Trump HealthCare Means No Healtcare
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citizen winston smith
2024-09-20 19:30:42 UTC
Interesting that you go after Trump about healthcare but ignore how
bad the ACA has been for healthcare.  Doctors are forced into large
hospital run networks with terrible call centers and it's difficult to
get a simple appointment.
Which was never allowed to be passed, by YOUR commie Demotards, you
scuzzbag crack whore.


“It is a plan that protects the vulnerable – especially those with
pre-existing conditions; empowers individuals with greater control over
their health care choices and dollars; and personalizes health care to
meet individual needs and reduce premiums, deductibles, and the overall
cost of health care.”

The plan codifies many of the good ideas the Trump administration has
implemented, such as Association Health Plans and extended use of
Short-Term, Limited-Duration plans. This is important because these
ideas have been implemented by guidance or regulation, which could be
eliminated by a future administration.

The increased flexibility the RSC plan provides to the states is similar
to what the Trump administration has done by expanding the use Section
1332 State Innovation Waivers, which is found in the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare. States have been using
these waivers to lower premiums while still protecting those with
pre-existing conditions obtain affordable insurance.

The authors of the plan point out that Obamacare advocates have “sought
to weaponize the issue of ‘pre-existing conditions’ as a means to get
their new law passed. The result has been that a vulnerable population
of Americans has been used as political pawns. To extend insurance to
individuals with pre-existing conditions, the ACA imposed a new
regulatory scheme consisting of onerous mandates and laws that forced
all Americans into insurance plans they did not need and could not afford.”

Proponents of ACA continue to do that today and demagogue anyone that
offers an alternative or an improvement to current law.

The main provisions of the RSC plan include:

Unwinding ACA’s “centric approach” and returns most of the regulatory
authority back to the states;
Undoing ACA’s expensive and mandatory essential health benefits, annual
lifetime limits, preventive care with no cost-sharing, dependent
coverage, and metal actuarial tiers (bronze, silver etc.), and allows
states to prescribe these principles;
Not allowing insurance carriers to rescind, increase rates, or refuse to
renew a person’s health insurance if they should develop an illness
after enrollment;
Allowing individuals with chronic and risky medical conditions to have
access to affordable state-run Guaranteed Coverage Pools, subsidized by
federal grants;
Restructuring the guaranteed issue and prohibition on coverage
exclusions to reward continuous coverage and promote portability in the
individual marketplace;
Restructuring ACA premium subsidies and Medicaid Expansion federal
matching programs to fund state-administered grants to subsidize health
insurance for low-income individuals, while protecting the medically
vulnerable, such as low-income pregnant woman and children, that
Medicaid was created to help;
Changing the tax code to provide for equal treatment of employer and
individual health insurance markets;
Expanding the use of pre-tax Health Savings Accounts (HSA), including
using them to pay for insurance premiums, and increases allowable yearly
contributions from $3,500 to $9,000 for individuals and from $7,000 to
$18,000 for families;
Extending portability protections (contained in the 1996 Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for employer-sponsored
health insurance) to the individual market;
Eliminating the employer mandate; and
Promoting the use of innovative healthcare solutions such as
telemedicine, direct primary care, association health plans, and health
sharing ministries.
The proposal provides a good overview of the problems that Obamacare
caused, such as sky-high premiums and forcing people to buy health
insurance plans that contain mandatory benefits they did not want or
need, such as a single man paying for maternity care. It explains how
Obamacare has distorted the job market with the employer mandate and how
Medicaid Expansion hurt the vulnerable by extending the program to
abled-bodied individuals without dependents that compete with
traditional Medicaid recipients, such as poor, pregnant women, looking
for care.

The RSC healthcare reform proposal is a strong and effective antidote to
"Medicare for All" that would cost $32 trillion in new taxes and force
everyone into a government-run system.

