DOJ will not charge Meadows, Scavino for refusal in Jan. 6 committee probe: report
(too old to reply)
Daniel Heaton
2022-06-16 10:18:11 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not be charging former
Trump White House officials Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino for
refusing to cooperate with the House select committee
investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, The New York Times
reported, which cited a letter it reviewed on the matter as well
as people familiar with the prosecutors’ decision.

The Friday letter that the Times reviewed was communication
between U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and House General Counsel
Douglas Letter, the latter of whom was told about officials’
decision, according to the newspaper.

“Based on the individual facts and circumstances of their
alleged contempt, my office will not be initiating prosecutions
for criminal contempt as requested in the referral against
Messrs. Meadows and Scavino,” Graves wrote in his message to
Letter, according to the Times. “My office’s review of each of
the contempt referrals arising from the Jan. 6 committee’s
investigation is complete.”

It is a huge development given that former Trump White House
adviser Peter Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury
earlier on Friday, and had been voted to be held in contempt of
Congress alongside Scavino, a former deputy chief of staff for
communications for former President Trump, in April.

“We are grateful that DOJ exercised its sound discretion to
decline prosecution given the substantial legal issues affecting
the validity of the Jan 6 committee subpoena,” Stan Brand, an
attorney for Scavino, said in an email to The Hill.

But Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair
Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said in a joint statement released Friday
night that they found the Justice Department’s decision
regarding Scavino and Meadows “puzzling” and expressed that they
wanted clarification around the department’s decision.

“If the Department’s position is that either or both of these
men have absolute immunity from appearing before Congress
because of their former positions in the Trump Administration,
that question is the focus of pending litigation,” they wrote.
“As the Select Committee has argued in District Court, Mark
Meadows’s claim that he is entitled to absolute immunity is not
correct or justified based on the Department of Justice Office
of Legal Counsel Memoranda. No one is above the law.”

Navarro and Scavino, both subpoenaed, who would not offer
documents or testify in front of the House select committee. The
House voted to hold Meadows, a former White House chief of
staff, in contempt of Congress last December for refusing to sit
for an interview or deposition, although he had provided
thousands of pages of documents.

“Who are these people,” Navarro said during his court hearing on
Friday. “This is not America. I mean, I was a distinguished
public servant for four years and nobody ever questioned my
ethics. And they’re treating me in this fashion.”

The developments come as the House select committee gets ready
to hold its first public hearing on June 9 during prime time,
indicating that not all witnesses will or may want to cooperate
with the committee before they wrap up their probe.

The Hill has reached out to the Department of Justice, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and attorneys for Meadows and
Scavino for comment.

Updated: 10:43 p.m.

Nancy Pelosi can go fuck herself.

Daily Mexican
2022-11-05 07:19:04 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
White House officials have grown so frustrated with top health
official Xavier Becerra as the pandemic rages on that they have
openly mused about who might be better in the job, although
political considerations have stopped them from taking steps to
replace him, officials involved in the discussions said.

Top White House officials have had an uneasy relationship with
Becerra, the health and human services secretary, since early in
President Biden’s term. But their dissatisfaction has escalated
in recent months as the omicron variant has sickened millions of
Americans in a fifth pandemic wave amid confusing and sometimes
conflicting messages from top health officials that brought
scrutiny to Biden’s strategy, according to three senior
administration officials and two outside advisers with direct
knowledge of the conversations.

The frustration with Becerra comes as top White House and health
officials face growing criticism for health messaging missteps,
as well as controversial policies about coronavirus testing and
isolation. The administration has also struggled in the face of
a tsunami of cases that have overwhelmed hospitals and shuttered
some schools and businesses because so many workers became

White House and HHS officials denied such tensions and pointed
to the administration’s work on delivering vaccines, as well as
new covid treatments and diagnostic tests, as proof of a
productive working relationship. “Since day 1, the
administration has managed a strong, coordinated COVID-19
response thanks to Secretary Becerra and HHS officials at every
level of government,” White House spokesman Kevin Munoz said in
a statement.

Becerra, a former California attorney general and longtime
congressman with no front-line health-care experience, was never
given a clear role in a response that is run out of the White
House, prompting defenders to say it is unfair to blame him for
recent stumbles. Still, his low profile has become more
confounding as the pandemic has worn on and health officials
have made statements that sometimes blindsided the president and
bewildered the public, some officials and outside experts say.

They also said the health secretary isn’t fulfilling a core
responsibility of his job, which is to act as a de facto field
marshal coordinating the nation’s vast health bureaucracy to
achieve the White House’s strategy, even though he does not set
it. For instance, they cited officials’ airing of differences
over booster shots and covid-19 isolation guidance as confusing
and unnecessary. They said the tension between Becerra and the
White House has complicated the pandemic response at a time when
Americans are already exhausted and struggling to make sense of
ever-changing guidelines.

“He hasn’t shown up,” said Eric Topol, director of the Scripps
Research Translational Institute and a prominent covid analyst,
adding that Becerra has been “like a ghost” during the pandemic.
“An HHS secretary has so much authority and power to help. And
we have no evidence that any of it is being exerted.”

Topol, who wrote an editorial in Science magazine this month,
saying Becerra had “shirked” responsibilities such as collecting
covid data and coordinating his deputies, said he had heard
similar concerns from people close to the White House. The
secretary has “to step up or step aside,” Topol said.

Several administration officials voiced similar displeasure with
Becerra’s leadership, although they would not do so on the
record because they were not authorized to speak with the media.
The health secretary “is taking too passive a role in what may
be the most defining challenge to the administration,” said one
senior administration official.

This story is based on interviews with 28 senior administration
officials, health agency officials, outside advisers and
experts, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to
detail sensitive discussions.

As health secretary, Becerra oversees a $1.5 trillion agency
charged with responding to myriad national crises, including
disease outbreaks, extreme weather events and housing migrant
children at the border. He is responsible for coordinating
policy rollouts and communications among health agencies such as
the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of
Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a job
made particularly difficult by the pandemic. The nation’s most
prominent health officials, including CDC Director Rochelle
Walensky, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy and Anthony S. Fauci,
the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, all report to Becerra or his deputies.

