Stupid NY whore Hochul declares state emergency over monkeypox
(too old to reply)
Lock The FAGGOTS UP Like We Did The Japanese!
2022-11-11 16:31:08 UTC
In article <***@>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> There is a need for education to eliminate homosexual pedophiles.

July 30 (Reuters) - The governor of the State of New York Kathy
Hochul late on Friday declared an emergency in the state over
the continued spread of monkeypox.

"I am declaring a State Disaster Emergency to strengthen our
ongoing efforts to confront the monkeypox outbreak," Hochul
tweeted. https://bit.ly/3oFYEMB

She added that more than one in four monkeypox cases in the
United States are in New York, also having a disproportionate
impact on at-risk groups.

As of July 29, New York state had a total of 1,383 confirmed
orthopoxvirus/monkeypox cases, according to New York Department
of Health's website.

Earlier on Friday, Brazil and Spain reported the first monkeypox-
related deaths outside Africa. read more

The World Health Organization last week declared a global health
emergency, its highest level of alert, over the monkeypox
outbreak. read more

Just Kill The Protesters
2023-01-04 15:51:14 UTC
In article <s9rg1i$12t7$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:


Santa Clara County’s top health official warned on Tuesday that
COVID case counts and hospitalizations are on the upswing and
urged everyone to consider wearing masks in high-risk settings,
keep a stockpile of tests and exercise caution when socializing

“The pandemic is still here,” said Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody.
” It is time to break out your mask and break out your tests and
just be a bit more cautious than you were a month ago.”

Santa Clara County is currently experiencing a weekly average of
552 cases — just slightly higher than the number of cases during
the peak of the Delta wave that hit in summer 2021. The cases
are being driven by two cousins of the BA.1 omicron strain that
caused a major surge during winter, which are currently dominant
across the rest of the country.

Lesbian child abusers
2023-01-05 10:25:02 UTC
In article <s914m7$1cqc$***@neodome.net>
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a need for education to eliminate homosexual pedophiles.

“Though many can forgive injuries, none ever forgave contempt.”
— Ben Franklin

I used to be naive enough to believe that the most important
leaders in the country were surrounded by the best and brightest
to serve them, and, by hopeful extension, us.

But if they can’t get simple, right-from-wrong matters correct …

In 1990 the first President Bush appointed Arnold
Schwarzenegger, whose fame and fortune were predicated on
steroids to win international bodybuilding glory, Chairman of
the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

This was an absurd choice, antithetical to both physical fitness
and sports. Surely there would be an outcry, widespread ridicule
to reverse this misguided decision. But nothing. Everyone loved
“Ahh-nold,” scripted hero of adventure movies.

Yesterday, the Biden White House, which has blindly supported ex-
men unfairly competing in sports as women as champions of gender
equality — an odd explanation for conspicuous, undeniable
inequality — pulled another rock as it ignored what was
impossible to miss in order to try to score more pandering
political points.

President Biden awarded soccer star and gay and female rights
activist Megan Rapinoe — repulsive in her obnoxious, self-
smitten, classless conduct throughout the 2019 Women’s World Cup
in France that thoroughly open-minded Americans were moved to
root against our team — the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
nation’s highest civilian honor.

The medal represents “exemplary contributions to the prosperity,
values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other
significant societal, public or private endeavors.”

Yet Rapinoe, during and after that World Cup, established
herself as exemplary of unmitigated selfishness and
classlessness, starting with her knee-takings during the U.S.
anthem, eagerly demonstrating on an international stage her
contempt for her country, beneath her citizenship.

In a senseless 13-0 humiliation of Thailand, Rapinoe made sure
to stand out as the biggest bully. Her easy goal to make it 9-0
was followed by her abandonment of assisting teammates in order
to run the length of the field in nauseating self-aggrandizement.

Hey, without that goal, it would’ve been only 8-0, lots of time
left for more!

On Fox, host Rob Stone, ostensibly assigned to wave the American
flag, grew disgusted by Rapinoe’s conduct and the U.S. team’s
senseless bully-girl brutality. After all, the easiest thing to
accomplish in a lopsided game is not to score, kill the clock,
protect your dignity, spare your throughly vanquished opponents
further humiliation, show them and the world your graceful side.

But as Fox analyst Alexi Lalas spoke hollow rationalizations —
“What did you want them to do?” — as if he didn’t know, Stone
said, “But 13-0? I understand your point, but this game was
done. It became humiliating. It just became an exercise in
target practice.”

And smitten by her own, indefensible devices, Rapinoe, the
captain of the U.S. team that did dirt to the game and country —
even mocking later opponents and their fans after scoring —
became the well-deserved villain of the World Cup. Even here.