The next time you hear someone say the Republicans have no plan to
improve healthcare, you can tell them they are wrong and point to the
RSC plan.
2024-09-20 19:43:52 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Interesting that you go after Trump about healthcare but ignore how
bad the ACA has been for healthcare.  Doctors are forced into large
hospital run networks with terrible call centers and it's difficult to
get a simple appointment.
Which was never allowed to be passed, by YOUR commie Demotards, you
scuzzbag crack whore.
“It is a plan that protects the vulnerable – especially those with
pre-existing conditions; empowers individuals with greater control over
their health care choices and dollars; and personalizes health care to
meet individual needs and reduce premiums, deductibles, and the overall
cost of health care.”
The plan codifies many of the good ideas the Trump administration has
implemented, such as Association Health Plans and extended use of
Short-Term, Limited-Duration plans.  This is important because these
ideas have been implemented by guidance or regulation, which could be
eliminated by a future administration.
The increased flexibility the RSC plan provides to the states is similar
to what the Trump administration has done by expanding the use Section
1332 State Innovation Waivers, which is found in the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare.  States have been using
these waivers to lower premiums while still protecting those with
pre-existing conditions obtain affordable insurance.
The authors of the plan point out that Obamacare advocates have “sought
to weaponize the issue of ‘pre-existing conditions’ as a means to get
their new law passed.  The result has been that a vulnerable population
of Americans has been used as political pawns.  To extend insurance to
individuals with pre-existing conditions, the ACA imposed a new
regulatory scheme consisting of onerous mandates and laws that forced
all Americans into insurance plans they did not need and could not afford.”
Proponents of ACA continue to do that today and demagogue anyone that
offers an alternative or an improvement to current law.
Unwinding ACA’s “centric approach” and returns most of the regulatory
authority back to the states;
Undoing ACA’s expensive and mandatory essential health benefits, annual
lifetime limits, preventive care with no cost-sharing, dependent
coverage, and metal actuarial tiers (bronze, silver etc.), and allows
states to prescribe these principles;
Not allowing insurance carriers to rescind, increase rates, or refuse to
renew a person’s health insurance if they should develop an illness
after enrollment;
Allowing individuals with chronic and risky medical conditions to have
access to affordable state-run Guaranteed Coverage Pools, subsidized by
federal grants;
Restructuring the guaranteed issue and prohibition on coverage
exclusions to reward continuous coverage and promote portability in the
individual marketplace;
Restructuring ACA premium subsidies and Medicaid Expansion federal
matching programs to fund state-administered grants to subsidize health
insurance for low-income individuals, while protecting the medically
vulnerable, such as low-income pregnant woman and children, that
Medicaid was created to help;
Changing the tax code to provide for equal treatment of employer and
individual health insurance markets;
Expanding the use of pre-tax Health Savings Accounts (HSA), including
using them to pay for insurance premiums, and increases allowable yearly
contributions from $3,500 to $9,000 for individuals and from $7,000 to
$18,000 for families;
Extending portability protections (contained in the 1996 Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for employer-sponsored
health insurance) to the individual market;
Eliminating the employer mandate; and
Promoting the use of innovative healthcare solutions such as
telemedicine, direct primary care, association health plans, and health
sharing ministries.
The proposal provides a good overview of the problems that Obamacare
caused, such as sky-high premiums and forcing people to buy health
insurance plans that contain mandatory benefits they did not want or
need, such as a single man paying for maternity care.  It explains how
Obamacare has distorted the job market with the employer mandate and how
Medicaid Expansion hurt the vulnerable by extending the program to
abled-bodied individuals without dependents that compete with
traditional Medicaid recipients, such as poor, pregnant women, looking
for care.
The RSC healthcare reform proposal is a strong and effective antidote to
"Medicare for All" that would cost $32 trillion in new taxes and force
everyone into a government-run system.
The next time you hear someone say the Republicans have no plan to
improve healthcare, you can tell them they are wrong and point to the
