Slut Harris Screws Her Secret Service Agents.
(too old to reply)
2022-05-27 03:59:29 UTC
She screws everything with a dick.
Skanks do that.
2022-06-03 18:16:33 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
(CNN)Pedro "Pete" Arredondo, the embattled Uvalde school police
chief who led the flawed law enforcement response to last week's
school shooting and has remained out of the public eye since,
spoke exclusively to CNN on Wednesday and declined to answer
substantive questions about the massacre.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS),
Arredondo has not responded to a request for a follow-up
interview with the Texas Rangers, who are investigating the
shooting at Robb Elementary.

Yet outside his home Wednesday, Arredondo told CNN's Aaron
Cooper, "I am in contact with DPS everyday."

And outside his office minutes later, he told CNN's Shimon
Prokupecz that he's not going to release any further information
while funerals are ongoing.

"We're going to be respectful to the family," he said. "We're
going to do that eventually. Whenever this is done and the
families quit grieving, then we'll do that obviously."

It's the first time Arredondo has commented since two brief
press statements on the day of the attack, in which he said the
gunman was dead but provided little information on the shooting,
citing the ongoing investigation. He took no questions at the
time and has not appeared in a public forum since.

Nineteen children and two teachers were killed in the attack
last Tuesday, and officials have so far failed to answer major
questions about why police took about 80 minutes to breach two
locked classroom doors and confront the gunman.

The school police chief was identified last week by DPS as the
commanding officer who decided not to force their way into the
rooms and instead to stand back and wait for reinforcements --
even as children inside repeatedly called 911 and begged police
for help.
A Customs and Border Protection tactical team ultimately entered
the rooms using a janitor's keys and fatally shot the suspect,
DPS said.

DPS Director Steven McCraw did not identify Arredondo by name,
but he said the chief made the "wrong decision" not to engage
with the gunman sooner. He said the commanding officer decided
to treat the situation like a barricaded suspect rather than an
active shooter.

Established law enforcement policy, created in the wake of the
Columbine school shooting of 1999, calls for police to stop the
gunman as fast as possible in an active shooter situation.

Arredondo has worked in law enforcement for nearly 30 years and
became chief of police of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent
School District (CISD) Police Department in March 2020.

In that role, he completed a school-based law enforcement active
shooter training course in December 2021, according to his
professional training file obtained by CNN. He also completed a
school-based law enforcement active shooter training course with
the Johnson County Sheriff's Office in August 2020.

Further, he completed an Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response
Training (ALERRT) program Terrorism Response Tactics course in
June 2019, according to the document. The ALERRT program is
designed to teach officers techniques to save lives after an
active shooting, such as how to apply tourniquets, according to
the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.

Arredondo sworn in to city council in secret ceremony
Arredondo was elected to the Uvalde city council earlier this
month, and a special city council meeting to swear him and
others in had been set to take place Tuesday.

However, Mayor Don McLaughlin said in a statement Monday that
the meeting "will not take place as scheduled," adding "our
focus on Tuesday is on our families who lost loved ones."

Instead, Arredondo was sworn in privately without advance notice
to the media. Although there was no formal ceremony, McLaughlin
said that members of the council came to City Hall "at their
convenience" during the day to be sworn in, adding that
Arredondo appeared in person to receive the oath and sign

"Out of respect for the families who buried their children
today, and who are planning to bury their children in the next
few days, no ceremony was held," McLaughlin said in a written

In his Monday statement, the mayor said Arredondo was "duly
elected" and that there is "nothing in the City Charter,
Election Code, or Texas Constitution that prohibits him from
taking the oath of office. To our knowledge, we are currently
not aware of any investigation of Mr. Arredondo."

In his short comments Wednesday, Arredondo said the swearing-in
was "a private thing" out of respect for the families, saying
the families are the focus right now.

CNN's Omar Jimenez, Andy Rose and Rebekah Riess contributed to
this report.

2022-06-08 09:48:48 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
The police chief responsible for the heavily-criticized law
enforcement response to the Uvalde, Texas school shooting
reportedly no-showed an emergency city council meeting Tuesday,
just days after being sworn in as a new member.

