Nolte: Doomed CNN's Primetime Ratings Hit 33-Year Low
(too old to reply)
2024-05-24 01:05:02 UTC
"CNN suffered its worst ratings among primetime viewers in the most
coveted demographic by advertisers" since 1991, reports the New York


"The [disgraced] cable channel . drew just 83,000 viewers aged
25 to 54 during the week of May 13-19 from 8 to 11 p.m. - its
lowest-rated week since 1991, according to Nielsen."


"Fox News garnered more than twice the audience in the key
demo, with 186,000 viewers, according to Nielsen. Left-leaning
MSNBC was a distant second with 111,000, the data showed."


Struggling CNN dropped into fourth place behind Newsmax for
prime time viewership ratings last Friday night, the slump
following a rare climb to the top driven by Donald Trump's
town hall appearance. https://t.co/LTQRhfhu3p

- Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) May 16, 2023

As far as total viewers during this same time period, CNNLOL averaged
only 494,000 viewers. Meanwhile, MSNBC drew an average of 1.1 million,
while Fox News drew two million.

Think about this.

We are in the heat of a consequential presidential election. One of
those presidential candidates is spending his days in a criminal trial.
Israel is at war. Russia and Ukraine are at war. That's as sexy as news
cycles get - presidential politics and war. But CNN is drawing fewer
than 500,000 total viewers and way fewer than 100,000 demo viewers.

Before we get to my favorite part, allow me to address this. Some of
you might be looking at these numbers and thinking, No one wants to
watch a left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories
and political violence. But.

Plenty of people watch MSNBC.

The problem with CNN is not only this.

• Russia Collusion Hoax
• Hands Up, Don't Shoot Hoax
• Jussie Smollett Hoax
• Covington KKKids Hoax
• Very Fine People Hoax
• Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
• Russian Bounties Hoax
• Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
• Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
• Rittenhouse Hoax
• Eating While Black Hoax
• Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
• NASCAR Noose Hoax
• The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
• Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of
Beast Hoax
• MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
• COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
• Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
• Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
• COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
• Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
• The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
• Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
• Hamas Hospital Hoax
• If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax\
• Environmental Hoaxes
• The Alfa Bank Hoax
• Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
• The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
• The `Bloodbath' Hoax

...because MSNBC is no different. MSNBC spreads the same hoaxes. Hey,
there's a reason why you never see Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper in the
same room.

Believe me, there are enough leftists eager to be told they are right
about everything to sustain CNN. Credibility is not the only problem.
The problem is.

CNN has hired the most unappealing group of anchors in TV history. If
you switch MSNBC anchors over to CNN and CNN anchors over to MSNBC, CNN
will win a million viewers while MSNBC sinks into the abyss.

• Jake "Smug Election Meddler" Tapper?
• Wolf "I Lost on Jeopardy" Blitzer?
• Erin "Shark Eyes" Burnett?
• Anderson "Tea Bag" Cooper?
• Kaitlan "Nurse Ratched" Collins?

These are cold, dull, sanctimonious, unappealing, humorless,
narcissistic liars. No one wants to spend an hour with them. You have
to work pretty hard to hire that many losers.

Here's my favorite part of the story because it backs up everything
I've been predicting for 15 years, and I like it when I'm right.

Thoroughly disgraced CNN chief Mark "Thompson better get his act
together before he completely destroys CNN," a top news producer told
the New York Post. "It seems like he's thrown in the towel regarding

It seems like he's thrown in the towel regarding cable.

What this means is that CNN can no longer sustain itself without the
left-wing affirmative action of cable/satellite TV, where CNN makes a
dollar or so every month off of every sucker that subscribes to an
overpriced cable TV package that includes CNN.

If CNN is part of your cable package, you are subsidizing CNN (and MTV,
the Disney Grooming Channel, Comedy Central, MSNBC, etc.) whether or
not you watch.

The rigged cable game is what has sustained CNN for decades because
without those unearned cable dollars, CNN is not popular enough to
survive. The Biggest Joke In News could never-ever-ever survive on
merit, i.e., dollars earned from advertising revenues based on

As more people cancel their cable TV and move to streaming, CNN (and a
number of other basement-rated channels) lose all that precious
revenue. CNN and the others will soon reach a point where too few
people subscribe to cable to sustain their production costs -
especially with next to no money coming from advertisers.

And we already know CNN cannot survive on merit. Remember this?

CNN has already lost its credibility, lost its viewership, and now it's
a joke that's about to lose its cable network.

