California Gov. Gavin Newsom's scheme for the Oval Office
(too old to reply)
2022-11-20 06:30:46 UTC
Newsom needs a lead injection in the brain. Right after Nancy gets hers.
Remember a couple of months ago when Joe Biden was overseas and
Gavin Newsom sauntered into the White House like he owned the
place, jacket slung over the shoulder oh so casually, TV cameras
in the perfect place to capture the moment he opened the door
and entered the president’s private lair?

Quite some chutzpah.

Immediately, tongues wagged that he was there to “measure the
drapes,” which was exactly the point.

The Californian governor is being presented as the pretty face
to lead a new generation of moderate Dems and their best hope to
hold the White House.

In this scenario, a doddering Joe Biden would be shuffled off
before his term ended, so Kamala Harris could grab the mantle —
hurrah! — as the first black woman president, at least for a few
months, and Newsom could set himself up as VP with a rails run
into the White House in 2024. At 54, this distant relative of
Nancy Pelosi fancies himself as the “youth ticket” to beat
Donald Trump.

But not so fast.

Independent transparency non-profit Open the Books has dived
deep into California’s finances to unmask Newsom’s backers and
the destructive policies they foster, like misguided criminal-
justice reforms which have driven crime rates around the nation.

The Newsom section of the Open The Books report, exclusively
provided to The Post, is a fascinating glimpse into the
ecosystem of liberal political elites that is ripping this
country apart and shows how millions in donations to Newsom’s
campaign have resulted in billions of dollars worth of contracts.

After a 10-year battle to unlock California’s secretive
checkbook and almost 450 open records requests with every state
agency, Open The Books discovered that Newsom’s donors often are
richly rewarded for their largesse with grants to their
foundations and massive tax credits to their companies. Newsom
“solicited roughly 1000 state vendors for $10.5 million worth of
campaign donations, and those companies or affiliated companies
received $6.2 billion worth of worth of state payments last
year,” says CEO and founder Adam Andrzejewski.

His woke quartet
At the center of Newsom’s Berkeley/Bay Area cheer squad are four
very rich women whose twin obsessions are climate and criminal-
justice reform: Patty Quillin, wife of billionaire Netflix CEO
Reed Hastings; Quinn Delaney, wife of real-estate mogul Wayne
Jordan; Kaitlyn Krieger, wife of Instagram co-founder Mike
Krieger; and Elizabeth Simons, daughter of hedge-fund
billionaire James Simons.

The woke quartet poured $22 million into progressive criminal-
justice ballot measures and progressive DAs over two years,
according to Politico.

They spent almost $4 million just to elect far-left Los Angeles
County District Attorney George Gascón, who has brought misery
to the lives of so many Californians. They opened their Hermes
purses again to defeat two recall efforts and keep him in office.

Open The Books has itemized their contributions to support
Gascon and his policies.
From Quillin $1.65 million, from Simons $725,000. Delaney gave
$448,000 to the Real Justice PAC, which supported Gascón, and
Krieger gave $206,500.

The Kriegers founded the Future Justice Fund, whose goal is to
end “mass incarceration” because it is racist to put black
people in jail. Delaney and Jordan founded the Akonadi
Foundation, which is dedicated to “ending the criminalization of
black youth” and “supports the development of powerful social-
change movements to eliminate structural racism and create a
racially just society.”

Akonadi donated $28,200 to Newsom’s reelection. Delaney donated
$122,200 to Newsom’s re-election; Jordan donated $89,800 and
separately donated $100,000 to the Million Voter Project Action
Fund Committee to Oppose Newsom Recall. But the state of
California has reciprocated some of this generosity.

For instance, Simons donated $123,200 to Newsom’s reelection,
and her private-equity guru husband, Mark Heising, matched it
with another $123,200.

California gave back with a grant in 2021 to their Heising-
Simons Foundation worth $262,502.40 via UC Berkeley.

Quillin donated $123,200 to Newsom’s reelection. Hastings
donated $94,000 and another $3 million into a fund to fight
Newsom’s recall. Netflix employees and executives donated
$69,150 to Newsom’s reelection. Netflix, Inc. Federal PAC
donated another $5,000.

Lo and behold, Open The Books found that the California Film
Commission looked kindly on Netflix when it came to allotting
tax credits. Netflix received more than twice as much in tax
credits as did any other company ($60 million in the allotment
reported in February 2022).

