The Media's Cover-Up Of Barack Obama's Alleged Illicit Gay Affairs
(too old to reply)
2023-09-12 01:05:03 UTC
People have been shocked to see the extent that the Department of Justice and
the media went to for Hunter Biden and his laptop. The cover up was obviously
real; the amount of evidence throughout the 2020 election was ridiculous. Yet
even when photos of Hunter smoking crack surfaced, the media claimed they
were Russian propaganda. How utterly _delusional_ to think the Russians have
any interest in creating propaganda about Hunter Biden.

Ultimately, the media got what they wanted: installing Joe Biden as
president. But now, people are realizing the Department of Justice is
complicit. Former members of the CIA are complicit. People in the
intelligence community claimed Hunter’s laptop was tied in with Russian
propaganda efforts, but they knew that the contents of the laptop were true.
Even judges have been implicated. Finally, people are asking, _just how
corrupt is the system_?

The general consensus is usually that “deep state” is just a trendy phrase
conspiracy theorists throw around. But in actuality, _this_ is exactly what
deep state is. It’s when people who have so much power make stories virtually
disappear overnight — stories that should actually be everywhere. It’s what
gets you to stop talking about something that we should be talking about for
months and, instead, shifts your focus to something else entirely, just like
what happened with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

One such story that disappeared without a trace was the one involving all the
allegations that Barack Obama is gay — something I’ve known about him for
years. Tucker Carlson spoke on camera about these claims, and for most
people, this was all new information. They were shocked because there had
been a media concerted effort to bury those stories when Obama was running
for president of the United States. In his video, Tucker explains that a man
named Larry Sinclair came forward, signed an affidavit, took a lie detector
test (the results have been disputed), and professed to having smoked crack
and had sex with Obama. Yet no one reported on this. Why? Because the Obama
campaign said that anyone who does will be banned from access to the Obama

This was confirmed when a Secret Service agent who worked for Obama and his
family told me that when Obama was in office, part of the Secret Service’s
job was sneaking young men into the White House. Furthermore, it wasn’t a
secret that he was sleeping with these young men. The press never found out,
which happens occasionally. Sometimes, you can actually drop off crack
cocaine at the White House, and they don’t know who did it. When they need to
be, the government can be super hush hush, and the media will help bury those
facts. So the president of the United States was allegedly having illicit
affairs and the media covered it up. That is a big cover up.

Because of this, most people had never even heard of Larry Sinclair until
Carlson mentioned him. They had never heard about his testimony — and if they
did, it was dismissed. Sinclair was just problematized. It is true that
Sinclair has problems — financial, forgery, fraud, etc. — but he was crystal
clear in his testimony at the National Press Club news conference in
Washington on June 18, 2008, that he engaged in a homosexual affair with
Obama in Chicago. At this conference, exactly four minutes in, Sinclair give
a detailed recount of his “Obama incident”, the affair with Obama.

It is a remarkably detailed account, and it seems like the journalists in the
room at that news conference would have fact checked those details. They
could have easily asked for credit card receipts, questioned then-Senator
Obama where he was on that evening, and asked him to counter the claims. Of
course, this video was buried, just like the letter Obama’s ex-girlfriend
came forward with, which detailed the gay fantasies he had about men while
also proclaiming he would be publicly heterosexual. This is not a real secret
because it has never been a real secret. Yet it has been kept from the
general public.

To be clear, it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life if Obama is a
flaming homo. But as a country, we should ask the question: Why did the media
cover this up? They did not cover it up because they were concerned America
wouldn’t vote for a gay man in 2008. The real reason they covered it is that
the media is controlled by the CIA. The CIA has placed agents all within the
media to control the way we think, and that has been going on for decades —
since JFK was assassinated. That is when they put Operation Mockingbird into

Perhaps the CIA thought they needed journalists to repeat what they wanted
them to say following JFK’s death. But the bigger reason why they latch onto
complicated characters like Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack Obama is because
they know their dirt. They know that Obama likes crack and young men, and
having that kind of information gives them _control_. So they find someone
who presents well enough, gives them a division of power, and installs a
puppet presidency. Obama is going to do exactly what they want — because of
what they have on him. Look at what they know.

This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s common sense. Obviously.

