Republicans Deny Trump Ever Said Haitians Were Eating Pets, 67.5 Million Viewers Disagree.
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Peter White
2024-09-16 21:22:11 UTC
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's

Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'
The former president was referring to rumors that have spread on social
media for days claiming that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are abducting and
eating pets.


Former President Donald Trump, during Tuesday’s presidential debate,
repeated a baseless and sensationalist claim about Haitian immigrants in
Ohio eating dogs and other pets.

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the
cats," Trump said during an answer to a question about immigration.
"They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is
what's happening in our country, and it's a shame."

Trump's answer was among the most extraordinary of the first 30 minutes
of the debate: a former U.S. president spreading an internet rumor — one
labeled by some of his critics as racist — in front of an audience of
millions of Americans. The comment illustrated the rapid spread of
misinformation in today's media ecosystem.

David Muir, the ABC News anchor co-moderating the debate, immediately
fact-checked Trump's claims, saying that the city manager in Springfield,
Ohio, told the network there had been no credible reports of pets being
harmed, injured or abused by people in the city's immigrant community.
Ohio community becomes flashpoint in immigration debate

Baseless rumors have spread on social media for days claiming that
Haitian immigrants in Ohio are abducting and eating pets. Most of the
rumors involve Springfield, which has a large number of Haitian
immigrants, but police there released a statement Monday knocking down
the stories and saying they hadn’t seen any documented examples.

“There have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being
harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community,”
the police said in a statement.

Republicans including Ohio Sen. JD Vance, the Republican vice
presidential nominee, have pointed to the claims as evidence that
immigrants are causing chaos. Vance, though, hedged in a statement on X
earlier Tuesday, saying, “It’s possible, of course, that all of these
rumors will turn out to be false.”

The claims about pets were based in part on vague social media posts,
including one fourth-hand story posted in a Facebook group devoted to
local crime, as well as statements at public meetings, where residents
spoke about violence against animals without providing evidence.

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue repeated Tuesday that the city had no
documented cases of immigrants eating pets.

“Rumors like these are taking away from the real issues such as housing
concerns, resources needed for our schools and our overwhelmed health
care system,” he said at a meeting of the city commission.

Rue said that one alleged case of someone attacking a cat — falsely
attributed to a Haitian immigrant in Springfield — actually occurred 160
miles away in Canton, Ohio. And the defendant there charged with animal
cruelty has no known connection to Haiti, according to The Canton
Repository newspaper.

The topic of immigration took center stage at Tuesday’s city commission
meeting in Springfield. At the meeting, resident Nathan Clark, whose 11-
year-old son was killed last year when a minivan driven by a Haitian
immigrant struck his school bus, denounced Republican politicians who he
said were using his deceased son Aiden as “a political tool” to fuel
anti-immigrant hatred.

Immigration is a potent subject in the presidential face. In an NBC News
poll in April, 22% of voters put immigration and the border as the most
important issue facing the country, second only to inflation and the cost
of living at 23%.

John Kirby, the White House’s national security spokesperson, denounced
the claims about Haitians in Ohio as a dangerous conspiracy theory that
could inspire anti-immigrant violence.

“There will be people that believe it no matter how ludicrous and stupid
it is, and they might act on that kind of information and act on it in a
way where somebody could get hurt,” Kirby told reporters Tuesday.

Trump's comments about pets was one of a variety of claims and
allegations that drew from rumors and conspiracy theories.

In an exchange about immigration, Trump referenced false rumors about a
Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado —
claims that have been debunked by local officials while spreading widely
on right-wing media channels.

Then, in a series of statements before the second commercial break, Trump
alluded to conspiracy theories about the influence of foreign money on
the Biden administration.

“You know, Biden doesn’t go after people because, supposedly, China paid
millions of dollars,” he said. “He’s afraid to do it — between him and
his son, they get all this money from Ukraine. They get all this money
from all of these different countries. And then you wonder why is he so
loyal to this one, that one, Ukraine, China? Why did he get $3.5 million
from the mayor of Moscow’s wife? Why did she pay him $3.5 million? This
is a crooked administration, and they’re selling our country down the

But none of those claims appear to be grounded in fact. The most concrete
point appears to be a debunked claim that Hunter Biden received $3.5
million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. The claim was
included in a Republican report but without any evidence.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-16 22:27:52 UTC
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican
He contributed and acted Dem, you lying snake-eyed weasel.


After the FBI identified the gunman who shot at former President Donald
Trump as Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, CBS News
and other outlets reviewed public records that verified that he was a
registered Republican who had previously donated $15 to a Democratic
organization via ActBlue.

Crooks made the donation on Jan. 20, 2021, the same day President Biden
was inaugurated. At that point he would have been 17 years old. He was
not eligible to register as a Republican or vote in the 2020 election at
the time.