Democrats and the liberal media hate President Trump more than they
love this country.
John Doe
2024-05-30 01:07:42 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
"CNN suffered its worst ratings among primetime viewers in the most
coveted demographic by advertisers" since 1991, reports the New York
"The [disgraced] cable channel . drew just 83,000 viewers aged
25 to 54 during the week of May 13-19 from 8 to 11 p.m. - its
lowest-rated week since 1991, according to Nielsen."
"Fox News garnered more than twice the audience in the key
demo, with 186,000 viewers, according to Nielsen. Left-leaning
MSNBC was a distant second with 111,000, the data showed."
Struggling CNN dropped into fourth place behind Newsmax for
prime time viewership ratings last Friday night, the slump
following a rare climb to the top driven by Donald Trump's
town hall appearance. https://t.co/LTQRhfhu3p
As far as total viewers during this same time period, CNNLOL averaged
only 494,000 viewers. Meanwhile, MSNBC drew an average of 1.1 million,
while Fox News drew two million.
Think about this.
We are in the heat of a consequential presidential election. One of
those presidential candidates is spending his days in a criminal trial.
Israel is at war. Russia and Ukraine are at war. That's as sexy as news
cycles get - presidential politics and war. But CNN is drawing fewer
than 500,000 total viewers and way fewer than 100,000 demo viewers.
Before we get to my favorite part, allow me to address this. Some of
you might be looking at these numbers and thinking, No one wants to
watch a left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories
and political violence. But.
Plenty of people watch MSNBC.
The problem with CNN is not only this.
• Russia Collusion Hoax
• Hands Up, Don't Shoot Hoax
• Jussie Smollett Hoax
• Covington KKKids Hoax
• Very Fine People Hoax
• Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
• Russian Bounties Hoax
• Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
• Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
• Rittenhouse Hoax
• Eating While Black Hoax
• Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
• NASCAR Noose Hoax
• The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
• Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of
Beast Hoax
• MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
• COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
• Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
• Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
• COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
• Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
• The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
• Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
• Hamas Hospital Hoax
• If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax\
• Environmental Hoaxes
• The Alfa Bank Hoax
• Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
• The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
• The `Bloodbath' Hoax
...because MSNBC is no different. MSNBC spreads the same hoaxes. Hey,
there's a reason why you never see Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper in the
same room.
Believe me, there are enough leftists eager to be told they are right
about everything to sustain CNN. Credibility is not the only problem.
The problem is.
CNN has hired the most unappealing group of anchors in TV history. If
you switch MSNBC anchors over to CNN and CNN anchors over to MSNBC, CNN
will win a million viewers while MSNBC sinks into the abyss.
• Jake "Smug Election Meddler" Tapper?
• Wolf "I Lost on Jeopardy" Blitzer?
• Erin "Shark Eyes" Burnett?
• Anderson "Tea Bag" Cooper?
• Kaitlan "Nurse Ratched" Collins?
These are cold, dull, sanctimonious, unappealing, humorless,
narcissistic liars. No one wants to spend an hour with them. You have
to work pretty hard to hire that many losers.
Here's my favorite part of the story because it backs up everything
I've been predicting for 15 years, and I like it when I'm right.
Thoroughly disgraced CNN chief Mark "Thompson better get his act
together before he completely destroys CNN," a top news producer told
the New York Post. "It seems like he's thrown in the towel regarding
It seems like he's thrown in the towel regarding cable.
What this means is that CNN can no longer sustain itself without the
left-wing affirmative action of cable/satellite TV, where CNN makes a
dollar or so every month off of every sucker that subscribes to an
overpriced cable TV package that includes CNN.
If CNN is part of your cable package, you are subsidizing CNN (and MTV,
the Disney Grooming Channel, Comedy Central, MSNBC, etc.) whether or
not you watch.
The rigged cable game is what has sustained CNN for decades because
without those unearned cable dollars, CNN is not popular enough to
survive. The Biggest Joke In News could never-ever-ever survive on
merit, i.e., dollars earned from advertising revenues based on
As more people cancel their cable TV and move to streaming, CNN (and a
number of other basement-rated channels) lose all that precious
revenue. CNN and the others will soon reach a point where too few
people subscribe to cable to sustain their production costs -
especially with next to no money coming from advertisers.
And we already know CNN cannot survive on merit. Remember this?
CNN has already lost its credibility, lost its viewership, and now it's
a joke that's about to lose its cable network.
I would urge people interested in the truth to start Googling this list,
and do not confine your research to the far-right sources in the US.
Especially do not rely just on news sources that have had to pay
hundreds of millions in damages for knowingly lying to their viewers.

You will quickly discover there was Russian coordination and a massive
number of Russian contacts. You will see that Smollett was exposed
relatively promptly on CNN and most other news sources. I expect the
rest of the list has similar lies and weaknesses. It would sure be cool
if more people put country before party.
