We Absolutely Demand Porta Potties And Dumpsters For All Homeless As A Human Right!
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Intelligent Party
2023-09-03 12:03:48 UTC
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!

San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!

"Homeless People Are Without Toilets and Going in the Streets. We Asked the Mayor
of LA Why"

“We simultaneously have to clean up streets, clean up this crap, and build
housing,” Garcetti said. “And if I had the money to do all three, we wouldn’t be
in this place.”

You mean build housing vs. have dumpsters and porta potties? The mayor has no
point here, but makes it sound like he does!

The homeless have nothing to do all day, maybe they'd throw the trash piles in the
dumpsters themselves if the government provided them!

"Garcetti said he might put money in his upcoming city budget for more toilets for
the homeless, but wouldn't say how much."


and why does this go on for centuries?
Charlie Glock
2023-09-03 14:29:56 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!
San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!
"Homeless People Are Without Toilets and Going in the Streets. We Asked the Mayor
of LA Why"
“We simultaneously have to clean up streets, clean up this crap, and build
housing,” Garcetti said. “And if I had the money to do all three, we wouldn’t be
in this place.”
You mean build housing vs. have dumpsters and porta potties? The mayor has no
point here, but makes it sound like he does!
The homeless have nothing to do all day, maybe they'd throw the trash piles in the
dumpsters themselves if the government provided them!
"Garcetti said he might put money in his upcoming city budget for more toilets for
the homeless, but wouldn't say how much."
and why does this go on for centuries?
In NYC the stench from pot, urine, feces, unwashed bodies and rotting garbage strewn on the
sidewalks is almost unbearable. Especially on a hot day.

Even the tennis pros at the US Open are complaining about the stench from pot albeit it's from the
fans not the homeless.
Since many of them are staying in swanky Manhattan hotels they are getting to smell it there as
well !


Welcome to yet another democrat run city that is being destroyed by the liberals.
Charlie Glock
"To conquer a nation, first disarm it's citizens"
-- Adolf Hitler
Brian De Pina
2023-09-03 19:12:56 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
All levels of government are culpable and responsible!
San Diego had free trash pickup for homeowners for many years!
They gave Trump a free porta-pottie and all he did with it was shit in it and
fill it with confidential documents.