Progressive Turnout Project, the organization Crooks donated to, racks
up millions in small-dollar donations, but The Washington Post reported
in 2019 on criticism of the group for its aggressive and at times
misleading fundraising tactics. The group's executive director
acknowledged that the fundraising emails can be "provocative or
alarming" but defended the approach to The Post because "we are in a
frightening time in our country."
2024-09-16 22:37:51 UTC
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants ------
David Muir, the ABC News anchor co-moderating the debate, immediately
fact-checked Trump's claims, saying that the city manager in Springfield,
Ohio, told the network there had been no credible reports of pets being
harmed, injured or abused by people in the city's immigrant community.
Yet they totally allow their favorite, Kamala Harris, to lie without
any "fact-checking".

ABC News has been widely criticized for the bias of the two moderators
Linsey Davis and David Muir. Even liberal outlets acknowledged that the
two journalists seemed inclined to “fact check” only Trump. In the
meantime, they allowed clearly false statements from Harris go unchallenged.

Three of the unchecked claims are being widely disseminated by
supporters, including some in the media. Here are three legal “facts”
that are being repeated despite being clearly untrue.

“Crime is down under the Biden-Harris administration.“

One of the most notable slap downs by ABC followed Trump commenting that
crime rates have drastically risen during the Biden-Harris
administration. Muir immediately balked and declared: “As you know, the
FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”

Harris and her allies have been repeating the claim by ABC. But the
actual statistics show that Trump was right. The Justice Department’s
released survey found that, under the Biden administration, there has
been a significant increase in crime. Violent crime was up 37 percent
from 2020 to 2023, rape is up 42 percent, robbery is up 63 percent and
stranger violence is up 61 percent. Other reports had shown startling
increases such as a doubling of carjackings in D.C. in 2023.

“Harris has not supported transgender operations for undocumented migrants.”

Some of the greatest mocking in the media concerned Trump’s statement
that Harris has supported transgender conversion treatment for
undocumented persons. New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser immediately
wrote “What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of
course, exactly Harris’s point.”

On CNN, Wolf Blitzer declared how “outlandish” it was for Trump to make
such a claim.

But it’s true.

In 2019, Harris told the ACLU that she not only supported such
operations but actively worked for at least one such procedure to take
place. When it was reported by Andrew Kaczynski on CNN, host Erin
Burnett was gobsmacked by the notion of taxpayer-funded gender
transition surgeries for detained migrants. “She actually supported
that?” Burnett exclaimed.

Even the New York Times later admitted that the “wildest sounding attack
line” from Trump was “basically true.”

Harris does not support the right to abortion in the final three months
of a pregnancy.

Trump also hit Harris on her no-limits position on abortion rights,
allowing women the right to abort a baby up to the moment of birth.
Trump said Harris supports laws allowing abortions in “the seventh
month, the eighth month, [and] the ninth month,” to which Harris
retorted: “C’mon,” “no,” and “that’s not true,”

The hosts again said that Trump was making up his criticism of late-term
abortions, including the risk of babies being born but allowed to die.

But in fact, many states, including Minnesota under Gov. Tim Walz (D),
protect the right of a woman to abort a baby into the ninth month. While
it is often said that this is left to the mother and her doctor, the law
gives the decision to the mother.

Late-term abortions are relatively rare, but they do occur. A Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention report estimated in 2019 that about
4,882 abortions were performed that year at least 21 weeks or later into

More than a dozen states, in fact, allow on-demand abortions after a
baby is viable and can even survive outside of the womb. Nine of those
states permit abortions throughout the entirety of pregnancy. Harris has
supported these state laws and certainly did not answer the question on
what limits she would support, other than saying that she supports Roe
v. Wade.

To be sure, Trump did not help himself with his wilder claims. These
included debunked accounts of Haitian migrants eating people’s pets in
Ohio, which Ohio’s Republican governor, Mike Dewine, has denied.

The issue is not fact-checking, but the failure to do so equally and
accurately. ABC actually disseminated false information under the mantle
of fact-checking, and that’s a real problem.

Moderator Linsey Davis admitted later that ABC did not want a repeat of
what had happened in the last debate, wherein Trump was given free rein
and the moderators limited themselves to asking questions and enforcing
time limits. CNN was praised in that debate across the political
spectrum for being even-handed.

What is most striking about this election is that none of this seems to
matter. Indeed, even the debate did not matter. While Trump can
legitimately object to a three-against-one debate format, Harris’s
victory was clear not dependent on bad calls by the refs. However, there
has been little overall movement in the polls, even though 67 million
people were watching.

The era of post-truth politics is evident in Harris repeating false
claims about Trump’s support for “Project 2025” and debunked claims
regarding his comments about an extreme-right Charlottesville rally in
2017. Leading Democrats continue to make these false claims, in some
cases despite knowing that they are false.

On the other side, Trump is making promises he has to know can never be
fulfilled. For example, he has pledged to make flag-burning a federal
crime with a penalty of two years’ incarceration. The Supreme Court,
including conservatives like the late Justice Antonin Scalia, has ruled
that flag burning is protected speech under the First Amendment. Neither
a president nor Congress can change the meaning of the Constitution
without amending it.