Uvalde City Council listed Pete Arredondo as among the
councilmembers on the meeting agenda, which was about "reissuing
the Mayor's Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to

But media who assembled in the room Tuesday are reporting that
Arredondo – the chief of police for the Uvalde Consolidated
Independent School District – never appeared.

One reporter cited Mayor Don McLaughlin as saying Arredondo
wasn’t invited to the meeting, while another said McLaughlin
revealed Tuesday that he hasn’t spoken to the police chief in
more than a week.

Arredondo was formally sworn in as a new city council member on
May 31.

"Uvalde City Council members were sworn in today as per the City
Charter. Out of respect for the families who buried their
children today, and who are planning to bury their children in
the next few days, no ceremony was held," McLaughlin said at the

Arredondo became the chief of police for the Uvalde school
district in 2020 and was elected to the city council in early

He assumed the role of incident commander when a gunman opened
fire at Robb Elementary School on May 24, killing 19 children
and two adults.

The suspect, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, was inside the school
for over an hour as 19 officers staged in a hallway, because
Arredondo thought "that there was no more threat to the children
and that the subject was barricaded and that they had time to
organize," Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven
McCraw has said.

2022-06-08 09:53:48 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
UVALDE, Texas (AP) — The school district police chief criticized
for waiting too long before ordering law enforcement to confront
and kill the gunman during a mass shooting at a Texas elementary
school did not appear at a City Council meeting in Uvalde on
Tuesday, despite being newly elected to the panel.

Mayor Don McLaughlin said he was unable to explain why the
district police Chief Pete Arredondo wasn’t at the brief
meeting. Two weeks ago, 19 students and two teachers were killed
at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. Law enforcement and state
officials have struggled to present an accurate timeline and
details, and have stopped releasing information about the police

McLaughlin told reporters at the meeting that he was frustrated
with the lack of information.

“We want facts and answers, just like everybody else,” the mayor

Steven McCraw, the head of the Texas Department of Public
Safety, has said Arredondo, who was in charge of the multi-
agency response on May 24, made the “wrong decision” to not
order officers to breach the classroom more quickly to confront
the gunman.

As the mayor spoke in Uvalde on Tuesday, lawmakers in Washington
heard testimony from the son of a woman who was killed in a
recent mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, as lawmakers work
toward a bipartisan agreement on gun safety measures. And at a
White House press briefing, actor Matthew McConaughey, a Uvalde
native, spoke with passion about his conversations with the
families of the children who were killed and the need for more
stringent gun control.

The gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, spent roughly 80 minutes
inside Robb Elementary, and more than an hour passed from when
the first officers followed him into the building and when he
was killed, according to an official timeline. In the meantime,
parents outside begged police to rush in and panicked children
called 911 from inside.

Arredondo has not responded to repeated interview requests and
questions from The Associated Press.

After the City Council meeting, Alfred Garza III, whose 10-year-
old daughter, Amerie Jo, was among the Uvalde students killed,
told reporters that he attended the meeting to see what else he
could learn about what happened that day.

“I have so many questions and not every one can be answered.
They’re still collecting data, they’re still collecting
information on what happened,” Garza said.

He said he had been curious as to whether Arredondo would attend
the meeting, and said he had “mixed feelings” about the district
police chief’s absence.

“He obviously didn’t show up for a reason,” Garza said, adding
that he assumed Arredondo thought if he did appear he would get
a lot of questions.

Garza said he doesn’t have “a lot of ill will” toward Arredondo,
nor does he blame just one person for what happened, but he does
think more could have been done that day.

“They did take a long time to get in there,” Garza said.

Since the shooting, there have been tensions between state and
local authorities over how police handled the shooting and
communicated what happened to the public.

The Texas Department of Public Safety has begun referring
questions about the investigation to the Uvalde-area district
attorney, Christina Mitchell Busbee. She hasn’t responded to
repeated interview requests and questions from AP.

McLaughlin said he has asked officials for a briefing but “we’re
not getting it.”

He said the city’s police chief was on vacation at the time of
the shooting and that the acting city police commander was on
the scene.


