Families of Uvalde shooting victims sue Meta, video game company and gun manufacturer
(too old to reply)
2024-05-25 08:07:18 UTC
Exactly two years after the Uvalde school massacre, families of victims
Friday filed multiple state lawsuits in California and Texas against
social media giant Meta, Activision — the maker of the popular video game
"Call of Duty" — and Daniel Defense, the manufacturer of the AR-15 which
the teen gunman used in the shooting.

The wrongful death lawsuits come just two days after the same group of 19
families reached a $2 million settlement with the city of Uvalde over the
May 24, 2022, Robb Elementary School massacre, which killed 19 students
and two teachers.

One of the two lawsuits was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court
against both Activision and Meta – Instagram's parent company. The second
lawsuit, against Daniel Defense, was filed in Uvalde District Court.

The lawsuits were filed by attorney Josh Koskoff, who is also representing
the same 19 families who were part of Wednesday's $2 million settlement.

Friday's lawsuits claim that Instagram, Activision and Daniel Defense have
been "partnering…in a scheme that preys upon insecure, adolescent boys,"
attorneys said in a news release.

Attorneys claim that Meta and Activision "enabled and emboldened firearm
manufacturers' efforts to expand the market for their weapons by granting
unprecedented, direct and 24/7 access to children."

The lawsuits allege that the gunman, on his 18th birthday, purchased the
AR-15 used in the Uvalde shooting because "he was targeted and cultivated
online by Instagram, Activision and Daniel Defense. This three-headed
monster knowingly exposed him to the weapon, conditioned him to see it as
a tool to solve his problems and trained him to use it," Koskoff said in a

According to the lawsuits, the Uvalde gunman downloaded "Call of Duty:
Modern Warfare" in November 2021, and had been playing previous iterations
of "Call of Duty" since he was 15 years old. The video game prominently
features a model of the AR-15, known as DDM4V7, that was used in the
shooting, the lawsuits allege.

"Simultaneously, on Instagram, the shooter was being courted through
explicit, aggressive marketing," attorneys said. "In addition to hundreds
of images depicting and venerating the thrill of combat, Daniel Defense
used Instagram to extol the illegal, murderous use of its weapons."

On April 27, 2022, attorneys say, the gunman created an account with
Daniel Defense and added a DDM4V7 to his online cart. Then on May 16,
2022, just 23 minutes after midnight on his 18th birthday, he purchased
the weapon — just eight days before the Uvalde shooting.

In an interview with CBS News Friday, Koskoff said that the two lawsuits
are "working in concert with each other."

"Instagram creates a connection between …an adolescent …and the gun and a
gun company," Koskoff said. "And nobody exploited Instagram for this
purpose more than Daniel Defense. If Instagram can prevent people from
posting pictures of their private parts, they can prevent people from
posting pictures of an AR-15. And of course, Instagram doesn't care. They
don't care. All they care about is driving traffic and generating
attention, drawing attention and getting their ad revenue."

In a statement provided to CBS News, an Activision spokesperson said the
"Uvalde shooting was horrendous and heartbreaking in every way, and we
express our deepest sympathies to the families and communities who remain
impacted by this senseless act of violence. Millions of people around the
world enjoy video games without turning to horrific acts."

CBS News has also reached out to Meta and Daniel Defense for comment on
the litigation.

The same group of families also said Wednesday they are filing a $500
million federal lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers who took
part in the botched law enforcement response to the shooting, along with
former Robb Elementary School principal Mandy Gutierrez and Pete
Arredondo, the school district's police chief who was fired months after
the shooting.