With the help of the media, we have reduced our election to a political
Slurpee. It’s all sugar rush and no nutritional value. We now have
pundits supporting the idea of no further debates and even arguing that
Harris shouldn’t give any interviews because it’s too risky.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) explained that Harris should avoid
one-on-one media interviews because “sometimes, you drill down into a
question until there’s a word that’s uttered that can be used in a
negative way.” I suppose, as president, she will need to insist on
meeting foreign leaders only in CNN town hall events.

If you do not say anything, there are no facts to check. The election
then becomes a vote over whether you are for or against “joy.”

What is clear from the ABC debate is that citizens are on their own in
the election to find actual facts and substance in the super-sized
Slurpee of the 2024 election.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at
George Washington University. He is the author of “The Indispensable
Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage” (Simon & Schuster).

Tags Daniel Patrick Moynihan Erin Burnett Kamala Harris Linsey Davis
Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-16 22:38:28 UTC
Post by a425couple
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants ------
David Muir, the ABC News anchor co-moderating the debate, immediately
fact-checked Trump's claims, saying that the city manager in Springfield,
Ohio, told the network there had been no credible reports of pets being
harmed, injured or abused by people in the city's immigrant community.
Yet they totally allow their favorite, Kamala Harris, to lie without
any "fact-checking".
ABC News has been widely criticized for the bias of the two moderators
Linsey Davis and David Muir. Even liberal outlets acknowledged that the
two journalists seemed inclined to “fact check” only Trump. In the
meantime, they allowed clearly false statements from Harris go
Three of the unchecked claims are being widely disseminated by
supporters, including some in the media. Here are three legal “facts”
that are being repeated despite being clearly untrue.
“Crime is down under the Biden-Harris administration.“
One of the most notable slap downs by ABC followed Trump commenting that
crime rates have drastically risen during the Biden-Harris
administration. Muir immediately balked and declared: “As you know, the
FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”
Harris and her allies have been repeating the claim by ABC. But the
actual statistics show that Trump was right. The Justice Department’s
released survey found that, under the Biden administration, there has
been a significant increase in crime. Violent crime was up 37 percent
from 2020 to 2023, rape is up 42 percent, robbery is up 63 percent and
stranger violence is up 61 percent. Other reports had shown startling
increases such as a doubling of carjackings in D.C. in 2023.
“Harris has not supported transgender operations for undocumented migrants.”
Some of the greatest mocking in the media concerned Trump’s statement
that Harris has supported transgender conversion treatment for
undocumented persons. New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser immediately
wrote “What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of
course, exactly Harris’s point.”
On CNN, Wolf Blitzer declared how “outlandish” it was for Trump to make
such a claim.
But it’s true.
In 2019, Harris told the ACLU that she not only supported such
operations but actively worked for at least one such procedure to take
place. When it was reported by Andrew Kaczynski on CNN, host Erin
Burnett was gobsmacked by the notion of taxpayer-funded gender
transition surgeries for detained migrants. “She actually supported
that?” Burnett exclaimed.
Even the New York Times later admitted that the “wildest sounding attack
line” from Trump was “basically true.”
Harris does not support the right to abortion in the final three months
of a pregnancy.
Trump also hit Harris on her no-limits position on abortion rights,
allowing women the right to abort a baby up to the moment of birth.
Trump said Harris supports laws allowing abortions in “the seventh
month, the eighth month, [and] the ninth month,” to which Harris
retorted: “C’mon,” “no,” and “that’s not true,”
The hosts again said that Trump was making up his criticism of late-term
abortions, including the risk of babies being born but allowed to die.
But in fact, many states, including Minnesota under Gov. Tim Walz (D),
protect the right of a woman to abort a baby into the ninth month. While
it is often said that this is left to the mother and her doctor, the law
gives the decision to the mother.
Late-term abortions are relatively rare, but they do occur. A Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention report estimated in 2019 that about
4,882 abortions were performed that year at least 21 weeks or later into
More than a dozen states, in fact, allow on-demand abortions after a
baby is viable and can even survive outside of the womb. Nine of those
states permit abortions throughout the entirety of pregnancy. Harris has
supported these state laws and certainly did not answer the question on
what limits she would support, other than saying that she supports Roe
v. Wade.
To be sure, Trump did not help himself with his wilder claims. These
included debunked accounts of Haitian migrants eating people’s pets in
Ohio, which Ohio’s Republican governor, Mike Dewine, has denied.
The issue is not fact-checking, but the failure to do so equally and
accurately. ABC actually disseminated false information under the mantle
of fact-checking, and that’s a real problem.
Moderator Linsey Davis admitted later that ABC did not want a repeat of
what had happened in the last debate, wherein Trump was given free rein
and the moderators limited themselves to asking questions and enforcing
time limits. CNN was praised in that debate across the political
spectrum for being even-handed.
What is most striking about this election is that none of this seems to
matter. Indeed, even the debate did not matter. While Trump can
legitimately object to a three-against-one debate format, Harris’s
victory was clear not dependent on bad calls by the refs. However, there
has been little overall movement in the polls, even though 67 million
people were watching.
The era of post-truth politics is evident in Harris repeating false
claims about Trump’s support for “Project 2025” and debunked claims
regarding his comments about an extreme-right Charlottesville rally in
2017. Leading Democrats continue to make these false claims, in some
cases despite knowing that they are false.
On the other side, Trump is making promises he has to know can never be
fulfilled. For example, he has pledged to make flag-burning a federal
crime with a penalty of two years’ incarceration. The Supreme Court,
including conservatives like the late Justice Antonin Scalia, has ruled
that flag burning is protected speech under the First Amendment. Neither
a president nor Congress can change the meaning of the Constitution
without amending it.
With the help of the media, we have reduced our election to a political
Slurpee. It’s all sugar rush and no nutritional value. We now have
pundits supporting the idea of no further debates and even arguing that
Harris shouldn’t give any interviews because it’s too risky.
Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) explained that Harris should avoid
one-on-one media interviews because “sometimes, you drill down into a
question until there’s a word that’s uttered that can be used in a
negative way.” I suppose, as president, she will need to insist on
meeting foreign leaders only in CNN town hall events.
If you do not say anything, there are no facts to check. The election
then becomes a vote over whether you are for or against “joy.”
What is clear from the ABC debate is that citizens are on their own in
the election to find actual facts and substance in the super-sized
Slurpee of the 2024 election.
Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at
George Washington University. He is the author of “The Indispensable
Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage” (Simon & Schuster).
Tags Daniel Patrick Moynihan Erin Burnett Kamala Harris Linsey Davis
Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Al Burt Boarla
2024-09-17 10:59:25 UTC
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's
Means nothing. The Republican Party has become infected with Democrats.
2024-09-17 14:54:11 UTC
Post by Al Burt Boarla
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's
Means nothing. The Republican Party has become infected with Democrats.
You haven't the balls to admit the truth.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 14:56:41 UTC
Post by Baxter
You haven't the balls to admit the truth.