More on the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas:

Daniel Heaton
2022-06-16 12:27:02 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
(CNN)Pedro "Pete" Arredondo, the embattled Uvalde school police
chief who led the flawed law enforcement response to last week's
school shooting and has remained out of the public eye since,
spoke exclusively to CNN on Wednesday and declined to answer
substantive questions about the massacre.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS),
Arredondo has not responded to a request for a follow-up
interview with the Texas Rangers, who are investigating the
shooting at Robb Elementary.

Yet outside his home Wednesday, Arredondo told CNN's Aaron
Cooper, "I am in contact with DPS everyday."

And outside his office minutes later, he told CNN's Shimon
Prokupecz that he's not going to release any further information
while funerals are ongoing.

"We're going to be respectful to the family," he said. "We're
going to do that eventually. Whenever this is done and the
families quit grieving, then we'll do that obviously."

It's the first time Arredondo has commented since two brief
press statements on the day of the attack, in which he said the
gunman was dead but provided little information on the shooting,
citing the ongoing investigation. He took no questions at the
time and has not appeared in a public forum since.

Nineteen children and two teachers were killed in the attack
last Tuesday, and officials have so far failed to answer major
questions about why police took about 80 minutes to breach two
locked classroom doors and confront the gunman.

The school police chief was identified last week by DPS as the
commanding officer who decided not to force their way into the
rooms and instead to stand back and wait for reinforcements --
even as children inside repeatedly called 911 and begged police
for help.
A Customs and Border Protection tactical team ultimately entered
the rooms using a janitor's keys and fatally shot the suspect,
DPS said.

DPS Director Steven McCraw did not identify Arredondo by name,
but he said the chief made the "wrong decision" not to engage
with the gunman sooner. He said the commanding officer decided
to treat the situation like a barricaded suspect rather than an
active shooter.

Established law enforcement policy, created in the wake of the
Columbine school shooting of 1999, calls for police to stop the
gunman as fast as possible in an active shooter situation.

Arredondo has worked in law enforcement for nearly 30 years and
became chief of police of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent
School District (CISD) Police Department in March 2020.

In that role, he completed a school-based law enforcement active
shooter training course in December 2021, according to his
professional training file obtained by CNN. He also completed a
school-based law enforcement active shooter training course with
the Johnson County Sheriff's Office in August 2020.

Further, he completed an Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response
Training (ALERRT) program Terrorism Response Tactics course in
June 2019, according to the document. The ALERRT program is
designed to teach officers techniques to save lives after an
active shooting, such as how to apply tourniquets, according to
the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.

Arredondo sworn in to city council in secret ceremony
Arredondo was elected to the Uvalde city council earlier this
month, and a special city council meeting to swear him and
others in had been set to take place Tuesday.

However, Mayor Don McLaughlin said in a statement Monday that
the meeting "will not take place as scheduled," adding "our
focus on Tuesday is on our families who lost loved ones."

Instead, Arredondo was sworn in privately without advance notice
to the media. Although there was no formal ceremony, McLaughlin
said that members of the council came to City Hall "at their
convenience" during the day to be sworn in, adding that
Arredondo appeared in person to receive the oath and sign

"Out of respect for the families who buried their children
today, and who are planning to bury their children in the next
few days, no ceremony was held," McLaughlin said in a written

In his Monday statement, the mayor said Arredondo was "duly
elected" and that there is "nothing in the City Charter,
Election Code, or Texas Constitution that prohibits him from
taking the oath of office. To our knowledge, we are currently
not aware of any investigation of Mr. Arredondo."

In his short comments Wednesday, Arredondo said the swearing-in
was "a private thing" out of respect for the families, saying
the families are the focus right now.

CNN's Omar Jimenez, Andy Rose and Rebekah Riess contributed to
this report.

2022-06-17 13:43:05 UTC
Post by Jaiden
Getting sick of you posting old news as if it was something current or

Into the doghouse with you.

