With monkeypox, the world must heed the lessons of HIV/AIDS
(too old to reply)
2022-06-18 02:11:09 UTC
In article <rqrjvl$2vp4$***@neodome.net>
***@panix.com (Bradley K. Sherman) wrote:

Since new outbreaks of monkeypox started making headlines across
the world, we have been receiving text messages non-stop. “If I
get monkeypox, will everyone know I am gay?” asked one friend in
the Gulf. Another who works for an NGO in Lebanon was unsure
whether to even share news about the disease, for fear of adding
to the already intense stigma experienced by gay people across
the country. We applaud the recent statement by UNAIDS
denouncing the “racist” and “homophobic” coverage of monkeypox,
but much more is needed as a lot is at stake here.

Let’s be clear upfront: monkeypox is very different from
HIV/AIDS. But as headlines link the disease to outbreaks among
men who have sex with men, the lessons we learned 40 years ago
about stigma and infectious diseases have come roaring back to

As monkeypox moves towards the top of the international news
agenda, the world has a small window of time to get it right,
and prevent the same mistakes that fuelled HIV/AIDS-related
panic, fear and discrimination for over four decades.

So far, we are in danger of failing the test. Unlike 40 years
ago, thanks to social media, and 24-hour news coverage, any news
about monkeypox travels across the world in the blink of an eye.
And for now, news reports on the infectious disease are
suggesting a unique association between monkeypox and sexuality,
specifically an association between the virus and gay men or men
who have sex with men.

Yet there is nothing about the way this viral disease is
transmitted that is actually unique to gay men or men who have
sex with men. Monkeypox is transmitted through large respiratory
droplets via prolonged face-to-face contact, contact with bodily
fluids, or contaminated objects or surfaces. These transmissions
can occur between any two people – regardless of sexual
orientation or gender identity or any other identity.

Media coverage that clouds these simple facts is a threat to
everyone. Such coverage causes men who have sex with men to face
even more stigma while creating the false impression that
everyone else is somehow immune or not at risk. It’s a recipe
for disaster.

We have seen all this 40 years ago. Back then, early media
reports linking a new infectious disease to gay men raised
alarms and fed panic. Soon the disease was given a name rooted
in that panic: GRID, or gay-related immune deficiency.

Overlooked were the data and science showing that, while
identities may put certain communities at higher risk, it does
not mean that the virus infects these communities specifically.
In fact, we learned from HIV that the answer is tied closely to
conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age –
such as their financial status, education, neighbourhood and
physical environment, employment, and social support (aka social
determinants of health) rather than sexual or gender identities.

Today, we must learn that lesson quickly and ensure that the
conversation focuses on a public health approach to critically
synthesise social determinants of health that allow marginalised
communities to be at higher risk for the spread of such viruses.
To avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, we must take a step
back and consider a few important questions.

Does it help in any way to put a label on this disease at this
stage? In other words, does associating it with gay men or men
who have sex with men offer any help in curbing the spread of
this disease? Based on what we know about the way this disease
is spread, it seems very unlikely. In fact, if we learned one
thing from HIV/AIDS, it’s that infectious diseases – even if
they are sexually transmitted – never stay confined to one group
of people and eventually spread throughout the whole society.
The lesson is clear: it is counterproductive to segregate people
into sexual orientation silos in our approach to these diseases.
Because in reality, sexual orientation and behaviour are fluid,
and change over time. Further, stigma leads to people avoiding
healthcare services all together and in fact exacerbates the

Does it stigmatise gay men and men who have sex with men if we
make a connection between this disease and them? Yes, it does.
Even in Western countries, gay men and men who have sex with men
continue to face discrimination and poorer health outcomes
compared with their heterosexual counterparts. Associating a new
deadly disease with these groups will push them further behind.

More importantly, in countries where homosexuality is
criminalised, making the connection between monkeypox and
homosexuality can mean humiliation, imprisonment and even death.
In some cases, this association can be used as a way of “outing”
people (irrespective of whether it is true). In countries where
homosexuality is still criminalised, such an outing can be a
death sentence.

So what should we do?

