President Biden's 2024 State of the Union address
(too old to reply)
2024-03-08 05:00:55 UTC
He needs to fire his press secretary.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-03-08 05:52:13 UTC
Was Katie Britt trying to cry? It’s so embarrassing to see antiliberals
try to put that on.

Oh, and the hypocrisy of her whole pro-IVF bit: what happened to “Life
Begins At Conception”? Does that not apply to conception in a Petri dish?
X, formerly known as "!Jones"
2024-03-08 21:14:09 UTC
On Fri, 8 Mar 2024 05:00:55 -0000 (UTC), in talk.politics.guns useapen
Post by useapen
He needs to fire his press secretary.
Oh... I'm not surprised that the right-wing crowd has little positive
to say about the SOTU; however, they weren't his audience. I voted in
the GOP primary for Nikki Haley, well knowing that she didn't have a
chance. Had I voted in the Democratic primary, I'd have voted "none
of the above". Joe was speaking to *me* and to people like me.

Before the SOTU, I would have voted for Biden only because I had no
viable choice. After listening critically, I feel a *lot* better
about voting for him. It's a long pull to November for both parties;
however, I now feel a glimmer of optimism.

In general, the "big items" like the economy and, relatedly, the mass
migrations of human populations are beyond the control of a
president... a lot of my associates tried to blame the pandemic on the
GOP leadership, which was, by and large, self inflicted... as are our
issues on the southern border. We should quit buying dope and selling
'em guns.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-03-08 22:30:45 UTC
After listening critically, I feel a *lot* better about
voting for him.
Even though he is complicit in war crimes?
Governor Swill
2024-03-09 07:58:12 UTC
Post by X, formerly known as "!Jones"
On Fri, 8 Mar 2024 05:00:55 -0000 (UTC), in talk.politics.guns useapen
Post by useapen
He needs to fire his press secretary.
Oh... I'm not surprised that the right-wing crowd has little positive
to say about the SOTU; however, they weren't his audience. I voted in
the GOP primary for Nikki Haley, well knowing that she didn't have a
chance. Had I voted in the Democratic primary, I'd have voted "none
of the above". Joe was speaking to *me* and to people like me.
Before the SOTU, I would have voted for Biden only because I had no
viable choice. After listening critically, I feel a *lot* better
about voting for him. It's a long pull to November for both parties;
however, I now feel a glimmer of optimism.
In general, the "big items" like the economy and, relatedly, the mass
migrations of human populations are beyond the control of a
president... a lot of my associates tried to blame the pandemic on the
GOP leadership, which was, by and large, self inflicted... as are our
issues on the southern border. We should quit buying dope and selling
'em guns.
A sensible post.

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