Let's go Brandon!
David Hartung
2023-09-12 13:30:04 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
People have been shocked to see the extent that the Department of Justice and
the media went to for Hunter Biden and his laptop. The cover up was obviously
real; the amount of evidence throughout the 2020 election was ridiculous. Yet
even when photos of Hunter smoking crack surfaced, the media claimed they
were Russian propaganda. How utterly _delusional_ to think the Russians have
any interest in creating propaganda about Hunter Biden.
Ultimately, the media got what they wanted: installing Joe Biden as
president. But now, people are realizing the Department of Justice is
complicit. Former members of the CIA are complicit. People in the
intelligence community claimed Hunter’s laptop was tied in with Russian
propaganda efforts, but they knew that the contents of the laptop were true.
Even judges have been implicated. Finally, people are asking, _just how
corrupt is the system_?
The general consensus is usually that “deep state” is just a trendy phrase
conspiracy theorists throw around. But in actuality, _this_ is exactly what
deep state is. It’s when people who have so much power make stories virtually
disappear overnight — stories that should actually be everywhere. It’s what
gets you to stop talking about something that we should be talking about for
months and, instead, shifts your focus to something else entirely, just like
what happened with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
One such story that disappeared without a trace was the one involving all the
allegations that Barack Obama is gay — something I’ve known about him for
years. Tucker Carlson spoke on camera about these claims, and for most
people, this was all new information. They were shocked because there had
been a media concerted effort to bury those stories when Obama was running
for president of the United States. In his video, Tucker explains that a man
named Larry Sinclair came forward, signed an affidavit, took a lie detector
test (the results have been disputed), and professed to having smoked crack
and had sex with Obama. Yet no one reported on this. Why? Because the Obama
campaign said that anyone who does will be banned from access to the Obama
This was confirmed when a Secret Service agent who worked for Obama and his
family told me that when Obama was in office, part of the Secret Service’s
job was sneaking young men into the White House. Furthermore, it wasn’t a
secret that he was sleeping with these young men. The press never found out,
which happens occasionally. Sometimes, you can actually drop off crack
cocaine at the White House, and they don’t know who did it. When they need to
be, the government can be super hush hush, and the media will help bury those
facts. So the president of the United States was allegedly having illicit
affairs and the media covered it up. That is a big cover up.
Because of this, most people had never even heard of Larry Sinclair until
Carlson mentioned him. They had never heard about his testimony — and if they
did, it was dismissed. Sinclair was just problematized. It is true that
Sinclair has problems — financial, forgery, fraud, etc. — but he was crystal
clear in his testimony at the National Press Club news conference in
Washington on June 18, 2008, that he engaged in a homosexual affair with
Obama in Chicago. At this conference, exactly four minutes in, Sinclair give
a detailed recount of his “Obama incident”, the affair with Obama.
It is a remarkably detailed account, and it seems like the journalists in the
room at that news conference would have fact checked those details. They
could have easily asked for credit card receipts, questioned then-Senator
Obama where he was on that evening, and asked him to counter the claims. Of
course, this video was buried, just like the letter Obama’s ex-girlfriend
came forward with, which detailed the gay fantasies he had about men while
also proclaiming he would be publicly heterosexual. This is not a real secret
because it has never been a real secret. Yet it has been kept from the
general public.
To be clear, it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life if Obama is a
flaming homo. But as a country, we should ask the question: Why did the media
cover this up? They did not cover it up because they were concerned America
wouldn’t vote for a gay man in 2008. The real reason they covered it is that
the media is controlled by the CIA. The CIA has placed agents all within the
media to control the way we think, and that has been going on for decades —
since JFK was assassinated. That is when they put Operation Mockingbird into
Perhaps the CIA thought they needed journalists to repeat what they wanted
them to say following JFK’s death. But the bigger reason why they latch onto
complicated characters like Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack Obama is because
they know their dirt. They know that Obama likes crack and young men, and
having that kind of information gives them _control_. So they find someone
who presents well enough, gives them a division of power, and installs a
puppet presidency. Obama is going to do exactly what they want — because of
what they have on him. Look at what they know.
This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s common sense. Obviously.
Let's go Brandon!
Given the effort made by the media and the left to legitimize the LGBT
community, why would they want to "cover up" any possible gay affairs by
Lou Bricano
2023-09-12 13:44:42 UTC
Post by David Hartung
[load of bullshit]
Given the effort made by the media and the left to legitimize the LGBT