It’s nice to live in a nepotistic state where the media gives
you a free pass. But if Newsom plans on stepping up to the big
stage, the Open The Books scrutiny is just a taste of what’s to

Bragg’s off target
Alvin Bragg refuses to lock up murderous thugs but he’s more
than happy to weaponize the law to strike a political enemy of
the Biden administration like former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.
In the middle of a violent crime wave in this city, Bragg’s
priority today is to indict a resident of Washington, DC.

Open letter, closed minds
Shame on the never-Trumper former Pentagon leaders who signed an
open letter they must know plays right into the Biden
administration’s inflammatory election narrative that Trump
voters pose some existential threat to “democracy.”

The letter, which alludes to the January 6 Capitol riot, has
been carefully written to be opaque, bordering on incoherent.
But the 13 signatories know perfectly well that whipping up
“MAGA fear” is the Democrats’ only strategy to stave off a
wipeout at the midterms.
The fact that the letter was organized by Duke political science
academic Peter Feaver, a fevered Trump-hater and mentor of
General “Thoroughly Modern” Milley, makes its intent clear.

Special criticism is due signatory Leon Panetta, the liberal
Californian congressman turned-Obama CIA director and defense
secretary who previously also signed the “Dirty 51” letter from
51 ex-intelligence officials framing the Hunter Biden laptop as
Russian disinformation before the 2020 election.

Some on the list should know better. Others are beyond


IllegalAliensNOTmigrants FiremenNOTfighters
8 September, 2022

Campaign finance reform is long overdue. Our elections are
ridiculously drawn out. How about ZERO dollars allowed for
campaigning? Hold a series of formal, televised, taxpayer-
funded presentations and debates over only the six months prior
to election day. Saves money and time.

2022-11-20 11:59:00 UTC
Kill them. Anybody who spews woke hate just kill them.
There were hopeful signs last week that reality might slowly be
dawning on the tony Trinity School on the Upper West Side, when
the board of trustees issued a statement subtly repudiating the
headmaster’s clueless handling of the racist “Dexter” scandal.

In a statement to parents, David Perez, president of the board
of trustees, did what headmaster John Allman failed to do the
previous week when a senior teacher was caught on video saying
that “we just need some vigilante Dexter” to get rid of the
“horrible … white boys” at the school.

Since Dexter is a TV serial killer, Trinity teacher Jennifer
Norris appeared to be advocating for white male students to be
murdered when she was secretly recorded by gonzo journalism
outfit Project Veritas.

Perez was lead author on last week’s revisionary statement
assuring parents that he and Allman “categorically denounce the
derogatory and antagonistic comments in the recently released
video about our white students … Bias of any kind or the threat
of violence toward any person has no place at Trinity School.

“The comments made in the video do not reflect the mission or
values of Trinity School. Ms. Norris is not speaking for Trinity

Well, that’s a relief. But why is Norris still employed?

As of Sunday, she was still on paid leave, according to Kevin
Ramsey, Trinity’s director of communications.

School’s initial silence
Why did it take five days and two statements for the school to
state the bleeding obvious? You’d think it was a no-brainer to
immediately come out and say that Trinity does not share the
values of a teacher who thinks white boys should be murdered by
a serial killer.

But no, the previous week the school had issued a tone-deaf
statement expressing anger — at Project Veritas. The primary
complaint was “the reprehensible way Ms. Norris and our school
community were targeted,” and that she was recorded “without her
knowledge and permission by someone who misrepresented himself.”

The hateful bigotry expressed by Norris was mentioned only as a
mild afterthought, something that “does not reflect the mission
or values of Trinity School.”

No surprise, really, considering Norris implies that other
school members share her hostile view of conservatives, and
considering Allman’s bizarre outpouring of grief in 2016 after
Donald Trump was elected president.

When Norris told Veritas that Trinity is “definitely a school
where conservatives would not feel comfortable,” she was telling
the truth.

In the end, Perez must have felt enough heat to issue a stronger
statement a few days after the school’s initial limp offering.

Maybe there has been a change of heart. Or, more likely, the
trustees don’t enjoy getting calls from journalists.

It’s a prestigious gig to sit on the board of trustees of an
elite Manhattan private school whose annual fees start at
$61,000, and it’s guaranteed to earn you esteem in the social
pecking order, and all the best invitations.

The last thing the trustees want is to be engulfed in a scandal.

But they are involved. The board “bears ultimate responsibility
for the well-being of the school,” says its mission statement.

It’s their fault that the nation’s oldest Episcopal school, a
once-great institution of learning, has gone so far off the

It is not onFe teacher but the entire woke ethos of the school.