Bipartisan lawmakers have raised concerns about the agency’s
persistent coordination difficulties, from collecting infectious-
disease data to clearly communicating health guidance. A
government watchdog last week echoed those criticisms, saying
such issues have plagued responses to emergencies across four
presidential administrations and, if left unaddressed, will
“hamper the nation’s ability to be prepared for, and effectively
respond to, future threats.”

Yet removing Becerra would likely draw the ire of the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other grass-roots groups that
pressed Biden to appoint more Latinos to his Cabinet. Officials
are also loath to take on a complicated staffing change with a
divided Senate as they prioritize confirmation of a new Supreme
Court justice and navigate election-year politics.

Biden is also averse to firing staffers and unlikely to make
major changes unless there are glaring reasons to do so, one
senior official said. As a result, the informal conversations
about replacing Becerra are unlikely to escalate to serious
deliberations in the near future.

Munoz, the White House spokesperson, dismissed the criticism of
Becerra as “anonymous gossip,” adding in a statement that “HHS
is one of the most critical agencies in this fight and we have
built a coordinated operation that is working together day and
night, every single day of the week.”

HHS officials also praised Becerra’s work on the pandemic and
said he deserved credit for other policy accomplishments, such
as record enrollment this year in the Affordable Care Act’s
health insurance exchanges.

“He’s been just a great thought partner,” said Dawn O’Connell,
assistant secretary for preparedness and response at HHS, citing
Becerra’s guidance on key priorities. For instance, O’Connell’s
team on Jan. 1 took on direct oversight of distributing tests,
masks and other medical supplies across the nation, a
responsibility that previously rested with the team known as
Operation Warp Speed and was jointly managed with the Department
of Defense. While the Government Accountability Office warned it
was “unclear” whether HHS was ready for the transition,
O’Connell said that Becerra had helped empower her team so it
could “hit the ground running” this month.

“We’ve got these vaccines out, we’ve got boosters available.
Tests are being delivered to American households, masks are
being handed out. And the secretary has just been there to
support that effort,” she said.

Confusing chain of command

The White House’s frustration with the health secretary reflects
a complicated dynamic that has its origins in how the
administration set up the pandemic response.

From the start, the effort was run out of the White House and
led by presidential counselor Jeff Zients, a former Obama
economic adviser with extensive management experience known for
helping repair HealthCare.gov, the health insurance website that
struggled to launch in 2013, but no public health background. He
communicates directly with health leaders, including Fauci,
Walensky and Murthy, often referred to as “the team of doctors.”

Although all of those officials technically report to Becerra or
his deputies, the health secretary was never given a clear role
in the response and joined the administration in late March,
more than six months after Biden aides had begun to draw up a
detailed covid battle plan. And compared with senior officials
like Zients, Murthy, Fauci and others working on the covid
response team, Becerra had fewer ties to Biden or his inner

That chain of command is further complicated by the fact that
the White House has taken a hands-off approach to the CDC and
some other health agencies because it is sensitive to charges of
political interference after Biden repeatedly criticized the
Trump administration’s meddling in scientific debates and
policies during his campaign. It is sometimes unclear who makes
final decisions or is in charge of carrying out initiatives,
with Zients absorbing much of the portfolio that would have gone
to an HHS secretary in previous administrations.

As a result, several officials described an often confusing
structure, with leaders like Fauci, Walensky and Murthy dealing
primarily with Zients’s team, others reporting jointly to
Becerra and Zients, and some messages getting muddled or lost as
a result. Zients has faulted Becerra for not ensuring the White
House knows what’s coming from the health agencies —
particularly the CDC — according to six people familiar with the
matter. Zients disputed that characterization through a White
House official.

Tensions have also grown as a result of the pandemic’s
persistence; many Biden officials thought the emergency phase of
the pandemic would end by last summer and the White House would
be able to turn to other issues.

Celine Gounder, an infectious-disease expert at New York
University and a member of Biden’s covid transition task force,
said it’s unclear “how much of [Becerra’s] role or non-role is
driven by him versus the White House.”

“Certainly whether it’s him or the White House itself, there
does need to be better coordination,” she said. “That isn’t to
say there should be suppression of certain ideas but rather
coordination of different agencies. He is certainly one person
who could be doing that.”

White House and HHS spokespeople said that Zients and Becerra
speak throughout the week and have a standing formal check-in.
The White House and HHS also set up omicron-specific working
groups on testing, vaccines, surge needs and other key issues, a
White House official said.

Senior officials also said they take every effort to be

“I keep two lines of communication open at all times,” said
O’Connell, the HHS emergency response chief, saying she “first”
relays information to Becerra’s office and then informs the
White House. “That’s always my goal: never to surprise anybody.”

Some officials say that Becerra has missed opportunities to be
more proactive while facing a steep learning curve to master a
sprawling, 80,000-person department responsible for the nation’s
food safety, most of the U.S. clinical medicine trials, and many
other health and social services programs, in addition to
overseeing sensitive issues such as housing unaccompanied
migrant children. While Becerra had years of experience as a
lawmaker and lawyer who worked on health-care issues, he now
faces a different set of challenges in trying to implement
programs like the Affordable Care Act, rather than defend them
in court.

The health secretary convenes a morning meeting most days where
he gets briefed by top health officials on work related to the
pandemic. But he mostly listens to updates without offering
input or asking probing questions, two people familiar with the
calls said.

The result, those people said, can be policy stumbles and
conflicts that are worked out in public view.

“The battles and challenges between the agencies need to be
reconciled, and he’s not doing it,” said one outside adviser.
“He has a $1.5 trillion budget. He has FDA, NIH, CDC. All of
those agencies need help, and they certainly need to be
rebuilding, and none of that is happening.”

When the CDC announced in December, for instance, that it was
halving the isolation and quarantine times for those infected
with or exposed to the virus without requiring a negative test,
Walensky, Fauci and Murthy voiced conflicting messages about the
new guidance in public interviews. White House officials were
embarrassed by the rollout, which invited fierce public
blowback, and thought Becerra or one of his staffers should have
coordinated those messages ahead of time, according to two
senior administration officials.