First, it is essential that we proceed with extreme caution as
we learn more about this disease and as we fight it together.
Labels and judgements have no place in healthcare and should not
be what is leading this conversation. What is needed at this
point is to focus on the facts and the science: with clear
messages about the symptoms, transmission, prevention and

Second, we should ensure that resources, not stigma, are
directed to communities that are on the front lines of the
disease. Marginalised groups such as gay men or men who have sex
with men are more prone to adverse health outcomes because of
social disadvantages, continued victimisation, and
discrimination. More resources will help level the playing
field, so these communities can stop the spread. This includes
fact-based public health campaigns along with ample testing
programmes when there is confirmed exposure of the presence of

Third, Western countries and the World Health Organization (WHO)
have a responsibility to ensure that their messaging takes into
account the safety and security of LGBTQ people all over the
world, especially in places where they are the least safe. The
media landscape is very different from 40 years ago, with
information instantly travelling across the globe, and
information that seems benign in the West can be very damaging
in certain parts of the world.

Finally, interventions that further stigmatise communities –
such as closing gay saunas or cancelling gay events – must be
condemned. These will not solve the issue; instead, they will
feed hate and lose time while the virus is transmitted in other
spaces. Following the evidence and learning from our experiences
is the only way forward. Believing that we can learn from our
most recent pandemic and transferring what we know to dealing
with monkeypox is key. We are all tired and traumatised for the
last couple of years, we need to use the public health measures
that have worked and proceed with caution.

As monkeypox continues to rise on the news agenda, the world is
watching. We still have a chance to get it right. By proceeding
with caution, and focusing on data and science, we can make sure
that we fight the disease, not the people.

Black and gay, you will pay.

Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-06-28 23:19:36 UTC
In article <rreduq$ev7$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Panama City Beach, Florida – Teen parties getting out of hand
are leading to beach curfews along the Jersey Shore, Virginia's
coast and the Florida panhandle.


In Panama City Beach, Florida, one problem section of the beach
closes at 10 p.m.

"We were seeing everything from fights to underage drinking to
drug use," said PCB Police Chief JR Talamantez.

A shooting and gun bust over spring break also contributed to
officials extending PCB's spring break curfew into the summer
months for the first time.

"When you get 200 to 500 people down there in the dark, it
becomes an issue," Talamantez said.

Talamantez also says social media is changing the game for
teenagers organizing unruly summer parties.

"It's become a large part of the problem," Talamantez said. "No.
1, it's a strain on our resources when you have strangers able
to send one message and now congregate in one area at one
specific time."

That's exactly what happened earlier this month in another
Florida panhandle beach town. Snapchat videos show a massive
group of teenagers at a party inside a multimillion-dollar Santa
Rosa home. The videos show teens boxing in the living room and
posing with the homeowner's expensive jewelry.

The Walton County Sheriff's Office says the party-goers broke in
while the homeowners were out of town.

"There's no doubt from our investigation that the party was
planned," said Captain Dustin Cosson. "We're really trying to
focus our efforts on who organized and who hosted the event."

Social media safety consultant Josh Ochs says it's simple for
videos of kids participating in illegal activity to go viral and
for a party of five to turn into 500 within minutes.

"If it's more exciting, it shoots up in the algorithm," Ochs
said. "Thirty years ago, you could break the law, and no one
would find out. Now you can carry out devious actions like we've
seen recently and bring all your peers along for the ride.

As the founder of Smart Social, Ochs helps educates parents and
students on the positives and negatives of social media. He says
the recent incidents serve as a strong reminder to parents to
talk to their kids about what they're posting online.

"Parents should have an open dialogue with their kids about
their online presence," Ochs said. "Many apps promise some sort
of disappearing feature, but it's really easy for one follower
to download that video, and then it lives in their camera roll
forever. That's where teens get into trouble."

Sarah Cello
2022-07-20 21:58:13 UTC
In article <t1d4tl$2v7qe$***@news.freedyn.de>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., advised her followers on
Instagram to test drugs for fentanyl before using them,
particularly MDMA, also called ecstasy.

"Surprise! Supply chain is affecting drugs too," the Instagram
story on the AOC account says.

"Studies are showing nearly HALF of ecstasy pills contain no
MDMA at all. The biggest risk to look for is fentanyl," Ocasio-
Cortez stated.

The Instagram story links to a guide from the New York City
health department titled "HOW TO TEST YOUR DRUGS USING FENTANYL
TEST STRIPS," which describes how to test narcotics for the
deadly drug. Fentanyl is frequently present in heroin, cocaine,
crack, and ketamine.

"Knowing if the drugs you plan to use contain fentanyl can lower
your risk of overdose," the guide says.