Yet, en route to the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Rapinoe
wasn’t done. In her NYC City Hall speech following the parade to
salute the world champs, Rapinoe was unable to address a crowd
packed with kids without shouting “motherf—-r!” Pure class.

No one on Biden’s nominating staff was aware of any of this? No
one did 10 minutes of research? Or were they all good with it,
approved it?

Thus, according to the White House, steroids-reliant Arnold
Schwarzenegger was the national symbol of physical fitness, and
swimmer Lia Thomas, the former William Thomas, fairly competes
against biological women.

Yet Rapinoe, Thursday, was awarded America’s highest civilian
honor by Biden for “exemplary contributions to the prosperity,
values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other
significant societal, public or private endeavors.” She met all
the qualifications.

Oh, no! Broadcast ruined by YES
Since there’s no shaming the bottom-liners who run MLB, the
Yankees and YES, this is how it will remain.

This week, Yankees fans again were sentenced to hard labor (for
which they must pay) as YES fed us Ryan “Rah Rah” Ruocco and
Carlos Beltran in the non-musical remake of “Help!”

We don’t yet know the name of the YES exec who added Beltran,
but he’s likely considered a flight risk — if it’s not too late.
There’s nothing more to write on the subject other than that
Beltran was the worst choice since the Hindenburg was filled
with hydrogen.

Ruocco continues to be easily excited by common happenstances,
such as the Yanks turning a double play — as if he or we had
never before seen such a thing. We just want to watch the
ballgame, not attend a pep rally.

Then there was another Rob Manfred Friday Night. As Yanks-
Cleveland was delayed by rain until postponed, the exclusive
Amazon Prime streaming delivery displayed only a single
stationery camera showing rain falling on the field.

There was no audio, no graphics to indicate if the game was
still on, no nothing, including DVR capabilities to those who
might instead choose to watch something else not going on. This
was the paywall version of the Ch. 11 Yule Log.

Also, Friday, Rangers-Mets was hidden from greatest-good view as
its appeared on Apple+, where play-by-player and inexhaustible
weekly yakker Melanie Newman involuntarily allowed Howie Rose
the remaining oxygen. Local radio salvaged the night from
additional foresight-barren Manfred destruction.

Obviously, Manfred’s Ready! Fire! Aim! streaming plan was
unprepared to succeed. Not unless neglect and rotten productions
were the bait to purchase MLB-partnered streaming services. In
other words, even if you can’t see or hear it, take it or leave

SNY makes the right call
In this age of blind capitulation to pitching and batting
analytics and optional running to first base, good fundamental
baseball still shines like a lighthouse beam in the darkest

Thus, on deck, hit-the-deck Brandon Nimmo’s signal to Dom Smith
to slide — and toward the inside of the plate — when Smith
scored in the 10th against the Reds, Wednesday, was immediately
recognized and admired. OK, it wasn’t a Manfred-certified MLB
Network-highlighted bat-flip, but still …

Not that we’re surprised, but Islanders and NHL TV voice Brendan
Burke was solid subbing for John Sterling during Yanks at
Pirates. He’s a listeners-first pro, even politely suffering
Suzyn Waldman’s needless intrusions to identify “a two-seamer”
from “a four-seamer.”

Let the record show that under Manfred the Yankees didn’t play
on the Fourth of July for the first time since 1915. Not that
anything ever before happened, unless you count Lou Gehrig’s
1939 farewell speech and Dave Righetti’s 1983 no-hitter against

Chris Broussard, Fox’s NBA “expert” who this week strongly
suggested, despite empty evidence and evidence to the contrary,
that Toronto is a racist town, was low on credibility when he
worked for ESPN, where he at least twice took credit for scoops
first reported by others.

Pro tennis is now as loaded with as many insufferable creeps —
men and women — as the rest of the modern sports junk pile.
Rooting interests are now based on the lesser of two weasels. If
Nick Kyrgios were hitting a ball against a wall, I’d root for
the wall.

Reader Kelly Feniger wonders what Ralph Kiner would do to the
Marlins’ Garrett Cooper given that Kiner regularly called Gary
Carter Gary Cooper. I think he’d have split the difference and
called him Marlin Brando.

Obama is a fag
2023-01-05 12:20:34 UTC
In article <s914m6$1cqc$***@neodome.net>
"I suck mango dick" <***@rude.zafdsa> wrote:
> There is a need for education to eliminate homosexual pedophiles.