Reports of shoplifting and vehicle theft increased considerably in
Springfield, Ohio, following the arrival of thousands of Haitian
refugees, according to data obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation
through a records request.

The town, which had a population of 58,622 in 2020, has taken in between
12,000 and 20,000 Haitian refugees over the past three years, marking a
population increase of between 20.4% and 34.1%. From 2021 to 2023,
Springfield also saw a 51.5% jump in motor vehicle theft reports and a
112.8% spike in reports of shoplifting, data provided by the Springfield
Police Division shows.

Springfield residents previously told the DCNF that the influx of
Haitians has resulted in an uptick in car accidents, increased housing
prices and strained public services. Bryan Heck, Springfield’s city
manager, sent a letter to Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, Republican
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance and Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott in
July requesting federal assistance to deal with the pressure migrants
had placed on the housing supply.

Inhabitants of the town also told the DCNF that they had observed
Haitians engaging in sex acts and other vices in public.
2024-09-17 17:55:31 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Post by Baxter
You haven't the balls to admit the truth.
Lie site
Overall, we rate the Daily Caller as strongly right-biased based on story
selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual
reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a
source that needs to be fact-checked on a per-article basis.


And the Springfield Sheriff says otherwise

citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:31:37 UTC
Post by Baxter
Lie site

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
2024-09-17 18:07:11 UTC
Post by Baxter
You haven't the balls to admit the truth.
You squat to piss, you have no balls

"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:33:51 UTC
Post by Baxter
squat to piss

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
Helvetica Depot
2024-09-17 18:37:31 UTC

1. Shalom Auslander
Most Americans may not have heard of novelist Shalom Auslander, 54, but
in 2016 he penned an op-ed in The Washington Post claiming that
comparing Trump to Hitler “belittles Hitler.”

Auslander first claimed that Hitler had evil plans, while Trump is “just
a con man,” but then the novelist suggested that Americans today are
“like Hitler’s willing executioners.”

“Will we look the other way, say we didn’t know, stand silently by while
millions of our neighbors are rounded up, while women who get abortions
are ‘punished,’ while immigrants are given ‘ideology tests’ and our
leader heaps praise on oppressive tyrants?” he wrote.

The writer didn’t suggest that Trump would round up Jews and send them
to concentration camps, but he did suggest Trump would “round up”
Americans’ “neighbors” in a similarly ominous way.

2. Linda Ronstadt
Rock and country singer Linda Ronstadt, then 73, explicitly compared
Trump to Hitler in July 2019.

Ronstadt, who is of Mexican descent, recalled that when Trump first
announced his candidacy for president, she predicted, “It’s going to be
like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews.”