Fostergate, CattleFuturesgate, Travelgate,
Filegate, Troopergate, Whitewater, BenghaziGate,
EmailGate, Uraniumgate - the list of GOP manufactured "scandals"
involving Hillary that have never amounted to
anything goes back for decades. The rightwing fear
of her just goes on and on............
- On "Hillarygate" from Usenet poster
2022-06-19 03:01:28 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
Two Uvalde city police officers reportedly passed up a moment's
chance to shoot a gunman outside the Robb Elementary School in
Texas before he then killed 21 people, including 19 children, a
senior sheriff's deputy told The New York Times Friday.

One city police officer armed with an AR-15-style weapon
hesitated over concerns that he might hit a child, Chief Deputy
Ricardo Rios nearby Zavalla County told the publication.

Rios said the unidentified officer’s chances of reacting likely
passed in a matter of seconds.

An officer from another department in the Uvalde school district
police force reportedly drove past the gunman after not seeing
him in the parking lot.

Both missed opportunities enabled Salvador Ramos to continue
into the elementary school and open fire, killing two adults and
19 children – all between the ages of nine and 11 years old.

Texas lawmakers are leading an investigation into the massacre,
but witnesses, testimony and the investigation’s objective
remain unknown.

Rios said his information had been passed on to the body leading
the investigation.

State Rep. Dustin Burrows, who is leading the investigation,
appeared frustrated with the Uvalde police department's apparent
lack of cooperation with their investigation earlier this week.

"The House Committee is simply seeking the truth. Most have
fully cooperated and want to help determine the facts for the
Uvalde community and all Texans," he said in a Thursday tweet.
"I do not understand why Uvalde [police department], who
routinely questions witnesses itself, would not want the same."

Burrows later confirmed on Friday that the Uvalde police
department would in fact be cooperating with the investigation.

"Took a little bit longer than we initially had expected," he
said according to reports. "But those conversations did
develop…and so they are going to be cooperating."

It is unclear when the investigation and findings will be
released by the Texas House committee.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

2022-06-19 03:46:54 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
A source told the Express-News that police may have assumed the
doors were locked.

2022-06-19 06:16:49 UTC
Post by Jaiden
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up
your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
A source told the Express-News that police may have assumed the
doors were locked.
Wow, and people think that police aren't trained and equipped to open locked

That's the sort of lame ass excuse that only liberal Democrats would
2022-06-19 23:34:37 UTC
Post by Jaiden
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
A source told the Express-News that police may have assumed the
doors were locked.
Oh. My. God.

At this rate, these cops will end up in civil court and lose
everything they own even if they don't go to prison.

Fostergate, CattleFuturesgate, Travelgate,
Filegate, Troopergate, Whitewater, BenghaziGate,
EmailGate, Uraniumgate - the list of GOP manufactured "scandals"
involving Hillary that have never amounted to
anything goes back for decades. The rightwing fear
of her just goes on and on............
- On "Hillarygate" from Usenet poster
2022-06-19 03:51:58 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
Surveillance footage shows that police never tried to open a
door to two classrooms at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde in
the 77 minutes between the time a gunman entered the rooms and
massacred 21 people and officers finally stormed in and killed
him, according to a law enforcement source close to the

Investigators believe the 18-year-old gunman who killed 19
children and two teachers at the school on May 24 could not have
locked the door to the connected classrooms from the inside,
according to the source.

On ExpressNews.com: Minute-by-minute reconstruction of Uvalde
school shooting

All classroom doors at Robb Elementary are designed to lock
automatically when they are closed so that the only way to enter
from the outside is with a key, the source said. Police might
have assumed the door was locked, but the latest evidence
suggests it may have been open the whole time, possibly due to a
malfunction, the source said.

The surveillance footage indicates gunman Salvador Ramos, 18,
was able to open the door to classroom 111 and enter with an
assault-style rifle, the source said.

Another door led to classroom 112.

On HoustonChronicle.com: Remember the lives lost in Uvalde
school massacre

Ramos entered Robb Elementary at 11:33 a.m. that day through an
exterior door that a teacher had pulled shut but that didn’t
lock automatically as it was supposed to, indicating another
malfunction in door locks at the school.

Police finally opened the door to classroom 111 and killed Ramos
at 12:50 p.m. Whether the door was unlocked all along remains
under investigation.

Regardless, officers had access the entire time to a “halligan”
— a crowbar-like tool that could have opened the door to the
classrooms even if it was locked, the source said.