Sec. 51.01. PURPOSE AND INTERPRETATION. This title shall be
construed to effectuate the following public purposes:

(1) to provide for the protection of the public and public

(2) consistent with the protection of the public and public

(A) to promote the concept of punishment for criminal acts;

(B) to remove, where appropriate, the taint of criminality from
children committing certain unlawful acts; and

(C) to provide treatment, training, and rehabilitation that
emphasizes the accountability and responsibility of both the
parent and the child for the child's conduct;

(3) to provide for the care, the protection, and the wholesome
moral, mental, and physical development of children coming
within its provisions;

(4) to protect the welfare of the community and to control the
commission of unlawful acts by children;

(5) to achieve the foregoing purposes in a family environment
whenever possible, separating the child from the child's parents
only when necessary for the child's welfare or in the interest
of public safety and when a child is removed from the child's
family, to give the child the care that should be provided by
parents; and

(6) to provide a simple judicial procedure through which the
provisions of this title are executed and enforced and in which
the parties are assured a fair hearing and their constitutional
and other legal rights recognized and enforced.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 1460, ch. 544, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1,
1973. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 262, Sec. 2, eff.
Jan. 1, 1996.

Sec. 51.02. DEFINITIONS. In this title:

(1) "Aggravated controlled substance felony" means an offense
under Subchapter D, Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, that is
punishable by:

(A) a minimum term of confinement that is longer than the
minimum term of confinement for a felony of the first degree; or

(B) a maximum fine that is greater than the maximum fine for a
felony of the first degree.

(2) "Child" means a person who is:

(A) ten years of age or older and under 17 years of age; or

(B) seventeen years of age or older and under 18 years of age
who is alleged or found to have engaged in delinquent conduct or
conduct indicating a need for supervision as a result of acts
committed before becoming 17 years of age.

(3) "Custodian" means the adult with whom the child resides.

(3-a) "Dual status child" means a child who has been referred
to the juvenile justice system and is:

(A) in the temporary or permanent managing conservatorship of
the Department of Family and Protective Services;

(B) the subject of a case for which family-based safety
services have been offered or provided by the department;

(C) an alleged victim of abuse or neglect in an open child
protective investigation; or

(D) a victim in a case in which, after an investigation, the
department concluded there was reason to believe the child was
abused or neglected.

(4) "Guardian" means the person who, under court order, is the
guardian of the person of the child or the public or private
agency with whom the child has been placed by a court.

(5) "Judge" or "juvenile court judge" means the judge of a
juvenile court.

(6) "Juvenile court" means a court designated under Section
51.04 of this code to exercise jurisdiction over proceedings
under this title.

(7) "Law-enforcement officer" means a peace officer as defined
by Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.

(8) "Nonoffender" means a child who:

(A) is subject to jurisdiction of a court under abuse,
dependency, or neglect statutes under Title 5 for reasons other
than legally prohibited conduct of the child; or

(B) has been taken into custody and is being held solely for
deportation out of the United States.

(8-a) "Nonsecure correctional facility" means a facility
described by Section 51.126.

(9) "Parent" means the mother or the father of a child, but
does not include a parent whose parental rights have been

(10) "Party" means the state, a child who is the subject of
proceedings under this subtitle, or the child's parent, spouse,
guardian, or guardian ad litem.

(11) "Prosecuting attorney" means the county attorney, district
attorney, or other attorney who regularly serves in a
prosecutory capacity in a juvenile court.

(12) "Referral to juvenile court" means the referral of a child
or a child's case to the office or official, including an intake
officer or probation officer, designated by the juvenile board
to process children within the juvenile justice system.

(13) "Secure correctional facility" means any public or private
residential facility, including an alcohol or other drug
treatment facility, that:

(A) includes construction fixtures designed to physically
restrict the movements and activities of juveniles or other
individuals held in lawful custody in the facility; and

(B) is used for the placement of any juvenile who has been
adjudicated as having committed an offense, any nonoffender, or
any other individual convicted of a criminal offense.

(14) "Secure detention facility" means any public or private
residential facility that:

(A) includes construction fixtures designed to physically
restrict the movements and activities of juveniles or other
individuals held in lawful custody in the facility; and

(B) is used for the temporary placement of any juvenile who is
accused of having committed an offense, any nonoffender, or any
other individual accused of having committed a criminal offense.

(15) "Status offender" means a child who is accused,
adjudicated, or convicted for conduct that would not, under
state law, be a crime if committed by an adult, including:
Mark Weber
2023-01-15 12:06:32 UTC
In article <sp0kfj$806$***@news.dns-netz.com>
***@gmail.com wrote:
> There is a need for education to eliminate homosexual pedophiles.

Experts say pressures on youth have been amplified over the past
decade by internet and social media platforms where bullying and
aggressive marketing of hateful ideologies – and weapons – is

Some do it out of a perverse desire to make a difference in the
world. Others are driven by mental illness, pandemic isolation
or social media influences that turn them into hateful and
sadistic monsters.

But there's one increasing commonality among America’s mass
shooters: their youth.

Robert “Bobby” Crimo, the man accused of firing on an
Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois, is 21.

And a faggot.