An extensive 575-page Justice Department report released in January
determined there were a series of "cascading failures" in the law
enforcement response that day. The report said that 77 minutes elapsed
from when law enforcement first arrived on the scene, to when the suspect
was confronted and killed.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-25 08:10:53 UTC
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also, they’ve
been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling of their
products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the violent crime
problems there. Problems which are also fed by the appetite in the US for
the narcotic substances those violent criminals are producing in those
2024-05-25 11:37:37 UTC
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also, they’ve
been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling of their
products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the violent crime
problems there. Problems which are also fed by the appetite in the US for
the narcotic substances those violent criminals are producing in those
Guns don't kill, humans kill. Guns are an essential tool to the american
way of life and the only thing which protects us from the tyranny of the
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-25 22:16:51 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also,
they’ve been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling
of their products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the
violent crime problems there. Problems which are also fed by the
appetite in the US for the narcotic substances those violent criminals
are producing in those countries.
Guns don't kill, humans kill.
Humans without guns tend to be far less effective killers than ones with
guns. Just compare violent crime statistics in countries with more
effective gun laws, versus the USA.
Post by D
Guns are an essential tool to the american way of life and the only
thing which protects us from the tyranny of the government.
You have been brainwashed into thinking that. Your Government has way
more, and bigger, guns than civilians are allowed to carry. What happened
to the last person who turned a gun on a representative of the Government?
They got blown away. And that likely happened several times today already.
2024-05-26 10:08:18 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also,
they’ve been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling
of their products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the
violent crime problems there. Problems which are also fed by the
appetite in the US for the narcotic substances those violent criminals
are producing in those countries.
Guns don't kill, humans kill.
Humans without guns tend to be far less effective killers than ones with
guns. Just compare violent crime statistics in countries with more
effective gun laws, versus the USA.
Post by D
Guns are an essential tool to the american way of life and the only
thing which protects us from the tyranny of the government.
You have been brainwashed into thinking that. Your Government has way
more, and bigger, guns than civilians are allowed to carry. What happened
to the last person who turned a gun on a representative of the Government?
They got blown away. And that likely happened several times today already.
No Lawrence, you have been brainwashed into believing your government has
your best interests in mind. I need my guns to defend myself against
politicians, and that is also a beautiful expression of freedom.

I suggest you go down to the local gun range and just try it, I'm sure you
will like it and also come to understand why guns are such an essential
foundation for liberty! =)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-26 20:57:56 UTC
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?











2024-05-27 09:18:39 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?

The second question you should think about is that the soviet union, when
they invaded the country I know live, first of all took away all weapons.

That's what happens when the government eliminates the threat of the
people. They become authoritarian since they need to fear no one.

I can also zoom out and look at shootings and I can give you one example,
the shooting of swedish prime minister Olof Palme. He was pure evil and
destroyed society, and was shot.

After that, the liberalisation of sweden started, although it is still
just a drop in the ocean, since it is still a socialist hell-hole. But if
he would not have been shot, sweden would probably be a northern cuba by

So the moral is that he aggressed against the people, and some one thought
that he couldn't take it any longer.

Guns work, if they wouldn't, no one would use them.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-27 22:03:04 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I don’t see
you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know full well what
would happen if you tried.
2024-05-28 11:06:19 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I don’t see
you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know full well what
would happen if you tried.
It is also about deterrence. If there were no guns, we would all be slaves
by now, so just by the fact that they exist, we have already prevented
extreme socialism.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-28 22:52:56 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I don’t
see you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know full well
what would happen if you tried.
It is also about deterrence. If there were no guns, we would all be
slaves by now, so just by the fact that they exist, we have already
prevented extreme socialism.
So it’s not just about “socialism” any more, now it’s about “extreme

