Say Ukraine Will Only Be In Military Alliance With Euro Powers, And Say Ukraine Will Be In EU, And In Free Association With Russia
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Intelligent Party
2023-07-23 08:12:37 UTC
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.

It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.

You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
Governor Swill
2023-07-24 00:29:12 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
Come back when your English is better, comrade.


Inflation is already at Fed target.

It is below the long term historical average.

Unemployment remains low at under 4%.

Fed cuts have not pushed us into a recession.

Interest rates remain in historical low range.

The housing market is hot.

Manufacturing is hot.

"Comeback in Factory Jobs Appears to Be for Real"

"Unpacking the Boom in U.S. Construction of Manufacturing Facilities"

Is manufacturing growing in the US?

"U.S. manufacturing growth outpaces the rest of the world

"It was negative for nearly the entire range, reaching a minimum of -8% in late 2021
before increasing to become positive in September 2022. In November 2022 it was 0.26%.
American manufacturing growth started outpacing the rest of the world's growth at the end
of last year for the first time in recent memory.Mar 7, 2023"


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