Becerra “is all their bosses. And could coordinate them. But he
doesn’t,” said a person involved in the covid response.

Sarah Lovenheim, HHS’s chief spokesperson, disputed such
descriptions of Becerra’s style, writing in an email that
“anyone who knows the Secretary knows that he’s a good listener
— and that he always asks questions.” The purpose of his regular
meetings, she added, “is usually to receive updates and
understand ongoing developments, not to make major policy
decisions. Major decisions require in-depth, focused discussion
for which separate time is reserved for the team to engage.”

She also noted that Becerra wants to ensure that the
administration’s doctors are able to speak freely, particularly
after the Trump administration sought to muzzle top experts.

The “covid response is driven by the science and data,”
Lovenheim wrote, adding that HHS informs the White House of “any
high-level actions and decisions.”

“And, as the Secretary has often said, the quarterback on covid
strategy is in the White House,” Lovenheim wrote. “The Secretary
and the HHS team working on covid engage in constant

Inside HHS, Becerra has defenders who describe him as
approachable and thoughtful, while focused on issues like
lowering the rate of Americans without health insurance and
closing persistent racial and ethnic gaps in U.S. health
outcomes. He is well-liked by his staff, who feel empowered to
carry out their jobs.

Some administration and outside advisers say it is unfair to
blame Becerra for recent stumbles when the White House has
commanded the response.

“It’s very clear to me that the White House is not looking for
Becerra to be involved,” said one outside adviser, who spoke on
the condition of anonymity to be candid. “What you can’t do is
say, ‘We’re going to run it out of the White House,’ but not be
involved with the agencies. Or if there is a role for Becerra,
they should articulate it to him.”

A low profile
Becerra was a fallback choice for Biden and his team, who
struggled to agree on a health secretary during the presidential
transition and were turned down by other candidates.

But with the pandemic stretching into the second year of Biden’s
presidency — and officials worried about the potential for yet
another variant to pose problems — Becerra’s relatively low
public profile has become more troublesome. It is also a stark
departure from his predecessors’ roles during health crises.

Alex Azar, who led HHS during the Trump administration, appeared
a dozen times during the first year of the pandemic on Sunday
morning television shows such as NBC’s “Meet the Press” and its
counterparts on ABC, CBS, CNN and Fox News, where the White
House traditionally dispatches senior officials to put its
decisions in the best light. Obama-era health officials like HHS
Secretaries Kathleen Sebelius and Sylvia Mathews Burwell also
regularly appeared on the programs, and the Biden administration
has followed suit, having White House coronavirus coordinator
Zients and Fauci appear multiple times over the past year.

But since being sworn in as health secretary, Becerra has yet to
appear on a single Sunday morning TV show. The Association of
Health Care Journalists on Nov. 29 separately faulted the health
secretary for his “low profile,” calling on him to hold more
visible and frequent media briefings.

“It’s time for Secretary Becerra to come out of hiding,” Felice
Freyer, the group’s president, said in an accompanying
statement. Freyer this week said that the group had not received
a response and that Becerra was still failing to hold regular,
open-ended briefings.

Lovenheim, Becerra’s spokesperson, said that it was “patently
false” that Becerra keeps a lower profile than his predecessors,
citing his travel to more than 20 states and his frequent
appearances on TV and radio. She added that Becerra holds
briefings with the media at least once per week but suggested
that other matters took precedence.

“Would you rather have a Secretary who prioritizes TV
appearances over getting tests, therapeutics and vaccines into
the hands of people who need them?” Lovenheim wrote.

A proposal to boost vaccinations
Becerra’s role overseeing the federal government’s health
bureaucracy means that some pandemic initiatives must go through
him. And he has sometimes pushed back on proposals championed by
officials leading the response.

In the spring, for instance, as administration officials
searched for ways to encourage more Americans to get vaccinated,
they coalesced around a plan to pay some doctors more if they
encouraged their patients to get the shots. The proposal would
have paid doctors through the government health insurance
programs Medicare and Medicaid, which fall under HHS and
collectively cover more than 100 million people.

But the plan came to a halt at one point because of Becerra’s
concerns that it lacked sufficient oversight and might lead to
fraud, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.

Some White House and HHS officials were incensed by Becerra’s
opposition to the proposal, which drew on evidence that
Americans were skeptical of politicians’ recommendations on
vaccines but trusted the advice of their physicians.

“He sees too many things like a former attorney general and
career congressman — and not like the top health official during
a pandemic,” said one of those involved in the discussions.

A scaled-back version of the plan did take effect last month,
when Medicaid began reimbursing doctors for talking to parents
about vaccinating their children, a move cheered by health-care
groups that sought the policy for months.

Lovenheim said the health secretary never “opposed” the plan
last spring but wanted to focus on Medicaid, which serves
children and younger adults who have far lower vaccination rates
than seniors in Medicare.

“He raised serious reservations about efficacy and program
integrity tied to trying to do this through Medicare,” Lovenheim
wrote, suggesting that Becerra deserved credit for what was
ultimately announced. “The proposal successfully went where he
suggested it should go.”

Fist Bumps Are FAG Gestures
2022-11-05 07:44:28 UTC
I know Biden is insane.
The Secret Service has been subpoenaed in the ongoing probe into
U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, a move that a former federal
prosecutor calls aggressive and significant.

The House select committee leading the investigation is asking
the federal agency to turn over reportedly deleted text messages
from the days surrounding the attack as well as any relevant
action reports. The Secret Service has until Tuesday to produce
agents' phone records, that some believe may shed light on
President Donald Trump's actions during the riot.

The Secret Service has recently garnered attention after former
White House aid Cassidy Hutchinson testified to the Jan. 6
committee. According to Hutchinson, Trump had a heated exchange
with his Secret Service detail after demanding to be driven up
to the Capitol on the day of the insurrection.

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesperson for Secret Service, told NPR
that his agency plans to "swiftly" respond to the panel's
subpoena though it's unclear what records will be retrievable.