“And sure enough, that’s what he delivered,” she said. “It’s exactly the

3. Joe Scarborough
Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” repeated the line that
Trump posed an existential threat to America’s representative form of

Scarborough said last November that Trump “is running to end American
democracy as we know it.”

“He will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison,
execute, drive from the country,” the MSNBC host said of Trump, whom he
called an “authoritarian.”

4. Robert Kagan
Also last November, political scientist Robert Kagan argued in The
Washington Post that if Trump wins the 2024 presidential election the
odds are “pretty good” that his presidency will “turn into a dictatorship.”

Kagan warned that the “Trump administration will have many avenues to
persecute its enemies, real and perceived.” He suggested that, if
elected again, Trump would prevent free and fair elections in 2026.

5. Rachel Maddow
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow compared Trump to both Hitler and Italian
dictator Benito Mussolini.

Last December, Maddow said Trump “keeps saying the kinds of things, the
exact kind of things, that Hitler and Mussolini said.”

“There’s a reason Hitler and Mussolini said this stuff, too. It worked
then, it works now,” she added. “It has worked abroad all over the world
and yes, it has worked here, too. More than we like to remember.”

6. Will Stancil
Will Stancil, then a candidate for the Minnesota House of
Representatives for District 61A, posted a suspicious question on the
social media site X.

“So is there any reason [Joe] Biden couldn’t just drone strike Trump and
end this,” Stancil, who currently has more than 89,000 followers, wrote
in January. He then deleted the post.

This post arguably fits with an extremely negative view of those whom
Stancil considers Trump’s supporters.

Stancil’s campaign platform stated that the candidate is “committed to
listening to voices across the political spectrum—with a key exception.”

“For over a century, far-right extremists have not been motivated by
sincere ideological belief but an inner desire to commit violence,
dominate the weak, bully the unpopular, and mock the unusual,” his
platform read. “Their policy commitments are typically insincere or even
nonexistent; their motive force is the pleasure they take in causing pain.”

7. Keith Olbermann
In March, Trump said that the “hostile press” treats him worse than
Abraham Lincoln. The Biden-Harris reelection campaign posted Trump’s
clip, noting: “Trump says he has been treated worse than Abraham
Lincoln, who was assassinated.”

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann reposted the Biden-Harris campaign
video, saying, “There’s always the hope.”

Olbermann deleted the tweet and clarified that he hoped Trump gets
treated badly, although his original post could be interpreted to mean
that he hoped Trump got assassinated.

“I’m hoping Trump’s right, that he IS treated worse than Lincoln,”
Olbermann said. “As I’ve said for 9 years: THAT HE’S CONVICTED, THEN

8. Robert De Niro
In May, actor Robert De Niro echoed Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address by
warning that “under Trump,” America’s current “kind of government will
perish from the Earth.”

“If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms
goodbye that we all take for granted,” the actor declared in a speech
outside the building where Trump’s controversial trial for falsifying
business records was taking place.

“And elections, forget about it. That’s over,” De Niro told reporters.
“That’s done. If he gets in, I can tell. you right now, he will never
leave. He will never leave. You know that.”

The month after the first Trump assassination attempt, on July 13, saw
more extreme rhetoric.

9. Jacqueline Marsaw
A former congressional aide for Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., posted on
Facebook that a potential Trump assassin should try not to miss “next time.”

“I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so
you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking,” Jacqueline
Marsaw wrote in the post.

Thompson said he fired Marsaw. His office didn’t respond to The Daily
Signal’s request to connect with Marsaw for comment after the second
assassination attempt.

10. Randi Weingarten
At the opening of the American Federation of Teachers convention in
mid-July, AFT President Randi Weingarten condemned Trump as an
“existential threat to democracy.”

Weingarten, head of the nation’s second-largest teachers union, spoke
more than a week after the assassination attempt on the former president
in Pennsylvania.

11. Billie Joe Armstrong
Billie Joe Armstrong, the 52-year-old lead singer of the rock band Green
Day, lifted a Trump mask that many critics described as a “decapitated
head” during a concert in Washington, D.C.

The mask had the word “idiot” scrawled on it.

12. Steven ‘Destiny’ Bonnell
Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, a 35-year-old influencer who goes by the name
“Destiny” and gained a large audience by livestreaming video games on
YouTube, said he did not have “much sympathy” for Trump supporters after
the first assassination attempt.

“I don’t think I have much sympathy about the attempt enough to chastise
people celebrating it,” he said.

Bonnell stood by this statement after English journalist Piers Morgan
pressed him on it.

In a livestream video, Bonnell also stated: “I’m ready for the f**king
great cleansing” when “we genocide conservatives in this country.”
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 15:19:56 UTC
Post by Baxter
admit the truth.
Why sure:


The Biden-Harris administration awarded Haitians Temporary Protected
Status for the first time in 2021 and later extended that designation
until 2026, protecting them from deportation and allowing them to work
legally. The number of people on government benefits also increased
considerably as Haitians moved into Springfield, Reuters reported.