2023-09-12 13:47:58 UTC
Post by David Hartung
Post by Ubiquitous
People have been shocked to see the extent that the Department of Justice and
the media went to for Hunter Biden and his laptop. The cover up was obviously
real; the amount of evidence throughout the 2020 election was ridiculous. Yet
even when photos of Hunter smoking crack surfaced, the media claimed they
were Russian propaganda. How utterly _delusional_ to think the Russians have
any interest in creating propaganda about Hunter Biden.
Ultimately, the media got what they wanted: installing Joe Biden as
president. But now, people are realizing the Department of Justice is
complicit. Former members of the CIA are complicit. People in the
intelligence community claimed Hunter’s laptop was tied in with Russian
propaganda efforts, but they knew that the contents of the laptop were true.
Even judges have been implicated. Finally, people are asking, _just how
corrupt is the system_?
The general consensus is usually that “deep state” is just a trendy phrase
conspiracy theorists throw around. But in actuality, _this_ is exactly what
deep state is. It’s when people who have so much power make stories virtually
disappear overnight — stories that should actually be everywhere. It’s what
gets you to stop talking about something that we should be talking about for
months and, instead, shifts your focus to something else entirely, just like
what happened with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
One such story that disappeared without a trace was the one involving all the
allegations that Barack Obama is gay — something I’ve known about him for
years. Tucker Carlson spoke on camera about these claims, and for most
people, this was all new information. They were shocked because there had
been a media concerted effort to bury those stories when Obama was running
for president of the United States. In his video, Tucker explains that a man
named Larry Sinclair came forward, signed an affidavit, took a lie detector
test (the results have been disputed), and professed to having smoked crack
and had sex with Obama. Yet no one reported on this. Why? Because the Obama
campaign said that anyone who does will be banned from access to the Obama
This was confirmed when a Secret Service agent who worked for Obama and his
family told me that when Obama was in office, part of the Secret Service’s
job was sneaking young men into the White House. Furthermore, it wasn’t a
secret that he was sleeping with these young men. The press never found out,
which happens occasionally. Sometimes, you can actually drop off crack
cocaine at the White House, and they don’t know who did it. When they need to
be, the government can be super hush hush, and the media will help bury those
facts. So the president of the United States was allegedly having illicit
affairs and the media covered it up. That is a big cover up.
Because of this, most people had never even heard of Larry Sinclair until
Carlson mentioned him. They had never heard about his testimony — and if they
did, it was dismissed. Sinclair was just problematized. It is true that
Sinclair has problems — financial, forgery, fraud, etc. — but he was crystal
clear in his testimony at the National Press Club news conference in
Washington on June 18, 2008, that he engaged in a homosexual affair with
Obama in Chicago. At this conference, exactly four minutes in, Sinclair give
a detailed recount of his “Obama incident”, the affair with Obama.
It is a remarkably detailed account, and it seems like the journalists in the
room at that news conference would have fact checked those details. They
could have easily asked for credit card receipts, questioned then-Senator
Obama where he was on that evening, and asked him to counter the claims. Of
course, this video was buried, just like the letter Obama’s ex-girlfriend
came forward with, which detailed the gay fantasies he had about men while
also proclaiming he would be publicly heterosexual. This is not a real secret
because it has never been a real secret. Yet it has been kept from the
general public.
To be clear, it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life if Obama is a
flaming homo. But as a country, we should ask the question: Why did the media
cover this up? They did not cover it up because they were concerned America
wouldn’t vote for a gay man in 2008. The real reason they covered it is that
the media is controlled by the CIA. The CIA has placed agents all within the
media to control the way we think, and that has been going on for decades —
since JFK was assassinated. That is when they put Operation Mockingbird into
Perhaps the CIA thought they needed journalists to repeat what they wanted
them to say following JFK’s death. But the bigger reason why they latch onto
complicated characters like Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack Obama is because
they know their dirt. They know that Obama likes crack and young men, and
having that kind of information gives them _control_. So they find someone
who presents well enough, gives them a division of power, and installs a
puppet presidency. Obama is going to do exactly what they want — because of
what they have on him. Look at what they know.
This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s common sense. Obviously.
Let's go Brandon!
Given the effort made by the media and the left to legitimize the LGBT
community, why would they want to "cover up" any possible gay affairs by
For the same reason Hollywood and the media ignore the Muslims tossing homosexuals off the roofs of
buildings and basically do not allow women's rights.