The Secret Service insists the Jan. 6 probe has had its "full
and unwavering cooperation"
The erased phone data was brought to light earlier this week by
Joseph Cuffari, the inspector general for the Department of
Homeland Security, which oversees the Secret Service. In a
letter to Congress, Cuffari accused the Secret Service of
erasing relevant text messages after his office requested such
records and generally causing confusion and delays to his
office's investigation.

"The January 6th Select Committee has had our full and
unwavering cooperation since its inception in March of 2021 and
that does not change," Guglielmi said in a statement to NPR.

According to Guglielmi, some of the department's phone data were
lost due to a "pre-planned, three-month system migration" that
required agents to reset their mobile phones at the beginning of

He said that while some text messages were lost by the time of
Congress' inquiry, the Secret Service was able to turn over
phone data from 20 agents including former Uniform Division
Chief Tom Sullivan who had received a text message from the
chief of the U.S. Capitol Police on Jan. 6, 2021, requesting
emergency assistance.

Guglielmi added that over the last 18 months, the Secret Service
has provided dozens of hours of formal testimony from special
agents as well as over 790,000 unredacted emails, radio
transmissions, and operational and planning records.


In other words, the Jan 6 clown squad has nothing of substance
and is fishing for shit.
2022-11-08 12:54:06 UTC
"Fist Bumps Are FAG Gestures"
Post by Fist Bumps Are FAG Gestures
I know Biden is insane.
Post by Fist Bumps Are FAG Gestures
In other words, the Jan 6 clown squad has nothing of substance
and is fishing for shit.
I think most intelligent people figured that out during or after the first
impeachment hearings.. when we were told the testimony that would prove the
case against Trump was just around the corner and then they had to try to
impeach Trump with made up charges because he didn't cooperate with their
circus as much as they thought he should have.
Daniel Heaton
2022-11-05 07:59:52 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not be charging former
Trump White House officials Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino for
refusing to cooperate with the House select committee
investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, The New York Times
reported, which cited a letter it reviewed on the matter as well
as people familiar with the prosecutors’ decision.

The Friday letter that the Times reviewed was communication
between U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and House General Counsel
Douglas Letter, the latter of whom was told about officials’
decision, according to the newspaper.

“Based on the individual facts and circumstances of their
alleged contempt, my office will not be initiating prosecutions
for criminal contempt as requested in the referral against
Messrs. Meadows and Scavino,” Graves wrote in his message to
Letter, according to the Times. “My office’s review of each of
the contempt referrals arising from the Jan. 6 committee’s
investigation is complete.”

It is a huge development given that former Trump White House
adviser Peter Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury
earlier on Friday, and had been voted to be held in contempt of
Congress alongside Scavino, a former deputy chief of staff for
communications for former President Trump, in April.

“We are grateful that DOJ exercised its sound discretion to
decline prosecution given the substantial legal issues affecting
the validity of the Jan 6 committee subpoena,” Stan Brand, an
attorney for Scavino, said in an email to The Hill.

But Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair
Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said in a joint statement released Friday
night that they found the Justice Department’s decision
regarding Scavino and Meadows “puzzling” and expressed that they
wanted clarification around the department’s decision.

“If the Department’s position is that either or both of these
men have absolute immunity from appearing before Congress
because of their former positions in the Trump Administration,
that question is the focus of pending litigation,” they wrote.
“As the Select Committee has argued in District Court, Mark
Meadows’s claim that he is entitled to absolute immunity is not
correct or justified based on the Department of Justice Office
of Legal Counsel Memoranda. No one is above the law.”

Navarro and Scavino, both subpoenaed, who would not offer
documents or testify in front of the House select committee. The
House voted to hold Meadows, a former White House chief of
staff, in contempt of Congress last December for refusing to sit
for an interview or deposition, although he had provided
thousands of pages of documents.

“Who are these people,” Navarro said during his court hearing on
Friday. “This is not America. I mean, I was a distinguished
public servant for four years and nobody ever questioned my
ethics. And they’re treating me in this fashion.”

The developments come as the House select committee gets ready
to hold its first public hearing on June 9 during prime time,
indicating that not all witnesses will or may want to cooperate
with the committee before they wrap up their probe.

The Hill has reached out to the Department of Justice, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and attorneys for Meadows and
Scavino for comment.

Updated: 10:43 p.m.

Nancy Pelosi can go fuck herself.

Daily Mexican
2022-11-05 08:50:58 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Becerra has voted to ensure that states can discriminate against
hospitals and doctors for not providing or recommending
abortions. Becerra believes taxpayers should have to fund
abortions — he has voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for
Abortion Act.

Summary: S.304 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)

Shown Here:
Passed House amended (07/13/2016)
Conscience Protection Act of 2016

(Sec. 3) This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to
codify the prohibition against the federal government and state
and local governments that receive federal financial assistance
for health-related activities penalizing or discriminating
against a health care provider based on the provider's refusal
to be involved in, or provide coverage for, abortion. Health
care providers include health care professionals, health care
facilities, social services providers, health care professional
training programs, and health insurers.

The Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and
Human Services, in coordination with the Department of Justice
(DOJ), must investigate complaints alleging discrimination based
on an individual's religious belief, moral conviction, or
refusal to be involved in an abortion.

DOJ or any entity adversely affected by such discrimination may
obtain equitable or legal relief in a civil action.
Administrative remedies do not need to be sought or exhausted
prior to commencing an action or granting relief. Such an action
may be brought against a governmental entity.

Nutless Buzz Lightyear
2022-11-05 09:57:23 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
The Justice Department has declined to prosecute two of Donald
Trump’s closest White House advisers — former chief of staff
Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino — for
refusing to cooperate with the Jan. 6 select committee,
rejecting the House’s recommendation that the pair be charged
with contempt of Congress.

Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C., delivered
the news to House Counsel Douglas Letter earlier Friday,
according to a person familiar with the correspondence.

The news came despite the Justice Department’s decision earlier
in the day to unseal charges against former Trump White House
trade adviser Peter Navarro with contempt of Congress for
similarly defying the select committee’s demands. DOJ charged
Trump ally Steve Bannon with contempt last year for refusing to
engage with the select committee.