As of April, the Biden-Harris administration had flown over 400,000
migrants into the United States, 154,000 of whom originated in Haiti.
The administration halted the flight program after an internal report
uncovered rampant fraud but has since allowed it to resume.

“We’re tired — help,” one Springfield resident told the DCNF when asked
what message he wanted to send to the country. “Send help. Help us fix
2024-09-17 18:04:33 UTC
Post by Baxter
admit the truth.
<lies snipped>

"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:33:02 UTC
Post by Baxter
<lies snipped>

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 15:07:58 UTC
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's
Means nothing.  The Republican Party has become infected with Democrats.
Ergo - RINOs.
2024-09-17 18:06:28 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's
Means nothing.  The Republican Party has become infected with
Ergo - RINOs.
Real republicans and not you conservaturd extremists

"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:33:38 UTC
Post by Baxter
you conservaturd extremists

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:39:35 UTC

Springfield, Ohio resident Mark Sanders detailed Thursday how the influx
of tens of thousands of migrants has left a devastating impact on his
community's small population.

Sanders told Fox News host Jesse Waters that about 30,000 Haitians have
come to Springfield over the past two years, leading to a housing, jobs
and healthcare crisis for the city's 60,000 residents.

A big problem, he says, is the impact on the roads and driving: "Our
roads are like it's like ‘Escape from New York’… You don't know if
you're going to get from point A to point B without getting run over,"
he said, referring to the 1981 movie.

"Life-long residents have been moved out of their homes that they've
rented for decades. People who own their homes have accepted very high
offers and then they've been turned into basically dormitories by
landlords, both American and Haitian. There's a lot of greed on both
sides of the fence," Sanders said on "Jesse Waters Primetime."

"We have a temp service. A temporary staffing service, that actually is
probably employing about 95% of those that have arrived here that are
working. Many aren't. Not everybody's working. And people will say that
not everybody is. But the staffing service owns 63 homes. Those homes
are used as dormitories. They shuttle the workers to and from their
jobs. And, you know, they go. He takes a portion of their check, charges
them for transportation charges and for lodging," he continued.


Residents say auto wrecks have also spiked since migrants arrived.

Last year in Springfield, dozens were injured and a boy was killed after
a Haitian migrant without a valid driver's license swerved and caused a
school bus to crash.

Sanders says Springfield residents aren't "anti-immigrant;" they just
want the town to feel safe again and for its residents to have the
resources they need.

"Nothing can be further from the truth," Sanders said. "What we are is a
city that only wants our safety, security and sovereignty back."

"When you have, obviously the incident that occurred a year ago, we've
had total upheaval because of that. Our food pantries, they get
stripped. Our clinic, which is [called] Rocking Horse, is a federally
funded clinic in town. Their budget was decimated. In Haitian, clinic
means hospital. Our emergency rooms are overrun," he continued.

"Of course nobody's being compensated unless they've actually checked in
with the Health department and qualified for the Medicaid," he said.
"Our roads are like it's like ‘Escape from New York’ and everybody feels
like Snake Plissken. You don't know if you're going to get from point A
to point B without getting run over, run into or have a SUV flip over in
front of you. And again, the bad driving is multinational. I don't want
to sound like it's only one group that's doing it, but I think that
they're the most that's happening. I mean, they have between four and
six wrecks a day and probably over 50% of those are people without
licenses, without insurance and have no English skills."
2024-09-17 20:19:58 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Springfield residents flood Haitian restaurant with support to 'conquer
with love'

“We know Springfield is full of love. "[It] does not have the hate that is
being told to the rest of the country…"

"we came here to work" "We work very hard."

citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 21:06:35 UTC
Post by Baxter
"we came here to work" "We work very hard."

Springfield, Ohio resident Mark Sanders detailed Thursday how the influx
of tens of thousands of migrants has left a devastating impact on his
community's small population.

Sanders told Fox News host Jesse Waters that about 30,000 Haitians have
come to Springfield over the past two years, leading to a housing, jobs
and healthcare crisis for the city's 60,000 residents.

A big problem, he says, is the impact on the roads and driving: "Our
roads are like it's like ‘Escape from New York’… You don't know if
you're going to get from point A to point B without getting run over,"
he said, referring to the 1981 movie.

"Life-long residents have been moved out of their homes that they've
rented for decades. People who own their homes have accepted very high
offers and then they've been turned into basically dormitories by
landlords, both American and Haitian. There's a lot of greed on both
sides of the fence," Sanders said on "Jesse Waters Primetime."

"We have a temp service. A temporary staffing service, that actually is
probably employing about 95% of those that have arrived here that are
working. Many aren't. Not everybody's working. And people will say that
not everybody is. But the staffing service owns 63 homes. Those homes
are used as dormitories. They shuttle the workers to and from their
jobs. And, you know, they go. He takes a portion of their check, charges
them for transportation charges and for lodging," he continued.