Perez, a Cuban-born investment banker, must understand from life
in his former homeland the lethal trajectory of far-left
ideological manipulation in schools.

Unfortunately, calls and emails to Perez and other board members
have gone unanswered, unless you count Ramsey’s emailed

But take billionaire William P. Lauder, heir to the Estée Lauder
cosmetics fortune, Trinity Class of 1978 and respected emeritus
trustee of the school board.

Does he think it’s OK for the school to exclude conservatives,
and for a teacher to advocate that white male students, like he
once was, be murdered? He won’t say, but he should.

He comes from a family that well understood the murderous nature
of hate and bigotry. His uncle Ronald Lauder, as president of
the World Jewish Congress, used to talk about confronting
bullies: “When there is no reaction to their hate, they are
emboldened. Silence gives them strength.”

He was talking about anti-Semitism, but the sentiment applies to
bigotry of all kinds, including dehumanizing conservatives and
plotting the painful deaths of “white boys.”

Or how about board member Rabbi Joy Levitt, regarded as one of
the most influential rabbis in America, the first woman to be
elected president of a national rabbinical organization. As the
recently retired CEO of the Marlene Meyerson Jewish Community
Center, she got every synagogue on the Upper West Side to read
aloud the names of Holocaust victims, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on
Yom Hashoah. She understands the lethal path of bigotry and
scapegoating. With her power in this city, she could force
Trinity to repudiate hateful wokery.

Otherwise, we have to assume the board agrees with the
sentiments expressed by Norris. Perhaps any children of their
own are girls, or not white, or have already graduated, so they
don’t care.

A warning from history
They should remember the prophetic words of German pastor Martin
Niemöller, an opponent of Adolf Hitler who survived the Dachau
concentration camp:

“First they came for the communists and I didn’t speak out
because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the trade
unionists and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade
unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak out
because I wasn’t a Jew.

“Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak out
for me.”

We owe Project Veritas for revealing the true nature of woke
education — hateful, bigoted, even murderous. But one elite
school in Manhattan is a tiny fraction of the problem. People in
charge need to be held accountable. This poison is being
injected straight into the veins of American children and if it
isn’t stopped, the country is lost.


11 September, 2022

You shouldn’t exclude any class of individuals in the field of
At the same time, administrators and teachers need to keep their
bizarre thoughts out of the classroom and adhere to a strict
academic regimen and don’t give in to the parents.

Just stop
12 September, 2022

Parents? It's the teachers and the progressive administration
clearly have an anti conservative agenda. You are not exactly
denouncing this disturbing behavior either...

12 September, 2022

Over 100 people liked this comment? Do these people not
understand that Fidgty (1) is blaming the parents for attempting
to have a say in their kids being taught the racial hatred of
CRT and (2) is implying that the racial hatred taught by
teachers such as this woke racist is an integral part of a
child's curriculum?

I think the people that gave Fidgty's comment a thumb's up are
the same people that support Biden's corrupt FBI labeling
parent's domestic terrorists for speaking out against CRT.

2023-01-10 16:51:50 UTC
Newsom needs a lead injection in the brain. Right after Nancy gets hers.
Remember a couple of months ago when Joe Biden was overseas and
Gavin Newsom sauntered into the White House like he owned the
place, jacket slung over the shoulder oh so casually, TV cameras
in the perfect place to capture the moment he opened the door
and entered the president’s private lair?

Quite some chutzpah.

Immediately, tongues wagged that he was there to “measure the
drapes,” which was exactly the point.

The Californian governor is being presented as the pretty face
to lead a new generation of moderate Dems and their best hope to
hold the White House.

In this scenario, a doddering Joe Biden would be shuffled off
before his term ended, so Kamala Harris could grab the mantle —
hurrah! — as the first black woman president, at least for a few
months, and Newsom could set himself up as VP with a rails run
into the White House in 2024. At 54, this distant relative of
Nancy Pelosi fancies himself as the “youth ticket” to beat
Donald Trump.

But not so fast.

Independent transparency non-profit Open the Books has dived
deep into California’s finances to unmask Newsom’s backers and
the destructive policies they foster, like misguided criminal-
justice reforms which have driven crime rates around the nation.

The Newsom section of the Open The Books report, exclusively
provided to The Post, is a fascinating glimpse into the
ecosystem of liberal political elites that is ripping this
country apart and shows how millions in donations to Newsom’s
campaign have resulted in billions of dollars worth of contracts.