The phrase “boiling the frog” comes to mind.
2024-05-29 09:40:09 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I don’t
see you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know full well
what would happen if you tried.
It is also about deterrence. If there were no guns, we would all be
slaves by now, so just by the fact that they exist, we have already
prevented extreme socialism.
So it’s not just about “socialism” any more, now it’s about “extreme
The phrase “boiling the frog” comes to mind.
Exactly, now you're getting it!
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-29 23:01:30 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I
don’t see you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know
full well what would happen if you tried.
It is also about deterrence. If there were no guns, we would all be
slaves by now, so just by the fact that they exist, we have already
prevented extreme socialism.
So it’s not just about “socialism” any more, now it’s about “extreme
The phrase “boiling the frog” comes to mind.
Exactly, now you're getting it!
What I see is that you are gradually retreating from your “red lines” as
to when you start pulling out your guns. As the Government gets closer to
your previous limit, you move the goalposts back some more, so you can
pretend you are not actually giving up any of your “freedoms” each time.
2024-05-31 07:32:43 UTC
Post by D
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
I need my guns to defend myself against politicians ...
When was the last time you successfully used them that way?
Do you know the word deterrence?
I also know that in your country, you regularly refer to political
opponents as “tyrannical” and “trying to destroy America”. Yet I
don’t see you raising your guns to fend them off. Because you know
full well what would happen if you tried.
It is also about deterrence. If there were no guns, we would all be
slaves by now, so just by the fact that they exist, we have already
prevented extreme socialism.
So it’s not just about “socialism” any more, now it’s about “extreme
The phrase “boiling the frog” comes to mind.
Exactly, now you're getting it!
What I see is that you are gradually retreating from your “red lines” as
to when you start pulling out your guns. As the Government gets closer to
your previous limit, you move the goalposts back some more, so you can
pretend you are not actually giving up any of your “freedoms” each time.
I disagree. The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of
your freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into a
oligopoly or dictatorship. You should be thankful for libertarians
fighting the good fight for you. We're the only ones who keep your
democracy free and from completely collapsing into socialism.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-01 00:14:15 UTC
Post by D
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of
your freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into
a oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters of
one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the entire
electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your guns are
useless to stop that.

In proper democracies, voters have a realistic choice of more than two
parties to vote for. And those running for election are not those running
the election.
2024-06-01 02:58:00 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of
your freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into
a oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters of
one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the entire
electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your guns are
useless to stop that.
Too late. Democrats did that in 2020.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-01 04:08:44 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of your
freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into a
oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters
of one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the
entire electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your
guns are useless to stop that.
Too late. Democrats did that in 2020.
So where were the guns?
2024-06-04 01:15:59 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Anonymous
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of your
freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into a
oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters
of one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the
entire electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your
guns are useless to stop that.
Too late. Democrats did that in 2020.
So where were the guns?
There was no will to use them.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-04 04:36:09 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by Anonymous
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of your
freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into a
oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters
of one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the
entire electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your
guns are useless to stop that.
Too late. Democrats did that in 2020.
So where were the guns?
There was no will to use them.
So much for their “deterrent” power, eh?
2024-06-02 14:46:37 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
The boiling frogs refers to you giving up more and more of
your freedoms in the name of "democracy" eventually transforming it into
a oligopoly or dictatorship.
Which is precisely what you have in the USA. Look at how the supporters of
one likely Presidential candidate are determined to subvert the entire
electoral and justice system to ensure their man wins. And your guns are
useless to stop that.
In proper democracies, voters have a realistic choice of more than two
parties to vote for. And those running for election are not those running
the election.
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us. You
just wait and see. Take it from me Lawrence, the more guns, the more peace
we'll have, since the politicians would not dare to risk civil war.

Did you go to a gun range as I told you to learn that guns aren't bad? I'm
sure you will love it once you just get over the initial fear of the
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-02 23:12:21 UTC
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing him
at every turn?

Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
cull list
2024-06-03 01:10:28 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing him
at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
IRS pussies don't count.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 03:06:17 UTC
Post by cull list
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing
him at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
IRS pussies don't count.
Their guns do.
2024-06-03 09:05:53 UTC
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing him
at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
Noo... deep-staters are usually democrats who let others do their
dirty-work for them, so you are wrong there Lawrence.

I didn't say the war was won, only that the guns that are already out
there are doing a lot of good.

Did you buy a gun yet? If you do, you're more likely to be accepted by
society this autumn after Trumå crushes the election! =)
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-03 21:59:44 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing
him at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
Noo... deep-staters are usually democrats who let others do their
dirty-work for them ...
You seem to know a lot about them.

