The illegal invaders will eat your pet?
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citizen winston smith
2024-09-14 17:10:13 UTC
Have you read any of Project 2025?  I have and Trump would think of
it as a love story.  It would give him more power that he has
I have to admit I haven't read it. I never could get too far into
favorite book, 'Das Capital' either.
Richard Wright, Native Son Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner Amy Tan,
The Joy Luck Club Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon C.S. Lewis, The
the Witch and the Wardrobe
I think I'd prefer that she had read a book on economics, even if it
was 'Capital'. Some history, political theory, and so forth would be
nice too.
I'm sure she has.  I have.  My favorite books are still genre fiction.
Would you like her any better if her favorite book was Keynes' "General
Theory of Employment and Money" ?
At least it would show some depth. My college economics course used
Samuelson's 'Economics'.
But is it your favorite book?  Do you keep it on your night stand?
Do you re-read it fondly?
I have Reader" Digest in the bathroom.  Does that count?  I've done that
for 59 years now.
You must be a big McPaper (USA Today) guy too - all condensed leftarded
indoctrination sound bites.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-14 17:12:24 UTC
This time around, I'm voting against Trump, not for Kamala.
That means you are voting FOR COMMUNISM, you treasonous piece of shit!