
surgery, nor that WPATH’s registered members include a therapist
fighting to “demarginalize” pedophilia, and other alarming

A Critical Juncture
Underlying all these issues — from curriculum to transgender
policies — is the belief that authority and expertise ultimately
rest with schools, not parents. While Youngkin’s policies offer
hope as countermeasures, parents would be foolish to think a
tide rising for decades, not only in Virginia but around the
nation, will be easily turned.

Parents need to step up now more than ever. Plenty of ideologues
are waiting to “save” our children from us if we don’t.

Garland Fentanyl Sales
2022-12-14 14:18:31 UTC
If we're not going to fix them, just kill the fucking faggots.
Transform them and when they realize the truth, they'll kill themselves.
The left cheered as students protested Youngkin’s proposed
school trans policies. Where was this excitement over the
parental rights fight?

Democrats and their cohorts in corporate media were filled with
delight on Tuesday after a left-wing activist group led nearly
100 walkouts across Virginia schools to protest Gov. Glenn
Youngkin’s newly proposed policies that acknowledge the
biological sex of students and provide parents greater oversight
of their children’s lives at school.

As The Federalist recently reported, the newly issued model
policies by Virginia’s Department of Education “explicitly state
that students’ participation in school programming and use of
school facilities such as bathrooms or locker rooms should be
based on their biological sex and that modifications should be
offered only to the extent required under federal law.”

The new guidelines also state that “students who are minors must
be referred to by the name and pronouns in their official
records unless there is explicit parental approval for the use
of something else” and that “schools may not conceal information
about a student’s so-called gender identity from his or her
parents.” Furthermore, “parents must be given the opportunity to
object before any gender-related counseling services are

In demonstrating their ignorance about the state’s proposed
policies, students participating in the walkouts have since
issued blatantly false assertions about what the new protocols
entail, with one person who purports to be trans saying that the
state was “trying to take away our rights.”

“How are we supposed to focus on our classes — like calculus or
biology — if we’re worried that our teachers are going to out us
to our unsupportive parents?” another student told NBC News.

According to The Daily Caller, the protests were organized by a
group known as the Pride Liberation Project, which appears to
be, at least in part, funded by “the Democratic donor hub,

“Pride Liberation Project’s website was not created by students,
according to an attribution at the bottom of the site. The
website was donated by Z2B Media, which is owned by Tyler J.D.
Begley, an anti-Israel activist who openly advocates for the
Pride Liberation Project on his social media pages,” the report
reads. “Begley did not respond to the Daily Caller’s inquiry
into whether he creates the graphics featured on the ‘student-
led’ social media pages.”

Despite the fact that only 10 percent of Virginia school boards
had adopted former Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam’s policies
regarding transgenderism in schools, which allowed “transgender
students to use school facilities in accordance with their
gender identity and required teachers to accept a transgender
student’s name and pronouns without parental consent,” Democrats
and their allies in legacy media have gone out of their way to
lavish heaps of praise on the uninformed, protesting students
and smear the new policies as “anti-trans.”

“Thousands Of Students In Virginia Hosted A Walkout Over New
Anti-Trans School Policies,” a BuzzFeed headline reads.

USA Today writers Cady Stanton and Alia Wong similarly
complained in dramatic fashion that the policies “put decisions
on students’ identities and preferred names at school
exclusively in the hands of their parents” and also regurgitated
talking points from leftists that “the changes put LGBTQ youth
in danger because it bans they/them pronouns and allows students
to be deadnamed or misgendered.”

In a statement provided to The Federalist, Youngkin spokeswoman
Macaulay Porter emphasized that the new guidelines are designed
to provide parents with greater access to their children’s
school life, while adding that “when parents are part of the
process, schools will accommodate the requests of children and
their families.”

“Parents should be a part of their children’s lives, and it’s
apparent through the public protests and on-camera interviews
that those objecting to the guidance already have their parents
as part of that conversation,” she said. “While students
exercise their free speech … we’d note that these policies state
that students should be treated with compassion and schools
should be free from bullying and harassment.”

In 2021, parents in Virginia counties such as Loudoun, Augusta,
Wise, and others saw parents turn out in significant numbers to
protest their school boards’ consideration and implementation of
various radical ideologies such as gender theory and critical
race theory in their districts’ curricula. And while America’s
corrupt, left-wing media covered Tuesday’s student protests with
fawning adoration, they conversely couldn’t find similar passion
to properly cover the concerns raised by Virginia parents over
the past year.

Not long after Youngkin’s election victory last year, for
instance, then-CNN host Brian Stelter claimed during a segment
on “Reliable Sources” that terms such as “parents’ rights” and
“critical race theory” are little more than “slogan[s]” or
“catchall phrase[s].”

“Which parents?” he asked. “Whose rights are we talking about?”

Taking a different approach, fellow CNN talking head and
political analyst Natasha Alford contended that the 2021
Virginia gubernatorial election wasn’t decided by the issue of
parental rights, but skin color.

