Suspected Pedo Matt Walsh Defends Catholic Priest Pedophiles
(too old to reply)
2023-08-14 05:03:58 UTC
Accused homosexual pedophile Matt Walsh, who has defended pedophila in the
past, said today that the vast majority of victims are teens and the real
problem is that they aren't putting out for their perverted priest abusers.
2023-08-14 21:46:49 UTC
Accused homosexual pedophile Matt Walsh, who has defended pedophila in the past, said today that the vast majority of victims are teens and the real problem is that they aren't putting out for their perverted priest abusers.
It should not surprise you. This crap. They are not true
Catholics none of them.. and are all compulsive liars freemasons.
I mean, freemason Jorge in Rome spoke to his freemason Cardinal
telling him that he is to kick the freemasons out of the church
the Knights of Malta. It's like holding the log in your eye
beating off, telling the guy to rid themselves of themselves.
While he claims to be the Pope still. If you listen to any of
it, your an idiot. While he is doing this, behind the wall he is
raping a little girl and laundering money thru his bank for the
criminal freemasons.