On HoustonChronicle.com: At a cemetery in Uvalde, an everlasting

Two minutes after Ramos entered the building, three Uvalde
police officers chased him inside. Footage shows that Ramos
fired rounds inside classrooms 111 and 112, briefly exited into
the hallway and then re-entered through the door, the source

Ramos then shot at the officers through the closed door, grazing
two of them with shrapnel. The officers retreated to wait for
backup and heavy tactical equipment rather than force their way
into the classrooms.

Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, the Uvalde school district police chief
and the on-scene incident commander, has said he spent more than
an hour in the hallway of the school. He told the Texas Tribune
that he called for tactical gear, a sniper and keys to get
inside. He said he held officers back from the door to the
classrooms for 40 minutes to avoid gunfire.

When a custodian brought a large key ring, Arredondo said he
tried dozens of the keys but none worked.

But Arredondo was not trying those keys in the door to
classrooms 111 and 112, where Ramos was holed up, according to
the law enforcement source. Rather, he was trying to locate a
master key by using the various keys on doors to other
classrooms nearby, the source and the Texas Tribune article said.

While Arredondo waited for a tactical team to arrive, children
and teachers inside the classrooms called 911 at least seven
times with desperate pleas for help. One of the two teachers who
died, Eva Mireles, called her husband by cellphone after she was
wounded and lay dying.

The massacre occurred two days before the start of summer break,
on the same day as a just-completed awards ceremony for the 3rd
and 4th-graders at Robb Elementary.

Days after the massacre, Steven McCraw, director of the Texas
Department of Public Safety, said at a news conference that
“each door can lock from the inside” and that when Ramos went
in, “he locked the door.” That information was preliminary, the
source said, and further investigation by the Texas Rangers has
yielded new revelations about the door.

As the investigation has unfolded, law enforcement has changed
the story of the massacre several times, adding to public
confusion over how police responded to the mass shooting.

Days after the shooting, DPS said the exterior door that Ramos
entered had been left propped open by a teacher. It wasn’t. She
had closed it. And the agency also corrected early
misinformation that school police shot at Ramos before he
entered the school. No school police officers confronted him
outside the school.

DPS and Uvalde city officials have refused to provide further
details, citing an ongoing criminal investigation into the
massacre by Uvalde District Attorney Christina Mitchell Busbee.

The Texas Rangers, with assistance from the FBI, are
investigating the police response. Separately, the Justice
Department is conducting a “critical incident review” of the
police response.

U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, said he was upset by
the new details.

“As more of the story comes out, I’m shocked like the rest of
the country at the incompetence and dereliction of duty by
multiple law enforcement agencies who failed to save those
kids,” Castro said. “I’m also increasingly disturbed by what
looks like an attempt to cover up the truth by state officials
and the local police department who have refused to comply with
requests to release information to the public.”

State Rep. Roland Gutierrez, D-San Antonio, whose district
encompasses Uvalde, said he was unaware of the revelations about
the door. If the door was unlocked the entire time — or if
police could have forced their way in regardless — then people
likely died unnecessarily, he said.

“If that’s true, we probably could have saved three or four
extra children,” Gutierrez said. “The teacher possibly could
have been saved. We know two kids had gunshot wounds that they
bled out from. We know that one teacher was alive when they
pulled her out and she died on the way to the hospital.”

Any law enforcement agency whose officers waited in the hallway
for more than an hour “committed negligence,” he said, if the
door could have easily been breached the entire time.

Gutierrez added that investigators should immediately clarify
exactly how police responded — or failed to respond — to the

“What were the failures?” Gutierrez continued. “Were they
communication failures? Were they human error failures? Were
they system failures? Or was it simply something as simple as
not turning a doorknob? We need to know that. And the fact that
they are hiding all of this information from the public and
community in Uvalde is just a tragedy.”

2022-06-19 04:22:11 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
Uvalde city officials are using a legal loophole and several
other broad exemptions in Texas to prevent the release of police
records related to last month's mass shooting that left 19
children and two teachers dead, according to a letter obtained
by NPR in response to public information requests filed by
member station Texas Public Radio.