If you look at how the media pushes the LGBT narrative wouldn't be the ultimate in support to have
the first black POTUS to "legitimize" LGBT rights?
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.
Governor Swill
2023-09-13 11:42:27 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by David Hartung
Post by Ubiquitous
People have been shocked to see the extent that the Department of Justice and
the media went to for Hunter Biden and his laptop. The cover up was obviously
real; the amount of evidence throughout the 2020 election was ridiculous. Yet
even when photos of Hunter smoking crack surfaced, the media claimed they
were Russian propaganda. How utterly _delusional_ to think the Russians have
any interest in creating propaganda about Hunter Biden.
Ultimately, the media got what they wanted: installing Joe Biden as
president. But now, people are realizing the Department of Justice is
complicit. Former members of the CIA are complicit. People in the
intelligence community claimed Hunter’s laptop was tied in with Russian
propaganda efforts, but they knew that the contents of the laptop were true.
Even judges have been implicated. Finally, people are asking, _just how
corrupt is the system_?
The general consensus is usually that “deep state” is just a trendy phrase
conspiracy theorists throw around. But in actuality, _this_ is exactly what
deep state is. It’s when people who have so much power make stories virtually
disappear overnight — stories that should actually be everywhere. It’s what
gets you to stop talking about something that we should be talking about for
months and, instead, shifts your focus to something else entirely, just like
what happened with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
One such story that disappeared without a trace was the one involving all the
allegations that Barack Obama is gay — something I’ve known about him for
years. Tucker Carlson spoke on camera about these claims, and for most
people, this was all new information. They were shocked because there had
been a media concerted effort to bury those stories when Obama was running
for president of the United States. In his video, Tucker explains that a man
named Larry Sinclair came forward, signed an affidavit, took a lie detector
test (the results have been disputed), and professed to having smoked crack
and had sex with Obama. Yet no one reported on this. Why? Because the Obama
campaign said that anyone who does will be banned from access to the Obama
This was confirmed when a Secret Service agent who worked for Obama and his
family told me that when Obama was in office, part of the Secret Service’s
job was sneaking young men into the White House. Furthermore, it wasn’t a
secret that he was sleeping with these young men. The press never found out,
which happens occasionally. Sometimes, you can actually drop off crack
cocaine at the White House, and they don’t know who did it. When they need to
be, the government can be super hush hush, and the media will help bury those
facts. So the president of the United States was allegedly having illicit
affairs and the media covered it up. That is a big cover up.
Because of this, most people had never even heard of Larry Sinclair until
Carlson mentioned him. They had never heard about his testimony — and if they
did, it was dismissed. Sinclair was just problematized. It is true that
Sinclair has problems — financial, forgery, fraud, etc. — but he was crystal
clear in his testimony at the National Press Club news conference in
Washington on June 18, 2008, that he engaged in a homosexual affair with
Obama in Chicago. At this conference, exactly four minutes in, Sinclair give
a detailed recount of his “Obama incident”, the affair with Obama.
It is a remarkably detailed account, and it seems like the journalists in the
room at that news conference would have fact checked those details. They
could have easily asked for credit card receipts, questioned then-Senator
Obama where he was on that evening, and asked him to counter the claims. Of
course, this video was buried, just like the letter Obama’s ex-girlfriend
came forward with, which detailed the gay fantasies he had about men while
also proclaiming he would be publicly heterosexual. This is not a real secret
because it has never been a real secret. Yet it has been kept from the
general public.
To be clear, it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life if Obama is a
flaming homo. But as a country, we should ask the question: Why did the media
cover this up? They did not cover it up because they were concerned America
wouldn’t vote for a gay man in 2008. The real reason they covered it is that
the media is controlled by the CIA. The CIA has placed agents all within the
media to control the way we think, and that has been going on for decades —
since JFK was assassinated. That is when they put Operation Mockingbird into
Perhaps the CIA thought they needed journalists to repeat what they wanted
them to say following JFK’s death. But the bigger reason why they latch onto
complicated characters like Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack Obama is because
they know their dirt. They know that Obama likes crack and young men, and
having that kind of information gives them _control_. So they find someone
who presents well enough, gives them a division of power, and installs a
puppet presidency. Obama is going to do exactly what they want — because of
what they have on him. Look at what they know.
This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s common sense. Obviously.
Let's go Brandon!
Given the effort made by the media and the left to legitimize the LGBT
community, why would they want to "cover up" any possible gay affairs by
For the same reason Hollywood and the media ignore the Muslims tossing homosexuals off the roofs of
buildings and basically do not allow women's rights.
We don't govern in those countries.
Post by pothead
If you look at how the media pushes the LGBT narrative wouldn't be the ultimate in support to have
the first black POTUS to "legitimize" LGBT rights?
But, since that isn't true, the MSM hasn't published it. Oddly, the right apparently has.

"Instead of building a wall or sending CBP agents to the border, why
doesn't the GOP send thoughts and prayers? It works so well for Mass
Shootings it should easily solve the border issue." - unknown

Dead Nazi Series: Goering - https://tinyurl.com/5dksebj5

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

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