The guide gives instructions for several methods of testing
drugs, including dissolving them in water and using a test
strip, which are available at many nonprofit needle exchange
programs. "After testing your drugs this way, you can drink
them, snort them using a clean nasal spray device or wait until
the water evaporates to use them," the guide states.

MDMA is a Schedule I drug according to the Drug Enforcement
Agency, meaning there is "no currently accepted medical use and
a high potential for abuse." Marijuana, however, is also listed
as a Schedule I drug though many states have legalized it for
recreational or medical use. All the other narcotics listed in
the NYC guide are illegal under the Controlled Substances Act.


"Despite the US federal gov having a strict abstinence-only
legal approach, the reality is that there are people do choose
to do drugs or struggle with addiction. Harm reduction allows us
to keep people safe and tell those who engage: TEST YOUR DRUGS!"
AOC stated in her Instagram post.

Ocasio-Cortez has long advocated for relaxing U.S. drug laws for
medical research as potential treatments for conditions like
PTSD or depression.

"For a very long period of time, the United States has and
continues to uphold obsolete and old provisions from the war on
drugs," Ocasio-Cortez said on the House floor in 2021. "MDMA
helps some vets with PTSD," she later tweeted.

Fentanyl is a deadly drug responsible for a spike in overdose
deaths in the United States in recent years, and is most
commonly trafficked over America's southern border.

Hillary Clinton Email Consulting
2022-07-25 23:44:55 UTC
In article <t22bim$3b9jk$***@news.freedyn.de>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

An investigative reporter for MintPress News on Monday said it
was “very worrying” that Facebook is employing former CIA agents
to moderate misinformation policies on the social media platform.

Alan MacLeod, who published a piece last week about ex-CIA
agents working at Facebook, told Hill.TV the decision to employ
them to moderate content was worrying because the CIA has a
“long history of infiltrating media organizations.”

“The CIA has a terrible track record from everything from
organizing coups to running black sites all over the world to
even just planting a load of false information into the public
domain to suit their own agenda,” MacLeod said. “We are now
relying on these people to tell us what’s fact and fiction and
to sort truth and fiction from falsehood online.”

Facebook has struggled to contain misinformation for years. The
social media company employs third party fact-checking
organizations to reduce the spread of false and harmful content.

MacLeod, who wrote that Facebook has employed dozens of former
CIA agents primarily to work in the fields of security or
content moderation, told Hill.TV that a limited amount of people
are experts in cybersecurity, which would explain why Facebook
is looking toward the CIA.

But the reporter said Americans are “not secure from what our
own government is doing” the more control that current and
former officials have over technology.

“It might be great to [have] security from Chinese hackers or
Iranian bloggers,” MacLeod said, “but it’s not security from the
enormous agencies in Washington, who of course are trying to
influence the internet as well.”


Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 19:28:14 UTC
In article <rupm4a$180m$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

'You have the House, you have the Senate, you have the White
House, and you're still crying about voter suppression'

An MSNBC segment went off the rails Saturday during a debate
over voter suppression as left-wing legal analyst Elie Mystal
and Republican strategist Rufus Montgomery clashed in a fiery

The breakdown happened as the two appeared together on "The
Cross Connection," with Mystal claiming it was because of
"Republicans on the [Supreme] Court" that voting rights of Black
Americans were being hindered and Montgomery blasting Mystal for
"still crying about voter suppression" despite Democrats
controlling both Houses of Congress and the White House.

Liberal host Tiffany Cross began the discussion by claiming
voter suppression had "always been" a Republican tactic, and
asked Montgomery what the party was doing to help everyone vote
"fairly and freely."

Montgomery responded by praising the election law Georgia passed
in 2021 aimed at ensuring election integrity and pushed back on
Cross, who was repeating Democratic talking points about the
bill and describing the policies as "garbage."

He argued that Democrat run states like Delaware and New York
had stricter voting rules in place than Georgia, and that
providing food and water to voters in line posed a potential
public health concern, despite Cross suggesting not doing so
would amount to voter suppression.

Mystal jumped in, launching a rant about past Supreme Court
cases and claiming Supreme Court justices appointed by
Republicans "took" voting rights away.

"Who took away the Voting Rights Act in 2013? Was that Democrats
or Republicans? … That was Republican John Roberts, who
eviscerated the Voting Rights Act in 2013. Let’s fast-forward to
2021, Brnovich v. Arizona. Who said that Section 2 of the Voting
Rights Act was no longer applicable?" Mystal said, appearing

"Do you know what section two of the Voting Rights Act does?
Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is how I get to sue for
racism in voting. Who took that away? Was it Democrats? No, no,
no! That would be Sam Alito, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy
Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas. That's five people, all
appointed by Republicans, Rufus, not Democrats," he added,
flailing his arms.

