"Pretty Wild": MSNBC Reacts To Cocaine Found In White House, Suggests "Visitors" May Be At Fault
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2023-07-06 08:37:22 UTC
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and NBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli
responded on Tuesday to the news that cocaine had been found at the White
House — and immediately suggested it could have been left behind by a

The breaking news interrupted the Tuesday broadcast of “Andrea Mitchell
Reports”: a more comprehensive lab panel had confirmed the field test
indicating that the substance found in the West Wing of the White House over
the weekend was in fact cocaine.


Lab confirms the white powder found at the White House is cocaine.

Andrea Mitchell – "I can’t even fathom anything like this having
been found before in the West Wing." pic.twitter.com/XvqCMeD8Ym

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 5, 2023

“A formal lab has confirmed the suspicion that that white powdery substance
found in the West Wing on Sunday was, in fact, positive for cocaine,”
Mitchell began, noting that the initial discovery of the substance had led to
a brief lockdown and evacuation of the White House over the weekend.

“Joining us now is NBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli. So, Mike, where
do things stand now?” she asked. “This is so unusual. You and I have covered
the White House for years. I can’t even fathom anything like this having been
found before in the West Wing. And I go back to the ’70s at the White House!
So this is pretty, pretty wild!”

“It’s absolutely extraordinary, Andrea!” Memoli agreed, almost immediately
pivoting to suggest that the source of the cocaine likely came from outside
the White House. “So to recap on the developments that we’ve been reporting
on yesterday, this was found, we understand, in a highly-trafficked common
area of the West Wing. It’s an area where individuals, especially visitors,
individuals who may be coming for, for instance, say private tour, might have
been asked to leave some of their personal belongings before heading into
more sensitive areas of the West Wing.”

Memoli went on to say that the coming days would likely see an investigation
into where the substance had come from — including a thorough review of all
security cameras and visitor logs over the last several days.

“The big question, Andrea, is for how long had this item, which was described
as a small dime-sized bag, been in this location, given the regularity, the
rigorousness of these reviews, it could have been something that was found
rather quickly, which would significantly narrow the universe of individuals
who might have been able to bring this in,” Memoli continued, again casting
doubt on the possibility that it could have come from inside the White House.

“This happened on Sunday night. This was a weekend in which the president,
the first lady and his son, Hunter, and his family were at Camp David, not in
the White House. So the number of staff in the building would have been
significantly reduced,” he explained. “But it was a holiday weekend when many
staff might have had friends and family coming to visit and might have wanted
to give them tours.”

Let's go Brandon!
2023-07-07 13:56:26 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and NBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli
responded on Tuesday to the news that cocaine had been found at the White
House — and immediately suggested it could have been left behind by a
The breaking news interrupted the Tuesday broadcast of “Andrea Mitchell
Reports”: a more comprehensive lab panel had confirmed the field test
indicating that the substance found in the West Wing of the White House over
the weekend was in fact cocaine.
Lab confirms the white powder found at the White House is cocaine.
Andrea Mitchell – "I can’t even fathom anything like this having
been found before in the West Wing." pic.twitter.com/XvqCMeD8Ym
“A formal lab has confirmed the suspicion that that white powdery substance
found in the West Wing on Sunday was, in fact, positive for cocaine,”
Mitchell began, noting that the initial discovery of the substance had led to
a brief lockdown and evacuation of the White House over the weekend.
Where are the demands that the whole Presidential family and senior
staff be drug tested immediately? Selective media outrage at its
2023-07-07 15:46:09 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Ubiquitous
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and NBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli
responded on Tuesday to the news that cocaine had been found at the White
House - and immediately suggested it could have been left behind by a
The breaking news interrupted the Tuesday broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell
Reports": a more comprehensive lab panel had confirmed the field test
indicating that the substance found in the West Wing of the White House over
the weekend was in fact cocaine.
Lab confirms the white powder found at the White House is cocaine.
Andrea Mitchell - "I can't even fathom anything like this having
been found before in the West Wing." pic.twitter.com/XvqCMeD8Ym
"A formal lab has confirmed the suspicion that that white powdery substance
found in the West Wing on Sunday was, in fact, positive for cocaine,"
Mitchell began, noting that the initial discovery of the substance had led
to a brief lockdown and evacuation of the White House over the weekend.
Where are the demands that the whole Presidential family and senior
staff be drug tested immediately?
Well yeah, it could've been planted by Don Jr. or some other less
recognizable Trump lieutenant.
2023-07-08 13:51:33 UTC
On Fri, 07 Jul 2023 10:46:09 -0500, super70s
Post by super70s
Post by NoBody
Post by Ubiquitous
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell and NBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli
responded on Tuesday to the news that cocaine had been found at the White
House - and immediately suggested it could have been left behind by a
The breaking news interrupted the Tuesday broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell
Reports": a more comprehensive lab panel had confirmed the field test
indicating that the substance found in the West Wing of the White House over
the weekend was in fact cocaine.
Lab confirms the white powder found at the White House is cocaine.
Andrea Mitchell - "I can't even fathom anything like this having
been found before in the West Wing." pic.twitter.com/XvqCMeD8Ym
"A formal lab has confirmed the suspicion that that white powdery substance
found in the West Wing on Sunday was, in fact, positive for cocaine,"
Mitchell began, noting that the initial discovery of the substance had led
to a brief lockdown and evacuation of the White House over the weekend.
Where are the demands that the whole Presidential family and senior
staff be drug tested immediately?
Well yeah, it could've been planted by Don Jr. or some other less
recognizable Trump lieutenant.
I'm waiting for someone to blame Trump for this since no one in the
current administration can every take any responsibility for