Since the May 24 shooting at Robb Elementary School, law
enforcement officials have provided little and conflicting
information, amid mounting public pressure for transparency. The
Texas Department of Public Safety, which is leading the state
investigation, previously said that some accounts of the events
were preliminary and may change as more witnesses are

The City of Uvalde has hired a private law firm to make its
case, which cited the "dead suspect loophole," to deny the
release of information because the gunman died in police
custody. The legal exception bars the public disclosure of
information pertaining to crimes in which no one has been
convicted. The Texas Attorney General's Office has ruled that
the exception applies when a suspect is dead.

The maneuver has been used repeatedly by Texas law enforcement
agencies to claim they're not required to turn over the
requested information because a criminal case is still pending,
even though the suspect is dead.

The loophole was established in the 1990s to protect people who
were wrongfully accused or whose cases were dismissed, said
Kelley Shannon, executive director of the Freedom of Information
Foundation of Texas.

"It is meant to protect the innocent," Shannon said, but in some
cases "it is being used and misused in a way that was never

In the obtained letter, dated June 16, the city of Uvalde's
lawyer asks Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to rule on which
public records the city is required to release, a common
practice in the state.

"The City has not voluntarily released any information to a
member of the public," Cynthia Trevino, a lawyer for the firm
Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, wrote to Paxton.

Among the 148 public records requests Trevino said the city has
received, reporters are pressing for the disclosure of body
camera footage, 911 calls, criminal records, emails and text
messages and other information.

The city and its police department are arguing against the
release of the requested records, citing the following reasons:
the city is being sued, some individuals' criminal history
records could include "highly embarrassing information"; some of
the information could reveal police "methods, techniques, and
strategies for preventing and predicting crime," could cause
"emotional/mental distress," "is not of legitimate concern to
the public," could subject city employees or officers to "a
substantial threat of physical harm," and violates individuals'
common-law right to privacy. City officials have also refused to
release more details, reasoning that it would interfere with the
ongoing investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety,
Uvalde County's district attorney and the FBI.

It's unclear from the lawyer's letter which legal protections
are being applied to argue the release of which specific records.


There is a slew of questions that, if answered, could help
prevent another shooting or may provide some closure to victims'
families. Among them: Why did it take police over an hour to
confront the gunman in the classroom where he was killing

Texas Public Radio's David Martin Davies and The Associated
Press contributed to this report.

2022-06-19 04:37:17 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that. Really fucking up your post reading, isn't it Rudy?
Two Uvalde cops passed up a chance to take out the gunman who
killed 19 kids and two teachers at a Texas elementary school
before he entered the building, according to a report.

The officers worked for the city, and one was armed with an AR-
15-style rifle as the May 24 massacre at Robb Elementary School

But they hesitated to open fire at Salvador Ramos because they
did not want to hit any nearby children, Chief Deputy Ricardo
Rios of the Zavalla County Sheriff’s office told The New York

The chance to stop the 18-year-old before he carried out his
plans for a massacre passed quickly, perhaps in seconds, Rios

The missed opportunity came moments after a school district
officer drove past Ramos without seeing him in the school
parking lot. Ramos then slipped inside the school through an
unlocked back door and began his attack.

Rios said he shared the information with a special Texas House
committee investigating the deadliest school shooting in the
state’s history.

The police response and the actions of Uvalde Schools Police
Chief Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, have drawn widespread criticism
and is being probed by the state and the US Department of

The revelation about the chance to take Ramos comes out as
Uvalde police officials reversed course, and agreed to speak to
the committee after initially appearing to ignore the request,
according to reports. The city of Uvalde is also withholding
police records related to the shooting.

After Ramos locked himself in adjoining classrooms, cops from
multiple law enforcement agencies took more than an hour to
storm the room and shoot him down, while survivors inside called
911 begging for help.

Separately, Zavala County Sheriff Eusevio Salinas told CNN that
when he responded to the scene about 30 minutes into the
tragedy, he didn’t hear anyone say they were in charge. He and
Rios found a chaotic situation, the sheriff said.