The conversation broke down and became inaudible as the two
attempted to speak over each other, before Montgomery was
finally able to break through and blame Democrats for putting in
place "the nuclear option" that allowed Supreme Court nominees
to be confirmed with a simple majority vote in the Senate.

Mystal attempted to interrupt Montgomery, but the latter stopped

"Hold on now, I let you talk. Let me talk. Let me talk,"
Montgomery said. "I wanted to find out, what did your vote
actually get? You have the House, you have the Senate, you have
the White House, and you're still crying about voter
suppression. How much more voter suppression do you need? At
what point are you going to move from talking about voting
suppression and moving into outcomes? Outcomes, particularly for
Black people."

"Every two years, every four years, we hear, ‘Vote, vote, vote,
vote, vote, vote, vote.’ But what are you specifically getting
for your vote? What are you saying to Black people after you say
voting?" he added. "That's fine, I agree with you. No voter
suppression. Let's end it. But what happens next? What are you
specifically doing to help Black people with their voting. And I
don't hear that from you?"

Cross noted that Montgomery posed "a fair question," but ended
the segment without letting Mystal respond.

Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 19:38:14 UTC
In article <rutdle$1l5c$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Brad Raffensperger rips Biden, Harris for speeches
mischaracterizing voter law

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger defended the
state's election reform law after President Biden compared it to
Jim Crow-era policies. On "The Brian Kilmeade Show" Wednesday,
Raffensperger said the state wants "secure elections" and that
80% of American voters support voter ID.


BRAD RAFFENSPERGER: He's just flat dead wrong. Georgia has more
early voting than you have in the state of Delaware. We now have
photo I.D. for our absentee ballots, which is what they have in
Minnesota, and they've had that for 10 years. So what's changed?
We have secure elections. We have record turnout. We have record
registrations. What we really need to work on are measures where
people agree on things. The large majority of Americans agree
with me that only American citizens should be voting in our
elections. Let's pass a U.S. Constitutional amendment that only
American citizens vote in our elections. And number two: 80
percent of all Americans believe in photo ID. Both political
parties, majorities of both political parties and all
demographic groups believe in photo I.D. But instead, they go
down this rabbit trail that just their far left-wing base
believes in any of this stuff. Same-day registration. And they
want to do away with photo I.D. You’ll have noncitizens voting
the next day.


Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 19:43:15 UTC
In article <rutdld$1l5c$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

'Election integrity means counting every lawful vote and
prohibiting any attempt to illegally cast a vote,' Gov. Ducey

Arizona residents will now need to show proof of citizenship in
order to vote in a presidential election, sparking anger from
some activists.

"Election integrity means counting every lawful vote and
prohibiting any attempt to illegally cast a vote," Gov. Doug
Ducey said in a letter explaining his decision to sign the bill

The bill requires voters in presidential elections to show proof
of citizenship, including by providing a driver’s license or
tribal ID number, or a copy of a birth certificate, passport or
naturalization documents. The bill also requires newly
registered voters to show proof of address that they are an
Arizona resident.


Ducey said the bill is "a balanced approach that honors
Arizona’s history of making voting accessible without
sacrificing security in our elections." It was drafted by state
Rep. Jake Hoffman and developed in part by the Heritage
Foundation to eliminate possibilities of fraud, Fox 10 reported.

"Arizonans will not have to re-register to vote. It will be
business as usual for 99.9% of Arizona voters," Hoffman said of
the bill. "This only effects a very small percentage of total
voters, and even then, we actually grandfathered in all of those
individuals who are already registered to vote that have some
form of proof of citizenship on file."


Republicans say roughly 31,500 voters have not shown proof of

Activists, however, fear it could affect hundreds of thousands
of people who have not updated their driver’s license or voter
registration recently.

"Arizona’s way out on a limb here," litigation director for the
Fair Elections Center Jon Sherman told Fox 10. "The provisions
in this bill are not really found anywhere in the country."

Lawyers for the state’s legislature said parts of the measure
are unconstitutional and are likely to be thrown out in court.