Navarro was still in the White House when Trump tried to
overturn the election results, but Bannon was fired from Trump’s
White House in August 2017, although he remained in contact with
Trump in subsequent years.

Unlike Bannon and Navarro, Meadows and Scavino engaged in months-
long negotiations with the select committee, haggling over the
terms of potential testimony and the bounds of executive
privilege. Meadows also turned over thousands of text messages
and communications he had with members of Congress and other
White House advisers.

The select committee opted to pursue contempt charges against
Meadows and Scavino, however, after the negotiations failed to
result in plans for either of them to testify. Meadows had been
scheduled for a December deposition but withdrew at the last

Committee chair Rep Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair Liz
Cheney (R-Wyo.) called decision “puzzling” in a statement.

“Mr. Meadows and Mr. Scavino unquestionably have relevant
knowledge about President Trump’s role in the efforts to
overturn the 2020 election and the events of January 6th. We
hope the Department provides greater clarity on this matter,”
the statement said.

Meadows’ attorney George Terwillger III did not immediately
respond to a request for comment. Scavino’s attorney Stan Brand
did not immediately comment on the news. The U.S. Attorney’s
office for Washington D.C. declined to comment.

Though House Democrats welcomed the decision to charge Bannon
and Navarro, both were somewhat ancillary figures in Trump’s
orbit during the former president’s attempt to overturn the 2020
election. Meadows and Scavino, however, played central roles and
were at Trump’s side as a mob attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6,
2021 in support of his effort to prevent the transfer of power.

The New York Times first reported the Justice’s Department’s
decision not to charge Meadows and Scavino with contempt of

Fuck you Nancy Pelosi!

Nutless Buzz Lightyear
2022-11-05 10:37:56 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
The Justice Department has indicted Peter Navarro, a former
trade adviser to Donald Trump, for contempt of Congress after he
defied a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee.

After Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election, Navarro became an
early advocate for the former president’s false claims of
widespread election fraud and spearheaded efforts to overturn
the election. He’s been charged with two counts of contempt,
each of which carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison.

The U.S. House committee investigating the Capitol insurrection
subpoenaed Navarro in February and he tersely refused to comply,
claiming sweeping executive privilege over his efforts.
Following his appearance in court Friday afternoon, Navarro told
reporters he had been arrested “getting on the plane” to
Nashville and was put in handcuffs and leg irons.

“They just came with the full force of the federal government
and put the hammer down trying to intimidate me,” he said,
calling the Justice Department “wrong on all manner of counts.”
The former Trump adviser is scheduled to be back in court on
June 17 for his arraignment.

The indictment marks the first criminal charges related to the
Jan. 6 investigation against a person who was serving in Trump’s
White House during the former president’s attempts to overturn
the 2020 election results. Steve Bannon, who left the White
House in 2017 and similarly refused to comply with a select
committee subpoena, was charged last year with two counts of
contempt. He is set to go on trial in July. While the Justice
Department’s decision to charge both Bannon and Navarro is a
break from history, it’s even more rare for such cases to result
in convictions.

The contempt case is the latest effort by DOJ to bolster the
work of the select committee. And it represents another test of
the department’s handling of a politically explosive case — one
that intersects with congressional subpoenas, executive
privilege and longstanding DOJ internal precedent centered on
White House advisers’ immunity from compelled testimony.

Bannon has argued in court filings that his refusal to comply
was simply a reflection of DOJ’s longstanding guidance on
congressional subpoenas. But prosecutors rejected that
contention and said his case was not comparable to those
previously analyzed by the government.

Navarro, who has been dealing with the select committee without
a lawyer, publicly acknowledged receiving a grand jury subpoena
related to his refusal to comply last week. He filed a lawsuit
against the committee and Justice Department Tuesday, but a
federal judge told him Thursday to refile it to correct a series
of errors.

The select committee subpoenaed Navarro to testify in February,
but he told them he would refuse to comply, citing executive
privilege. The panel countered that its questions for him did
not broach any possible privileges related to his White House
work. Still, Navarro refused to appear. The committee held him
in contempt for that decision in April, asking the Justice
Department to pursue charges. The full House followed suit,
adopting the panel’s recommendation.

On the same day the committee held Navarro in contempt, members
expressed frustration that the Justice Department had not acted
on its contempt referral of former White House chief of staff
Mark Meadows. The House referred Meadows for contempt charges in
December, but DOJ has not acted on the referral.

The case will be overseen by Judge Amit Mehta, who is also
presiding over two other crucial Jan. 6 cases: the seditious
conspiracy trial against leaders of the Oath Keepers and a
sprawling series of civil lawsuits against Trump filed by
members of Congress and Capitol Police officers. Assistant U.S.
Attorneys Elizabeth Aloi and Molly Gaston are handling the case
for DOJ. Amanda Vaughn, the lead prosecutor in the Bannon case,
is also listed among the prosecutors.

Nancy Pelosi can still go fuck herself.

Daily Mexican
2022-11-05 11:38:46 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Here are two questions:

How the hell during a pandemic did President Joe Biden name a
health secretary with no competence in public health?

And is anyone surprised that HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is
making the monkeypox outbreak worse?

Part of Becerra’s incompetence is his inability to clear away
red tape or prioritize anything at a time when we were supposed
to have learned something about infectious diseases. Another
part is his lame political correctness in talking about a
disease that is overwhelmingly spread by men having sex with men.

But Barro’s critique of Becerra gets at the heart of the
problem. Becerra (beyond having no competence, experience, or
training in public health) can’t fight this fight because he was
brought here precisely to be a left-wing culture warrior.

Becerra met Biden’s standards for health secretary because
Becerra is an abortion extremist and a culture warrior who
relishes in persecuting religious conservatives.

Becerra’s qualification for HHS secretary was pressing a felony
prosecution against pro-life activist David Daleiden because
Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood’s trade in the organs of
aborted babies. Even the Los Angeles Times called Becerra’s
crusade “a disturbing overreach.”

Becerra had a 100% lifetime rating from NARAL and Planned
Parenthood, which means he defended partial-birth abortion and
adult men taking underage girls across state lines in order to
skirt state parental notification laws.

