VIDEO: Why Are Journalists Knowingly Helping Hamas Spread Propaganda?
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2023-10-31 01:05:05 UTC
The media haven’t learned anything from last week’s Gaza hospital blast
debacle. Despite repeated embarrassments, reporters for liberal cable and
broadcast networks are still treating Hamas — a terrorist organization —
as a reliable source in their ongoing coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian

On October 17, reports emerged that an explosion had occurred at a
hospital in Gaza. Within minutes, TV journalists were parroting a Hamas
lie that the blast had been the result of an Israeli airstrike, which had
killed more than 400 people. None of these reporters at the time wondered
how the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Health Ministry had managed to tally
the casualties so impossibly quickly.

IDF officials quickly denied responsibility, instead blaming the
destruction on a misfired Hamas rocket. While a U.S. assessment would
later corroborate this version of events, reporters were skeptical,
instead choosing to trust Hamas’s version of events.


On MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, NBC News foreign correspondent Raf
Sanchez pontificated:

This kind of death toll is not what you normally associate with
Palestinian rockets. These rockets are dangerous, they are
deadly, [but] they do not tend to kill hundreds of people in a
single strike in the way that Israel high explosives — especially
these bunker buster bombs that are used to to target these Hamas
tunnels under Gaza city — do have the potential to kill hundreds
of people.

_And we should say, finally, that there are instances in the
past where the Israeli military has said things in the immediate
aftermath of an incident, that have turned out not be true in
the long run._

According to Sanchez’s tortured reasoning, Hamas could not have been
responsible for the explosion, because the Hamas-sourced death toll was
too high. Rather than questioning Hamas’s casualty tally, he instead
viewed this as proof that Israel was to blame.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid was thrilled with this explanation; she played a clip of
that reporting from Sanchez on her show, adding: “Raf Sanchez was on
earlier, our correspondent, who was saying that Hamas does not have the
kind of munitions that could do this kind of damage.”

When the dust settled and it turned out that the blast hadn’t even
occurred where Hamas had claimed (most of the damage was instead confined
to a parking lot), many hoped that American journalists might learn
something from their colossal misstep.

But they didn’t. Even now journalists on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and of
course MSNBC continue to recite casualty tolls sourced exclusively from
Hamas. Just yesterday, the Associated Press cited the Gaza Health
Ministry in claiming that the Palestinian death toll had surpassed 8,000.

These reporters aren't stupid; they know who Hamas is. Apparently they
just don't care that they're citing a terror group with a storied history
of inflating death tolls, by several orders of magnitude, in order to
garner public support.

Islam is a peaceful religion, just as long as the women are beaten, the
boys buggered and the infidels are killed.
2023-10-31 11:45:40 UTC
After Israel boomed the hospital killing many, there was a loud outcry
from all over the world. It would be one of the worst war crimes in
recent history.

To answer this, they came up with an bull story, Hamas fired a rocket
that reversed course and hit the hospital. This bullshit was parroted by
many politicians and news publications over and over again for days to
turn a lie to truth.

Be aware, even the MSM is sometimes ordered to go fake.
The media haven’t learned anything from last week’s Gaza hospital blast
debacle. Despite repeated embarrassments, reporters for liberal cable and
broadcast networks are still treating Hamas — a terrorist organization —
as a reliable source in their ongoing coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian
On October 17, reports emerged that an explosion had occurred at a
hospital in Gaza. Within minutes, TV journalists were parroting a Hamas
lie that the blast had been the result of an Israeli airstrike, which had
killed more than 400 people. None of these reporters at the time wondered
how the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Health Ministry had managed to tally
the casualties so impossibly quickly.
Governor Swill
2023-11-01 05:30:29 UTC
Post by TruthBarker
After Israel boomed the hospital killing many, there was a loud outcry
from all over the world. It would be one of the worst war crimes in
recent history.
To answer this, they came up with an bull story, Hamas fired a rocket
that reversed course and hit the hospital. This bullshit was parroted by
many politicians and news publications over and over again for days to
turn a lie to truth.
Be aware, even the MSM is sometimes ordered to go fake.
That's why they originally reported this as an Israeli air strike.

"I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in
the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
- Paul Weyrich, co founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

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