Guy Reffitt: Capitol rioter turned in by dead-son-walking gets 87 months in prison
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Fuehrer Weber
2022-11-05 08:35:40 UTC
I'm an idiot.
A Texas man who joined the US Capitol riot armed with a
holstered pistol and threatened his own children to keep quiet
about his role has been sentenced to more than seven years in

Guy Reffitt, 49, was found guilty in March on five felony
counts, including obstruction of an official proceeding and
interfering with police in a riot.

His sentence is the longest imposed on any of the US Capitol

Nearly 900 people have been charged in the 6 January 2021 raid
on Congress.

Reffitt did not actually enter the Capitol with the horde of
Trump supporters who breached the complex as lawmakers met to
certify Joe Biden's win in the November 2020 presidential

He retreated after an officer pepper sprayed him in the face,
but video evidence showed Reffitt egging on the crowd and
leading other rioters up a set of stairs outside the building.

The Capitol riot trial that tore a family apart
Multiple videos Reffitt took on and after 6 January, in which he
discussed planning and bragged about participating in the riot,
were used in evidence against him.

Issuing a prison sentence of 87 months on Monday, US District
Judge Dabney Friedrich said Reffitt's actions and statements
were "frightening claims that border on delusional".

An oil-field worker and recruiter for the far-right Three
Percenters militia, Reffitt is said to have driven from Texas to
Washington DC and led fellow Three Percenters up the main
staircase to the Capitol building.

According to court papers, he had told fellow members of the
militia that he planned to drag US House of Representatives
Speaker Nancy Pelosi out of the Capitol building by her ankles,
"with her head hitting every step on the way down".

Reffitt was reported to the FBI by his son, Jackson, 18 at the
time, who told investigators his father had threatened him.

"He said 'if you turn me in, you're a traitor," the younger
Reffitt said at his father's trial earlier this year. "'And
traitors get shot'".

The sentence Judge Friedrich handed down was slightly below what
is recommended by federal guidelines. She also declined to apply
a domestic terrorism enhancement - the first requested in a US
Capitol riot case.

The Texan wore an orange prison jumpsuit at the Washington DC
courthouse and listened carefully as the judge credited
supportive statements from Reffitt's family for the lower

He rubbed his hand across his forehead and had a wisp of a
smile, says the BBC's Tara McKelvey, who attended the hearing.

Our reporter says Reffitt's sentence shows that government
prosecutors may have a harder time than expected in securing the
length of custodial terms they believe US Capitol rioters

Prosecutors had sought a 15-year prison term, arguing Reffitt
was "in a class all by himself" among Capitol riot defendants,
and other rioters were "looking to him as their leader".

But defence lawyers had argued the attack would have happened
with or without him and noted he had no criminal history.

Having declined to testify at trial, Reffitt apologised in a
brief statement before his sentencing, saying he had "an issue
with just rambling and saying stupid [expletive]".

His family, including his wife, sat in the court's third row,
and his daughter Peyton spoke on his behalf.

"He says a lot of things he doesn't mean. His mental health is
an issue," she said, visibly emotional.

She added: "My father's name wasn't on the flags everyone was
carrying that day.

"It was another man's name," she added in an apparent reference
to former US President Donald Trump.

His wife Nicole Reffitt told reporters the trial shows that
"corrupt, evil politicians here in this city" are trying to
undermine US civil liberties.

"This isn't just about Guy Wesley Reffitt. This isn't about just
January 6th. This is about our liberties being stomped on," she

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Fuehrer Weber
2022-11-05 14:00:28 UTC
I'm an idiot.

Donald Trump limo video claim sparks hilarious meme fest online

An alleged video of Donald Trump in a limo recently shared by
the January 6 committee attempted to show the former president
reportedly trying to grab the steering wheel of the vehicle to
drive to the US Capitol on the day of the January 6 attack.

The claim came to light after Trump's former White House Chief
of Staff Mark Meadows’ aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified about
the matter at a recent hearing on the January 6 attack.

January 6th Committee
January 6th Committee
Today's testimony makes clear that Trump wanted to go to the
Capitol with the armed mob, despite warnings not to do so from
his advisors.

When the Secret Service ruled out the possibility, the former
President erupted in anger in the Suburban he was riding in.
She cited a story from Tony Ornato, Assistant Director of the
U.S. Secret Service Office of Training, and claimed that Trump
allegedly wanted to go to the Capitol during the riots to
“fight” against the 2020 election results and Joe Biden’s
presidential win.

The former president then boarded the presidential limo, known
as “The Beast”, with Secret Service agent Bobby Engel, and
thought they were headed to the Capitol. Hutchinson said:

“So once the President had gotten into the vehicle with Bobby,
he thought that they were going up to the Capitol.”
However, as Engel refused to head towards the building, Trump
allegedly responded angrily:

“When Bobby had relayed to him, ‘we’re not you don’t have the
assets to do it... It’s not secure. We’re going back to the West
Wing,’ the president had a very strong, very angry response to
that. Tony described him as being irate.”

Funny shit at the link.

Fuehrer Weber
2022-11-05 17:07:32 UTC
I prefer anal injections.
Though she was not in the SUV at the time, she said she heard
the account from Tony Ornato, a senior Secret Service official
who was at the time White House deputy chief of staff for
operations, when everyone was back at the White House. Also in
the room was Bobby Engel, the head of Trump's security detail
who was in the SUV with Trump and, according to Hutchinson, did
not speak up to dispute any of Ornato's account.