Becerra tried to force pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to
advertise abortion.

As I wrote upon his nomination: “In 2007, for instance, Becerra
co-sponsored a bill requiring all employers who cover
prescription drugs to cover contraception also. This mandate
would have allowed zero exemptions for conscience. It would
force Catholic parishes to pay for birth control for parish
staff, although Catholic teaching rejects artificial birth
control as an unnatural and unethical means to divorce sexuality
from life-giving family formation."

Becerra has voted to ensure that states can discriminate against
hospitals and doctors for not providing or recommending
abortions. Becerra believes taxpayers should have to fund
abortions — he has voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for
Abortion Act.

Xavier Becerra was obviously unqualified to run HHS during the
COVID pandemic, and his incompetence is worsening the monkeypox

Some commentators are baffled by Biden's pick, but pro-life
conservatives who remember the Obama administration are not. It
was HHS that created the contraception mandate, which tried to
force nuns to cover birth control. Obama's health secretary,
Kathleen Sebelius, was probably the U.S. governor who was
closest to the abortion industry. HHS became the abortion-and-
contraception agency under Obama-Biden. So, public health wasn't
the focus in picking Becerra.
Daily Mexican
2022-11-12 07:05:01 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Xavier Becerra has been 'like a ghost' in dealing with pandemic,
COVID analyst says

The White House wants to replace Secretary of Health and Human
Services Xavier Becerra over his poor handling of the
coronavirus pandemic but is afraid of political and racial
backlash, according to the Washington Post.

Senior Biden administration officials are blaming Becerra and
other health officials for providing "confusing and sometimes
conflicting messages," particularly on COVID-19 booster shots
and quarantine guidelines. Becerra's "low profile," especially
in light of official statements that have "blindsided the
president and bewildered the public," is "confounding," the Post
reported based on interviews with 28 officials and advisers.

Removing the health secretary, however, would jeopardize
President Joe Biden's relationship with the Congressional
Hispanic Caucus and other Hispanic groups, the officials say.

Before he took office, Biden pledged in December 2020 to
nominate a Cabinet that "looks like America," announcing 100
"diverse" appointments to "lead to better outcomes and more
effective solutions to address the urgent crises facing our
nation." During his campaign, Biden picked then-California
senator Kamala Harris as his running mate after he promised a
"woman of color" as his vice president. Becerra, the former
attorney general of California, is one of four Latino members of
the president's Cabinet.

Becerra faced an uphill battle during his confirmation hearings.
Only one Republican senator, Susan Collins (Maine), supported
his confirmation. Many opposed his record on religious liberty
issues. During his time as attorney general, he aggressively
litigated against an order of Catholic nuns who opposed the
Affordable Care Act's birth control coverage mandate.

Officials said the president is unlikely to replace Becerra,
especially considering the evenly divided Senate and Supreme
Court justice Stephen Breyer's announcement last week that he
would retire at the end of his term in June, allowing Biden to
pick a successor.

One COVID analyst the Post interviewed went as far as to say the
health secretary has been "like a ghost" during the pandemic.

"He hasn't shown up," Eric Topol, director of the Scripps
Research Translational Institute, told the Post. "An HHS
secretary has so much authority and power to help. And we have
no evidence that any of it is being exerted." In a January
editorial for Science magazine, Topol argued Becerra must "step
up or step aside."

Published under: Biden Administration, Health and Human
Services, Xavier Becerra

Lynch Garland
2022-11-12 11:00:47 UTC
Merrick Garland's life clock just sped up by 1000%.
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please
contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

An unidentified man reportedly set his car on fire by driving
into a U.S. Capitol barricade early Sunday morning. He then got
out of his car and began firing a weapon indiscriminately before
shooting himself, police say.

U.S. Capitol police say officers immediately responded when
they heard the sound of gunfire at roughly 4 a.m. There were no
reported injuries aside from the driver.

The man's motive in the incident is unknown. The incident
reportedly lasted only a matter of moments, and officers did not
have time to return fire before the man turned his weapon on

"At this time, it does not appear the man was targeting any
Members of Congress, who are on recess, and it does not appear
officers fired their weapons," Capitol police said in a

Washington, D.C., Metro Police have taken over the investigation
into the man's death.

The incident comes more than a year after another vehicle
crashed into a Capitol barricade in 2021, killing one police
officer and wounding another.

The attack killed officer Billy Evans and sent the Capitol Hill
Police Department "reeling," according to the Capitol Police

This is a developing story. Check back soon for updates.

Daily Mexican
2022-11-12 16:50:13 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Unqualified diversity hire Xavier Becerra is really bad at his

President Joe Biden still hasn't fired Xavier Becerra, the
unqualified health and human services secretary whose failed
leadership has exacerbated the administration's botched response
to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the ongoing monkeypox

Alas, Becerra probably won't be fired for the same reason he was
hired. Because of his race and the so-called diversity he brings
to the administration.

READ MORE: White House Afraid To Replace HHS Secretary Because
He’s Hispanic

The White House has been fed up with Becerra's job performance
for months and has "openly mused" about replacing him, according
to a Washington Post report published in January. Health experts
inside and outside the administration complained about his "low
profile" and "passive" approach to complex problems. "He hasn't
shown up," one COVID-19 analyst told the Post. "[He's been] like
a ghost."

Nevertheless, administration officials were "loath" to give
Becerra the axe because doing so "would likely draw the ire of
the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other grass-roots groups
that pressed Biden to appoint more Latinos to his Cabinet."

New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns
recounted this racially charged pressure campaign in their
recently published book, This Will Not Pass. Biden's search for
a health secretary, they wrote, was a "fraught" process
characterized by "hurt feelings and [racial] grievance."

While attempting to assemble "the most diverse cabinet in
history," Biden's team "panicked" in response to criticism from
Hispanic lawmakers who wanted more Hispanics nominated for
cabinet-level positions. They "scrambled" to offer Becerra the
job—a "hasty choice" explicitly intended to "calm the situation."