Salinas had a portable radio, which was broadcasting traffic by
the Texas Department of Safety, but he didn’t hear radio traffic
from the Uvalde Police Department nor the Uvalde schools
district police.

Inside, he found a “hazy and foggy” scene with multiple people
on the floor receiving first aid. He helped evacuate children
from some classrooms and then helped clear other rooms.

Salinas has not been asked to speak testify before the Texas
House committee, he told the news outlet.

With Post Wires

Chicken Tacos
2022-07-08 11:48:16 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
The police chief responsible for the heavily-criticized law
enforcement response to the Uvalde, Texas school shooting
reportedly no-showed an emergency city council meeting Tuesday,
just days after being sworn in as a new member.

Uvalde City Council listed Pete Arredondo as among the
councilmembers on the meeting agenda, which was about "reissuing
the Mayor's Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to

But media who assembled in the room Tuesday are reporting that
Arredondo – the chief of police for the Uvalde Consolidated
Independent School District – never appeared.

One reporter cited Mayor Don McLaughlin as saying Arredondo
wasn’t invited to the meeting, while another said McLaughlin
revealed Tuesday that he hasn’t spoken to the police chief in
more than a week.

Arredondo was formally sworn in as a new city council member on
May 31.

"Uvalde City Council members were sworn in today as per the City
Charter. Out of respect for the families who buried their
children today, and who are planning to bury their children in
the next few days, no ceremony was held," McLaughlin said at the

Arredondo became the chief of police for the Uvalde school
district in 2020 and was elected to the city council in early

He assumed the role of incident commander when a gunman opened
fire at Robb Elementary School on May 24, killing 19 children
and two adults.

The suspect, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, was inside the school
for over an hour as 19 officers staged in a hallway, because
Arredondo thought "that there was no more threat to the children
and that the subject was barricaded and that they had time to
organize," Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven
McCraw has said.

Chicken Tacos
2022-07-08 14:29:46 UTC
She screws everything with a dick. Skanks do that.
UVALDE, Texas (AP) — The school district police chief criticized
for waiting too long before ordering law enforcement to confront
and kill the gunman during a mass shooting at a Texas elementary
school did not appear at a City Council meeting in Uvalde on
Tuesday, despite being newly elected to the panel.

Mayor Don McLaughlin said he was unable to explain why the
district police Chief Pete Arredondo wasn’t at the brief
meeting. Two weeks ago, 19 students and two teachers were killed
at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. Law enforcement and state
officials have struggled to present an accurate timeline and
details, and have stopped releasing information about the police

McLaughlin told reporters at the meeting that he was frustrated
with the lack of information.

“We want facts and answers, just like everybody else,” the mayor

Steven McCraw, the head of the Texas Department of Public
Safety, has said Arredondo, who was in charge of the multi-
agency response on May 24, made the “wrong decision” to not
order officers to breach the classroom more quickly to confront
the gunman.

As the mayor spoke in Uvalde on Tuesday, lawmakers in Washington
heard testimony from the son of a woman who was killed in a
recent mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, as lawmakers work
toward a bipartisan agreement on gun safety measures. And at a
White House press briefing, actor Matthew McConaughey, a Uvalde
native, spoke with passion about his conversations with the
families of the children who were killed and the need for more
stringent gun control.

The gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, spent roughly 80 minutes
inside Robb Elementary, and more than an hour passed from when
the first officers followed him into the building and when he
was killed, according to an official timeline. In the meantime,
parents outside begged police to rush in and panicked children
called 911 from inside.

Arredondo has not responded to repeated interview requests and
questions from The Associated Press.

After the City Council meeting, Alfred Garza III, whose 10-year-
old daughter, Amerie Jo, was among the Uvalde students killed,
told reporters that he attended the meeting to see what else he
could learn about what happened that day.

“I have so many questions and not every one can be answered.
They’re still collecting data, they’re still collecting
information on what happened,” Garza said.

He said he had been curious as to whether Arredondo would attend
the meeting, and said he had “mixed feelings” about the district
police chief’s absence.

“He obviously didn’t show up for a reason,” Garza said, adding
that he assumed Arredondo thought if he did appear he would get
a lot of questions.

