The Democrats are a Cornered Animal
(too old to reply)
Joe got 10 percent
2024-06-03 01:21:17 UTC
A “full-blown freakout.”

That was the words Politico used to describe the chaos happening in the
Democrat Party. As RedState’s Bonchie covered in his article about it,
President Joe Biden’s unpopularity has the Democrats desperate,
dejected, and doomsaying.

Looking at it today, it’s a totally different beast than the one that
seemed so powerful during the Obama era. The cockiness it had during the
2016 election is gone. Now, it’s scared, unsteady, and internally
conflicted. Moreover, as Bonchie noted, all their best-laid plans have
oft gone awry:

Let’s be honest about what’s really got Democrats losing their minds at
the moment. It’s not just that Biden is lagging in the polls due to his
terrible tenure as president. It’s that their lawfare gambit appears to
be failing. It’s not just the possibility of a conviction backfiring
that has them needing smelling salts, though. Democrats are facing
another outcome that could prove catastrophic.

Does this mean the Democrats are done?

Not by a long shot. They might be wounded, but they’re not bleeding out
by any measure. They should be looked at more like cornered animals,
willing to lash out dangerously at anyone and anything they deem a threat.

They haven’t been in this position in a long time. Sure, they might have
lost in 2016, but they were confident Clinton was going to take the win
right up until the moment she didn’t. In fact, I would say that was the
start of the Democrat Party’s self-destructive trend. I can remember
Elizabeth Warren saying that the reason Democrats lost was because they
weren’t radical enough. Nothing shows me they’ve changed their mind on that.

So when I say they might lash out, I’m not sure what form this will
take. It could take multiple forms, but whatever form it takes, it’s not
going to be good for anyone, including the Democrat Party.

It used to be that the Democrats didn’t have this problem. I always
complimented them as being players of the long game. They were always a
step ahead of the Republican Party. By contrast, the Republican Party
was always reacting to whatever the Democrats were doing. In fact, I
would say the Republican Party is still in that mode of thinking.

I think the issue is that the Democrats really don’t know what to do
about Trump. More accurately, I don’t think they know what to do with
their hatred of Trump. Like a drug, they’re addicted to the point where
they can’t function without it but it’s killing them. With every
injection, they weaken themselves further.

Meanwhile, they only empower Trump more. As I wrote back in December,
the spite the American people have for a Democrat Party that has
massively complicated their lives mixed with their obvious fear and
hatred of Trump is part of what’s driven Trump’s popularity. I saw it
then, and if I saw it, the Democrats saw it, but they just couldn’t stop
themselves from going after him.

Now with Trump unlikely to go to jail and even more likely to win the
White House, the Democrats are, as Politico so eloquently put it, in a
“full-blown freakout.” The key paragraph to me is this:

All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through
the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election,
anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a
dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats
will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has
only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.

Democrats are not the “lay down and accept their fate” type. They don’t
snap their fingers, brush themselves off, and say “We’ll just have to do
better next year.” They don’t lose, and if they lose there are
consequences. Riots, destruction, and death have been a staple of
leftists not getting their way.

Ted Cruz
This is WRONG.

Crazy Hollywood Leftie threatening “Civil War” if Dems don’t win.

Sadly, this is today’s Left: angry, hateful & violent.
Kathy Griffin
If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do
want Civil War, vote Republican.

And that’s just what we’ll see in front of the cameras. You can expect
more lawfare, a massive shift to social issues that will stoke tensions
among specific groups, and buckling down on leveraging media and tech
platforms. With Trump back in the White House, the media won’t be able
to help itself and friendly social media companies and information
gateways will only be too happy to assist.

