WATCH: White House dismisses dismal Biden approval ratings, claims they 'don't tell the whole story'
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2023-07-22 18:22:33 UTC
A new poll found 62% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed President Biden's
dismal approval ratings specifically concerning his handling of the U.S.
economy, telling reporters they "don't tell the whole story" about

The subject came up during Wednesday's daily White House press briefing
when a reporter asked Jean-Pierre about a new Monmouth University poll
released earlier in the day that showed 62% of Americans disapprove of
Biden's handling of inflation, and a plurality of 48% disapprove his
handling of jobs and unemployment.

"So the polls don't tell the whole story. They don't tell the full story,
and we understand that," Jean-Pierre responded. "The data shows the
combination of unemployment and inflation is at near historic lows. And
that's what we have seen."

"Consumer confidence is increasing and also wages are rising. That's what,
certainly, the data is showing. And when you think about – our economic
recovery is stronger. And inflation is currently lower than any other
leading world economic countries when you think about the G7. So those are
the facts," she said.

Jean-Pierre said Biden would continue to have conversations with the
American public about the state of the economy, and noted his upcoming
Thursday speech in Philadelphia to talk about his "Investing in America"

"But as we believe it, you know, the polls don't tell the entire story.
And so we're going to continue to have the conversation," she said.

Jean-Pierre then interrupted the reporter, who appeared to be asking how
long it would take for the American people to start feeling what she was
claiming the administration had accomplished, telling him she didn't "have
a timeline."

"We know, just looking at the midterms, right, the result of the midterms,
Americans want us to continue to work and build on the historic actions
that we have taken. They want to see us continue to work – the president
continue to work – on lowering costs," she said.

"That is what matters to them, focusing on the economy," she added.

In addition to Biden's poor ratings on his handling of the economy, just
44% of Americans said they approved of the overall job he is doing as
president with 52% saying they disapprove.

The new poll echoed a recent Fox News poll that found 76% of Americans
believe the economy is in only fair or poor shape with just 38% saying
they approve of Biden's handling of the economy.
We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
Fuk DeSantis
2023-07-25 01:38:19 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
A new poll found 62% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the
When Trump is arrested this week watch his poll numbers soar! Let's hope he
enjoys being beaten and raped because that's the prison way for old, white