Who are these “others”, if not Deep-Staters themselves? Trumpists working
a second job, perhaps?

With guns of their own, of course.
2024-06-04 09:55:40 UTC
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State” obstructing
him at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
Noo... deep-staters are usually democrats who let others do their
dirty-work for them ...
You seem to know a lot about them.
Who are these “others”, if not Deep-Staters themselves? Trumpists working
a second job, perhaps?
With guns of their own, of course.
I do Lawrence, they are socialists, and they will enslave you if it
weren't for us, the people.

But don't you worry, when Trump wins he will forgive you if you believe in
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-06-05 08:03:36 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State”
obstructing him at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
Noo... deep-staters are usually democrats who let others do their
dirty-work for them ...
You seem to know a lot about them.
Who are these “others”, if not Deep-Staters themselves? Trumpists
working a second job, perhaps?
With guns of their own, of course.
I do Lawrence, they are socialists, and they will enslave you if it
weren't for us, the people.
So you haven’t been “enslaved” yet? Someone else said that already
happened when your political opponents took power, and you weren’t able to
stop them.
2024-06-05 15:52:50 UTC
Post by D
Post by Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Post by D
Post by D
No, as I said, it has slowed down the fall, and Trump will save us.
The same Trump who kept complaining about the “Deep State”
obstructing him at every turn?
Remember, Deep-Staters have guns, too.
Noo... deep-staters are usually democrats who let others do their
dirty-work for them ...
You seem to know a lot about them.
Who are these “others”, if not Deep-Staters themselves? Trumpists
working a second job, perhaps?
With guns of their own, of course.
I do Lawrence, they are socialists, and they will enslave you if it
weren't for us, the people.
So you haven’t been “enslaved” yet? Someone else said that already
happened when your political opponents took power, and you weren’t able to
stop them.
Well, partly most people are, but I have been able to free myself somewhat
with the creative use of tax planning, tax evasion and lawyers!

The trip towards 0% tax continues! =D

Kick Homer
2024-05-25 09:36:47 UTC
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also, theyâ
been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling of their
products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the violent crime
problems there. Problems which are also fed by the appetite in the US for
the narcotic substances those violent criminals are producing in those
You'd prefer to be hacked to death with machetes?

Imagine a world with no guns.

Your choices of death would be stabbing, stoning, beating, burning, hacking,
bound to a tree for animals to eat.

The list is long.

If someone decides to kill you, they will use any means available. How long
it takes simply prolongs their satisfaction.
Lane Larson
2024-05-25 12:57:54 UTC
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also, theyâ
been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling of their
products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the violent crime
problems there. Problems which are also fed by the appetite in the US for
the narcotic substances those violent criminals are producing in those
You'd prefer to be hacked to death with machetes?
Imagine a world with no guns.
Your choices of death would be stabbing, stoning, beating, burning, hacking,
bound to a tree for animals to eat.
The list is long.
If someone decides to kill you, they will use any means available. How long
it takes simply prolongs their satisfaction.
If someone decides to kill me, I knock their teeth out. This is a
deterrent upon their decision process. You can also buy some
bulletproof armor and a helmet. I don't know why you think fortune
favors the sick in the head.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-25 22:34:54 UTC
You can also buy some bulletproof armor and a helmet.
There was a shooter in Aurora who did that. Nobody could stop him.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-05-25 22:18:30 UTC
Post by Kick Homer
It’s about time US gun manufacturers were brought to heel. Also,
been turning a blind eye for years, decades, to the smuggling of their
products into neighbouring countries and aggravating the violent crime
problems there. Problems which are also fed by the appetite in the US
for the narcotic substances those violent criminals are producing in
those countries.
You'd prefer to be hacked to death with machetes?
Yes, imagine that Las Vegas shooter on the 32nd floor of that hotel had to
throw machetes down to his victims in the street. “Here--hack yourself
with that!”