Residents say auto wrecks have also spiked since migrants arrived.

Last year in Springfield, dozens were injured and a boy was killed after
a Haitian migrant without a valid driver's license swerved and caused a
school bus to crash.

Sanders says Springfield residents aren't "anti-immigrant;" they just
want the town to feel safe again and for its residents to have the
resources they need.

"Nothing can be further from the truth," Sanders said. "What we are is a
city that only wants our safety, security and sovereignty back."

"When you have, obviously the incident that occurred a year ago, we've
had total upheaval because of that. Our food pantries, they get
stripped. Our clinic, which is [called] Rocking Horse, is a federally
funded clinic in town. Their budget was decimated. In Haitian, clinic
means hospital. Our emergency rooms are overrun," he continued.

"Of course nobody's being compensated unless they've actually checked in
with the Health department and qualified for the Medicaid," he said.
"Our roads are like it's like ‘Escape from New York’ and everybody feels
like Snake Plissken. You don't know if you're going to get from point A
to point B without getting run over, run into or have a SUV flip over in
front of you. And again, the bad driving is multinational. I don't want
to sound like it's only one group that's doing it, but I think that
they're the most that's happening. I mean, they have between four and
six wrecks a day and probably over 50% of those are people without
licenses, without insurance and have no English skills."
2024-09-18 03:05:58 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Post by Baxter
"we came here to work" "We work very hard."
In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD
Vance, said he was willing “to create stories” on the campaign trail while
defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and
eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.

citizen winston smith
2024-09-18 14:00:21 UTC
Post by Baxter
In a stunning admission,

Springfield Resident Alleges Cat Stolen and ‘Chopped Up’ by Haitian
Neighbor in Disturbing Incident Reported to Police

A local resident in Springfield, Ohio alleged that her cat had been
stolen and mutilated by her Haitian neighbors, according to the police
report obtained by Oversight Project.

The report, filed on August 28, claims that the woman suspected her
neighbors of taking and dismembering her pet, with the remains allegedly
being left in their backyard.

According to the call detail report, Anna, the complainant, claimed her
cat had gone missing on August 24 and that she discovered suspicious
“meat” in her neighbor’s backyard, suspecting it was from her beloved pet.

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the
rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

Tyler, whose YouTube channel has 6.7 million subscribers spent time in
Springfield speaking with locals about the Haitian community, and asking
them if they know of any Haitians eating dogs or cats.

The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the
Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street
used to have 50 cats and “now she’s lucky if she has five.”

Despite the orchestrated efforts to brush this story under the rug,
evidence is mounting that the practice of consuming pets among Haitian
migrants is not some far-fetched, xenophobic fantasy. In fact, it’s a
reality that even a Haitian publication, Haitian Report, has confirmed.

The Haitian Report itself acknowledges the tradition of eating cat meat
in Haiti. Contrary to the liberal media’s narrative, this is not some
wild conspiracy theory.
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:44:16 UTC

In Pennsylvania, at least 628,234 noncitizens had a state driver’s
license or a non-driver’s license photo identification, according to a
Right-to-Know request response obtained by Heather Honey, executive
director of the Election Research Institute and co-founder of Verity Vote.

Now an investigation has been announced to look at how the state is
keeping illegal voters from registering in the process of getting a
driver’s license.

Audit Timing
Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy DeFoor, a Republican, sent a letter
Monday to PennDOT Secretary Michael Carroll and Neil Weaver, secretary
of the Governor’s Office of Administration, informing them that the
auditor’s office will be conducting a performance audit of the motor
voter registration process.

The audit will look at the automatic voter registration system covering
the period between Jan. 1 and June 30.

Specifically, it will look at the implementation of the program, its
compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, and how it
relates to the state election code. The audit will also “determine
whether PennDOT’s Motor Voter interface files sent to the Pennsylvania
Department of State properly excluded non-citizens.”

It is unlikely the audit’s results will influence the 2024 election.
DeFoor set a deadline of Oct. 4 for a meeting to be held between PennDOT
and the auditor. Draft notes and audit information are not made public.
PennDOT will have 120 business days to submit a response to the audit.
The election is less than 50 days away.

Language Barrier
When someone gets a driver’s license in Pennsylvania, he stands at a
computer screen and taps in a few answers. One screen shows the heading
“Applying for voter registration,” and it asks, “Are you a citizen of
the United States?”

The options are: Press one for yes; Press two for no.

Those who answer no are taken to the next screen with this title:
“Cancel your new or updated voter registration application.”

“You have selected the option to cancel your new or updated voter
application. Are you sure you want to cancel? Press one for yes; Press
two for no.”

Anyone who has filled out a government form knows it can be tricky.
Everyone wants to answer precisely.

Individuals with a language barrier could be confused. They don’t want
to cancel their driver’s license. Because they didn’t ask to sign up to
vote, but the computer is offering it, some may think they are eligible
to vote.

