Ninth Circuit sends case challenging California's 'draconian' gun law to lower court, citing SCOTUS ruling
(too old to reply)
Jim Dutton
2022-11-24 13:41:22 UTC
A federal appeals court in California sent a lawsuit challenging the
state’s "draconian infringement" on Second Amendment rights back to a
district court in response to a Supreme Court decision in June that
overruled a New York state concealed carry law.
On Wednesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated and remanded its
own opinion in Jones v. Bonta, which challenges California’s state law
banning certain gun sales to people under the age of 21.
It asked the district court to reassess its decision favoring the law in
light of the high court's opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol
Association Inc. v. Bruen. That decision concluded that a New York state
law requiring citizens to show "proper cause" for self-defense to obtain a
concealed carry permit was unconstitutional.
In the Bruen opinion, the Supreme Court reset the standard for analyzing
Second Amendment challenges. Based on that new precedent, the Ninth
Circuit is returning the matter to the district court to reanalyze the
case by this new standard, which creates a higher burden for states to
justify certain gun restrictions.
Lawyers for three California adults under the age of 21 who are
challenging the law argue in court filings that once their clients reached
age 18, they were "deemed adults for almost all purposes and certainly for
the purpose of exercising constitutional rights. Yet the California
statute challenged in this case categorically bars them from purchasing or
acquiring all semi-automatic center fire rifles based solely on their age.
"Taken in combination with existing state and federal laws barring 18-to-
20-year-olds from acquiring handguns, the result of the challenged
provision is that the vast majority of firearms —including the firearms
most useful for self-defense — are now off-limits to law-abiding
Californians in this age bracket."
In May, the panel reached a 2-1 split decision on the case, with two Trump
appointees ruling in the majority that a district court judge was wrong
not to block California’s ban, adding the law's "blanket ban" on young
adults not in the military or on a police force was unconstitutional.
Judge Kenneth Lee in particular highlighted that "California’s legal
position has no logical stopping point and would ultimately erode
fundamental rights enumerated in the Constitution."
"If California can deny the Second Amendment right to young adults based
on their group’s disproportionate involvement in violent crimes," the
opinion states, "then the government can deny that right — as well as
other rights — to other groups."
Judge Lee wrote that "we cannot jettison our constitutional rights, even
if the goal behind a law is laudable."
"It will be interesting to see what the district court does on remand, as
this will be one of the first opportunities for a court to apply the
Supreme Court's latest guidance on the Second Amendment," a former DOJ
official told Fox News Digital.
Attorneys for the plaintiffs and Attorney General Rob Bonta did not
immediately respond to Fox Digital's request for comment.
Californians must be pretty stupid. They keep electing people
to office who want to take away their very right to live and

What is wrong with those people?
Jim Dutton
2023-01-02 02:07:21 UTC
Put this cunt in general population and let the coons have their way with her.
An Oregon woman is being held without bail after she was
arraigned Thursday for allegedly pushing a 3-year-old child onto
train tracks while the child and mother were waiting at a
Portland train station, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s
Department said in a release.

Brianna Lace Workman, 32, is accused of shoving the child face-
first onto the tracks of the Gateway Transit Center MAX platform
in Northeast Portland without "provocation."

A bystander rescued the child from the tracks before a train

The 3-year-old suffered a severe headache and a red mark on
their forehead from hitting their face on the track, the release

Surveillance video released by the district attorney’s office of
the incident appears to show the suspect jump up from where she
was sitting on a bench on the platform and push the child, who
was standing in front of her.

Workman was charged with attempted assault in the first degree,
assault in the third degree, interfering with public
transportation, disorderly conduct in the second degree and
recklessly endangering another person.

Jim Dutton
2023-01-02 02:42:34 UTC
Democrats are just worthless eaters anyway. They don't deserve to live.
These fucks shot themselves because they voted for Biden and he looted their retirement.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the cause of
a fatal shooting that happened early Sunday morning.

This happened at 1:07 a.m. on the 7500 block of Fordham Creek

Deputies said they found 3 people were shot inside the home.

A woman in her 20s was transported to the hospital with a non-
life-threatening gunshot wound and remains in stable condition
according to law enforcement.

Detectives said they also located a woman in her 50s who had
been shot and later died at the hospital.

A man in his 50s was also found dead of an apparent self-
inflicted gunshot wound OCSO said.

The sheriff’s office said that they believe this is an isolated,
domestic incident and that there is no danger to the community.