So much for Biden's campaign pledge to "follow the science" and
"shut down" COVID-19 by putting the experts back in charge of
the government's pandemic response. Becerra, a former
congressman, was woefully unqualified for the position of health
secretary. His most relevant experience involved a lawsuit he
filed as California attorney general to force the Little Sisters
of the Poor to provide birth control to employees. More than
620,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 on his watch.

Some Democrats complained about the "harried selection process"
and viewed Becerra as a "baffling" nominee. They were ignored.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) was especially annoyed
because she "had worked closely with Becerra in the House and
viewed him as untrustworthy." Meanwhile, Biden chief of staff
Ron Klain grew "weary" of the Democratic coalition's insistence
on "treating the cabinet as an identity-politics Rubik's Cube."

Becerra's inability to helm the nation's health department was
glaringly obvious in January, when the Post reported on White
House "frustrations" with his leadership. In recent months, the
federal government's response to monkeypox has further
vindicated Becerra's critics who contend the health secretary
has absolutely no idea what he's doing.

The New York Times on Wednesday published a damning report on
Becerra's botched handling of the monkeypox outbreak, which has
been hobbled by a vaccine shortage "caused in part" by his
department's failure "to ask that bulk stocks of the vaccine it
already owned be bottled for distribution." The release of the
vaccine doses was also delayed because the Food and Drug
Administration, under Becerra's purview, took months to inspect
and approve the Danish factory producing the vaccine.

Lawrence Gostin, a renowned public health expert from Georgetown
Law who has consulted with the White House on monkeypox, said
the government's response to the outbreak has been "deeply
frustrating." Federal health agencies have been "kind of asleep
at the wheel on this," and continue to struggle with "the same
kinds of bureaucratic delays and forgetfulness and dropping the
ball that we did during the COVID pandemic," he told the Times.

The article includes a familiar critique of Becerra's
leadership. Detractors fault his "hands-off approach to an
increasingly serious situation," but weren't willing to speak on
the record. Biden is reportedly "upset" by the vaccine shortage
and "stung by criticism that a lack of foresight and management
has left gay men—the prime risk group for monkeypox—unprotected."

Josh Barro, a pro-Biden journalist, observed that the Times
article "really makes Xavier Becerra sound incompetent and out
to lunch. How did he get the HHS Secretary job anyway? He
doesn't have relevant qualifications."


Published under: Democratic Party, Health and Human Services,
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Xavier Becerra

Tax The Goods
2022-11-17 10:48:58 UTC
Slap an import fee on this asshole's goods.
J.D. Vance, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for Ohio’s U.S.
Senate seat, told Breitbart News Saturday the Democrat
leadership in the country “has benefited from the destruction of
what made the country great in the first place.”

Vance, on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday this weekend, said
that it is a “pretty simple argument” that the current
leadership in the county benefit from destroying the country
while there has been an increase in inflation, a rise in gas
prices, an open border, defunding the police, and shipping
American jobs to China.

“If you’re a working-class guy in Ohio, you didn’t benefit when
they shipped the factories to China, but a lot of American
leadership did,” Vance explained. “If you are a suburban mom and
just wants to send your kids to school in a safe environment,
you did not benefit when [the Democrats] attacked the police and
let out a bunch of criminals. But if you’ve got a private
security force, you benefit from that just fine.”

Vance’s argument stems from jobs being shipped overseas to China
and the Democrats’ continued push for defunding the police since

The Buckeye State Republican noted that his opponent, Rep. Tim
Ryan (D-OH), has voted with President Joe Biden 100 percent of
the time and has stood by while he enacts radical policies
without showing any leadership for himself.

“If you have lost a kid or somebody else to the fentanyl that’s
coming across the American Southern Border, you’ve gotten
screwed by Joe Biden and Tim Ryan’s open border policies,” Vance
described as part of the problem. “But let’s be honest, there
are a few powerful people who have really benefited from the
influx of new labor and new Democratic voters.”

Ryan — the 20-year career politician who had a failed 2020
presidential run to become a Biden surrogate later— has voted
with Biden 100 percent of the time in Congress while he has been
the president, according to FiveThirtyEight, which keeps a
“tally of how often every member of the House and the Senate
votes with or against the president.” Ryan never voted against

Additionally, the Democrat also voted with House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi 100 percent of the time during his time in the House, and
according to ProPublica, he has voted with the Speaker not just
in the current Congress but also in the last Congress.

Vance added that the “really simple” and “basic argument” to
“stop this craziness” from the Democrats is to “go back to
policies that make some sense.”

He explained, “Let’s support our police officers, throw the bad
guys in jail. Let’s close the border. Let’s stop shipping our
jobs to China. And let’s bring some basic sanity back to
American public schools in American public life.”

The Buckeye State Republican noted “most people” support these
policies, “which is why I think [Republicans are] gonna win and
win big in November.”

Last week, in the first poll since the unprecedented Mar-a-Lago
raid, Emerson College Polling showed that Vance and Republicans
had overtaken Democrats in the Buckeye State. Vance led Ryan by
three points, 45 percent to 42 percent.

In fact, when the voters were asked, “regardless of whom they
support, which candidate they expect to win,” a majority of the
respondents (52 percent) said Vance would win, compared to the
48 percent who said Ryan.

Additionally, a Trafalgar Group poll released this week showed
that Vance also led Ryan by five points, 50 percent to 45
percent. The polls coming out a week apart spell trouble for
Ryan, as both show Vance beating him.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at
***@breitbart.com or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

Ramon F. Herrera
2023-01-15 15:21:56 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
"Keep your rosaries, off my ovaries," the protesters could be
heard chanting in call and response fashion while police stood
on guard in front of Kavanaugh’s home.

26-year-old California man Nicholas John Roske was arrested
early Wednesday near Kavanaugh's house in Maryland after
threatening to kill the justice. Police said he was carrying a
gun, a knife and zip ties.


Later in the day federal prosecutors charged Roske with the
attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice. During a court
hearing, he consented to remain in federal custody for now.