Arizona adopted a 2004 ballot measure that required voters to
show proof of citizenship to vote in elections. The measure was
challenged and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that Arizona
could adopt its own rules on voter eligibility for state
elections but had to adhere to federal voter registration forms
for federal elections. The federal forms require voters to
attest they are citizens but do not have to show proof.

The ruling ultimately resulted in the 31,500 Arizonans, without
proof of citizenship, who can only vote in federal elections,
and not in state elections, according to the Arizona Secretary
of State’s Office.

Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 19:43:14 UTC
In article <***@>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

The 'Unfiltered' host calls Democrats' 'lack of principles'
'really exhausting'

Dan Bongino revealed how far the left will go to stay in power
during Saturday's opening monologue of "Unfiltered."

DAN BONGINO: Here's what the life of a real Democrat is really
like. When Democrats are wrong, they just change their story,
not caring at all that they're contradicting their original
idea. It doesn't matter. Take the filibuster, for instance, this
is a perfect example, right? How do the Democrats feel about the
filibuster? Well, it depends, right? Lick your fingers, see
where the political wind's blowing if you're a Democrat, and
you'll change your mind.


So to recap again, Democrats love the filibuster, then they hate
the filibuster. We're all racist for using the filibuster to
suppress the minority votes or something like that. But
meanwhile, they're going to use the racist filibuster to block
sanctions on Vladimir Putin's oil pipeline after canceling our
own Keystone pipeline months ago because they claim to care
about the environment. Take a breath. I'm sure Vladimir Putin
has the exact same concerns. Did you guys catch all that?
Remember that movie "The Last Airbender"? It was pretty awful.
We need a sequel for that, like "The Last Fact-Bender" or
something, probably be better than "The Airbender." Democrats
would be perfect for it. Folks, the life of the Democrats is one
of hypocrisy, lies, fact-bending to fit whatever narrative they
need to keep their power. I've got to tell you, their lack of
principles candidly is really exhausting.


Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 20:08:15 UTC
In article <***@>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Democrats 'don't want fair elections,' Crenshaw argued

"Sunday Night in America" host Trey Gowdy discussed with Rep.
Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, the ongoing efforts by the Biden
administration to sue the state of Texas over "election

According to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the election bill
signed into law by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in September
violated several laws, including the Civil Rights Act, based on
its new restrictions in voting. Several Democrats and their
allies in the media have similarly attacked the law for
allegedly restricting people’s right to vote.


Crenshaw, however, disagreed with the notion, calling the law
"very transparent."

"The Texas election law is very transparent and frankly, it’s a
little boring. It doesn’t do a whole lot of things the Democrats
say it does. It just cleans things up, cleans up the process. It
does things like make all the early voting times the same across
counties, so people don’t get confused [and] put additional I.D.
requirement on mail-in ballots," Crenshaw said.

Regarding Democrat concerns that the law suppresses people’s
right to vote, Crenshaw called out liberals’ attempts to push a

"One, the voter suppression lie is just that, a lie. It’s a
myth. Number two, no one believes the myth. About 80% of voters
believe in voter I.D. and 47% of voters also believe we have too
lax of voting laws to prevent fraud. The Texas law doesn’t do
any of that," Crenshaw explained.

Gowdy alluded to Democrats, including President Biden, who
likened the bill to Jim Crow laws. Crenshaw acknowledged that
this is a regular tactic used by Democrats.

"This is how Democrats work. If you look at their tactics, they
do this often. They expose a problem, and then they exaggerate
the problem greatly. And when they exaggerate the problem, they
say there’s some kind of crisis, and maybe they call that crisis
racism or voter suppression or whatever it is. The world is
ending. And then they offer these extreme solutions. So they
have to say there’s a crisis in order to justify those extreme
solutions that they prefer," Crenshaw explained.

He added, "Elections are competitions, and in a competition, you
have to be very certain who won. You have to be. And if you’re
not certain of who won, well then you get consternation, you get
division, you get the kind of years that we’ve had in this
country. When Democrats lose, they say the election is
illegitimate. Then Republicans do the same thing."

Both Gowdy and Crenshaw criticized Republican accusations
against the 2020 election as well as Democrat efforts to further
undermine election validity.


"I’m sick of the pendulum swinging this way. It is clear the
Democrats are setting this up because they know that they’re
going to get blown away in 2022. They absolutely know that. And
they want to be able to say that the only reason they lost is
because they couldn’t pass these laws that basically mean you
can drive through at 3 AM and vote. That’s honestly the kind of
things they said," Crenshaw said.