Law enforcement is still investigating what happened.

Jim Dutton
2023-01-02 02:42:34 UTC
This man should get a medal for vermin removal.
A man is no longer facing manslaughter charges after a
controversial, deadly shooting outside a popular St Johns County
bar. Action News Jax Princess Jhane Stepherson explains how the
“stand your ground” statute applies in this case according to a
recent judicial ruling.

A popular St Augustine bar became the crime scene for a shooting
in the summer of 2021 when a fight turned deadly.

Surveillance video obtained by Action News Jax shows 31-year-old
Luis Casado and 37-year-old Adam Amoia circled in white
exchanging words. Things got physical when Amoia and another man
repeatedly slapped Casado to the point of knocking off his

Casado says at that moment he could not see and was scared for
his life after being backed into a corner by Amoia. That’s when
Casado pulled out a gun and shot Amoia multiple times. Action
News Jax law and safety expert Dale Carson - who spent decades
in law enforcement and with the FBI says those factors are what
gave Casado the right to use deadly force.

“You have to be in fear of death or great bodily harm right now
not 45 minutes later but right now,” says Dale Carson.

Casados attorney argued self-defense on the ‘stand your ground’
law after Casado was charged with manslaughter. Last night a
judge dismissed those charges. I reached out to Casado’s
attorney and Amoia’s brother for comment on the judge’s ruling,
but I have yet to hear back.

Casado still faces a misdemeanor charge for caring a concealed
weapon into a bar which isn’t allowed.

“A misdemeanor could be punishable by up to a year in custody
though it’s doubtful that he would actually serve time in
connection with something like that,” says Dale Carson.

Jim Dutton
2023-01-02 05:28:31 UTC
Of course the idiots would say that. They are addicts too!
Let the drug dealers kill off their market! Drug addicts have no value to society.
Oregon’s first-in-the-nation drug decriminalization measure has
been highly scrutinized since voters passed it two years ago,
but as state funding finally starts to make its way to addiction
service providers, proponents say they’re starting to see

“It’s going to take a long time to fully see what’s happening,”
said Hannah Studer, deputy director of the behavioral health
nonprofit Bridges to Change. “We have to stay the course because
this is life and death and this really is building an entirely
new future for the state that the state deserves.”

Measure 110 passed with 58% of the vote in 2020. It
decriminalized possession of personal use amounts of hard drugs
including heroin, meth and fentanyl, and redirected a
significant portion of the state’s marijuana tax revenue — which
had previously gone to schools, police and local governments —
to fund grants for addiction services.

But critics accuse the law of fueling addiction and crime in
parts of the state, especially Portland, and the measure became
a hot topic in this year’s gubernatorial race.

“It’s worked out great for the drug dealers and the drug users
because we have an open-air drug market,” said David Potts,
chair of the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association.

Portland Police Association President Aaron Schmautz told Fox
News in September that police don’t want to see “mass
incarceration as a result of low level drug use” and that
treatment should be prioritized.

“But you need some teeth to that,” Schmautz said. “There needs
to be a way to require that treatment.”

Drug possession is now a Class E violation, punishable by a
maximum $100 fine, which people can have waived if they call a
hotline and complete a treatment assessment. Oregon Health &
Science University’s head of addiction medicine, Dr. Todd
Korthuis, said few people are calling the hotline, and most are
only doing so to get their citation waived.

“Only 1% of those issued a ticket for drug possession requested
information about treatment resources,” he told a state senate
committee earlier this year. “In my discussions with treatment
leaders around the state, not one has had any patient enroll in
treatment due to these tickets.”

Of 3,645 citations issued through November, 68% ended in a
conviction because the suspect failed to appear in court,
according to the Oregon Judicial Department.

Ron Williams, director of outreach for the Health Justice
Recovery Alliance, which advocates for Measure 110, isn’t
concerned by the lack of participation and thinks people should
be able to seek recovery services on their own terms.

“There’s very little evidence that coercive treatment works,”
Williams said. “Most people who use drugs recreationally don’t
think they have a problem and thus don’t think they need
treatment. So why would you force them into treatment?”

The measure’s slow rollout also raised concerns. While
decriminalization took effect Feb. 1, 2021, the state did not
approve the bulk of grants until the end of this August.

“We know that there have been delays on the state side of things
to get funds out to providers,” Studer said. “However, we have
the funds now and we’re able to really jumpstart into providing
the services that are desperately needed in Oregon.”