RSC plan.
i will never hear anyone say that ,
i never have and that means there won't be a next time
2024-09-20 19:44:32 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Interesting that you go after Trump about healthcare but ignore how
bad the ACA has been for healthcare.  Doctors are forced into large
hospital run networks with terrible call centers and it's difficult to
get a simple appointment.
Which was never allowed to be passed, by YOUR commie Demotards, you
scuzzbag crack whore.
“It is a plan that protects the vulnerable – especially those with
pre-existing conditions; empowers individuals with greater control over
their health care choices and dollars; and personalizes health care to
meet individual needs and reduce premiums, deductibles, and the overall
cost of health care.”
The plan codifies many of the good ideas the Trump administration has
implemented, such as Association Health Plans and extended use of
Short-Term, Limited-Duration plans.  This is important because these
ideas have been implemented by guidance or regulation, which could be
eliminated by a future administration.
The increased flexibility the RSC plan provides to the states is similar
to what the Trump administration has done by expanding the use Section
1332 State Innovation Waivers, which is found in the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare.  States have been using
these waivers to lower premiums while still protecting those with
pre-existing conditions obtain affordable insurance.
The authors of the plan point out that Obamacare advocates have “sought
to weaponize the issue of ‘pre-existing conditions’ as a means to get
their new law passed.  The result has been that a vulnerable population
of Americans has been used as political pawns.  To extend insurance to
individuals with pre-existing conditions, the ACA imposed a new
regulatory scheme consisting of onerous mandates and laws that forced
all Americans into insurance plans they did not need and could not afford.”
Proponents of ACA continue to do that today and demagogue anyone that
offers an alternative or an improvement to current law.
Unwinding ACA’s “centric approach” and returns most of the regulatory
authority back to the states;
Undoing ACA’s expensive and mandatory essential health benefits, annual
lifetime limits, preventive care with no cost-sharing, dependent
coverage, and metal actuarial tiers (bronze, silver etc.), and allows
states to prescribe these principles;
Not allowing insurance carriers to rescind, increase rates, or refuse to
renew a person’s health insurance if they should develop an illness
after enrollment;
Allowing individuals with chronic and risky medical conditions to have
access to affordable state-run Guaranteed Coverage Pools, subsidized by
federal grants;
Restructuring the guaranteed issue and prohibition on coverage
exclusions to reward continuous coverage and promote portability in the
individual marketplace;
Restructuring ACA premium subsidies and Medicaid Expansion federal
matching programs to fund state-administered grants to subsidize health
insurance for low-income individuals, while protecting the medically
vulnerable, such as low-income pregnant woman and children, that
Medicaid was created to help;
Changing the tax code to provide for equal treatment of employer and
individual health insurance markets;
Expanding the use of pre-tax Health Savings Accounts (HSA), including
using them to pay for insurance premiums, and increases allowable yearly
contributions from $3,500 to $9,000 for individuals and from $7,000 to
$18,000 for families;
Extending portability protections (contained in the 1996 Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for employer-sponsored
health insurance) to the individual market;
Eliminating the employer mandate; and
Promoting the use of innovative healthcare solutions such as
telemedicine, direct primary care, association health plans, and health
sharing ministries.
The proposal provides a good overview of the problems that Obamacare
caused, such as sky-high premiums and forcing people to buy health
insurance plans that contain mandatory benefits they did not want or
need, such as a single man paying for maternity care.  It explains how
Obamacare has distorted the job market with the employer mandate and how
Medicaid Expansion hurt the vulnerable by extending the program to
abled-bodied individuals without dependents that compete with
traditional Medicaid recipients, such as poor, pregnant women, looking
for care.
The RSC healthcare reform proposal is a strong and effective antidote to
"Medicare for All" that would cost $32 trillion in new taxes and force
everyone into a government-run system.
The next time you hear someone say the Republicans have no plan to
improve healthcare, you can tell them they are wrong and point to the
RSC plan.
i have great health care