Gowdy and Crenshaw closed by calling out the lack of proper
counterproposals by the Democrats for voting laws beyond crying

"My question to Democrats is what’s your counterproposal? Do you
think we should just accept mail-in applications if the IDs
don’t match? I mean honestly, what kind of election system do
you think that would be? They don’t offer counterproposals
because they don’t want fair elections. That’s the only thing I
can come up with," Crenshaw said.

Criminal Hillary Clinton
2022-07-28 20:38:16 UTC
In article <***@>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

NewsBusters media editor Bill D'Agostino said, 'The media are
intentionally missing the point here'

A new video from a conservative media watchdog charges that the
press is lying to the public about the debate over election laws
as Democrats seek to push through sweeping voting legislation.

"The media are lying to you about elections," NewsBusters media
editor Bill D'Agostino said in his latest video combining news
clips and commentary about the press. "And they have been for
about a year now."

D'Agostino argued the "big lie" from the liberal press boiled
down to the ubiquitous use of the term "voting rights" in press
coverage of Democratic election legislation and suggesting those
rights were being curtailed by Republicans. For instance, he
said, CBS anchor Norah O'Donnell's use of the term "rolling back
voter rights" in a tease to describe proposed Republican state
laws last year was dishonest. In another instance, he quoted
MSNBC host Joy Reid fretting over "the big lie's corrosive
effect on voting rights."


President Biden and Democrats are currently pushing two
expansive, progressive bills that would overhaul U.S. voting
elections and procedures, which Republicans have argued would be
an unconstitutional usurpation of states' rights. Biden and
media allies have framed the debate in stark terms, saying
democracy is at stake, with the former even comparing foes of
the legislation to segregationists.

D'Agostino said no GOP voting laws implemented over the past
year, such as Georgia's election reform that Biden said was akin
to modern-day Jim Crow, had curbed anyone's right to vote.
Instead, he said things like voter ID laws, cutting down on
pandemic-era dropboxes and decreasing the absentee ballot
application period – which MSNBC said was all part of Georgia's
"voter suppression" law – were demonized in the media even
though they didn't infringe on actual voting rights.

"The media are intentionally missing the point here," D'Agostino
said. "Making voting slightly less convenient isn't even the
goal of these laws. It's just an unavoidable byproduct. Again,
the goal is security."


He accused the press of framing the debate over voting as one
between bad Republicans trying to dismantle voting rights and
good Democrats preserving them, and played examples of the press
promoting the latter's bills.

"This is a self-inflicted death blow to their credibility … The
brazen lying has to stop," he said.

American Enterprise Institute senior fellow Kevin Kosar told Fox
News Digital that Democratic rhetoric around election laws had
led to a "toxic conversation" and it was wrong for the press to
depict Republicans as stomping out ballot access out of fealty
to former President Trump and his continued stolen election

"It's instantly polarizing when you frame something as for
voting rights or against them," he said. "Last I checked, there
is nobody campaigning to enact legislation to abolish anybody's
voting rights or even to make it particularly difficult to vote,
and that's where when you dig past the rhetoric and look at the
changes in voting laws, a lot of it is extremely incrementalist
and not objectionable."

Fox News contributor and progressive radio host Leslie Marshall
said framing the debate as being about voting rights was
"absolutely" the right thing for the media to do, however.

"When you look at polling and focus groups, they show that if
you state Republicans are trying to take away your right to
vote, it's more effective in messaging as a direct warning than
talking about defending democracy," she said. "I don't think
that voting rights is the wrong phrase because that's exactly
what these two pieces [address]."


A Democratic strategist, Marshall said her party was right to
combat GOP election laws, which were passed in the aftermath of
the 2020 election that Trump continues to claim was rigged
against him. Democrats have said his false claims about
widespread election fraud have prompted unnecessary changes by
Republicans who want to placate him.

Given the complexity of voting laws, Marshall said it was
important that voters fully understood their rights and how
elections are run.

"Most people don't understand what their rights are as a voter,"
she said. "Most people don't fully understand the process and
who's in charge … I think it's very important – it's a cliche,
but knowledge is power – that all Americans are educated on the
voting process."

Kosar said Trump's stolen election myths had generated eyebrow-
raising proposals at times in some Republican-led states, but he
said the actual GOP reforms were not the threat to democracy so
often depicted.

"A lot of reporters have brought into the fundamental line that
Trump took over the Republican Party and turned it into a quasi-
authoritarian outfit, and therefore when you look at election
rules changes, you have to look at it as a march on the road to
authoritarianism," Kosar said.