The state has now awarded $302 million in grants for harm
reduction, overdose prevention, recovery housing and more. In
most cases, it cannot be used for residential in-patient
treatment, which is primarily funded by Medicaid, Williams said.

Bridges to Change received about $12.5 million, which Studer
said salvaged one of their programs that was about to close due
to lack of funding and will allow them to hire dozens of more
employees and fund 202 new beds.

“Women in our women’s housing programs who are able to have a
safe place for themselves and their children,” Studer said.
“Folks in more rural areas of Clackamas [County] who were never
able to get access to supportive housing, who now have paid
supportive housing to live in for as long as they need.”

But Oregon’s addiction rate is still among the highest in the

“We’ve seen rises in overdose,” Schmautz said. “We’re having a
huge epidemic of fentanyl and other drugs in our community.”

Drug overdose deaths have spiked nationwide since early 2020,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Williams argued that Oregon’s increase in overdose deaths
remains below the West Coast average, so it’s not fair to blame
Measure 110.

“Substance use should not be a criminal matter. It’s a health
matter,” Williams said. “The idea of it is to transform away
from a criminal justice approach and to pivot to a health,
science-backed, health-based approach.”

Schmautz agreed that addiction is a medical issue, but
attributed many of the “societal ills” Portland is dealing with
to addiction.

“Homelessness going through the roof, mental illness … low-level
crime and then even homicides and other things,” he said.

Williams said it’s not fair to pin rising crime on Measure 110,
since the only thing the law legalized is personal use of drugs.

“Stealing is still a crime. Car prowling is still a crime.
Burglary is still a crime,” Williams said. “Homelessness, crime,
those problems existed before ballot Measure 110 and they were
increasing before ballot Measure 110.”

For decades, police used possible drug possession as a pretext
to stop and search people, Williams said.

“Across the country, those people have been Black and brown,” he
said. “So this kind of decreases … those negative impacts on
people of color communities.And it transforms the nature of
substance use from being something that you punish to being
something that you provide services for.”

Overall, Studer encouraged patience from Oregonians, who she
said deserve better than the old approach to addiction.

“Deserving better is going to take time,” she said.


18 December, 2022

“Most people who use drugs recreationally don’t think they have
a problem and thus don’t think they need treatment. So why would
you force them into treatment?”

that a heroin, fentanyl, meth, etc use doesn't think he or she
needs help is precisely the reason to force treatment

18 December, 2022

Anyone on H is now heading to Oregon to get high. If this is
your lifestyle then you want to go where they support your
habit. Sounds like a great place to use narcotics.

Anthony Amoroso
18 December, 2022

And die

Jim Dutton
2023-01-02 06:03:39 UTC
He was fucking the rat in the trailer.
A 55-year-old man faces charges that he shot his wife in the leg
after she honked a horn at him, Colorado officials reported.

The Pueblo man had gone with his wife to a private home to
discuss buying a vehicle Friday, Dec. 30, the Pueblo County
Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.

After the man had been inside a trailer on the property for 30
minutes, his wife began honking the horn for him to come out,
sheriff’s officials said.

The man emerged with a pistol and fired three shots, the release
said. One hit the 56-year-old woman in the leg inside their

She was treated and released at a hospital, sheriff’s officials
said. The man denied firing a pistol, but deputies found two
handguns and shell casings.

He was arrested on charges of illegal discharge of a firearm,
second-degree assault and felony menacing. A 45-year-old woman
in the trailer also was arrested for ”five unrelated outstanding

Pueblo is a city of 12,000 people about 115 miles south of

Miley Cyrus - piece of shit
2023-01-02 06:03:39 UTC
Her rotten kid was a menace to society. She should be sterilized.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Megan Reed remembers almost everything about
Oct. 12, 2022.

She remembers what she was doing, and the exact time. That's
because that's the day when her life changed forever.

She described her 13-year-old son Sinzae Reed as someone who
loved to laugh and always had a smile on his face. He had just
started middle school. He loved playing football and wanted to
get into boxing.

Sinzae's mother said the bright future he had was taken from him
Oct. 12, when he was shot and killed.

Columbus police found him in his Wedgewood Apartment
neighborhood. A day later, 36-year-old Krieg Butler was arrested
and charged with his murder.