Roske told police he was upset by a leaked draft opinion
suggesting the Supreme Court is about to overrule Roe v. Wade,
the landmark abortion case. He also said he was upset over the
school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, and believed Kavanaugh would
vote to loosen gun control laws, the affidavit said.

Proof that liberals are stupid.

Fist Bumps Are FAG Gestures
2023-01-15 20:47:24 UTC
I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.
President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East came to an end
with yet more controversy after it emerged that an American
lawyer who previously represented Jamal Khashoggi had been
detained in the UAE.

US citizen Asim Ghafoor was detained at Dubai airport on
Thursday while travelling to Istanbul for a family wedding and
is now being held in a detention facility on charges related to
an in absentia conviction for money laundering. Mr Ghafoor had
no prior knowledge of any conviction, a human rights group said.

On Saturday, Mr Biden met with UAE President Sheik Mohammed bin
Zayed Al Nahyan and invited him to come to the US for a visit
before the year is out.

The UAE president was one of multiple Middle Eastern leaders Mr
Biden met in Saudi Arabia on Saturday before leaving aboard Air
Force One.

New details also emerged about Friday’s controversial meeting
with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – the man US
intelligence found responsible for ordering the murder of
journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

When Mr Biden confronted MBS about the killing – after a
friendly fist-bump – he denied the accusation and fired back
about the US’s own controversies.

Saudis don't like faggots.

Biden promotes faggots.

Margaret R. Liberman
2023-01-16 20:24:38 UTC
On 30 Oct 2022, Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sun, 30 Oct 2022 18:15:24 +0000, Mitchell Holman
Durr, who occupies the seat that he won from then-Senate President
Steve Sweeney last year in the most shocking upset in recent history,
gave what is to many legislators a shocking view of the right to keep
and bear arms. He argued citizens should have the same rights as
police in that regard.
“I fully support law enforcement 100 percent, but I do not believe
they should have preferential treatment that would make any other
citizens second-class citizens,� Durr told me when I phoned him
When the government keeps the citizens from having the same rights as
the police, he said, “It’s their way of control. They want people
to need government for everything, including self-protection.�
The news had just broken of the attack on House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi’s husband by a lunatic with a hammer.
“This is a prime example of why you need firearms for
self-protection,â€? said Durr. “You can be attacked anywhere.â€?
The man is, of course, 100% correct.
If carrying a gun is such good
protection why do police need
bulletproof vests?
Why do they need AR-15's?
Here in Miami we teach cops how to shoot so they only need AR-15 rifles
when they want to intimidate the federal government or rogue corporations
like the Disney pedophiles.
In Iowa we use them to control the nigger population.
Daily Mexican
2023-09-11 08:17:59 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Becerra has voted to ensure that states can discriminate against
hospitals and doctors for not providing or recommending
abortions. Becerra believes taxpayers should have to fund
abortions — he has voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for
Abortion Act.

Summary: S.304 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)

Shown Here:
Passed House amended (07/13/2016)
Conscience Protection Act of 2016

(Sec. 3) This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to
codify the prohibition against the federal government and state
and local governments that receive federal financial assistance
for health-related activities penalizing or discriminating
against a health care provider based on the provider's refusal
to be involved in, or provide coverage for, abortion. Health
care providers include health care professionals, health care
facilities, social services providers, health care professional
training programs, and health insurers.

The Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and
Human Services, in coordination with the Department of Justice
(DOJ), must investigate complaints alleging discrimination based
on an individual's religious belief, moral conviction, or
refusal to be involved in an abortion.

DOJ or any entity adversely affected by such discrimination may
obtain equitable or legal relief in a civil action.
Administrative remedies do not need to be sought or exhausted
prior to commencing an action or granting relief. Such an action
may be brought against a governmental entity.

Daily Mexican
2023-09-11 14:19:25 UTC
I believe Biden is incompetent and insane. Facts speak for themselves.
Here are two questions:

How the hell during a pandemic did President Joe Biden name a
health secretary with no competence in public health?

And is anyone surprised that HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra is
making the monkeypox outbreak worse?

Part of Becerra’s incompetence is his inability to clear away
red tape or prioritize anything at a time when we were supposed
to have learned something about infectious diseases. Another
part is his lame political correctness in talking about a
disease that is overwhelmingly spread by men having sex with men.

But Barro’s critique of Becerra gets at the heart of the
problem. Becerra (beyond having no competence, experience, or
training in public health) can’t fight this fight because he was
brought here precisely to be a left-wing culture warrior.

Becerra met Biden’s standards for health secretary because
Becerra is an abortion extremist and a culture warrior who
relishes in persecuting religious conservatives.

Becerra’s qualification for HHS secretary was pressing a felony
prosecution against pro-life activist David Daleiden because
Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood’s trade in the organs of
aborted babies. Even the Los Angeles Times called Becerra’s
crusade “a disturbing overreach.”

Becerra had a 100% lifetime rating from NARAL and Planned
Parenthood, which means he defended partial-birth abortion and
adult men taking underage girls across state lines in order to
skirt state parental notification laws.

Becerra tried to force pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to
advertise abortion.

As I wrote upon his nomination: “In 2007, for instance, Becerra
co-sponsored a bill requiring all employers who cover
prescription drugs to cover contraception also. This mandate
would have allowed zero exemptions for conscience. It would
force Catholic parishes to pay for birth control for parish
staff, although Catholic teaching rejects artificial birth
control as an unnatural and unethical means to divorce sexuality
from life-giving family formation."

Becerra has voted to ensure that states can discriminate against
hospitals and doctors for not providing or recommending
abortions. Becerra believes taxpayers should have to fund
abortions — he has voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for
Abortion Act.

Xavier Becerra was obviously unqualified to run HHS during the
COVID pandemic, and his incompetence is worsening the monkeypox

Some commentators are baffled by Biden's pick, but pro-life
conservatives who remember the Obama administration are not. It
was HHS that created the contraception mandate, which tried to
force nuns to cover birth control. Obama's health secretary,
Kathleen Sebelius, was probably the U.S. governor who was
closest to the abortion industry. HHS became the abortion-and-
contraception agency under Obama-Biden. So, public health wasn't
the focus in picking Becerra.