"In some cases, it's an effort to strike a balance between
popular concerns about ballot access and ballot security. …
Sometimes it is an instance of, 'Hey, we did some radical
expansions of the way we do election administration during the
pandemic. We're past that point, we have vaccines, let's revert
back to the older policies.'"

2022-08-12 11:21:28 UTC
In article <t2horf$3klmc$***@news.freedyn.de>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
> Throw this whore in jail.

A former CNN anchor has been arrested after an alleged hit-and-
run crash.

Ex-CNN anchor Felicia Taylor has been booked over an alleged car
crash in Palm Beach, Florida, on July 28.

Taylor reportedly hit the back of a black Ford that was stopped
for traffic with her white Mercedes. Palm Beach police said a 24-
year-old man driving the Ford suffered injuries to his back,
neck, and jaw as a result of the impact.

The 57-year-old ex-anchor was seen "fleeing the scene of the
accident without rendering aid or stopping to provide
information," according to the police report. Afterward, she
drove by the scene several times with her damaged car before a
police officer pulled her over.

The arresting officer said Taylor admitted her culpability in
the crash, but assured him it was "not a big deal." Taylor
insisted on verifying the other driver's injuries, claiming he
was OK. She also told the officer it's "hard to be a good

Taylor was allegedly on her way from a hotel, which police
verified was closed. Then, she claimed she came from a
restaurant in the nearby Royal Poinciana Plaza, but again,
police could not confirm any restaurant that recalled her as a

Police arrested Taylor and booked her at Palm Beach County Jail
under charges of careless driving and leaving the scene of an
accident involving injury. Taylor made her $3,000 bail and
pleaded not guilty to the charges.

In 2015, Taylor was charged with an aggravated DWI in the
Hamptons in New York. At the time, she was three times over the
legal limit.

There was a wine bottle found in Taylor's car on July 28, but it
was out of reach, according to officers.

Kamala Stupid - 400 years of slavery
2022-11-13 01:51:37 UTC
In article <s0rn06$7q0$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

LONDON - Amid mounting calls to break Russia’s blockade of
Ukraine’s Black Sea ports for grain exports, America’s top
military officer said that to do so militarily would amount to a
“high risk military operation.”

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, made
the remarks to reporters as he arrived here Tuesday to meet with
his “Five Eyes” counterparts before heading to Finland and
Sweden, which have applied for NATO membership, later this week.

The Five Eyes intelligence sharing alliance includes Britain,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The meetings come as Russia
is battling to capture the eastern industrial region of the
Donbas and as its blockade of Odesa, the main port by which
Ukraine exports its grain, is fueling a global food crisis.

“You can take the grain out by truck or train, or you can take
it out by sea. Right now, the sea lanes are blocked by mines and
the Russian navy. In order to open up those sea lanes would
require a very significant military effort,” Milley said. If
policymakers opted for it, “it would be a high-risk military
operation that would require significant levels of effort.”

US President Joe Biden has committed to defending NATO and
coordinated weapons shipments to Ukraine, but has resisted other
calls for U.S. troops to get involved as he seeks to avoid
coming into direct conflict with Russia and sparking a wider
war. In March, Biden opted against a no-fly zone sought by
Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky because Biden deemed it

Retired Adm. James Stavridis, a former supreme allied commander
of NATO, argued this week ships under the auspices of the United
Nations, NATO or a coalition of nations could escort convoys of
grain as U.S. naval vessels escorted oil shipments in the 1980s,
amid tensions with Iran.

Amid reports that as much as 20 million tons of grain is stuck
inside Ukraine — the world’s fifth-largest producer of wheat,
Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the nominee to become the top U.S.
general for operations in Europe, last week praised Germany’s
rail agency for enabling transport of Ukraine’s grain over land
into Western Europe through its “Berlin train lift,” a play on
the Berlin airlift in the aftermath of World War II.

The White House last week rejected an offer from Russian
President Vladimir Putin to facilitate grain and fertilizer
exports from in exchange for the West to lift sanctions against
Moscow over the war in Ukraine.

Prisoner Hillary Clinton
2023-01-07 01:12:50 UTC
In article <su1grm$158h4$***@news.freedyn.de>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

President Biden backed Rep. Kurt Schrader in late April

President Biden-endorsed candidate Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader
lost his bid for reelection in the state's primary for the 5th
Congressional District to a progressive candidate backed by
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The Associated Press called the race in favor of progressive
Jamie McLeod-Skinner on Friday, who won the primary in a vote
count that was delayed due to ballot issues. The primary
election was held on May 17.