The Federalist asked PennDOT for a comment for this story, including
whether it intends to cooperate with the audit, and whether it believes
the audit will find any noncitizens are registered to vote, but received
no response.


After this story was published, PennDOT Press Secretary Alexis Campbell
responded with a lengthy email, insisting “Non-citizens do not get
registered to vote or do not encounter any opportunity to register to
vote when getting a driver’s license in Pennsylvania.” (In 2017,
however, then-Pennsylvania Secretary of State Robert Torres announced
that a “glitch” at PennDOT had allowed noncitizens to register to vote
for decades, and the state has tried to keep records showing the extent
of that problem hidden from watchdog groups since then.)

Campbell said “PennDOT does not process” voter applications but relies
on the customer’s county of residence for eligibility vetting,
registration, and application approval.

“Customers that are not US citizens are not presented with the voter
registration application screens,” said Campbell, before admitting that
“customers who are not screened out” are “presented with three different
screens in which they are asked about citizenship or informed of the
citizenship eligibility requirement. On these three screens, individuals
are asked, or must affirm,” that they are a citizen of the United
States, and that they will have been a citizen for at least one month
prior to the corresponding election under penalty of perjury.

“PennDOT plans to fully cooperate with the audit,” Campbell said.
Ed P
2024-09-18 02:44:34 UTC
Post by Baxter
Post by citizen winston smith
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's
Means nothing.  The Republican Party has become infected with Democrats.
Ergo - RINOs.
Real republicans and not you conservaturd extremists
"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
We all know that with only one post. why did you use four?
2024-09-17 08:30:43 UTC
Post by Peter White
Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican just like all of Trump's

5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *stuporous
0* -*- *catatonic
* |\ *comatose
* \ *clinical death
* \ *biological death
* _\/ *demonic apparition
* * *damned for all eternity
2024-09-17 15:57:00 UTC
Post by Peter White
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'

Here is photographic proof:
Loading Image...

Let's go Brandon!
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 16:48:51 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Peter White
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'
Let's go Brandon!

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.

Loading Image...


Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
2024-09-17 18:01:42 UTC
Post by Peter White
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'
"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-09-17 18:30:30 UTC
Post by Baxter
Post by Peter White
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'
"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
"Every accusation is a confession."
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:32:09 UTC
Post by Baxter
tRump's dick and licks

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
2024-09-19 08:30:41 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Post by Peter White
Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'
Still can't get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it's a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.
We are so cooked.
Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST
OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.
Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.
The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff's Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.
Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
 without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff's office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.
Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.
Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's asshole
Ad hominems noted.
Homophobia noted.

Get back to us when you have a real argbument to make.

When we cheat, we win!
DNC 2024

citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 17:20:52 UTC

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.
2024-09-17 18:01:12 UTC
Post by citizen winston smith
Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.
We are so cooked.
That wasn't springfield and he wasn't Hatian.

"citizen winston smith" sucks demented tRump's dick and licks liar tRump's
citizen winston smith
2024-09-17 18:31:51 UTC
Post by Baxter
That wasn't springfield

Still can’t get over this Haitian dude walking around with an entire
goose like it’s a freshly prepared bag of Chic-fil-a.

We are so cooked.



Updated: Nov 15, 2023 / 08:04 PM EST

OMAHA, Neb. (KCAU) — A man has been sentenced after authorities say he
shot and killed a bald eagle in northeast Nebraska with the intention to
eat it. Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for a second man
involved in the case.

Domingo Zetino Hernandez, 21, of Guatemala, appeared in federal court in
Omaha Tuesday and was sentenced to time served for violating the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in Nebraska. He has been in custody since March 20. He will also be
subject to removal proceedings with United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement. He pleaded guilty in August.

The case began on February 28 when authorities received a report of a
suspicious vehicle at the Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area in Stanton
County. The Stanton County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene and
made contact with Zetino Hernandez and another man, Ramiro Hernandez
Tziquin. The release stated that Zetino Hernandez admitted to shooting a
bird and that it was in the trunk of the vehicle.

Giraffes could go extinct – the 5 biggest threats they face
Authorities searched the trunk and found the carcass of a bald eagle.
Zetino Hernandez “admitted to taking and possessing the bald eagle
found… without being permitted to do so,” the release states. The
sheriff’s office at the time said that the two men were planning on
cooking and eating the bird. Authorities cited Zetino Hernandez and
Hernandez-Tziquin at the time. The bird carcass and rifle used to kill
the bird were taken by Nebraska Game and Parks.

Authorities are still looking for Hernandez-Tziquin. He and Zetino
Hernandez were living in Norfolk at the time. Hernandez-Tziquin is
believed to have fled the area and may be living with family or
associates in Nebraska, Texas, or elsewhere, the release explains.

Anyone with information about where Hernandez-Tziquin may be is asked to
contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by calling
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477) or visiting their website. A reward may
be available for information leading to an arrest.