I heard Cassidy Hutchinson's neighbor say, "...Cassidy sucks off
the postman, trashman, gas meter reader, water meter reader,
electric meter reader and the Amazon delivery guys...".

I believe the neighbor. Neighbors don't lie.

Just Kill The Protesters
2023-01-04 13:28:48 UTC
In fact, because he suffered from an anal injection of the coronavirus,
they got free AIDS too. Win win! By the way, edell sucks cocks.
Queers are sticking tampons up their asses now. Hope the toxic
shock kills them.

First, it was baby formula. Now, it's tampons.

Store shelves where tampons should be stocked have been bare in
recent months due to supply chain issues exacerbated by the
COVID-19 pandemic, setting the scene for a shortage that’s been
brewing for a while.

Evidence of the shortage has been growing on social media and
forums, though data mapping out the course of the shortage have
yet to be compiled. Frustrated women have shared their trouble
finding their preferred menstrual products on Twitter and
Reddit, often including photos of empty shelves at big-box
retailers such as CVS and Walgreens.

“With China shut down due to Covid, supply chain issues are
going from bad to worse,” one woman wrote on Twitter in April.
“I cannot find the feminine hygiene products I like anywhere. I
can find them online though for $10 for a box of pads and $17
for a box of tampons?! This isn't some fancy brand. This f***ing

Another Twitter user wrote, “Is a female apocalypse coming or
something?! Why is every store out of tampons?”

The shortage has been driven by supply chain issues that have
plagued the manufacture of other products, most notably baby
formula. The major tampon manufacturers, Procter & Gamble,
Edgewell, and Kimberly-Clark, have cited COVID-19-related
limitations on employees’ ability to work and travel, shipping
and transportation bottlenecks, and difficulty sourcing raw

Cotton and rayon, key ingredients for the manufacture of
tampons, have been in high demand throughout the pandemic, which
has also led to higher costs. The price per pound of cotton, for
instance, has also climbed about 88% since the start of the

Procter & Gamble, which manufactures Tampax products, America’s
most popular tampon brand, said the company has ramped up
manufacturing at its Maine plant to operate around the clock.

“We understand it is frustrating for consumers when they can’t
find what they need. We can assure you this is a temporary
situation, and the Tampax team is producing tampons 24/7 to meet
the increased demand for our products,” a company spokesperson
told the Washington Examiner.

A company spokesperson also attributed increased demand and low
supply to the “hit” 2020 ad campaign featuring comedian Amy
Schumer, according to Time.

Kimberly-Clark and Edgewell, manufacturers of Kotex and Playtex
respectively, did not respond to requests for comment. The
companies disclosed in reports for investors that the pandemic
could continue to disrupt their abilities to satisfy heightened
demand for the products. Kimberly-Clark, for instance, told
investors the pandemic could have numerous negative impacts on
the business, “including causing significant volatility in
demand for our products, changes in consumer behavior and
preference, disruptions in our manufacturing and supply chain
operations … significant changes in the economic or political
conditions in markets in which we operate.”

Major retailers have acknowledged the shortage of particular
brands, though they insist they are in regular contact with
companies about their efforts to boost supplies.

“Walgreens works diligently with our suppliers to ensure we have
tampon supply available,” a spokesperson for Walgreens said.
“However, similar to other retailers, we are experiencing some
temporary brand-specific shortages in certain geographies. While
we will continue to have products at shelf and online, it may
only be in specific brands while we navigate the supply

Fuehrer Weber
2023-01-05 11:05:28 UTC
I'm an idiot.
From Fox News:

On Friday, left-wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-
N.Y., belittled Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after it
was reported that he was chased out of a D.C. steakhouse by
protesters angry over the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton torched AOC’s tweet,
replying, “@AOC, a Marxist politician, supports illegal
intimidation of Supreme Court justices because she is angry that
states are once again able to protect the right to life of
unborn human beings.”

Max Burkhalter
2023-01-28 10:31:49 UTC
Netflix went to Hell when they kissed up to the niggers. It's been all woke downhill since.
Not so long ago, Netflix had the reputation for saving movies
and TV shows. As the biggest streamer, Netflix was able to give
closure to fans of "Arrested Development," "Lucifer," "Gilmore
Girls," "Designated Survivor," and even "Star Wars: The Clone
Wars" when their original networks couldn't (or wouldn't) bring
those shows in for a landing.

On the movie side, Netflix famously took "The Cloverfield
Paradox" off of Paramount's hands and they shocked the world by
adding it to their service right after the film was announced
via a Super Bowl trailer.

Those days might be long gone, though, as The Hollywood Reporter
has gotten wind that Netflix is axing two of its original
movies: "The Inheritance" and "House/Wife." Even in their glory
days, Netflix was known to cancel their regular series without
explanation or closure, so they've always had a foot in that
typical Hollywood machine world, but now that Netflix is
abandoning its own original movies, who's gonna be there to step

This comes on the heels of other streamers tightening the belt
as the gold rush of streaming seems to be slowing down to a
trickle. We all know about HBO Max unceremoniously shelving
"Batgirl" and erasing even released shows from their platform.

Netflix was supposed to be the steady rock of streamers and now
they're jettisoning their original content instead of releasing
it, too.