President Biden endorsed Schrader in late April, stating that
the two don't always agree, but that he has helped pass his
agenda into law.

"We don’t always agree, but when it has mattered most, Kurt has
been there for me," Biden said in a statement released by the
Schrader campaign. "And in doing so, he has helped to pass much
of my agenda into law—making a huge difference in the lives of
the Oregonians he represents and all of America."

"Now we have a lot more to do, and to get it done we need to
keep a Democratic Congress," Biden added.

McLeod-Skinner criticized Biden for his endorsement of Schrader,
stating that the Congressman has "voted against Oregonians."

"I respect Biden's work to tackle Covid-19 & rebuild our economy
but I have to disagree with the President here," McLeod-Skinner
tweeted on April 23. "Schrader took over $1 million from Big
Pharma & other corporate donors—and then voted against
Oregonians. We need a leader in Congress who will finally fight
for us."

Schrader was one of the few U.S. House Democrats who voted
against the House version of the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief
bill, but later voted in favor of the Senate version. He
initially voted against the House version because there was "no
legislative process," according to an interview with KGW.

"We were presented with a $1.9 trillion bill, not allowed or
encouraged to offer amendments," Schrader said. "The voice of
the elected representatives was not heard in this package at
all. It was a take it or leave it approach. Every other COVID
package that we've done not only has been bi-partisan but has
gone through an extensive vetting process."

He also disagreed with an increase of the minimum wage that was
in the bill.

The Associated Press and Fox News' Louis Casiano contributed to
this report.

Cheney Pelosi Jan 6 Dumpster Fire
2023-01-07 07:36:21 UTC
In article <ihxMJ.18972$***@fx33.iad>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen finally admitted that she was
“wrong” last year when she initially dismissed rampant inflation
across the US as a “transitory” problem that would soon resolve

Both Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell repeated on
several occasions last year that rising inflation was
“transitory” in nature and that prices would return to normal as
pandemic-related supply chain bottlenecks cleared — a prediction
that has turned out to be woefully off the mark.

“I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take,”
Yellen said during an appearance on CNN late Tuesday. “As I
mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the
economy that have boosted energy and food prices and supply
bottlenecks that have affected our economy badly that I, at the
time, didn’t fully understand, but we recognize that now.”

Inflation has continued to hover near its highest level since
the 1980s, hitting 8.3% in April. Meanwhile, stocks have
struggled in recent weeks as investors grow increasingly
concerned that the Fed’s plan to lower prices by hiking interest
rates will trigger an economic recession.

Yellen expressed confidence in the Fed’s plan to cool inflation
and added that the Biden administration would act to assist
their effort where possible.

“The Federal Reserve is taking the steps that it needs to take,”
Yellen said. “It’s up to them to decide what to do. For our
part, President Biden is focused on supplementing what the Fed
does with actions we can take that can to lower the costs that
Americans face for important expenditures they have in their

A Treasury spokesperson later sought to clarify Yellen’s remarks
regarding the conditions she did not “fully understand.”

“The Secretary was pointing out that there have been shocks to
the economy that have exacerbated inflationary pressures which
couldn’t have been foreseen 18 months ago, including Russia’s
decision to invade Ukraine, multiple successive variants of
COVID, and lockdowns in China,” the spokesperson said.

Yellen initially downplayed concerns about inflation, telling
ABC News in March 2021 that she only saw a “small risk” of
inflation as Biden moved forward with a $1.9 trillion COVID-19
stimulus package known as the “American Rescue Plan.”

In a separate interview with CNN last fall, the Treasury
secretary dismissed concerns that the country was “about to lose
control of inflation,” arguing that she expected “these
bottlenecks to subside” and for the economy to return to the
approximately 2% inflation range that the Fed deems acceptable.

Biden has declared the fight against inflation his top domestic
priority and held a rare meeting with Powell on Tuesday. A White
House official said the president “respects the independence of
the Federal Reserve” and was not seeking to interfere with the
central bank.

The upcoming release of the May Consumer Price Index will
provide an updated outlook on whether the Fed’s recent rate
hikes are having the desired effect. The numbers will reflect a
recent surge in gas prices that has pushed costs at the pump to
record highs in recent days.