After a 10-year battle to unlock California’s secretive
checkbook and almost 450 open records requests with every state
agency, Open The Books discovered that Newsom’s donors often are
richly rewarded for their largesse with grants to their
foundations and massive tax credits to their companies. Newsom
“solicited roughly 1000 state vendors for $10.5 million worth of
campaign donations, and those companies or affiliated companies
received $6.2 billion worth of worth of state payments last
year,” says CEO and founder Adam Andrzejewski.

His woke quartet
At the center of Newsom’s Berkeley/Bay Area cheer squad are four
very rich women whose twin obsessions are climate and criminal-
justice reform: Patty Quillin, wife of billionaire Netflix CEO
Reed Hastings; Quinn Delaney, wife of real-estate mogul Wayne
Jordan; Kaitlyn Krieger, wife of Instagram co-founder Mike
Krieger; and Elizabeth Simons, daughter of hedge-fund
billionaire James Simons.

The woke quartet poured $22 million into progressive criminal-
justice ballot measures and progressive DAs over two years,
according to Politico.

They spent almost $4 million just to elect far-left Los Angeles
County District Attorney George Gascón, who has brought misery
to the lives of so many Californians. They opened their Hermes
purses again to defeat two recall efforts and keep him in office.

Open The Books has itemized their contributions to support
Gascon and his policies.
From Quillin $1.65 million, from Simons $725,000. Delaney gave
$448,000 to the Real Justice PAC, which supported Gascón, and
Krieger gave $206,500.

The Kriegers founded the Future Justice Fund, whose goal is to
end “mass incarceration” because it is racist to put black
people in jail. Delaney and Jordan founded the Akonadi
Foundation, which is dedicated to “ending the criminalization of
black youth” and “supports the development of powerful social-
change movements to eliminate structural racism and create a
racially just society.”

Akonadi donated $28,200 to Newsom’s reelection. Delaney donated
$122,200 to Newsom’s re-election; Jordan donated $89,800 and
separately donated $100,000 to the Million Voter Project Action
Fund Committee to Oppose Newsom Recall. But the state of
California has reciprocated some of this generosity.

For instance, Simons donated $123,200 to Newsom’s reelection,
and her private-equity guru husband, Mark Heising, matched it
with another $123,200.

California gave back with a grant in 2021 to their Heising-
Simons Foundation worth $262,502.40 via UC Berkeley.

Quillin donated $123,200 to Newsom’s reelection. Hastings
donated $94,000 and another $3 million into a fund to fight
Newsom’s recall. Netflix employees and executives donated
$69,150 to Newsom’s reelection. Netflix, Inc. Federal PAC
donated another $5,000.

Lo and behold, Open The Books found that the California Film
Commission looked kindly on Netflix when it came to allotting
tax credits. Netflix received more than twice as much in tax
credits as did any other company ($60 million in the allotment
reported in February 2022).

It’s nice to live in a nepotistic state where the media gives
you a free pass. But if Newsom plans on stepping up to the big
stage, the Open The Books scrutiny is just a taste of what’s to

Bragg’s off target
Alvin Bragg refuses to lock up murderous thugs but he’s more
than happy to weaponize the law to strike a political enemy of
the Biden administration like former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.
In the middle of a violent crime wave in this city, Bragg’s
priority today is to indict a resident of Washington, DC.

Open letter, closed minds
Shame on the never-Trumper former Pentagon leaders who signed an
open letter they must know plays right into the Biden
administration’s inflammatory election narrative that Trump
voters pose some existential threat to “democracy.”

The letter, which alludes to the January 6 Capitol riot, has
been carefully written to be opaque, bordering on incoherent.
But the 13 signatories know perfectly well that whipping up
“MAGA fear” is the Democrats’ only strategy to stave off a
wipeout at the midterms.
The fact that the letter was organized by Duke political science
academic Peter Feaver, a fevered Trump-hater and mentor of
General “Thoroughly Modern” Milley, makes its intent clear.

Special criticism is due signatory Leon Panetta, the liberal
Californian congressman turned-Obama CIA director and defense
secretary who previously also signed the “Dirty 51” letter from
51 ex-intelligence officials framing the Hunter Biden laptop as
Russian disinformation before the 2020 election.

Some on the list should know better. Others are beyond


IllegalAliensNOTmigrants FiremenNOTfighters
8 September, 2022

Campaign finance reform is long overdue. Our elections are
ridiculously drawn out. How about ZERO dollars allowed for
campaigning? Hold a series of formal, televised, taxpayer-
funded presentations and debates over only the six months prior
to election day. Saves money and time.