“These are America’s issues with race and identity and the sort
of this moral outrage that just gets repackaged for a new era,”
Alford said.

Outlets such as The Associated Press also went out of their way
to run cover for the National School Boards Association (NSBA),
which in September of 2021 sent a letter to the Biden
administration asking that the federal government treat parents
protesting their school districts’ radical policies as domestic

The NSBA “is not asking Biden to label parents who protest at
school board meetings as terrorists,” the AP “fact-check”
claimed. “The NSBA asked the administration to do an interagency
investigation of threats of violence against school board
members and said the threats ‘could be the equivalent to a form
of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.'”

The NSBA has since apologized for issuing the letter, which
Attorney General Merrick Garland used as a pretext to target

FBI Catches A Faggot Traitor
2022-12-14 14:48:59 UTC
Homosexuals destroyed the Roman Empire.
They are destroying the the United States of America.
A male U.S. army major masquerading as a female and his wife, a
Johns Hopkins anesthesiologist, were arrested on Thursday after
being federally indicted for scheming to pass sensitive health
information obtained under secret-level security clearance to
Russia. If convicted, the defendants face up to five years in
prison for conspiracy and up to 10 years for each of seven
counts of disclosing private health data.

In a detailed announcement of the indictments, the Department of
Justice said Major Jamie Lee Henry, hailed as the U.S. Army’s
first transgender officer, and Anna Gabrielian face charges for
passing data to someone they thought was a Russian agent, but
who turned out to be an undercover agent with the FBI.

At the time of the alleged crime, Henry had secret-level
security clearance at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, home to the
U.S Army Special Operations Command headquarters. Gabrielian,
knowing Henry’s level of access, told the agent she had marketed
her and her husband’s services to the Russian embassy via email
and phone. She later reported that she was “motivated by
patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to
Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail.”

On Aug. 17, Gabrielian told the FBI agent she believed to be
working for Russia that her husband would be a “more important
source for Russia than she was” due to his connections in the
military. She also apparently claimed that Henry could
communicate “how the United States military establishes an army
hospital in war conditions and information about previous
training provided by the United States military to Ukrainian
military personnel.”

Later that night, when Gabrielian introduced her husband to the
FBI agent, Henry said he was “committed to assisting Russia and
had looked into volunteering to join the Russian Army after the
conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with ‘combat
experience’ and he did not have any.”

That is when the pair agreed to pass off private medical records
from both of their workplaces “in order to help the Russian

In a subsequent meeting with the FBI agent on Aug. 31,
Gabrielian and Henry handed over individually identifiable
health information about at least seven people. According to the
DOJ’s press release, that included several military veterans and
“the spouse of an employee of the Office of Naval Intelligence,
whom Gabrielian pointed out had a medical condition Russia could

Corporate media, once eager to boost Henry’s transgenderism,
tried to cover up the fact that Henry, who officially declared
himself a woman in 2015, was hailed as the Army’s first
transgender officer.

Reuters, which has no problem regularly using fake pronouns for
other gender-swapping people like U.S. Assistant Secretary for
Health Rachel Levine, accurately noted Henry’s sex as male and
used male pronouns to describe the major. CNBC similarly
modified its article three times in an apparent effort to
disguise Henry’s belief that he is a woman.

FBI Catches A Faggot Traitor
2022-12-14 23:40:15 UTC
Homosexuals destroyed the Roman Empire.
They are destroying the the United States of America.
A male U.S. army major masquerading as a female and his wife, a
Johns Hopkins anesthesiologist, were arrested on Thursday after
being federally indicted for scheming to pass sensitive health
information obtained under secret-level security clearance to
Russia. If convicted, the defendants face up to five years in
prison for conspiracy and up to 10 years for each of seven
counts of disclosing private health data.

In a detailed announcement of the indictments, the Department of
Justice said Major Jamie Lee Henry, hailed as the U.S. Army’s
first transgender officer, and Anna Gabrielian face charges for
passing data to someone they thought was a Russian agent, but
who turned out to be an undercover agent with the FBI.

At the time of the alleged crime, Henry had secret-level
security clearance at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, home to the
U.S Army Special Operations Command headquarters. Gabrielian,
knowing Henry’s level of access, told the agent she had marketed
her and her husband’s services to the Russian embassy via email
and phone. She later reported that she was “motivated by
patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to
Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail.”

On Aug. 17, Gabrielian told the FBI agent she believed to be
working for Russia that her husband would be a “more important
source for Russia than she was” due to his connections in the
military. She also apparently claimed that Henry could
communicate “how the United States military establishes an army
hospital in war conditions and information about previous
training provided by the United States military to Ukrainian
military personnel.”

Later that night, when Gabrielian introduced her husband to the
FBI agent, Henry said he was “committed to assisting Russia and
had looked into volunteering to join the Russian Army after the
conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with ‘combat
experience’ and he did not have any.”