2024-06-03 13:07:19 UTC
Post by Joe got 10 percent
A “full-blown freakout.”
That was the words Politico used to describe the chaos happening in the
Democrat Party. As RedState’s Bonchie covered in his article about it,
President Joe Biden’s unpopularity has the Democrats desperate,
dejected, and doomsaying.
Looking at it today, it’s a totally different beast than the one that
seemed so powerful during the Obama era. The cockiness it had during the
2016 election is gone. Now, it’s scared, unsteady, and internally
conflicted. Moreover, as Bonchie noted, all their best-laid plans have
Let’s be honest about what’s really got Democrats losing their minds at
the moment. It’s not just that Biden is lagging in the polls due to his
terrible tenure as president. It’s that their lawfare gambit appears to
be failing. It’s not just the possibility of a conviction backfiring
that has them needing smelling salts, though. Democrats are facing
another outcome that could prove catastrophic.
Does this mean the Democrats are done?
Not by a long shot. They might be wounded, but they’re not bleeding out
by any measure. They should be looked at more like cornered animals,
willing to lash out dangerously at anyone and anything they deem a threat.
They haven’t been in this position in a long time. Sure, they might have
lost in 2016, but they were confident Clinton was going to take the win
right up until the moment she didn’t. In fact, I would say that was the
start of the Democrat Party’s self-destructive trend. I can remember
Elizabeth Warren saying that the reason Democrats lost was because they
weren’t radical enough. Nothing shows me they’ve changed their mind on that.
So when I say they might lash out, I’m not sure what form this will
take. It could take multiple forms, but whatever form it takes, it’s not
going to be good for anyone, including the Democrat Party.
It used to be that the Democrats didn’t have this problem. I always
complimented them as being players of the long game. They were always a
step ahead of the Republican Party. By contrast, the Republican Party
was always reacting to whatever the Democrats were doing. In fact, I
would say the Republican Party is still in that mode of thinking.
I think the issue is that the Democrats really don’t know what to do
about Trump. More accurately, I don’t think they know what to do with
their hatred of Trump. Like a drug, they’re addicted to the point where
they can’t function without it but it’s killing them. With every
injection, they weaken themselves further.
Meanwhile, they only empower Trump more. As I wrote back in December,
the spite the American people have for a Democrat Party that has
massively complicated their lives mixed with their obvious fear and
hatred of Trump is part of what’s driven Trump’s popularity. I saw it
then, and if I saw it, the Democrats saw it, but they just couldn’t stop
themselves from going after him.
Now with Trump unlikely to go to jail and even more likely to win the
White House, the Democrats are, as Politico so eloquently put it, in a
All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through
the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election,
anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a
dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats
will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has
only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.
Democrats are not the “lay down and accept their fate” type. They don’t
snap their fingers, brush themselves off, and say “We’ll just have to do
better next year.” They don’t lose, and if they lose there are
consequences. Riots, destruction, and death have been a staple of
leftists not getting their way.
Ted Cruz
This is WRONG.
Crazy Hollywood Leftie threatening “Civil War” if Dems don’t win.
Sadly, this is today’s Left: angry, hateful & violent.
Kathy Griffin
If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do
want Civil War, vote Republican.
And that’s just what we’ll see in front of the cameras. You can expect
more lawfare, a massive shift to social issues that will stoke tensions
among specific groups, and buckling down on leveraging media and tech
platforms. With Trump back in the White House, the media won’t be able
to help itself and friendly social media companies and information
gateways will only be too happy to assist.
I sampled the Sunday morning left wing talk shows and mixed in with the gloating and gushing over
trump's conviction, they were obviously very nervous about trump's support rising dramatically,
especially among minorities.

They should be because Joe Biden despite his attempts to silence Trump is sinking like a rock in
the ocean.
The more Joe Biden campaigns, the lower his numbers go.

Keep talking, er, mumbling, Joe Biden because the more you mumble the more the people despise you.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 22:11:13 UTC
Post by pothead
I sampled the Sunday morning left wing talk shows and mixed in with the
gloating and gushing over trump's conviction, they were obviously very
nervous about trump's support rising dramatically, especially among
Trump is also very good friends with Russia. And Russia would like to see
Israel stopped from continuing its atrocities in Gaza.

The last time Trump was in power, he practically bent over backwards to
give Butcher Bibi everything he wanted. Wouldn’t it be ironic if it was
the same US President who put an end to the Netanyahu Government?