Senaturd Biden botches AR-15 facts while stumping against gun violence in Pennsylvania
(too old to reply)
2022-11-18 16:24:34 UTC
Dumb people choose dumb leaders. Look at what kind of idiots chose Biden.
President Biden made gun-related gaffes during a campaign-style
event in Pennsylvania on Tuesday afternoon.

Biden traveled to Wilkes-Barre to promote his "Safer America"
agenda, which is focused on deterring crime and helping law
enforcement. Biden's policies are also geared towards toughening
up gun laws and expanding background checks.

During the speech, Biden made an unsourced claim about the speed
that an AR-15 shoots bullets.

"Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as
rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun?" Biden asked
rhetorically during his speech.

It is unclear what the president was referencing, but AR-15s
generally do not shoot the fastest bullets.

A June study by hunting gear retailer Field and Stream looked at
the fastest rifle cartridges – and AR-15 rounds did not make
their list.

Field & Stream listed .220 Swift, .257 Weatherby Magnum and
.30/378 Weatherby as the fastest rounds, along with 224 Clark
and .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer.

The .220 Swifts are not shot by AR-15s.

Each of those five cartridges varies from 3,400 to 4,600 feet
per second (fps), according to the study.


The .223 and 5.56 – two popular, high-speed AR-15 rounds – move
around 2,700 to 3,100 feet per second.

Biden also claimed that "AR-15s just rip the body apart," which
is also inaccurate. Damage from a gunshot depends on the type of
bullets used.

Biden also ridiculed Second Amendment advocates in the Tuesday
speech, sarcastically calling them "brave" for believing guns
are a tool for self-defense.

"For those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about
keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight
against the country, you need an F-15," Biden said mockingly.
"You need something more than a gun."

EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this report stated that
.200 Swifts are shot by AR-10s and not AR-15s. Neither AR-10s
nor AR-15s shoot the .220 Swift.

Klaus Schadenfreude
2022-11-18 16:33:29 UTC
On Fri, 18 Nov 2022 17:24:34 +0100 (CET), Pelisaro
Post by Pelisaro
EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this report stated that
.200 Swifts are shot by AR-10s and not AR-15s. Neither AR-10s
nor AR-15s shoot the .220 Swift.
2022-11-18 18:21:30 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Fri, 18 Nov 2022 17:24:34 +0100 (CET), Pelisaro
EDITOR'S NOTE: A previous version of this report stated that
.200 Swifts are shot by AR-10s and not AR-15s. Neither AR-10s
nor AR-15s shoot the .220 Swift.
I was going to do the same.. because I was pretty sure that someone would
offer a barrel for the .220 swift given it has the same base dimensions (and
thus bolt assembly) as the .308

The only issues I see would be with feeding.. a semi-auto might not reliably
feed the semi-rimmed case reliably, but given the other advantages (ie
modularity) of the AR platform, that might be a minor issue depending on the
Just Wondering
2022-11-19 01:06:18 UTC
Post by Pelisaro
Dumb people choose dumb leaders. Look at what kind of idiots chose Biden.
President Biden made gun-related gaffes during a campaign-style
event in Pennsylvania on Tuesday afternoon.
Biden traveled to Wilkes-Barre to promote his "Safer America"
agenda, which is focused on deterring crime and helping law
enforcement. Biden's policies are also geared towards toughening
up gun laws and expanding background checks.
During the speech, Biden made an unsourced claim about the speed
that an AR-15 shoots bullets.
"Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as
rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun?" Biden asked
rhetorically during his speech.
It is unclear what the president was referencing, but AR-15s
generally do not shoot the fastest bullets.
A June study by hunting gear retailer Field and Stream looked at
the fastest rifle cartridges – and AR-15 rounds did not make
their list.
Field & Stream listed .220 Swift, .257 Weatherby Magnum and
.30/378 Weatherby as the fastest rounds, along with 224 Clark
and .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer.
The .220 Swifts are not shot by AR-15s.
Each of those five cartridges varies from 3,400 to 4,600 feet
per second (fps), according to the study.
The .223 and 5.56 – two popular, high-speed AR-15 rounds – move
around 2,700 to 3,100 feet per second.
Biden also claimed that "AR-15s just rip the body apart," which
is also inaccurate. Damage from a gunshot depends on the type of
bullets used.
Biden also ridiculed Second Amendment advocates in the Tuesday
speech, sarcastically calling them "brave" for believing guns
are a tool for self-defense.
"For those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about
keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight
against the country, you need an F-15," Biden said mockingly.
"You need something more than a gun."
EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this report stated that
.200 Swifts are shot by AR-10s and not AR-15s. Neither AR-10s
nor AR-15s shoot the .220 Swift.
Didn't we already cover this when it happened back in August?
Neener neener
2023-01-10 16:15:57 UTC
sleazy rent-skip chaser, possible polygamist and irrational gun nut,
The overwhelming majority of USA small cities and rural areas
have gun homicide rates of approximately zero.
"Approximately zero" is not "zero". A number can approach zero
to become infinitesimally small. It is still not zero if it is
not actually zero. You must have failed Calculus in school.
Oh?  Let's see you make a whole number of 1 from a value less
than zero using calulus.
That's not how Calculus works.
See the tutorial below. Now set the variable x of the function
f(x=a) to (x→1). You can approach  x=1 from either side of 1
(i.e. larger than 1 or smaller than 1). In your case, you can
approach 1 from a negative number (i.e. less than zero).
We're talking about gun murder rates which are usually expressed as
# of murders per 100,000 population.  It's simple division, not
calculus.  In a town of 5,000 people, the murder rate per 100K
population could only be 0, 20, 40, etc.  The rate could never be
more than zero but also less than 20.
there has never been a murder in my town
So like I said.  A USA small town with a
population of 7.
Your bullshit about small cities and towns having lower gun homicide
rates than Toronto is completely trashed, Francis, you
polygamy-defending cunt shyster.
Okay Rudy. Let's look at some.
Compare your own city of Sacramento to
Not where I live. Try again.
Jonathan Ball 5327 Shepard Avenue, Sacramento, CA95819-1731, USA

“For the record, I did not complete my Ph.D. program
in economics at UCLA, and I have never worked as an
Jonathan Ball 8 Nov 2002 http://tinyurl.com/53e2m2

Nope. Ph.D. in economics; UCLA.]
Rudy Canoza (Jonathan Ball 9 Jan 2007 http://tinyurl.com/yztzj7x