That is when the pair agreed to pass off private medical records
from both of their workplaces “in order to help the Russian

In a subsequent meeting with the FBI agent on Aug. 31,
Gabrielian and Henry handed over individually identifiable
health information about at least seven people. According to the
DOJ’s press release, that included several military veterans and
“the spouse of an employee of the Office of Naval Intelligence,
whom Gabrielian pointed out had a medical condition Russia could

Corporate media, once eager to boost Henry’s transgenderism,
tried to cover up the fact that Henry, who officially declared
himself a woman in 2015, was hailed as the Army’s first
transgender officer.

Reuters, which has no problem regularly using fake pronouns for
other gender-swapping people like U.S. Assistant Secretary for
Health Rachel Levine, accurately noted Henry’s sex as male and
used male pronouns to describe the major. CNBC similarly
modified its article three times in an apparent effort to
disguise Henry’s belief that he is a woman.

2022-12-18 06:54:10 UTC
Lincoln should have sent the niggers back to Africa.
In December 2016, a political operative and loyal Val Demings
campaign donor purchased a pair of office suites for $500,000.
Within days, Demings began paying that donor taxpayer funds to
rent the suites—payments that now total hundreds of thousands of

Longtime utility and telecom company political operative Julia
Johnson gave thousands of dollars to Demings prior to the
Democrat's successful 2016 congressional campaign, according to
campaign finance disclosures. Just weeks after Demings's win,
Johnson on December 29, 2016, purchased two units in an Orlando
business complex for $500,000, local property records reviewed
by the Washington Free Beacon show. Within days, Demings's
official office began paying Johnson's LLC more than $5,300 a
month to rent the two suites, which were combined into one
office space. Demings's lease with Johnson began on Jan. 3,
2017—the same day Demings was sworn into Congress—and the
Democrat is still paying her campaign donor for the space as of
January. In total, Demings's office has paid Johnson nearly
$320,000 since 2017, allowing the donor to pay for much of her
real estate purchase with taxpayer dollars.

Nearly six years after Demings's first payment to Johnson, the
Democrat is running to unseat Florida Republican senator Marco
Rubio, who Demings says "fights for his donors" over everyday
Floridians. The race has seen Demings face an array of ethics
issues—in April, for example, Demings opted to attend a House
Judiciary Committee meeting remotely so she could simultaneously
participate in a campaign call. "Of course I've been looking so
forward to being with the Duval Caucus, and here I am stuck in a
markup in Judiciary so I apologize for the background noise, but
of course I am also listening to the hearing there, so I know
when it is time for me to vote," Demings said during the virtual
campaign event. House rules require members to separate their
official and campaign business.

Demings's arrangement with Johnson could also violate House
ethics rules, which require district office leases to be
"entered into … as the result of a bona fide, arms-length,
marketplace transaction" between two sides that "are not
relatives nor have had, or continue to have, a professional or
legal relationship." Demings in 2017 spoke at an event for
Politic365, a now-defunct media site whose domain was first
registered by Johnson's consulting firm. Johnson's stepdaughter,
meanwhile, served as editor in chief of the site. In July
2012—just two months after Johnson's first contribution to
Demings's campaign—Politic365 said Demings "may be [the] #1
House candidate in [the] country," adding that the Democrat "may
have the most compelling personal history of any candidate in
the country."

Demings did not return a request for comment. Johnson could not
be reached for comment. According to Demings's House
disbursements, the Democrat pays "2295 S Hiawassee LLC"
$5,319.75 a month for "district office rent." Florida business
records list Johnson as the LLC's president and managing
member—on those records, Johnson uses the same mailing address
as her consulting firm, Net Communications. Just three months
after Demings began paying Johnson for the donor's Orlando
office space, Johnson gave Demings another $2,700. Johnson
contributed to Demings's campaign again in 2019 and twice in

Beyond her status as Demings's campaign donor and landlord,
Johnson was implicated in a high-profile bribery scandal through
her role as a FirstEnergy board member. During Johnson's time on
the board, the energy company paid roughly $60 million to a
nonprofit group controlled by former speaker of the Ohio House
of Representatives Larry Householder, who passed a bill to bail
out several bankrupt FirstEnergy plants. Those payments occurred
between March 2017 and March 2020—Johnson joined FirstEnergy's
board in 2011 and became chair of its "Corporate Governance and
Corporate Responsibility" committee, which controls the
company's political activity, in May 2019. Johnson left the
board this year as part of a settlement agreement stemming from
the bribery scheme. The company gave Demings $2,000 during
Johnson's time on the board.

While Johnson has yet to contribute to Demings's campaign as the
energy operative manages the fallout from the bribery scandal,
the Democratic Senate hopeful is not hurting for cash. Demings
has raised $48 million to Rubio's $37 million as of Aug. 3,
though Rubio has a $6.2 million cash-on-hand advantage. The pair
will face off in November.