Garza said he doesn’t have “a lot of ill will” toward Arredondo,
nor does he blame just one person for what happened, but he does
think more could have been done that day.

“They did take a long time to get in there,” Garza said.

Since the shooting, there have been tensions between state and
local authorities over how police handled the shooting and
communicated what happened to the public.

The Texas Department of Public Safety has begun referring
questions about the investigation to the Uvalde-area district
attorney, Christina Mitchell Busbee. She hasn’t responded to
repeated interview requests and questions from AP.

McLaughlin said he has asked officials for a briefing but “we’re
not getting it.”

He said the city’s police chief was on vacation at the time of
the shooting and that the acting city police commander was on
the scene.


More on the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas:

Chicken Tacos
2022-11-21 08:03:17 UTC
Too bad they didn't kill each other. Then we could ban parks.
Police in Uvalde, Texas, where a gunman killed 19 students and
two teachers at Robb Elementary School in May, said they were
investigating a shooting at Uvalde Memorial Park on Thursday

Two juveniles were injured and being treated at San Antonio
hospitals, according to a statement from the Uvalde Police
Department. The Texas Department of Public Safety said that the
shooting is suspected to be "gang related."

Four suspects were in custody for questioning Thursday night,
police said.

Gov. Greg Abbott said Thursday evening he was dispatching six
additional state trooper units to Uvalde to coordinate anti-gang
efforts with city authorities. Additionally, the Texas
Department of Public Safety is deploying special agents to
target the five gangs operating in Uvalde.

"I was outraged to learn that gang violence has endangered the
Uvalde community and innocent Texans this evening," Abbott said.

The Uvalde Police Department said it got the call at about 5:30

The shooting comes the same week that students in Uvalde went
back to school for the first time since 19 of their fourth-grade
classmates and two teachers were killed there on May 24. Robb
Elementary is permanently closed and slated to be demolished.

Chicken Tacos
2023-01-08 18:22:50 UTC
Kamala Harris is a dirty Democrat whore.
Police officers responding to the Uvalde massacre of 19 children
and two teachers whine about their fears of getting shot in
newly leaked bodycam footage from the day of the tragedy.

Nearly 400 law enforcement officers from different agencies
responded to the shooting at Robb Elementary School in May, but
waited outside the building for over an hour while 18-year-old
gunman Salvador Ramos slaughtered his way through two classrooms
of children.

In the footage, heavily armed officers with bullet proof vests
from the Texas Department of Public Safety [DPS] linger outside.

“Want to jump the f—–g gate or what?” asks one officer in the
video obtained by a San Antonio, Texas TV station.

“What is the safest way to do this? I’m not trying to get
clapped out,” responded the second DPS trooper.

“Me neither,” said the first officer.

“I also don’t like standing right by the windows where we can
get shot, bro,” add the second officer.

The video also showed confusion and chaos, with officers unsure
about basic facts, such as who had been shot and who was in the
classroom with the shooter, and a continued hesitation to take

“You’re going to put yourself in danger,” one officer can be
heard asking another officer.

Eventually a classroom door was breached and Ramos was shot, but
a scathing report by Texas lawmakers released in July blasted
the law enforcement response to the tragedy.

The video surfaced hours before the Texas Department of Public
Safety held a public meeting where elected officials and parents
of the murdered Uvalde children were able to address DPS brass,
including the head of the investigation, DPS Director Steven

In previous public statements to the families of the victims,
McCraw said he would resign if his troopers had “any
culpability” in the botched police response.

“Are you a man of your word?” asked Brett Cross, whose 10-year-
old nephew Uziyah Garcia was killed, as he confronted McCraw
Thursday morning.

“Absolutely,” McCraw responded.

“Then resign,” Cross said.

Before the meeting ended, McCraw maintained his stance that DPS
officers did their job.

“I can tell you this right now: DPS as an institution, right
now, did not fail the community — plain and simple,” McCraw said.

Following the massacre, various officials have been fired
including DPS Sgt. Juan Maldonado, who was at the scene during
the shooting.

Uvalde schools police chief Pete Arredondo was fired in August
and the entire school district police force was suspended
earlier this month.