"He's still a baby whether he had teen behind his year or not,
he's still a baby. And my baby had a lot of years left,” she

Fighting through tears, Megan said, “I see him laying on the
ground...I see there's blood like...everywhere around him...I
couldn't go to him...I couldn't hold him. I couldn't tell him
that it was going to be OK.”

Court records from October show that Butler was charged with
murder in municipal court.

Days later, the charges against Butler were dismissed and the
prosecutors have not re-filed charges in the common pleas court.

According to the prosecutor on the case, the case is "still
under review and pending further consideration.”

A statement from Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Gary Tyack

"The Municipal Court does not have jurisdiction to hear felony
cases except for a limited period of time. It is standard
practice for almost every felony case filed in Municipal Court
to be dismissed. Not every case initiated in Municipal Court is
presented to the Grand Jury. If the case is submitted to our
office for review, we review the investigation to determine
whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed and whether it
is appropriate to pursue the case. The only time limitation is
the statute of limitations, which is several years. This
particular case is still under review for possible presentation
to the Grand Jury, and unfortunately, I cannot advise you when
the case will be presented to the Grand Jury.”

As of now, it has not yet been presented.

Months later, community members and activists are raising
concerns asking about the investigation.

“There's been a lot of babies that have been gunned down, shot
down and nothing has happened...so I need it to happen with my
son,” said Megan.

On Sunday, a community press conference is planned at 2 p.m. at
Wedgewood Apartments.

The Columbus Division of Police released a statement Saturday
which read:

"On October 12, 2022, the Columbus Division of Police responded
to 832 Wedgewood Dr. on a shooting, where officers found 13 year
old, Sin’Zae Reed suffering from gunshot wounds. Officers
rendered aid until Mr. Reed was transported to an area hospital,
where he succumbed to his injuries. Columbus Police Detectives
interviewed numerous witnesses and filed murder charges on Krieg
Butler on October 13th, 2022. Mr. Butler was ultimately arrested
and slated in the Franklin County Jail.

During the Homicide review of the investigation, there was an
allegation made by Mr. Butler that he acted in self-defense. The
Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office, upon learning of this
information, dismissed the charges against Mr. Butler pending
the completion of the investigation. The Columbus Division of
Police does not dismiss charges. We continue to investigate the
circumstances of Mr. Reed’s death with the help of outside
entities and are still awaiting key forensic and ballistic

Once the investigation is complete, we will submit the packet to
the Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office, who will determine
whether to present to the Grand Jury.

We are aware of the community’s concerns regarding the
investigation and want to ensure the community that this
investigation is far from over. The detectives assigned to the
case are working diligently to present a complete and thorough
investigation to the Franklin County Prosecutor. We ask for
patience during this time. Once we are able to provide more
information, we will. We have promised transparency and will
continue to provide information when it can be released."

Miley Cyrus - piece of shit
2023-01-02 08:34:37 UTC
What kind of stupid people elect a cunt like this?
LANSING — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer launched her second
term Sunday, promising in her inaugural speech to reduce taxes
for retirees, continue record spending on K-12 education, make
Michigan a center for clean energy and electric vehicles, and
pass "common sense" gun control legislation.

"We must do everything we can to lower costs so families have
more money in their pockets to pay the bills and put food on the
table," Whitmer said in her speech. She pledged to "grow our
economy so every person can get the skills to land a good-paying
job." Whitmer also pledged to reach across the aisle and work
with anyone willing to get things done.

The speech was short on specifics. Whitmer said those will come
in her State of the State address later this month and state
budget presentation in February.

Instead, Whitmer used her brief remarks to talk about what she
thinks makes Michigan and its residents unique. She referenced
Stormy Kromer hats, the late abolitionist, former slave, and
Battle Creek resident Sojourner Truth, and got in a Detroit
Lions shout-out on a day when the state's hard-luck NFL team was
fighting for it slim chance to make the playoffs.

Stupid bitch.

Max Jones
2023-01-02 14:25:17 UTC
Democrats have brains, but they are typically lazy or damaged from drug use.
Republicans need to get off their asses and stop using dated Democrat campaign tactics.
“Uttering lines that send liberals into paroxysms of rage,
otherwise known as ‘citing facts,’ is the spice of life. When I
see the hot spittle flying from their mouths and the veins
bulging and pulsing above their eyes, well, that’s when I feel
truly alive.”

So begins If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans,
Ann Coulter’s funniest, most devastating, and, yes, most
outrageous book to date.

